Australian Flat Earther Debunks Himself!

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one of the places that has less flat earthers than most is australia for obvious reasons there's no northern hemisphere chauvinism from them and they realize that not being able to see polaris is kind of a clue however there are still some flat earthers over in australia and today we're taking a look at one who thinks that star rotations and sunsets debunk the globe hello all and welcome along to another episode of flat earth friday with me simon dan thank you very much for joining me yes mitchell from australia is a youtuber flat earther that thinks that us globers are going to regret ever saying that star rotation and sunsets prove the earth's spin let's take a close look at his reasoning shall we [Music] okay to start with mitchell wants us to take him seriously but even though he's got the knowledge to capitalize the country he lives in he doesn't seem it necessary to put a capital letter at the start of his name i'm mitchell from australia and being from australia i get called the dumbest of the dumb flat earthers this is because the globers say that southern star rotation debunks the flat earth but this argument is going to be your downfall global believers oh is it now is it really well please do enlighten us mitchell because on your model stars aren't actually rotating are they it's the earth rotating underneath the stars and you asserting that you're on that rotating earth looking up at the stars making the stars appear to be rotating not actually rotating yep that's the general gist of it just like this demonstration of a drone leaving the rotating reference frame of a roundabout from the rotating reference frame it appears that the drone is deviating but as we can see the drone just goes up and hovers it doesn't go anywhere this is an apparent deviation okay we get your point the scale is slightly off but hey well done and this is what globes will tell you is happening when you see stars rotating in the sky but what this also demonstrates is what we observe from the inertial reference frame while looking at another thing in the inertial reference frame this drone is in the inertial reference frame and the camera looking at the drone and the roundabout is also in the inertial reference frame so as you can see when viewing something else in the inertial reference frame from the inertial reference frame the drone is no longer appearing to move yes yes yes but how does all this prove that we don't rotate so let's take another look at the stars and this time we're going to leave the asserted rotating reference frame of the earth and enter the inertial reference frame above the earth these stars are already in the inertial reference frame so when we view from the drone entering the inertial reference frame the stars should not move just like when we see the drone in the inertial reference frame it does not move but we still see the stars moving um ah how do i only joking mitchell your drone remains in the rotating reference frame it does not move into the inertial reference frame as you say if your drone is hovering over a particular spot on earth then it remains in rotation with the earth doesn't it come on mitchell have you realized the implication of this globus the stars are the things that actually moving not the earth underneath it the thing is mitchell you're always going to see star trails check out this picture from the iss absolutely awesome and look star trails the stationary points in this image are not the north or south pole just arbitrary points about the iss's axis of rotation if it were actually earth rotation making the stars appear to rotate then when we leave the spinning earth we wouldn't see this the stars should stay still but your little drone isn't leaving the spinning earth is it but yet they keep spinning but this also applies to all celestial bodies because you ballers assert that the sun sets and rises also due to earth rotation so let's view the sun from the inertial reference frame same argument same misunderstanding the drone has left the rotating reference frame of the earth but yet the sun still appears to set we go up again and the sun sets again this is not caused by earth rotation because the earth is not actually rotating mitchell from australia they're literally proving the curve by filming the sunset moving up higher and watching it set again well done mitchell well done it is the sun that is moving and this observation absolutely demolishes earth rotation mitchell you're not the first genius with a drone to attempt to debunk the globe earth and you won't be the last you are just a wonderful source of entertainment this is going to be a hard one for you ballers to digest because these are your arguments of star rotations and sunsets debunking your own assertion of earth spinning this globe will never spin again literally proving a globe earth in their attempt to debunk it oh wait a minute of course i have [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] well there we go another flat earth friday done and dusted and what a great one it was poor old mitchell he's gonna have a very hard time swallowing that one of course he's welcome to retort any of the points i made thank you all very much for watching today i do hope you enjoyed it if you did then please please do like and subscribe i've got just enough time left to say that mr sensible has an absolutely cracking experiment coming up all the details are coming up tonight on his channel i'll leave the link in the description for his channel it's a secret mission and i'm telling you i've seen a bit of it it is brilliant tune in to mr mr sensible tonight i have been simon dan have yourselves a fantastic weekend and i'll see you all on tuesday where we go back to mars see you then [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SciManDan
Views: 187,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: is the earth flat, what shape is the earth, globe earth, flat earth debunked, flat earther gets schooled, sphere earth, science, physics, earth science, astronomy, star rotation, sunsets, earths rotation, earth curve, proving earths rotation
Id: b08cWQzLLX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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