[Australia] "MIllionaire Hot Seat" | 2019 - Episode 53 | May 16, 2019

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to the hot seat let's gets it to give somebody the chance right now to win 1 million dollars yeah all right now I want somebody to win the big money - now we've got six ripping contestants I'm gonna play fastest finger first for $1,000 more importantly gives you a lifeline - hopefully would go for another 15 questions in the hot seat and win 1 million dollars ready to go everyone contestants tonight and in signal one right here we have Lucy Collins who was on crutches of an old Gallagher concert so that let us sit in the second row fraser-smith is a phobia of birds after being attacked by a magpie Laura Murphy volunteered at a school in Nepal providing health checks for the local children were Laura anti-bullying tried to hear the ocean through a shell that fell into his ear and resurfaced 18 months later James Priya once took a group of NBA all-star players on a tour of the MCG and working as a nanny Kelly McCall have heard a thud and a drop in the dryer - notably the family cat pastas finger face go gotta be the fastest 15 questions coming and here's the first of a good luck to treat a person delicately is to handle them with what loves a boxing be oven see wicked keeping dig kid to treat the person delicately is to treat them with what Lauren which gloves kid apparently what did you get for oven oven gloves [Laughter] hangout say to phrase it would you go for with oven gloves as well what do you go for Lucy I like to keep gloves right next time shade off her kid gloves is correct paste paper cut it right and he was the fastest thanks back to the 18th century Willa to him through further clubs what were made from soft goat skin therefore kid gloves question so which Socceroo announced his retirement from international soccer or football following the 2018 FIFA World Cup a John LOSC be Tim Cahill see Harry cure demag Paducah 4 superstar Ozzy soccer ruse and the one who retired at the 2018 FIFA World Cup was the superstar Tim Cahill these people got it James was the fastest James everyone's gonna cry 750 goals in a hundred and seven games for Timmy Cahill okay question three who co-stars with Tom Cruise in the 2014 sign fiction film edge of tomorrow a Amy Adams be Jennifer Lawrence see Lapita and young young oh sorry and D Emily Blunt repeatedly on that and Emily what the answer is Emily Blunt these people got it Kelly was the only one Johnny Kelly you hit the part question for discovered by a modeling agent at JFK Airport at the age of 14 Kate Moss was born in which city a London B New York C Paris near Los Angeles [Music] the answer is she's a London girl these people got it right everybody but Laura was the fastest during a little but watch the stock has appeared on the cover of more than 400 magazines unbelievable okay next question is a visual one have a good look and the question is this accessory is designed to be worn we're eight year B shirt see here D shoe anything you keep everything away from your ear okay it's on your shirt it's a cuff link these people got it right James and see father's apartment everyone got carry still ready to fire question six developed in the late 1990s the Australian Tiffany is a breed of which animal a cat B Python C ferret the tropical fish [Music] well gee guys for was she waiting for ferrets what the fake get the Faro rubbish now the answer is cat these people got it Farren the Kelly's on 6 out of 6 here we go for question 7 not including the sorry not including its islands which Australian State has the shortest length of coastline a Queensland be victorious in South Australia d Tasmania the answer is Victoria these people got it James is the fastest go J we see quite spectacles some 1800 kilometers des maƮtres next smallest with a coastline of around 2800 then South Australia with 3800 Queensland with almost 7000 let's have a look at the leaderboard after seven Kelly's up there on six James is right up there on six as well Andy and Lucie on five and Laura and Fraser on four it's close everyone a big chance when we returned to win a thousand dollars and get that lifeline for when we play for a million dollars in the hot seat right after the break [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they cleared him tonight question 8 of 15 good luck everybody at the moment is James and Kelly leading on six witches train city has an NB l team called the Taipans a adelaide be brisbane seek ends d sydney we're looking for the cannes Taipans international basketball league these people got it right everybody in Fraser was the fires going Fraser 185 of a second good start audio question everybody listening for the question then the clue Stevie Wonder released this song in 1980 in tribute to who [Music] hey Jimmy Carnaby Michael Jackson see Princess Diana T Martin Luther King back in 1980 Stevie Wonder released a song in tribute to Martin Luther King and these people got it Laura was the fastest girl or welder to lobby for the civil right act of the group that become a u.s. national holiday it is now celebrated on the third Monday in January every year so Stevie Wonder's and many other people's push for that to happen finally eventuated okay question 10 good luck everybody Breitling was founded in 1884 as a Swiss what a chocolate brand B cheese factory C watch Company D Bank check it ahead there what's