AUSCHWITZ: The Complete DISTURBING Tour | WARNING: Actual footage

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outfits camp is the site of one of the greatest mass murders in history if you grew up sometime in the last 40 years you've probably studied the second world war at school you've probably watched shinder's list or you've read the boy and stripe pajamas like me you probably feel like you know about the holocaust you know about outfits but arriving in this place where it all happened walking through those gates made me realize i didn't know anything and that knowing the facts doesn't mean you know the story and even the facts take on a different aspect when you're standing in the spot where it all took place outfits isn't somewhere you want to visit but it's certainly somewhere that you should visit somewhere that is guaranteed to have an effect on you you can walk through the camps rows of brick huts each of which have a different function there's hut 20 and the so-called hospital which was more of a lab where doctors like dr mangel used prisoners as guinea pigs as they experimented with different ways of killing them more efficiently there's hut 11 the prison within a prison where guards would come up with new and horrific ways to talk to the prisoners who dared to rebel by starvation sterilization suffocation infecting them with disease or being forced to stand in a tiny one metre squared cell for days on end but the most heartbreaking of all is when you come across the piles of people's belongings the huge stacks of suitcases cups and bowls the people brought with them when they thought they were just being sent away to work with the false promise that someday they will be able to return home then there is the eerie pile of glasses and shoes and handicap aids like wooden legs and braces that were stripped from the prisoners moments before being sent to die inside the infamous gas chambers it really hits you hard when you take a moment to look at each individual item in here and try to imagine how all of these things at some point belong to an innocent human being although i did manage to get a lot of footage inside this horrendous place there is one pacific room in the whole camp where photography is strictly prohibited this room contains real human hair from the prisoners whose heads were shaved upon entering the camp taking people's clothes belongings and shaving their hair all helped the nazis strip them of their humanity and identities the words cannot even begin to express how heartbreaking and overwhelming it is to see these barbaric details in the early days of the camp new arrivals were photographed and recorded until the numbers got too big to keep up but walking along the hutt corridors you can see lines of faces looking down on you looking into the eyes you can see a mixture of fear horror and defiance seeing their faces reading their names their nationalities ages and occupations brings humanity back to the people who've been dehumanized it helps to translate the abstract numbers into real people you can't help imagining how you would have coped if you'd been in their place would hunger cold and disease have seen you off before the gas chamber did or would you be one of the few that made it through because amongst all the horror there are stories of defiance and survival of people who made it through despite the odds located between block 10 and 11 you can find the death war a place where people were executed by firing squad after interrogation and torture towards the end of the camp you are shown inside one of the last gas chambers still standing which was used to suffocate the prisoners with the gas the prisoners were told to go and take a shower the gas chambers looked like baths they even had showers when everybody was inside the nazis dumped the gas through holes in the ceiling weaker people died immediately but the young and strong took up to 20 minutes before perishing in the toxic fumes the most touching part is when you notice the nail scratches marked upon the walls you can't help but imagine the panic what people experienced looking for a way out there are actually not one but two death camps at outfits both a short distance from one another the one just shown was out of its one but outfits too reveals a whole new level of terror outfits ii or birkenau is the largest of the outfits camps running through the middle of birkenau's site is the railway track this is where the trains would arrive carrying prisoners from all across europe it's where the guards selected who of them would live and who of them would die the fit would be sent to work in the camp and the sick elderly and children would go straight to the gas chamber birkenau stretches over 425 acres of bleak barren landscape with lines of barbed wire fences and watchtowers stretching off into the distance in each direction it was a huge extermination camp where the nazis industrialized death building four gas chambers to dispose of as many jews as they efficiently could most of birkenau's buildings were destroyed in 1945 when the nazis tried to hide evidence of what they'd done from the approaching soviet army but you can walk around the piles of brick and twisted metal where the gas chambers once stood and go inside the wooden huts where people would sleep with up to a thousand people tightly packed in like cattle these huts had bunkered style layouts with eight prisoners sharing each bunk and the rest having to sleep on the dirty rat infested floor even in january the cold and damp made it uncomfortable being outside for too long i couldn't even imagine what it would be like to live through a winter here working 12 hours a day in thin clothes and wooden shoes on minimal food fighting disease exhaustion and abuse every day to stay alive visiting birkenau isn't like the museum style of outfits one you're mostly left on your own with your own thoughts left to soak it all up and try to make sense of what took place here a lot of people worry that they'd get too upset visiting the camps but i found that i came through it all almost feeling numb mentally exhausted like it was too much to take in too much for me to possibly comprehend it wasn't until later that day that the emotions and reality really set in [Music] thank you so much for watching be sure to subscribe to my channel and ring the little bell if you would like to be notified of more of my upcoming videos and adventures it would also mean the world to me if you could leave a thumbs up and a comment down below of what you thought of this amazing place i shall see you all in the next video
Channel: Ashley's Planet
Views: 694,015
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Keywords: Auschwitz, auswitz, auswits, auswit, auchwitz, auchwits, auschwits, nazi, concentration camp, holocaust, hitler, ww2, ww1, Ashleys planet, germany, Poland, birkenau, auschwitz birkenau, birkenow, beercanow, jews, shindlers list, shindler, gas chamber, gas, war, travel vlog, travel, backpacking, travelling, travel 2022, travel vlog 2022, blogging, vlogging, solo travel, solo traveler, wanderlust, holocause, halocause, halocaust
Id: fH8dGQ2jP5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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