Australia's Worst Rail Tragedy In History | Granville Train Disaster | Documentary Central

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at the third stroke it will be 8 12 and 30 seconds go ahead amance thanks person the bridges has colled completely see new unbelievable here at the Granville Bridge one train Carriage here is absolute matchwood God knows how many people are trapped under wreckage at the moment the police res squ here from that of the people underneath that train well I've just been told about [Music] that the small historic village of Mount Victoria near the top of the blue mountains west of Sydney adjacent to the railway station the the holding sheds where locomotives and carriages are kept overnight as Dawn begins to break the 609 is getting ready for its daily run it leaves Mount Victoria right on time for the 126 km trip to Sydney's Central Station in 1977 Sydney boasts a population of 3 million the city is by far the biggest employer also the main tourist attraction a draw card for shopping and of course the gateway to Sydney's famous beaches and for many the only way to get the there is by [Music] train 609 approaches its first stop the picturesque Township of black Heath I just started Living in the mountains we'd only been there for 5 weeks and I had my 22-month-old daughter Grace with me Australian fashion designer Jenny key is still still getting used to her new routine of traveling to the City by train we were late so um there I was bags everywhere child you know draped so I went running in to the first Carriage the train has 16 more mountain stops including katumba the most populated town in the Rangers renowned for its historic hotels Street cafes and spectacular scenery around 30 minutes into the journey legal secretary Jill Walter joins the train she has a booked seat in Carriage one for went with Falls uh to the the where the office that I work it's it's 2 and a half hours each way and that morning I was so tired I thought I'm I won't sit in my reserved seat in the front Carriage I'll sit up the back of the train find an unreserved seat and I went to sleep in the last Carriage the train is powered by a 46 class electric locomotive and is hauling eight carriages that are 50 years old and made of Timber they also carry on board all year round gas cylinders used to Supply heating in Winter 7 months earlier The Rundown condition of the New South Wales rail network is a major election issue what about Transport oh that's a a high priority of course Labour's campaign to improve train services and maintenance is credited with sweeping Nel ran to power the second oldest town in the mountains is Springwood 70 km west of Sydney the train is almost an hour into its Journey when it pulls into the station where Kim rusus is waiting I was um 16 years old I was traveling to the city I worked at Rural Bank in Martin place we always sat in the front Carriage we always sat in the same seats people who caught it regularly were there together in groups there were some people on there that you didn't recognize it was holidays so there was some different faces on there everybody talks to everybody and when there's a part like Christmas or the Melbourne cup or something big parties on in the carriages all up It Takes the Train 90 minutes to wind its way down the Thousand m to the foothills of the escarpment picking up many more passengers along the [Music] way by the time it crosses the nepan river most of the seats have been taken penrith is ahead the station fast becoming a transport hub for the sprawling suburbs of Sydney's greater West mother of four Wendy miles arrives ahead of time to drop off two of her daughters and their grandparents for a school holiday outing instead of catching a later train they catch the train from Mount Victoria I I still can see Rosie and Dad and M walking into penry station Helen was 11 Rosie was eight Helen had stayed in the car for another half a minute because she said could she put makeup on that day so I said you could put a little bit of lipstick on she wanted to be grown up going out with the grandparents you see and then she got out Bye Mom and I can see her running to catch up with them Family Man Alan Gillan is there too he's an electrical supervisor working on Sydney's Northshore and my normal train used to leave from Kingswood I'd missed that one so I had to get a wife to drive me down to penth and catch the uh the train that I I got on which um was not my normal train [Music] 21-year-old Paul Tel is a Salesman at a store in the city we walked into the front of the third carriage and uh there was a woman coming the other way it was obvious she she was wanting to sit with some people she regularly sat with so we let her have that scene and I walk down further into the fourth [Music] carriage it's now a Non-Stop 22 km trip to param meta the Train's final pickup Point people were playing cards some people were knitting uh just talking chatting some people just having a bit of a snooze but they had their regular seats normal after being held up by signals near Blacktown the train is running 3 minutes late as it pulls into to Platform One at parameter the busiest station in Sydney's West 31-year-old Creswell James is an adviser for an investment company uh I walked across the platform to get on another Suburban train and then thought I'm going to Brisbane tomorrow on business I think I might go and catch the M Victoria train to get me in a little earlier 19-year-old Debbie Woodgate works at police headquarters in the city normally I would drive in to param but my car um was playing up that week and as I walked in I saw that there was no seats available so I reluctantly stood at the rear of the carriage Phil Pitkin is catching the 609 for the first time since his school