wrong he would you go for the wrong answer there are these the ridings I know yes would you go for chocolate what do you want to go for watch company why'd you put chocolate in it I would take we just saw chocolate once company is correct these people got it James the only one there you go Giants Wow keep going you might be able to afford one of those watches as well James you lead by two as we get a question 11 what is the proper term from male guinea pig a boar becomes C kit d come [Music] a male guinea pig is as its name might suggest a more these people got it right and it was the past and the female is a sow as well so keeping with the pig theory there here we go next question the word kindergarten derives from which language a French be German C Norwegian D Dutch kindergarten as in Children's Garden kindergarten is German these people got it everyone Kelly was the fastest change great still back to three questions left come on here we go which of these characters is played by John Cleese in the Harry Potter film series a nearly headless Nick be Cornelius fudge see filius Flitwick the Cedric Diggory and we need nearly headless Nick these people got it right Fraser got it Fraser pitch and everybody to to come which of these famous ancient figures was a roman writer scholar and politician a Cicero B Herodotus see Archimedes D Ripa dias the answer we're looking for is Cicero the others were Greeks these people got it right James was the fastest James let's have a look at the last question Valora gained popularity as a clothing fabric in the 1960s and 70s having previously been mostly used for what the Lua a ten-speed seatbelt sea shower curtains the upholstery popularized by the Bee Gees actually said they no fever and other things the answer is upholstery these people got it Kelly was the quickest changed on the ride get on the job but they don't have a 15 sensation what are you doing either thousand dollars I got some family coming home with a big dinner good on it might enjoy family dinner you might give it back to me and have a go at a million dollars Lucy when we come back you're in the hot seat playing for 1 million dollars next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sensational 13 out of 15 so him win $1,000 in fastest finger first he can use that money of course to take a lifeline once he gets into the hot seat that is of course unless Lucy answers 15 straight and wins a million dollars let's have a crack Lucy go [Applause] when Lucy Collins is the math teacher with the Department of Education in Victoria she's from Armstrong Creek and Victoria dams a long talky ways it's a beautiful part of the world Moran does your sister hey Miranda thank you what do you do I'm a pastry chef pastry chef what's your favorite to cake for TAS I'd say it's like coffee in layers and chocolate and yeah dinner time - with your stomach's rumbling everywhere now Lucy tell me about your maths career yes I've been a teacher for about 10 years I teach junior secondary math which I really enjoy like I love when the kids just have one of those light bulb moments finally makes sense yeah yeah those what if it never happens to them yeah some of us never get there Lucy hey now Otis is - Lennon is six months James is your husband of five years he's in construction yes how's the little one's going good it's good it's a bit of a change going from one to two but um enjoying it I'm currently on maternity leave so I get to spend all my days with the boys yeah that's crying it's great hey yeah how did you meet James I met James Jones us from England and he was over here as a backpacker and he's a big surfing fan and came down to see bells beach and the surface flap that day so they decided to come back into Torquay and have a drink at a bar and that's when we happened to meet that was lucky yes yes so otherwise he would have kept going on did he go away and come back or um they stayed in talking for a little while went away and we stayed in contact just his friends and then ended up getting married and he's romantic - because I'm Christmas morning what do you do yes one Christmas morning we had just built a new house and we just had an outside deck finished and he asked me to come outside with him while the dog went to the toilet and I didn't think that that was odd on Christmas morning I went outside with him and you got down on one knee and proposed fantastic it's this very interesting way exactly more remaining guys are doing it legislates be honest yeah all right let's go 15 questions wins you a million dollars ready to play I'm ready let's play hot seat go [Applause] [Music] today born in 1542 a rivals of Queen Elizabeth the first of England was Mary Queen of what a Scott's been hats see Sheba the the desert I would like to lock in a Scotsman Mary Queen of Scots is in incorrect $400 a yellow flowering herb is since John's what a freckle the wart see poor the spot I would like to lock in be pleased Eddie's and John's waters in and correct for $200 the ancient Greek times also in places we've in many countries including Australia $300 Australia's Medicare levy surcharge is applied to eligible taxpayers who do not have what type of insurance a life be ambulance see extras health the private hospital I think I know this answer but I'm not 100% sure so I might pass gonna pass yes catch you later Lucy sales manager at Greece that's correct the famous race plumbing but then now we're