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huge announcement merch is here now we have many good designs and let's just go through them like right off the bat yeah prime logo flipping nice it's a good-looking this is a front back combo so beauty so much to take in everyone look quick take it evening really nice hoodie good to sweat it off and then we get on to the goody and I'm grabbing this because you're in Greg's all gonna check everyone that is a beautiful looking wreck she give me my fortune we got in the night options yep as well as the sweater duty breast it's my choice of color in the tan it's quite earthy very earthy um you'll see the designs been done open cartoonist Jax Devin flower in the hair work for him give him some love uh actually Stanford just have a look once more oh yeah let's get some details it's getting look we've got crutches flippin neckbrace laughs sizzling that does look very good but yeah Brett we are we've decided to do it all in-house yeah I mean this is where we work out of everyone and this is all the stock like we are doing this ourselves and we're super close you're shipping bags so everything's gonna be shipped from us here in Australia to you guys all over the world we're super happy with it like the quality of the shirts is phenomenal like really the best we could have got I reckon that's a nice link in description get behind us we're taking a huge risk here I will say it all is over 100 box free shipping very very clear we want to be busy just packing this stuff I will realign up with more all right pumpkin versus giant axe let's get on with it hey guys Rexy here's an eye look at the joy it feels good folks now I don't help so sick of the flaws there really but I'm Derek it's called stacking and squishing bend the knees Lutz oh yeah hahahaha exploit on the bench atlas stone coming down on giant pumpkins don't normally come that big no they don't what are they 50 60 kilo someone and then we've got a bigger one coming it's definitely the biggest pumpy I've ever seen in the flesh well that pumpkin weighs like me and you can bond that's significant I just want to say a quick thanks to the Goonies veg no let me do that again okay just want to give a big thanks to the Goonies fruit stall in dwelling uh try lucky they gave us the pumpkins huge blow thing just go yeah well they run a competition every year biggest pumpkin these are about to go off we're not allowed to eat them so why not just K off and we will why you still hangs out with this I'm not sure consume heron guns and put Rexy on the top yeah no like a wind danger of a bit of a soup and face push the favorite smashing pumpkins so once this arm let's go hey you gonna send our Nigel three two one a big that has absolutely middle of the whole thing down it's down welcome to a world of a pumpkin world it just usually Oh where's Rex please oh I think Rex Lee has been pinned underneath Rex Rex no it's not good definitely spread Rexy sweet Rexy this is bigger than a regular pumpkin and this like 40 of them I think we get Rex out can you say in the winds down Rex he's not in a great space in the head all the body I think he souls are either spewing hang on hang on see that he can get better oh my he's just cockpit it's not good news for the big fella just had were these guts I hope he are open not gonna lie he looks like he's got a shape coming out of the inside of him Spurgeon gone Singh yes tights mo tight I'll get tight get it quick he's blade nap is he back Oh J Rex he's fine oh good as new songs though does he live right he's never been better I think he said never been better but I got the winch noise still got the fire in his eyesight it's not until we lose the fire in the eyes that our pumpkin city just bait aw well another knocks on Nigel's belt actually three notches yep definitely the mashed pumpkin sort of odd [Music] oh you got heads in the back tom can clean up time you beauty pumpkin has been cleaned up axe blade of the giant varieties doc how to save it it's probably right perfect melon right into the bag then we'll drop you on the Axman you guys Mac carry for three up go the sack of melons and Rexy oh gone soon there's something satisfying I think everyone understands this about just chopping and melon just mmm so we thought we've got the giant axe fired let's just unload nine and hopefully one or get or maybe nine oh look that thing's back again he's hooked up here and just going one way Jesus link I'm back what is it no you're not you're experts are you ready how many melons do you need to buy well I think for only 109 is 10% four out of nine jeez a toughy this could go at any moment go on some friggin hold your hat Oh this is definitely one truck Wanda Jay Heron II having to think about it a lot [Applause] which was the delightful zero hit they were kind of on line