days was 23 years of age and I was going to the and working for the Commercial Bank communist un limited and I walked down in the middle of the third Carriage to get sight and a person um sort of pushed me out way and I said you can have to seat and I walked back to the front door and I stood on the left hand side of that Carriage with 469 passengers now on board the train is on its final leg a 20-minute Express trip to Sydney's Central Station it's traveling at just under the 80 km an hour speed limit As It prepares to round the curve near the Granville Junction Gracie was running up and down the carriage I got her and I said you're sitting on my knee and you're not moving and I was like that with her that then it happened the carriage started to tilt and I was leaning against the window so I was sort of Leaning and I knew him instantly we were derailing it really did jerk and I sort of meant by that to stop myself hitting the petition it just disappeared before our eyes it was just splinters and wood and dusting Gracie fell out of my arms and I grabbed her back and there was this you know blood coming out of her head I remember at one stage looking down and seeing the ballast of the track below my feet thinking then that this was it I was gone and suddenly there was absolute [Music] steal the locomotive ends up in a its side after plowing through all the steel gers supporting the northern section of the ball Street overpass Carriage one is torn to shreds as it is dragged through a dangling metal [Music] post the other seven carriages are intact but two of them come to rest directly under the damaged [Music] bridge and there was this sort of a stunned silence as if people were wondering what had happened people were trying to look out the window everyone sort of thought wow this is something different you know they was sort of startled nobody was scared the bridge must have been just sitting there you know teetering on the the brink for about 20 30 seconds and I turned around when I heard the noise this girl screamed so I virtually dropped my bag and all I could see was like even just came straight down and I saw the bridge slowly falling on the train or just slowly falling like that I don't remember the noise but all I know one minute was there the next minute everything was black it was like a a big sandwich you know the bridge flat on the that section of the train was an awful [Music] side [Music] this just bodies everywhere everywhere I thought it was just the carriage under the bridge at first but then I had to look on the other side of the bridge the locomotive is on its side and one Carriage all you can see is the floor of it it's on its side it's had the top ripped off it others have Jank off into just [Music] the ground shook the shop shook it was like an explosion of a big big Bloom of dust just com out of nowhere and that was when I just said to my brother I said I think the bridge is down I just dropped my gear and took off when we got to the top of the bridge and seen a train underneath it like well my hard stop my brother's hard [Music] stop on top want as as [Music] possible within minutes alarm Bells start ringing at ambulance headquarters in the city when the first call came down I thought oh this has got to be some sort of cruel hoax a train hit a bridge or a bridge hit a train and this can't be real I think 15 20 came down the conveyor belt very quickly within a minute or so and I knew then that um we were talking about something we'd never seen before Dick lamb from the police Rescue Squad just happens to be close by when he hears what's happened here is a 2E news flash Tony Dickson reporting a bridge has collapsed on top of a train at the Granville railway station and I was in Woodville Road at Granville when a new Flash came over to you I jumped out of my car and walked over to the edge and looked down I couldn't sort of comprehend what I was seeing [Music] it's cable first class lame here from the rescue squad when I arrived with the late Sergeant Bill F we looked over the culet and when I looked down I saw a massive injured people some sitting uh some lying down some wandering around some crying screaming some staring into space I guess around 20 8 I got a call on the Sydney Harbor Bridge that there' been a train crash Joe broft and the police Rescue Squad came flashing past the news car and I got a signal to get in behind them so I traveled on parata road behind the rescue squad all the way to Granville it's still a scene of confusion a minute ago police reported finding two of the injured just wandering down the road well the driver to Granville was probably about 30 to 35 minutes and as we were going the chief of staff was updating us as just to how serious it was and I could even hear the shock in his voice about what he was hearing on those Police radios when I pulled up in Bridge Street uh near the ball Street Bridge we saw this concrete and these cars and and my first concern was you know the drivers of the cars were they going to be okay the car was balancing it was stuck on the uh UPS slope of the concrete the front wheels the back wheels were all off the ground I had a a van at the time so I sort of brought it out and tried to stabilize this car that was on a balancing ledge with rope down on the tracks the Train's driver and engineer are safely out of the overturned locomotive carriage one is sprawled across the lines ripped apart after being dragged through a suspended steel [Music] pole eight of the 73 passengers on board are dead I ended up on the wall of a carriage laying down and then the power lines started to fall on the carriage and thought we were going to get electrocuted there's blood every everywhere and there was wires everything hanging down everyone's going hey lady you you be be