you're a student also Swinburne what are you doing I'm starting it Bachelor of business and I'm doing that online through Swinburne and I'm gonna use that to try and sort of help me progress through through race so now I gotta ask you I took pity break for football I got for Richmond very freshman and you're attacked by a magpie oh yeah it was on a golf course in the Aero valley with my old man I actually bought a brand new pair of white pants as well I got sort of swoop by magpie and I I guess I swung to try and hit it and and actually ended up in the mud so great but yeah I've definitely developed a phobia because of that but mums also got a phobia as well really okay you know they recognise people make pies I'm serious they actually recognize Bellevue good to them they'll remember and if you swing Golf Club said I'm they remember their temper be careful they thanks lived in the same area for up to 20 years so that make by ain't going away everybody's waiting for Deb's your mum hi Deb you don't like Magpies oh no not at all no the the football variety or the bird variety um by present let's go the Straits Medicare levy sir chances applied to eligible taxpayers who do not have what type of insurance life ambulance extras health private hospital [Music] I'm not entirely sure to be honest 10 there than a surprise 6 I'll go with D private hospital is in have you got it yes I don't good private health insurance Hospital insurance is correct for $300 why they're the surcharge applies for flexpays we have hospital insurance who earn above ninety thousand for singles or 180 for couples or families right let's take a break twelve to go for a million bucks right after this [Applause] [Music] let's go fraser-smith is playing beautifully let's go phrase for $500 a turn for small savory dishes the word tempus is derived from which language a Turkish be Spanish si Italian degree I'm thinking it's Greek but I'm gonna pass yep catch you later phrase is 29 years of age from Richmond to Victoria Mama's Michelle hot Michelle hi Eddie welcome to the show thank you must be proud of your daughter very proud that's wonderful tell me about being an emergency doctor is that what you're gonna continue to get on the training program for emergency medicine fun you never know what's coming through the door Dale Ford Hospital one of the great hospitals in Australia so we get stuck in the pointy end I think that's the front line isn't it yeah but you're in Melbourne it's their frontline in the hospital yeah we obviously the paramedics do a great job and bring them to us as as good as they can and we work on them from there near you and Michelle trick to base camp at Everest yeah and then went a bit further yep so and we I was about five or six years ago and mum came over with me and we did the base camp trek and there's the option to go a little bit higher and get a great new the next day and some people were too sick and couldn't do it and yeah mum and I tracked up a little bit more and yeah it was awesome it was a bit Michelle doing that with you wonderful daughter it was amazing I I'd been sick for a couple of days prior but it got there in the end and couldn't have done it without Laura's help so good staff was a great experience altitude sickness ever get you that was a very special moment to share with mum good on you Laura and good luck to you Michelle as well here we go this is for five hundred dollars you must answer this question Laura a turn for a small savory dish or four small savory dishes the word Tepes is derived from which language Turkish Italian Greek what can be Spanish it's correct for five hundred dollars Lima Spanish for cover or lead as they originally served in bars on small dishes that were covered with the drinking plus thousand dollars in ancient Rome which of these was a large arena with tiered seating used for chariot races and public games a circus the panorama see extravaganza the pageant I [Music] tell me what you want - I'll pass thank you okay catch you later Lauren Victoria is a painter and decorator self-employed 45 years of age Williams his brother ghetto built hey ed how are you man good you what do you do I'm at the casino what do you do there are creepy a fan test what games rule that background good stuff Andy painter and decorator mm-hmm tell me about this this is amazing story you once pushed a small shell into your ear trying to hear the ocean how old were great too right and it took 18 months to reappear yeah well it was a they did a beach display on a big table in the classroom yeah and the teacher told us and showed us how you could hear the ocean in a big shell and I went up and had a look and found a little one when sure you could do the same yeah and stuck it in and then tried to get it out and couldn't and was too embarrassed to tell the teacher and every time I tried to grab it well either and further until it disappeared I got home I didn't tell my mum and pretty much forgot about it and then one day playing cricket in the driveway about 18 months later I was running I just could you said like I could hear again no couldn't change me hearing at all no no except for the say that to keep here exactly Andy let's go in ancient Rome which of these was a large arena with tiered seating used for chariot races and public games a circus peepin around OC extravaganza d pageant I don't have much a no idea with this one team eight six o'clock yeah I'd