AURORA "Runaway" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified

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runaway was actually the second song i ever wrote and it's the most fantastic thing that as i grew older runaway have just made more and more sense to me and felt um closer and closer to my heart [Music] it is really surprising to me that runaway is still kind of living its best life out there in the world i can feel that i'm grateful that people have let run away into their hearts i think that's very sweet and i've always felt like my music is it's much bigger than me i think runaway is one of the many examples of that that the music just lives on and they live on after i'm gone and that gives me also peace in my life that i know that it will still exist when i'm not here i was listening to the ocean i saw a face in the sand when i first started writing music my my grandest source of inspiration was nature because it's so humble and dangerous at the same time and so small and so big it's just so complex and beautiful and i love her so much by my piano there is a window and outside of that window um there is the ocean and i thought that it seemed so big and overwhelming i thought when you miss someone that is gone the ocean can just can can both bring comfort but also kind of emptiness but when i picked it up then it vanished away from my hands dark when you miss someone so badly and you wish that they were still here on this earth you you kind of see their face and everything and it's kind of frightening but also kind of nice you know that they're not there and you try to hold them and stroke them on the cheek but you can't cause they're not there i had a dream i was seven climbing my way in a tree i saw a piece of heaven waiting in patience for me [Music] throughout my life i've been very obsessed with with the death it makes everything kind of meaningless but also it makes everything meaningful all your mistakes should be meaningless because we're gonna die anyway and all your accomplishments and everyone you love that should be meaningful because it might disappear one day so it depends how you look at it i guess i loved climbing in trees because they're just the most majestic beings and i was was climbing it and one of the branches broke and i almost fell and then i thought in my head that oh that was a bit fun but also i could have what if i fell down and died and it and i was just gone and i was running far away would i run off the world someday nobody knows nobody knows that pre i was running far away would i run off the world someday was kind of about accepting all of this if i ran fast enough and far enough i might just run off the world and run all the way to the moon and then beyond and i was dancing in the rain i felt alive and i can't complain and i was dancing in the rain is also then an even more clear image of the of the fact that you're embracing and accepting um the darkness as a part of life because the sooner you do that in life i think the happier you can get when you just accept that sometimes it's just and sometimes it's not at all but no take me home take me home where i belong i can't take it anymore [Music] home is definitely the one place where you can go and mend yourself and fill whatever space used to be empty and fix whatever thing inside you was broken it doesn't need to be a place or the family you were born into it can be anywhere and whoever i was painting a picture the picture was a painting of you and for a moment i thought you were here but then again it wasn't true the a difference of the two images for me with one finding a face in the sand and then painting a picture of someone it's kind of two different faces of of missing somebody because in the first verse you kind of just see them there you see their face appear everywhere and and you know they're not there but in the second verse i'm kind of trying desperately in my own hands to manifest [Music] the face myself and all this time i have been lying oh lying in secret to myself i've been putting sorrow on the forest place on my shelf the one thing i've been struggling with the most with people is to understand if they mean what they say because most of the time when you ask people if they're okay they say yes when you know something sad have just happened to them in many occasions they will continue to say yes that they're fine and people are just fine all the time but many of us are never fine but no take me home take me home where i belong i got no other place to go no take me home take me home where i belong i got no other place to go but no take me home take me home where i belong i can't take it anymore [Music] now you've been running so far that you got lost and you've been dancing in the rain for so long that the world just continued without you and you're kind of stuck i always say for some reason that being a human is an extreme sport and i think when i was 11 that was the first time that i really understood that to be a fact the world seems to listen to whoever shouts the loudest and people who really need help seems to only manage to say it so quiet that maybe only the dogs can hear it like those invisible sounds that humans can't even hear but i kept running for a soft place to fall and i kept running for a soft place to fall [Music] and i kept running for a soft place to fall [Music] and i kept running for a soft place to fall [Music] the bridge in the song is definitely when you've gone too far and you just fall to the ground because you're so tired and a soft place to fall i remember when i was a child i just thought of my mother's arms but the softest place i could ever fall was just in my mother's arms no take me home however i belong [Music] take me home homer i belong home no no no take me home [Music] the best thing about runaway is definitely that throughout my life it has meant a different thing to me almost every time i sing it and that's why i feel like a runaway was a gift from a little aurora to to old aurora the next time i get in the same position as i was when i wrote run away i know that i have already put those emotions into words and maybe this time i can just relax a bit and listen to the song even though i can't really listen to the song because i hate listening to my own music i think billy eilish said that runaway really inspired her to to do music herself and i think that's amazing because then runaway has served the purpose uh music should serve i don't like when people say that yeah run away you made her make music so it's the song that did everything because it did nothing compared to like she and her they have done everything it's just a tiny seed and they are the flower
Channel: Genius
Views: 3,867,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lyric videos, aurora, aurora genius, aurora genius lyrics, aurora interview, aurora live performance, aurora live runaway, aurora no autotune, aurora runaway, aurora runaway live, aurora runaway lyrics, aurora runaway lyrics genius, aurora runaway performance, gbwc0, genius, hip hop, lyric video, lyrics, new pop music, official lyrics, pop music, rap, rap genius, runaway aurora, runaway genius lyrics, runaway official lyric & meaning, runaway official lyrics, verified
Id: P_-aEdRG95I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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