careful those wires those W so like you know ducking under things some carries on the TR completely squash there people get the concrete the trapped people are in the back of carriage 3 at the front of carriage four the concrete slab on top of them weighs at least 300 tons on board those carriages 141 [Music] passengers so I actually drove down onto the tracks and parked not far from the bridge I ran through the back of carriage 4 uh I was struck with a view of the whole side of the carriage being ripped out and of course everybody's still sitting in their seats I was just hanging from the ankle down and I was my left hip was pulled out at my socket and from the ankle down I was trapped with the concrete slab and all the remains of the carriage on top of it and I could just see hundreds of people burrowing in underneath the concrete not just Rescuers not just police not just ambulances but every day Aussie pulling the concrete away with their bare hands volunteers from the naban rescue squad have now joined the huge police contingent headed by the state's disaster Chief Inspector Ray Williams and how to get that bridge up and get to the people who have been trapped inside that train thatp been flattened God only knows and I went to the end of carriage three where uh the door and that had been damaged and the end of the carriage of course was still intact but further down been flattened under the bridge the scene in there wasn't good my left foot was caught under the seat in front I had a piece of Timber from the from the carriage going through my leg I was crushed from the neck down my head was down and there was weight on my shoulders was dark thankfully so I couldn't see I was trapped and I actually thought I was dead wasn't bleeding at all I had the broken ankles uh where the seat had been crushed down on the back of my ankles if I had have been sitting an inch further forward they would have hit my knees and chop my knees off two women opposite me with their legs sort of almost touching mine well I didn't even hear a sound from them you know they they were just killed instantly res copy that information we up down here there's a number of persons trapped and look to be quite a few dead at this stage ceiling of the train was down on top of the seats and the roof of the train was down of course that was all flattened under the bridge and we just got what we could who we could out of there and pass them down to ambulance I went between the couplings of carriage three and uh crawled over to the other side onto the northern side I could hear a lot of people under [Music] there I could hear a lot of people under there I knew they went they were in a lot of [Music] trouble the largest rescue operation New South Wales has ever seen is underway at the Granville crash site almost 470 passengers are on board the crowded peak hour train when it derails among them Jenny key and her baby daughter who are now trying desperately to escape the panic and AG I cannot tell you how strongly I felt I'm not going to die what is going on I'm not going to die I'm looking at my child I'm holding her I'm not going to die but I had to get her out and and and that was what was that that's how I had her she she was wrapped in my jumper ran up those stairs out and got into that ambulance Creswell James has suffered extensive facial injuries he is pinned under the body of a dead passenger when Rescuers find him I recall being laid in between the railway tracks uh the ambulance officers attending to me they' given me a a great bit of wding out out of one of the seats to cover my the damaged area of my face when they went to move me I said look there's something wrong with my neck uh and so they put me in a a neck [Music] brace I know my leg then had started to bleed and and I squatted down and lifted it up and had a look wow you can see my bone it was a pretty big cut almost immediately emergency teams and survivors are facing a new and deadly danger two characters of people they're having a lot of trouble breeding there's some sort of bloody gas or something down here was the cylinders that were left in the carriages which are used to heat the heaters in Winter and they were busted open and I I yelled out no one light a lighter or don't light a match and I said Rescuers don't start any equipment up every other piece of rescue gear we couldn't use it and thankfully our wonderful mates from the fire brigade got a big uh it's it's like a big fan and that evacuated the gas firemen Railway workers and construction Engineers bring in cranes winches and jackhammers trying to stabilize the bridge while Rescuers Scurry in the dangerous and confined spaces below to reach those trapped that slab of concrete unbeknown to the outside world was continuously going down um where where you have had someone trapped U eventually you lost another 2 in uh in the space that you had to [Music] work there were a couple of scares went through the place uh what happened there was some shuttering you could actually feel the bridge shutter I remember the first time when they all screwed and get out get out it's coming down get out get out get out the second time people were a bit more reluctant to come out the general view held by us was uh the heck we in here we're not getting out again cuz we had to stay and do what we had to do the problem was too was once you got in and crawled in underneath it wasn't the case if he could just come out of there easily you could see there was only a distance of approximately 9 or 10 Ines from the floor of the carriage to the uh base of the uh gers that were across there [Music] we knew that there was no way in the world we could do anything to try and lift the slab we weren't sure on its weight when they built it was under the level of the road and we