probably be the same we say a rock you know lasted here like you've got there just okay circuses Creek for $1,000 trongs largest circus was called the circus maximus and it's believed to have been able to seat between 150 and 250 thousand spectators they're good with that be thrown tomatoes and stuff it will again chariot races Christians versus the Lions sensational Andy we're gonna take a break ten questions ago for a million dollars and we'll do it right after this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] further up to any bull man's going beautifully cannot make for $1,500 on the way to a million tend to go let's go Andy which the strain fuel outlet is affiliated with the flybys loyalty program 8bp be mobile seashell d Celtx Pam I'm pretty sure for visors with shell and cold so look and see look and see yep Michelle it's always about shells with you [Music] cell offers points for fuel purchases virus affiliation with Kohl's Express fuel discounts are often printed on the back of the Kohl's shopping dockets and good savings to be had there when you put it all together cause Express two-and-a-half thousand dollars good luck Andy in the movie school of rock which ac/dc song is performed by the cast during the closing credits a TNT feed jailbreak see dirty deeds done dirt cheap D it's a long way to the top School of Rock yeah I've seen it I can't remember closing credits I think it's a long way to the top I'm not sure fifth day yeah I'll go with Dave plays Eddie log it in it's correct for two-and-a-half fast that flex character in the film it's as we said at the after-school program features other ac/dc hits including highway to help back in black and for those about to rock okay $4,000 question in the song of the 12 days of Christmas there are how many gold rings a 5 B 6 c 7d a come on sing it I'm trying I'm trying come on sign that lab I think it seeks how many gold rings seen it I leave 5 10 seconds they're looking 5 o'clock it in yep lakhtin what I'm gonna 6 didn't san roque when I was singing it in my head don't give it to me there five golden rings sounds better than 76 golden rings no six guys backwards I can't remember five golden rings four calling Birds three French hens two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree quick [Applause] you're heading into six geese a-laying seven swans a-swimming eight maids a-milking and on it goes $6000 seven questions six contestants could luck who played the title role in the 1953 film calamity jane a Lucille Ball B Doris Day see Elizabeth Taylor D Betty Grable Calamity Jane 1953 [Music] yeah I'm leaning toward the darth's day but I'm not not sure and it's probably not gonna get back here for path six looking be Eddie dark day Doris Day's in she was calamity jane correct for six days co-star powered kill as wild bill hickok won an Oscar for the song secret love 5 anaerobic man you're going beautifully here we go for 10,000 the Tasmanian Tiger is also known as the Tasmanian wat a fox be wild dog and see dingo d wolf deeply the Tasmanian wolf was locked in its correct for 10,000 [Applause] also known as the thylacine the last known one died at the Hobart Zoo in 1936 the having already been extinct on the mainland for over 2,000 years right Andy you're all-in pal don't worry about their past from here on in you've got five questions to go for 1 million dollars [Applause] [Music] Foreman is playing a blinder here in the hot seat so no cologne handy come on mate why not be the man why not why not why not get the next five right because you've already put six behind you let's go for twenty thousand the bonfire of the vanities was the critically acclaimed debut novel by which author hey Kurt Vonnegut be Truman Capote see Tom Wolfe the Norman Mailer I have no idear at all the bonfire of the vanities there's only two that I recognized their name [Music] which is bandy bonfire of the vanities with the critically-acclaimed the boondoggle fight which all for 20 seconds it's all yours from here Andy be just a guess [Music] knocking Dave City final answer in Norman Mailer the great Norman Mailer Doug boxing a little bit you know I feel like it a lot his book called the fight with Muhammad Ali and George Foreman is one of the great books of all time in relation that Tom Wolfe was the answer first published in Rolling Stone as a serial reworked in 1997 as a novel later adapted into a film starring Tom Hanks Melanie Griffith and Bruce Willis it was the pioneer of new journalism Tom Wolfe died in 2018 at the age of 88 was a very natty dresser as well distinctive style what suits always a nickname and a hat a fedora but I digress they're not yes yes you don't want to hear any more about him do you actually that like Tom Wolfe do I always said a literature question would get me and I did so you get stiff because Wolfie order got two questions with the answer being wolf wouldn't yeah true yeah why still sitting here Andy tonight [Applause] [Music] Janey's brick from good rifling Victoria has got $1,000 worth of lifeline there did beautifully it was 13 you got out of 15 wasn't it the fastest finger right you only need to get four more here James and I'll give you a quarter of a million dollars now you know tour guide at the MCG and the National Sports Museum yeah which is like Disneyland for people like you and I isn't absolutely for questions to go for a quarter of a million dollars James good luck sue as your