Australian Birds BIRDING CAPE YORK by Alana and Greg Dare

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[Music] we're leaving Adelaide to fly to Cairns and from there to travel north to Iron Range National Park on Cape York Peninsula a very significant burden destination with species found nowhere else in Australia we have a day in cannes before heading further north so it's straight down to the Esplanade the numbers of waders have decreased since our last visit but to get such close views of various knots Godwits and sandpipers is always a treat feeding in the grass are the very confiding peaceful doves and scaly breasted Muni looking up nearly zeusian amount is a varied honey return enjoying the fruit a pair of Terezin Imperial pigeons and a colourful male fig bird nearby are the beautiful sand scenery Lakes the striated Heron feeding and the black butcher bird the largest of the butcher birds a delightful family of Rajah shelduck is making its way to the water good to see them breeding here butterflies are plentiful and so are Bush stone Cody's trying to stay immobile and unobserved while we're observed by the beady red eye of a spangled drongo in flight a magnificent aerial Acrobat as it catches insects plenty of other birds around too back to the car and a short drive takes us to katana wetlands and the hide overlooking a lake look at the spread of those feet on the water lilies specialist cone crested Jacana searching for insects among the lily pads green pygmy geese also like deep permanent freshwater lakes next morning we're heading north with Chuck Crawford and our friends Karen and John also King birdies our first stop is Lake Mitchell where some skulking gets great closer too much less common cotton pygmy geese the female is muted in coloring but the male stands out with its chalky white head neck and chest [Music] whoops the skulker has been seen in Mount Molloy we get close views of squatter pigeon the Northland race with red orbital skin alone brown quail also gives an unusual in close view heading north of the peninsula development road into drier country towards Lakefield National Park a lunch stop at Palmerston river Roadhouse gives us a typical close huddle of apostle birds and noisy gregarious species which are mostly ground followed Restless [Music] the largest bowerbird great bowerbird rather plain and gray we're not raising it smooth pink crest and its power flat on the ground displaying white and green ornaments black back butcher bird no a pied on the road again and in select field National Park where we see tall elegant cranes brokers distinguished from Sara's cranes by their dark julep dark grey legs and redhead markings which do not extend down the neck not so far from the coast as the eagle flies quite belied sea eagle [Music] we've stopped at a Billabong for my favorite sort of bird-watching birds coming in to drink it's a rare opportunity for close observation of tiny birds like finches and here are black-throated features with banded honey eaters now we've spotted the Finch we particularly wanted to see the endangered white-bellied race of crimson finch found only on the peninsula here's a female next to a brown backed honey eater and the beautiful male with his clearly discrete white belly it's exciting to see this race at last previously we've seen only the southern Queensland and Northern Territory race with a black belly like this male we filmed on Townsville common we've stopped on dry savanna as we can hear the calls of red tail black cockatoos they've been feeding on the ground and some rise up majestically on deep slow wing beats the males with bright scarlet tail feathers and the females more orange on the toes and with barri a wonderful sight here comes a family of the other Australian crane Sera's crane was red marking extending down the neck no dilip and pink legs these stately birds are less widespread than brothers being restricted to the tropical north another lover of dry country near water sources Australian prating cold in breeding plumage we spot the imposing dignified bird of the open inland plains Australian bustard which can reach 1.2 meters in height at Schlage low there's a flock of magpie geese these differ from most water birds by having strongly clawed only partially webbed feet they also sport a characteristic knob on their crown which increases in size as the bird ages they can often be found in huge flocks [Music] we're calling in at Lotus Bird Lodge empty of guests at prisons in the offseason there are gold build turns on the edge of the fairly dry lake and then excitement as we spot a snipe which Chuck says from its flight pattern at takeoff maybe a swing hose snipe butcher bird with white throat black back butcher bird in Australia found only on the Cape only 23 kilometers to Musgrave Roadhouse watch out emus behind the Roadhouse is saltwater creek with saltwater croc Great Egret nankeen night heron I'm watching from above the Kookaburra of northern Australia blue wings kookaburra along with male