understand there's another 250 tons of concrete poured into the bridge to make it build it up to Road level would you get hospital hospital hospital hospitals to set up emergeny place but that was very cramped for us but to be working alongside um very few who were still alive but who looked as if they could be alive bent over with their cases their newspapers their books so few come out alive calling in on your hands and knees and so forth and giving people injections what sound hor but I had a used to have put the needle in me mouth to crawl through the the different little passages and so forth and give them needle the best way I could all of a sudden people around me and um I could remember a butcher's apron and uh which I thought was strange all she could see of him was the whites of his eyes uh and his teeth and he was alive people were pulling it the foot and cutting away things and eventually they got me out I wasn't stuck there for a long time I was probably one of the first to be released one of the first of the Trap people to be released when I woke up I had all lives down me probably about 5 minutes later BL called Barry came down he was the first one that saw me he actually uh was worried about the electricity and the BL hanging down and the Sparks that were uh uh that were happening before I got there and I advised him that the circle Breakers are probably now blown and everything was safe I was I was completely free except for my ankle so they got a hydraulic jack and the black said this will hurt you so I went jig jig and just Rath me out the only time my H ever got me pain was when the ambulance around the corner and I felt this shooting pain I didn't realize what was matter with my head but that was completely deated was sort of pulled out [Music] this is 952 the blood transfusion service has appealed urgently for donors of all types of blood for transfusions for those injured in the Granville train disaster I think everybody wanted to do what they could and that's why there were cues of people wanting to give blood uh there were cues of people just wanting to do what they could at the scene among the hundreds of people now at Granville are families of those thought to be on board the train desperate to find out the fate of their loved ones I think there somebody in there I think so what makes you think there's somebody in there well it's the 8:00 train from from pareta yeah and she always gets that train who's that Jenny your daughter yes and she hasn't arrived at work for those at home the unknown is even more traumatic they broke into Humphrey B bear with the first anoun ment and I went oh dear um the only problem was having moved from the NorthShore I didn't really know where Granville was went next door to my neighbor I said Tony where's Granville and she said all two stations pass paramat I never forget that that's exactly what she said on oh dear at the crash site the clergy and the Salvation Army are providing Solace and support one chap uh I I found his hand I I held his hand and uh and just talked to him for some time until they were able to get him out I said I'm with you I'm here and I I won't leave you and just to assure them and keep on hanging onor Ray Williams can you tell us the latest situation there are quite a lot of people dead that's all I can say at this stage and we're having a lot of difficulty getting casually list together as you can see everything's coming into line but it's been a frightful tragedy the worst we've ever had there are so many victims a temporary morg is set up on the south side of the line D didn't want to pass out because other if I pass out nobody will know I'm here but things that were going through my mind was the fact that my wife was pregnant at the time a third child and you I was thinking yeah I'll probably never see him sort of thing The Carriage was all around me the weight of everything was on my shoulders and head and that's what was pushing me down my head went forward he tried to help them understand that we would get there we would get them out that we would not leave [Music] them Debbie Woodgate is close to death when she is found I was blue stop breathing and I thought I've got to straighten this Airway out now I was gritting my teeth I got hold of a jaw in her head and I turned it and the most beautiful sound I heard was Debbie took her breath her system settled down and she started to breathe [Music] round halfway through the rescue a subash army officer came down poked his head under the bridge and sang Amazing Grace unaccompanied a couple of verses of it to all of [Music] us it was beautiful so I'll never ever forget that beautiful Amazing [Music] Grace by lunchtime on this fateful January Day news of the Grandville disaster is reverberating around the world the bodies of an estimated 70 people remain trapped in the carriages crushed by the bridge you know you'd see a Train derailed in uh you know China or a plane going down in you know Africa um but you didn't see Carnage of of of that um nature not in Australia certainly not uh in Sydney uh it it really hit home Diana James is only now learning that her husband has been badly in the crash before she reaches the hospital he is given the results of his surgery there was a doctor Delaney in the hospital who spoke to me and said uh we've had to take you left eye um and the reason we've had to do that it was badly damaged if we don't take the eye then it will dramatically affect your right the s in your right eye and his head was um SED in bandages and obviously quite swall fall en from the surgery all my senses were blown I didn't I just had to put one foot in front of the other a whole body felt like it was was somewhere else back at Granville there are only four people left alive in the wreckage Alan