wonderful wife I sue hi Eddie great have you here thank you what would you do a quarter of a million dollars oh well I think he's dreams to go to Minako to the Grand Prix so I'll have to tag along with that one would you must the Prince James let's go for 20 grand born in 1940 John Bell is an acclaimed Australian of what a architect B actor C pianist the swimmer don't think he's an architect pretty certainly is not a swimmer I think he's an actor it he looking be locking be actor here to the bell shakespeare group i have you have indeed John Bell correct actor $20,000 just an amazing actor one of the stories most famous Shakespearean actors also director and co-founder of Sydney's Nimrod theater company before founding the Bell Shakespeare Company in 1990 James three to go $50,000 question theorized in the 1970s by Stephen Hawking is the astronomical effect known as porking what a Fisher be radiation C exhilaration the luminosity should have paid more attention to the Big Bang Stephen Hawking astronomical effect you have a logical thinking efficient or acceleration a thousand to win a quarter of a million ten seconds I use a lifeline Eddie stop the clock all right James the moment has come do you ask soon do you have a 50/50 or do you get rid of it and start again I'll get rid of it and start again the way with it before it goes what would you have lock the efficient and you've thrown up between fishing and luminosity no fishing and acceleration that does matter than three of them are on its radiation good decision get rid of it right you're still in play for a quarter of a million dollars from 987 to 1328 the Capetian dynasty ruled the kingdom of what pay Italy V Spain see Germany de France [Music] I think it's Germany France thinking Italy Capetian dynasty v day [Music] see AI Italy lakhtin gonna do a lap Kelly what would you have gone for me I I everyone's wrong it's France sorry James that the questions ruled the kingdom of France after the election of Hugh cafe in 987 and provided 37 kings until the death of Charles the fourth in 1328 so they had a good run at it nearly three hundred and fifty years there James that's where it ends right I'm sorry you've given me back the thousand dollars but you played beautifully tonight Kelly McAuliffe who's a nursing student these days from Lyndhurst in Victoria 43 years of age you've obviously gone back to nursing why just change of career I'm just wanted to kind of give back do something a bit like with a bit of meaning and purpose in life good on you Chris is your mum hi Chris Heidi welcome to the show thank you you ready to go yeah let's do it 4,000 dollars in your pocket the $50,000 question classical musician yo-yo ma is famous for playing which instrument Hey violin B clarinet C trumpet D cello okay I have no idea so I'm just gonna look in D color based on you know I have no idea I'm not really sure what are we doing Dave Kelly lucky indeed cello do you like the word or do you like the look of a cello um well I've been watching the show over the last couple of weeks and I think trouble has come up recently and I leaned and I'm just gonna be alright Lucy what would you've gone for I would have gone for a hold off the beeper when we put a better gear stellar jello is correct for 50,000 [Applause] [Music] le you've won $1,000 how about that for in 1955 an American cellist a hundred albums released so far 18 Grammy Awards has performed for eight US presidents Kelly we had to take a news break and come back and play for $100,000 Kelly's in the hot seat it's hot as it at Kelly any it for $100,000 what does it mean to you at the moment a lot doing nursing yeah so I'm actually just doing tent work and just doing agency work so yeah be really good I could set myself up a bit yeah now Chris is up the back Chris tell us quickly about this wonderful daughter Eeyore's oh look she's really awesome she deserves this and Sheila had a little praying in the car on the way here this morning really it would be coming out of the car park I'm like yeah all right I got playing your room it's a tight little car park and I just likes okay Chris good luck Kelly let's go for a hundred thousand cash how many of the world's mountains are over 8,000 meters above sea level a fourteen b18c 22 D 26 once again I have no idea Wow try some really doozy ones you've been in the fall having it I have yeah I think though that highlight was only about 3,000 feet 20 seconds how many of the world's mountains are over 8,000 meters above sea level what do you think 10 seconds 22 C 7 seconds C please looking at it 14 known as the eight-thousanders they are all in the Himalayan and Karakoram ranges so where you were and Everest is the highest at of the 14 mountains mountains and shishapangma in China is the lowest at 8027 minutes Kelly yeah they got went right [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MillionaireWanted38
Views: 19,896
Rating: 4.42029 out of 5
Keywords: WWTBAM, WWTBAM AUS, TV, TV Show, Quiz, Quiz Show, Game Show, Millionaire, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Millionaire Hot Seat, Hot Seat, Eddie McQuire, Eddie, Lock it In!, 20th Anniversary, Australia Millionaire Hot Seat, Channel 9, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Hot Seat, Lets Play Hot Seat, WWTBAM Hot Seat, WWTBAM International
Id: -7s4oBo6FrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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