Australian actress adds her name to the list of Harvey Weinstein victims | 60 Minutes Australia

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the end credits are rolling on Harvey Weinstein's once stellar movie career the Hollywood producer whose films have been nominated for a staggering 300 Academy Awards has finally been exposed for his extraordinary abuse of power and position for decades he preyed upon young attractive women who'd been trying to make their way in the film industry and just as unfathomable as the man's disgraceful literary is that he was enabled by a coterie of colleagues now accused of turning a blind eye tonight Zooey Brock who grew up in Australia with ambitions to be in the business adds her name to an ever-increasing list of Weinstein victims I'm lucky to have gotten out of that experience with Harvey physically unscathed the more that I hear come to light as the story breaks and keeps on breaking and growing the more lucky I realize I I was and then I thought that he was creepy and I thought he was a pervert and I thought that he was lots of things but I kind of felt that he was a bit pathetic now I realize how dangerous he is I don't feel sorry for him anymore I think he's absolutely getting what he deserves right now what was your experience so I was invited to the current Film Festival I was told that it would be great for my career and we'd meet lots of people and we were invited to dinner and I was seated next to this guy Harvey I didn't know him by sight so I didn't know who he was I had heard of Harvey Weinstein but I didn't put two and two together after dinner we all went out there were probably anywhere between 10 15 of us all together and we start driving and we drive out of town and I ask where we're going and what the hell is happening and I'm told that there's been a change of plans and they were all meeting at the hotel ticket for a drink which is 30 minutes out of town and did any of this alarm you at this day at that stage you know and when we get there we all go up to the room we crack another bottle of champagne and we're sitting there and then someone leaves and then another person leaves until it's just the assistant Weinstein and I at which point I'm really my alarm bells are going off I know something is really wrong here and I'm assessing the situation and I turn to the assistant and say where are my friends what's going on and he says he'll go down to the lobby and check to make sure that they're not having any issues getting up to the room stupid I should have just gone with him but do you believed him at this stage sort of but I was in that kind of I was in that no-man's land of starting to understand that something was wrong and not really as sobering up fast but still a bit tipsy you know and he left the room and I was alone with Harvey and it was sudden he just left the room came back in naked just like that it was just full-on he was just suddenly naked and he wanted a massage and I didn't want to give him one and I remember being quite frozen he touched my my back and shoulders and I quickly knew that I couldn't I couldn't that's gonna them do it and I got up and I ran to where the bathroom was and I barricaded myself in there and he chased me and he's he started banging on the door and pleading with me to come out and yelling at me to come out and at that point I was just completely freaked out what what did you think was going to happen to you if you didn't escape if you didn't run to the bathroom he was just getting too handsy I didn't know what he was going to do I was uncomfortable you know he he wanted a lot more than I wanted to give him how I don't want to give him anything I want to give him my friendship I thought he was a cool guy how far do you think he would have taken it by the sounds of it all the way I mean he clearly wanted sex he clearly wanted sex and somehow my fear manifested into this bizarre statement that came out of my mouth which was put your clothes on you naughty boy so you have to make this very fateful decision do you stay in the bathroom or do you come out mm-hmm and he make the decision to leave the bathroom yeah he was sitting on the bed wearing a robe and I was furious and he started to cry and that was bizarre and he said the statement that confuses me to this day what was that statement he said you don't like me because I'm fat and in that moment I kind of had this compassionate flash of oh Hardy's childhood Harvey's time in high school maybe women rejected him maybe he just felt so insecure and attractive do you accept you're being manipulated in that moment yeah so at this point had you you'd already assessed that this was deliberate that you'd been left alone office with this man first sure on purpose it wasn't just an opportunity oh oh I knew I had been played by not just one predator but all his accomplices yuck well the evil of that must be confronting that there are so many people complicit in in such an act I hate the bro code I don't like men that subscribe to this bro code where they keep each other's secrets and you know giggle about what they do to women and and manipulate women together into situations like this I think it's one of the biggest problems in our society so as a 23 year old you recognize that that's what you were in the middle of office sure for sure I think there's a lot of shame going on in Hollywood right now I'm sure that there is a lot of shame I'm sure those people are taking a good look at themselves or I hope they are I don't think there's a word that I can say on 60 minutes that I think I could describe them as without being censored give it a go [ __ ] pricks selfish disconnected disk impatient 't people if they truly knew what was going on anyone that truly knew what was going on all these years there's you know I'm an atheist but there's a nice place in hell waiting for the huh what about the women who are involved in in helping procure other women who would also walk away and leave them alone with this man so messed up it's all pretty messed up isn't it yeah but for women to help a man abuse other women I can't imagine what kind of woman would do that Zoe I'll just get you to listen to this recording made by the NYPD after a complaint was made to them about his treatment of another model you sit there and have a drink no you must come here now was a kind of aggressive way I need to know a person I don't do a thing I would think please I swear I won't just sit with me don't embarrass me in the hotel I'm here all touch my fries please I'm sorry just come on I'm used to that I will never do another thing to you five minutes don't ruin your friendship with me for five minutes please you're making a big scene [Music] what's it like to listen to that si going back 20 years that's Harvey being nice that's his nice persistence so you ask why women haven't come forward imagine him being that persistent and being angry and furious and scared imagine what he was then capable of you look like you're almost having a visceral reaction to hearing his yeah I feel really sick I feel really sick we can't to see you do it okay thank you guys I'm not trying I gotta get help you know what we all make mistakes okay what out of all of this sticks with you the most what worries you or horrifies you the most that I was singled out and hunted not by one predator but by a pack of them it seems we've all experienced you know one bad guy you know trying to get us in the sack or talking down to us or whatever one but when they worked in unison to separate me from my friends and peeled out of that room I it's like it's like a pack of hyenas hunting together like I'm some kind of wounded gazelle or something I'm gonna separate me from the herd I'm really lucky that I got out of there and I'm really lucky that my go-to reaction in a situation like that is anger because I think it saved me from much worse so despite what you've been through you consider yourself lucky you're lucky one could have always been worse couldn't it we asked Harvey Weinstein for a response to Zoey Brock's accusations his spokesperson said any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by mr. Weinstein
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 232,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood, Hollywood producer, Weinstein, Weinstein victims, Tara Brown, Phil Goyen, 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia
Id: tnAp67v92I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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