and then they just pushed away by being hit in the back I got a bit on the fast way well that was good so you just watch the slow e yeah lit the GoPro [Music] [Music] [Music] when the episode needs a little more you give it more big no I'm thinkin reckon Oh reckon I'm crackin ball I'm calling on the Big Daddy I'm a wrecking ball will not miss that is fact hey I had whoa whoa I'll get the I'll get the feed involved yes marjorine oh my baby boys is rolling in wrecking ball also known as large March who really just went on the pool just roll that now with the Jack Johnson touch and go whether activate actually survives this a death that's the biggest death so far go onsens ambitiously put a GoPro there Heron how's the status up there mate large margins good but a zipper breeze has come in what is that bro they said zipper yes Zephyr oh that sounded good what's about to transpire though it's bitter metal verse metal action eh yeah a heck of a bang I'm a little bit scared for it to be honest both Marg and relax yeah you must be trembling 45 meters up that tower the pins very difficult to get out now there we go are we getting a full split is it possible that ball is like all steel all I can say is realistically normally stuff comes but I'm good goin to drop the Marg oh that was crunching hi ouchy mama definitely felt that one in my bones a little can you smell it oh yeah no big gaping hole on the inside hey just step back a bit like a pack man does smell like fire also would make an amazing with a piggy bank get away from there that does smell what I didn't know what you it's a hot like great I've never seen inside Large Marge she's got some serious struck shocked reading point on this side spawn she can be dropped again no I am all night what's good house acts tarik Oh axe has been pushed either but looks intact is he okay oh he's just made miss being landed on look at the Blighty there you'd have to say mana he's definitely won the battle too much [Music] other things to say is that down the car you can't shoulda chatter all day long whoo Large Marge was good Large Marge was good next up flippin the hugest of pumpkins it's a good finale gon Sion's opted to take Rexy to the top because he clearly doesn't believe he's seen enough pain today I will say you haven't overdone it could I do more you just tape his tired beep right boy be brave I want to drop a quick contest how flippin heavy is the pumpkin go get a wreck give him he'll is it a stretch to say that's the weirdest thing he's ever ridden up the tower no it's no stretch at all that's a funky thing yeah it's a monstrous pumpkin gotta get a wrecked a have a loss as much as rexy's bein in videos we've never actually given him a surname record him sexy Rexy so maybe his last night is in fact Rexy this sexy course and it's definitely one of those like not will it cut it it's just will it be good to what I think like ideally yeah it hits dead center and we see the incision goes wrong I just notice fine and then when it hits the ground yes then it'll be just like a nuke of pump but giving me nothing I'm trying catch piece of pumpkin I think somehow hey Jack anything to say mate okay just sort of make sure you felt included we value your effort jack and we value you Derek thank you Bret you're good yeah drop it that's I'm here we go in three two one clean drop Oh thud a noise like I haven't heard before on that it was not made of in it's at least wet folks oh I didn't get destroyed always a positive it's a big slab can you pick that piece up I just want to see you give it a go you caught Zippo seem as a redeemer here that is every bit of tent yours split the pumpkin arc in about 30 70 good result flip thanks for sticking around folks week on this with that quote me to me it looks quite split and his head jobs hold up wonderfully bit of joy poking yeah there now he's oh I landed in the back was there something everyone the axe can split more what do you want to say next [Music] that's slow-mo we have a champion dance-off no fear beings he's copped that body and soul honestly peeps can you hit the light button for EXCI I seriously we put Rexy through hell today what a man what a diner he's heroic he's an inspiration right everyone thanks everyone for video watching 24 club list before we just go why don't you giving a your top [Laughter]
Channel: How Ridiculous
Views: 3,276,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how ridiculous, magnus effect, oobleck, rc cars, how ridiculous rc car, bowling ball vs trampoline, bowling ball, giant dart, trampoline, anvil vs car, how ridiculous giant dart, how ridiculous darts, basketball connect 4, bowling, 44 club, anvil, atlas stone, thors hammer, rexy, 45m tower, drop test
Id: D7suCsa1kzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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