Australia 10 Cent - Smooth Edge?

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hello all you coin loving coin collecting coin aficionados out there and welcome again to the DC coin world International coin Channel today I want to talk to you about something I've seen in Australian ten pence or ten cent coins and that is that they have different kinds of wear levels on them so what I have here is a bunch of Australian ten cent coins and let's start at this top one and this is a 1977 10 cent coin and these were made from 1966 until 1984 we turned onto the back and we see the familiar Lyrebird ly re bird suprem with a 10 cent superimposed on it and this is look I mean it's hard to even tell as the bird but it has these amazing I guess you call them a wing of feathers and then we tip it up on its side and we see that it has a smooth edge and so that's interesting to me and that's what I'm going to talk about that smooth edge and then if I take and look at the 19 and 70 so it's the same mintage group its elizabeth ii her ii portrait and it was made from 66 to 84 so remember this one was a an 80 a 77 here and this is a 70 and we see that this one has a reeded edge so I'm going okay I got a 70 with a reeded edge in a 77 with a plain edge I need to kind of look into that now what's going on there because when I look at new Mista they all are supposed to have a reeded edge and then I started looking through my other ten pence coins and I see that I've got a 2004 with a reeded edge and of course the 2004 were starting to talk about the fourth portrait of queen elizabeth ii and then so I have a 2004 with a reeded edge then I have a 2004 with a plane edge and then I have a 2000 and even with a reeded edge so these three got to read ads in a plane and they're all supposed to be read at NIEHS - I have one read it in one plane from the 70s and to reeded in one plane from the 2000s and I'm going well what's going on there it does not make any sense to me and didn't new Meester do something wrong or or put something wrong in or did I miss an error coin and I did look through when there was a kind of a weird coin that came through and that was in the 1966 - 1984 this the second portrait 10-cent coin there was something that said that the 1981 was struck on a Sri Lanka 50-cent planchette but that's not what's going on here I don't believe and so I pulled it up a little bit nice okay there's something wrong I don't know what it is and let me see if I can figure out what it is and so I got this set up and I started to see that there actually are lines on there and you can see that there is a reeded edge on there it's not a reflection of this let's get rid of this one and just get back to this one and we can see it if you get just the right angle you can see somewhat of a reeded edge on you and let me see if I can get it even better than that and if I tip it just right I can get a little bit of a reeded edge and so what's happening out there right in there you can see a little bit of the read so what's happening is these reeded edges are wearing right off and it almost looks like a smooth edge so this 1977 looks like a smooth edge coin compared to the 71 but they both have this same reeded edge reeded rim but you just can't see it on both and now if i tip this one you can now you can definitely see a little bit of reading there and so I said that's probably the same on the ones from the 2000 so I tipped the two thousands up and then I start to see under this large magnification I see some reads there so I can see the little bumps but I'll tell you what from the naked eye and even under magnification this sure looks like a smooth rim coin but I'm going to tell you that none of the circulated ten cent coins from 1966 through the current ones 2019 none of them have smooth edges they all have reeded edges but if you run through some and look in your pockets or look in your collection you're gonna see some that that look like this and you're going to say oh those are the smooth rim ones and they're not they're just very very worn reeded edges alright that's all we have today from our DC coin world international coin Channel I just wanted to mention these are copper nickel coins they are five point six six grams 23 point six millimeters in diameter two millimeters around and I suppose if I had something fine enough to measure I might actually be able to see both a weight change in it and a diameter change in these but it's so slight that I might not even without a very very fine instrument for weighing or measuring alright thanks for watching the DC coin roll International coin Channel
Channel: DC Coin World
Views: 33,050
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Id: EyAwsIdDmbg
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Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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