Austin,Tx - Camp Mabry= Tx National Guard (Family Friendly Video)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] morning your ID with you I need ID yes sir for what well please on the corner we all know we're on a better military base right now public right away all right you can't be reporting cars come in and out of the base they already did now what I'm I'm telling you right now you cannot do that so let me have your driver's license and call police dude like I don't care I haven't done anything wrong well we're getting a lot of complaints so I suggest you give me your ID and we'll just make this easy and I'll let you go buy your business I said father know what your intention is going on now I suspect you're gonna let me go about my business anyway that's not true I will call the police and we'll just stay here till somebody else identifies me okay laugh all you want I'm sorry is it okay are you detaining me no I'm not pretending I'm not looking for your ID how far it laughs I'll have one I can't help but will have it's funny well I'm pretty serious right now okay well you go be serious somewhere else how about that all right I'll call the police you knew that we said I came back home dropped in by parachute [Music] and make sure you get my name - I'm going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye-bye so far so good oh no even you ask him you asked them guys come out here screaming and yelling at me barking orders and stuff I wouldn't think open to the public we have this Vegas thing going on we got shooters you know they're in charge security we've been there we have a certain population that could be targeted that is vulnerable and so we got people taking pictures we don't know why so I'm standing I'm standing in broad daylight and Plainview in an orange vest I mean this is not the work of a terrorist I mean this is idiot knows this okay but these guys have guests they're just bored okay well I'll make an exemption in an assumption for you those guys are idiots okay well that's your something in your freaking us free okay we're not saying what you're doing is against the law we are the army to do is done talking they can turn up make sure everything's okay and make sure that we all have okay officer Hammett yes sir some couples my partner over there is going to talk to them and they get there they're at their side they take you go from there all right I'm a journalist I came here to do a story on the military forces Museum it's closed today so I'm just getting some b-roll footage and these guys freaked out here we are and I guess I guess they thought I was going to run away or something but you know running anywhere I haven't done anything wrong I'm independent oh yes I didn't give it I do not no because I know what you guys do you've got to generate a report it's going to go to your intelligence officer he's going to review it send it over the fusion center and it just home make sure I don't have any warrants I don't have any warning I'd already been gone it had they not gotten stupid with me you know it takes like a minute to come out here and take pictures I'm here tonight 90 seconds before they got here yeah I can understand the concern via prior military of somebody in front of my face with a camera be like hey I'm prior military and I don't understand the concern no I do not know wouldn't alarm you at all standing in front of a military base where they enter not at all definitely a lot of me what breaks the military is farming Harvey what you're doing or Intel amongst other things if that doesn't work you don't think something no not in this day and age when there's cameras everywhere this day and age more than anybody and anything isn't important people became today you're free to do it you one of those cameras are everywhere okay somebody has a paranoia about cameras okay they don't affair know about cameras they have to worry about somebody operating a camera they they have a paranoia about they don't care about that camera they care about this camera because they don't control it cuz I care about the person that's running they're getting a what am I getting out of it yeah like what's the goal b-roll footage that's it I came for the museum and it's closed today so I'm just kidding it's a some b-roll footage of the gate in the entry area the signs okay and then I was going to burn off they're saying I'm taking pictures of people's cars and not that that even even if I did that's not illegal you know but I'm not I said but I'm not but even if I did it's not illegal so this guy comes down here the reality out of it yeah if I'm walking my dog you go wait what are you getting at I'm curious I'm a journalist I'm here to do a story about the museum the museum it's just a road it's the entry it's the entry point with the signs out here and stuff so people can find their way into the into the base it's just dear old footage just like if I went to the Austin police station I'm not from here so I don't know where the police station is but if I did go there before I went inside and took pictures I would probably take pictures out of the parking lot you know get a picture of the building just a quick shot of the building now I understand inside that gate in there is a secured area and they're gonna be funny about photography in there and I get that they actually have regulations that they cover that eighteen seven nine five covers photography on-base all right but out here they there's nothing that's what you're getting out of it that's what I'm getting out of it that's what I'm getting out of it just getting some b-roll footage but I can roll it in with the rest of story that's it and like I said had that guard come out here and asked me what I was doing been no problem instead he come out here barking at me and giving me orders and no I'm not going with that sorry but when I got out of the military I quit taking orders so that's it I was actually done when they rolled up I was fixing to walk away you know and they said they were calling police well I'm not gonna walk away well like I said I'm not gonna run away when they follow the police because I haven't done anything wrong no I have no us no ill will I'm not here to hurt anybody I'm just taking pictures like I told them if I were a terrorist I mean come on it's broad daylight I'm standing in the open orange best I mean I can't be any more visible I said I can't be any more visible than this all right y'all be safe [Music]
Channel: News Now Houston
Views: 426,319
Rating: 4.7872119 out of 5
Keywords: texas national guard, nasa, U.S. Army, historic sites
Id: 23T-9Y3S0pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
Reddit Comments

I have no specific comment here, but it occurred to me while watching this video that he has gotten really good at doing these audits. He gives everyone equal opportunity to do it right or to fuck it up. No baiting, no overt hostility, a little humor and the quiet dignity of exercising your rights without coming off like a jackass. Well done, sir.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/coprolite_hobbyist 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

NNH's verbal exchanges with cops and other authorities have gotten really good lately. Great job.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SamSpoon 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

This might be David's finest example of responding to encounters.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/voidoid 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Calling the cops to report a man with a camera is like calling the cops to report a man wearing a red t shirt - neither of those things are illegal.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NeonDisease 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2017 🗫︎ replies
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