Eastern coal next morning were up with a son and driving to artemus station a cattle property owned by Sue and Tom Shepard winners of a conservation award for their management of golden shouldered parrots habitat suit aches us down to the dam first of white shrub double bar finches olive backed Oriole chased away by little friar bird then a noisy gathering of rainbow lorikeets northern race income the northern white eared race of massed Finch for comparison here is the plain and Northern Territory race an agile wallaby brings her Joey into drink Wow here's what we've been waiting for golden shouldered parrots and endangered endemic he's considering coming in for a drink and here are more itching cautiously to the water the females with more muted coloring our juvenile pallid cuckoo has scared them off but here they come again the moles and spectacular colors of turquoise yellow with salmon red belly and the distinctive golden shoulder flashes these threatened birds breed in termite mounds and symbiosis with moths which clean the nest litter they have a restricted habitat of tropical savanna grassland which has been largely cleared and is susceptible to wildfires sue practices controlled burning to counteract this and our thanks are well deserved then it's back on the road to a site where the red goshawk Australia's rarest Raptor has been seen nesting but despite a thorough search we don't cite it however on a previous trip to Musgrave in the breeding season we had great views of this rare Rufus Hawk of the tropics [Music] we've driven further into Lakefield National Park passing termite mounds to a Billabong where we're waiting for finches to arrive here they come mainly black-throated finch with a scattering of olive green star finch the adult males showing their bright scarlet faces a delightful sight [Music] back along the track and we've seen a strutting busted it's a male with a large second front which it inflates in breeding display producing a loud booming a most impressive bird back on the peninsula development road with 300 kilometers of dirt road to go to Iron Range National Park which protects the largest area of lowland rainforests in Australia we pass the archer River Road house and stopped at Wenlock River for lunch this proves fruitful for birding a channel build cuckoo is perched near us and a female cicada bird is busily devouring a lunch of hairy caterpillar a bird more often heard than seen [Music] then it's on to the Pasco River where we explore an area of Gallery rainforest [Music] we've heard a very distinctive call it's a bird of paradise this trumpeting display call can only be the trumpet Manor code in Australia found only in high canopy in the Cape your green forest it has a much shorter tail than the other three Australian birds of paradise wow that's the loud whistling call of the magnificent rifle bird and largest the most striking of Australia's rifle birds it's found only in the rainforests of Cape York and New Guinea there are wispy plumes from the rear flanks and when it turns it shows the true glory of its large iridescent display shield it's practicing on a display perch for when a female is present heading north again were approaching Lockhart's River and we cross over a bridge built by American military engineers in World War two we're passing through open eucalyptus forest which is the habitat of another Cape York endemic quite streaked honeyeater an active forager in lower flowering foliage and at last we're turning off to our accommodation iron range cabins adjacent to Lockhart's River Airport next morning we're looking for fallen breasted bowerbird and find its Bower and Avenue construction on a platform which it decorates with fresh bits of greenery unfortunately the bird is not present but here is a bird found in Australia only on the peninsula the striking through necked monarch it's behaves like a tree creeper moving up and down the trunks gleaning insects [Music] we're driving down Portland Road into the heart of the Iron Range National Park the only place in Australia to see eclectus parrot and a female has just appeared in a nesting Hollow at least 20 meters up a huge tree [Music] the bright green male is a striking display of sexual dimorphism nearby is yellow-billed Kingfisher another bird you won't see anywhere else in Australia this is a female with a black cap most of our bird-watching is done walking along Portland Road where we found 20 breasted honeyeater yet another Cape York speciality which uses high and mid-level rainforests to hunt for insects and fruits and he is one of the most charismatic little birds of the Cape white-faced Robin the counterpart of pale yellow Robin of the Wet Tropics further south what a cutie now we're heading towards the coast to the village of Portland Rhodes which was the original port in World War two parading on the tiny beaches common Sandpiper [Music] it's a beautiful spot where we enjoy a delicious meal at the aptly named out-of-the-blue next morning we're driving to mango farm