Gillan is one of them and I had no sense of time while it was there it just seemed like forever and the main thing that had me pinned was the plywood shooting from the roof and all those bits of wood that were holding the roof [Music] up once they they got me clear I think I sort of relaxed and said oh at least I'm out you know and i' just sort of let it all go and I there was no just a sense of relief is all I could say it was just to think well who knows maybe I'm going to make it anyhow it takes another 2 hours to free the next two passengers who are both in Carriage three first a promising 18-year-old ballerina Erica Watson then Debbie Woodgate who was already worrying about how her injuries will impact on her life she's sort of like this and she said do you ever think you know with this I'll be able to get married and have a baby and I thought oh that's too close to him for me how long can she last with these horrific injuries I thought I'm going to be with her when she she dies or she'll die later but I said to her de only God knows evidently we spoke for hours on and off in and out of Consciousness but I cannot thing Debbie is trapped for almost 7 hours before being freed the last person still alive is in Carriage 4 28-year-old Brian Gordon ambulance man Scotty melli has been comforting and caring for him since the rescue began because it was that small I had to climb onto the carriage and the door was locked so I used the oxgen CER to smash the window put my hand inside and opened the door and uh I seen this patient sitting there or strapped to the waist all of a sudden that the G the ceiling give away so I took my hat off and give him it he y you better keep it SC say look take the Hat a Scotchman never getes nothing the way and that was that set him right off but uh it was that's the way it was said you couldn't feel his legs andless well it's probably because that uh you're trapped by the waist and that uh they haven't got many much circulation Scotty refuses to leave Brian's side for 9 and a half long hours by that time i' been in that long that my spine was absolutely Frozen I couldn't even move very much and I said okay Brian we're here we're going to get the steel moved and we're going to get you out they were able to start lifting I could see his feet and they actually lifted the beam far enough to enable us to push and I actually pushed his feet through under the beam and they took him out from the other [Music] end by the time Brian Gordon is stretched out it's 6:00 in the evening but there's to be little rest for the rescue team the recovery of the bodies is about to begin as day turns T night the southern side of the bridge is brought down nine news reporter Robert penfold describes the daunting task confronting the emergency teams so the jackhammers began demolishing 300 tons of reinforced concrete almost a meter thick in places then the blow torches went to work and piece by heavyweight piece a once heavyduty Road Bridge was systematically dissected so massive was the collapse bridge that it could not be lifted by all six cranes at the one time that meant chipping away the supports and removing the debris the scene underneath that debris seemed to stun veteran emergency Personnel it's been absolutely pathetic down there the people that were still down there with very little hope that we will find anymore alive I've been rescuing Now 23 years and like this is the worst disaster the worst scene that I ever come across now we're successful with two young lasses one at 18 who kept reming us that she was a ballerina and forun he was trapped by the legs and they been extensively [Music] damaged well the moment um they removed a concrete or part of the bridge uh they would summons you and there' be there'll be two detectives uh and a scientific person you would then photograph the position of the people in the carriage in situ as they were you would then photograph and identify items of clothing and um suitcases or bags that may well be around them and hopefully uh you would out say that belongs to that particular individual among the bodies young sisters Helen and Rosie Ward and their grandparents the girl's mother makes the agonizing trip to the city morg and she said now we've discovered uh you know a body of a young woman wearing described what Helen was wearing and I said well she's not a young woman she's only 11 I said but that's Helen I said now go down and giving out my orders a time like this go downstairs I said and look for a smaller body wearing a dress of the same material but in brown whereas Helen's was blue and she came back a few minutes later and she said we found her later Wendy is consoled about the heartbreaking loss by the man who discovered their bodies and I said what happened was your two daughters were sitting in the seed opposite to your mom and dad but when the Train derailed your parents grabbed one H and put them on their laps and held them wondering what's going on and then of course we know that 30 or to 40 seconds later that bridge came down and so I said you know what your parents were cuddling your children when they all went on that [Music] day [Music] the rescue and recovery of all the passengers on board the train takes an agonizing 32 hours but the Heartbreak continues the final death toll in the Granville train disaster will reach [Music] 83 including the last man out Brian [Music] Gordon he' suffered what is now commonly known as Crush syndrome and what happened is that the muscles had been severely damaged and flattened against the the bones and his legs and what happens those muscles release a toxin into the blood when the pressure was taken off and circulations restored St what happens then they suffer renal [Music] failure the judicial inquiry into the Grandville disaster