damn where we see spotted whistling duck the only whistling duck without side plumes this species seems to be moving further south next stop is the perennial favorite of birders the sewage ponds with some old favorites and some very active glossy Ibis then back down Portland Road to an iconic birding spot cooks cut camping ground deserted at this time of year there's a black butcher bird on its nest flicking about low in thicker vegetation is a female lovely fairy wren so well named hopefully we'll get to see the equally lovely male we're exploring the old car and track and catch a glimpse of a very difficult to see bird which stays up high yellow legged fly catcher found only on the Cape and in New Guinea nearby is white eared monarch and on the ground brush turkey the peninsula race with the purplish color contrasting with a southern yellow collared race filmed in Cairns we've returned to the Cohen track early next morning to find who adds a light the handsome northern scrub robbing a ground feeder which is a true peninsular endemic having been split from the Papuans scrub Robin the distinctive vertical black line through its eye on a white face white wing bars on the black folded wings and rusty upper parts make an effective disruptive pattern which is perfect camouflage as it forages in dense leaf litter the cameras are out in force for this wonderful view of a pair of Australia's largest cockatoos palm Papa - it's essentially a New Guinea species which occurs around forest edges on Cape York the male is the bigger bird with a larger red facial skin patch both have magnificent erectile crests and huge beaks they fashioned thick sticks from the branches grip them with their feet and drum on tree hollows a curious behavior which is yet to be explained they nest in vertical hollows in very large old-growth trees and are fussy nesters with a worryingly low reproductive rate but this pair seems likely to give it a go trying for signals from the outside world before our return trip a special thanks to Tripp Crawford and our friends Karen and John for a wonderful trip it's January 2016 Amerindians again with our friend Peter another keen birder to try for red-bellied Peter a migratory species from New Guinea that's present only in summer we're flying up to I arranged this time the roads are closed at this time of year and we're staying in Portland house at ports and roads let's look at the garden birds rose crown fruit dove what a beauty there's the call of the noisy Peter it must be up on the steep slope beyond our accommodation also in the garden our hornbill friar bird and all it backed sundered this female is flying up like a hummingbird this is the male with the iridescent blue throat the red bellied peter is calling great near bys large bill dragony he is its pendent nest no success with locating the pitter so we're heading into Iron Range National Park Peters seen AfriNIC lizard run across the road here's that sweet little Robin again with its clown face and further along a female shining flycatcher the Peters called Andrea to the shining flycatcher likes to be near water and is certainly plenty of that at the moment the female eclectus is again regarding us from her great height but it started to bucket now so we have to retreat to Portland's house the storm front has brought in frigates birds circling over the sea when it rains mayor's will look for frogs and these are huge the largest tree frogs in the world and surely among the noises the rain has almost stopped and here's a blush cuckoo [Music] and high up as usual not an easy bird to locate male red-cheeked parrot returning to our accommodation and noisy Peter has appeared giving great views from our balcony oh we could also hear red-bellied pitter calling from further up the hill but scrambling up a muddy slope is no way to approach critters so we give up and return to the rainforest for a final look around we're at Gordon Creek now we've spotted a dragony light bird foraging in the leaves it has green back and white hiring yes it's a green backed honeyeater another Cape York speciality [Music] is this monarch the one we've been searching for no spectacled monarch but this one could be black face black tail black wings yes black wind monarch we've missed red belly pizza but this is a great final bird for iron range it's January so on returning to Cannes we head up to gelatin to look for breeding buff breasted paradise Kingfisher here's a termite mound with a hole they arrived from New Guinea around November and begin breeding after the first wet season rains and sure enough here's one cautiously approaching its nest it emerges after 10 minutes to find more food for its young a beautiful way to end our trip it's December 2018 and we're back in Kate York for another try for the elusive red-bellied pizza this time we're flying to Bama ger had the tip of the peninsula and staying at say Shehadeh Park deserted at this time of year the start of the wet season the road south are closed we're right on the coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria overlooking the Torres Strait Islands a white more free figure in front of our cabin overnight the threatening cyclone blew south and we got its aftermath which has brought in frigate birds circling overhead straight away were off down the airport road through bonaga two sparse Rubby habitats the first bird we see is white proud Robyn [Music] then white Street honeyeater this bird has a very limited distribution a true Cape York endemic in a small patch of rainforest with spotted trumpet Manor code showing its rounded wings as it flies off [Music] then it's up the road to Lockerbie scrub 230 square kilometers of lowland rainforest eucalyptol open forest and closed eucalypt woodland this will be our main birding area and here's Tory breasted honey eater booth that's hard to miss is the dazzlingly bright yellow breasted boats bill with its unusually broad flat bill it favours tropical and subtropical areas at all altitudes a golden orb spider has spun its web across the track favoring bare branched trees our flocks of metallic starlings with black iridescent adults and striped juveniles here's the Paradise Kingfisher newly arrived from New Guinea and still sorting out its territory back at our accommodation we can hear the characteristic tropical sound of yellow Oriole calling incessantly also enjoying the fruits are a pair of fig birds striped brown female and bright yellow male here's the contrasting Southern race with grey breasts filmed at Townsville near the beach white-breasted would swallow our feeding their young trying to sleep undisturbed is this purple and frogmouth largest of the Australian frog mouths with a massive bill and red eyes which it wants to shut better leave it alone just beside our cabin is a male fairy dragon II a pretty active little forager in the lower branches time for dinner night spotlighting finds marbled frogmouth smaller than Papillon with orange eyes next morning we visit BAM eager sewage ponds to find a life-and-death struggle going on an Egret has been snatched by a two meter water Python and is gradually being crushed to death if it's not already drowned sometimes thought of as the original Rainbow Serpent the pythons gray upper scales glow iridescent colors in the sunlight contrasting with its golden underbelly some spotted whistling ducks nearby seem unperturbed until they spot us next morning we take a boat across endeavour straight to uninhabited Lesser woody island [Music] it's a favorite breeding place for two region Imperial pigeon we also see yellow white ice crossing to the larger grade of woody island we explore the mangroves they're the favorite habitat of red-headed honey eaten further in is a very confiding mangrove Robin we emerge unbeaten from these mangroves our first a female mangrove golden Whistler gives brief views back on land we drive to the boat ramp at Jackie Jackie Creek stopping to look at a tragic wreck dc-3 looking up we see lemon bellied flycatcher perched at the boat ramp and calling is collared Kingfisher and a female redheaded honey eater we visit some private property to see form breasted bowerbird here's its avenue bar and here's the building practicing his varied repertoire calls for the great moment when a female should arrive [Music] also calling is a striking male through net monarch [Music] next morning it's back to Lockerbie scrub [Music] we've cited a lovely fairy wren male just as lovely as the female further along female shining flycatcher sitting on a beautifully constructed lo nest then the male sexually dimorphic as eclectus parrot but we've heard the call of red belly pizza and in we go following rod as quiet as possible with mounting excitement then still quiet and alert weird any pitter what a moment frankly yep it was that good Alan has located a magnificent rifle bird display perch and we see that glorious iridescent blue chest shield in the Sun on a branch across the road sits a male yellow billed Kingfisher and joining him the female with the black cap may be searching for a nest spot but the siren call of red-bellied pitter has again led us into the forest and we wait eagerly under Rob's directions [Music] beautiful views of our most wanted bird and satisfaction all around let's cap it off with a glass of wine overlooking the streets and a wonderful meal prepared by ivor a fabulous trip with dog Rob and a great bunch of multi-talented birders [Music]
Channel: greg dare
Views: 59,356
Rating: 4.8452721 out of 5
Keywords: birding Cape York, Australian birds, North Queensland, birdwatching Australia, Alana and Greg Dare, Alana Dare, Greg Dare, wildlife, bird photography, documentary, Red-bellied Pitta, Pitta, Parrot, Finches, Black-throated Finch, KIngfisher, KIngfisher Park, Cairns, Iron Range National Park, Honeyeaters, Birds of Paradise, Bowerbirds, Riflebird, Australia bird trips, Cape York, Australian endemics
Id: za_1I_tiV0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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