completely exonerates the train driver it finds that Australia's worst rail accident is caused by lack of Maintenance the rail line is poorly fastened aligned allowing the front left wheel of the locomotive which is badly worn to fall inside the track this resulted in the engine's other Wheels also [Music] derailing it just defies logic and so I get angry and I I I feel a high level of justice and protest because these people should not have lost their lives the maintenance on the tracks and the wheels should have been 100% perent other contributing factors are also revealed the supports for the bald Street Bridge have been struck by trains twice before over the previous decade the bridge also had extra concrete added the combined weight twice that of the original [Music] design the suffering under there would have been horrendous absolutely horrendous and to think that it could have been avoided was to me I was quite upset the government doubled the money spent on the rail network in the 5 years after Granville and eventually paid out $1 million in compensation but for survivors and their families nothing could compensate for the memories and the years of recovery back to normal probably 2 years years 2 three years I virtually had to learn to to walk again because all the nerves um vibrated in my leaks I spent um nine Works in hospital I spent six of those works just on my back disec a hip cuz I couldn't get a bed I couldn't do nothing I was just in pure traction the whole of my face had been wide they they' taken bones out of my jaw and out of my upper part of my mouth to you know to put me back together again but most of that was sort of temporary work at the time obviously after that time there was frequent surgery for the next 2 or 3 [Music] years Erica Watson would never dance again however one of her daughters has become an accomplished ballerina for two survivors the struggle against the odds has been truly inspirational as I went under an AIC I was still waiting on x-ray so I didn't know if I was going to lose my leg or not when I woke up in in later on first thing I asked is do I still have my leg and I could see my toes so I thought that's good start then they said I probably wouldn't walk properly and I [Music] said okay so they told me I probably wouldn't walk again and I said um not at 16 you won't tell me [Music] that and um anyway I proved them wrong to actually start walking took years and years of swimming and trying to build the muscles up build up where I was walking with prosthesis but they also mentioned the fact that I'd probably never um have a child go through pregnancy but um I um was able to um get pregnant and that was wonderful I just thought it'd be wonderful if we could do something fostering and we've got two wonderful boys we we've got so much love in the [Music] family among all the successes of Granville some terrible human failings as well but one issue particularly was the amount of equipment that got stolen from out there the police the fire brigade the ambulance the volunteers all lost huge amounts of [Music] equipment 12 Rescuers were awarded bravery medals from the queen for their efforts at Granville 277 others received a special medal from the new South Well's government those who survived who were brought from underneath owe their lives to the medical personnel had they not been able to stabilize them as they did had they not been there doing what they did or what would have happened these people would have died from shock and all the other various causes whilst we were trying to get them out the ones that climbed under the train not knowing whether that slab was going to crush the rest of the train they're the ones that really had to go in and find what was left in human remains they are the heroes I'm not a hero I could leave there and go home you know and life was pretty normal except for the memories of Granville yet these folks they weren't going to come home and their families weren't going to ever see them again we do forget about the other volunteers and the other people that were there and uh people from the water board people from the the transports Department Department of main roads and Department of Public Works they were all there they were all working too they all had a job to do without doubt they were just the average Aussies who were just there the shopkeepers the people who were driving by who did get down and tried to get underneath that concrete were later joined by the police and the FES and the ambos after that as well but they were just the average Freds who just got down there and tried to do the best they could in very very dangerous circumstances the Triumph of human hope is remembered every year at Granville survivors along with families of victims and those involved in the rescue gather to commemorate what become known as the day of the Roses linked by a unique bond with the 83 who can't be there they walk to the Bold Street Bridge 83 Roses float gently to the railway line bu low the 18th of January 1977 a day that history will always remember a day Australia will never [Music] forget [Music] [Music]
Channel: Documentary Central
Views: 8,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doco, Documentaries, Documentary, Episode, Movie, Movies, Online, Series, TV, seconds from disaster, wonder channel, survivial videos, accident documentary, extreme documentary, survival stories, history documentary, plainly difficult, theme park accident, historys greatest disasters, train crash, i shouldnt be alive, outdoor channel, air crash documentary, air crash investigation full episodes, history documentary ancient, history documentary timeline
Id: wp1AErchvPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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