AUGUSTA, GEORGIA: What to see, do, and eat in Georgia's secret town

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Augusta home of the Masters in a magnificent shot by Arnold [Applause] Palmer so austa is kind of interesting because it's 2 hours from Athens it's 2 hours from Savannah which we also love and it's 2 hours from Atlanta which we're in the most often because of the airport but it's one of those cities that we have passed and we've passed numerous times we've never stopped and this is the first time that we're taking time to get to know Augusta and to see everything that it has St [Music] offer we're not here for the Masters but our goal is to show you guys in 48 hours that there is more to do here than just the [Music] Masters full disclosure I did call the golf course to see if they could let me in then get an answer they don't want us playing P but no I I would Happy Gilmore it very hard anyone have some connection how to get on the Master's course heard like next to Impossible yeah who cares if it's this Elite group of people that get to watch golf let us bring our dog he likes to dig holes this is all a joke all right let's [Music] go we just went for a run we sat in the car to drive down here it is time to eat I'm hungry and I feel like after sitting for so many hours I felt like we needed to start with something sort of healthy I got the page which is a salad and it has toasted almond avocado strawberries fetta lemon time vinegarette and tomatoes there's a lot in this bu bowl and then I added chicken to it get a little protein I got a pokey bowl look at that that's really good it's got rice cucumber Red Onion avocado seaweed AI tuna and some spicy mayo we got lots to eat this sque so let's start off strong so we can go big later so one very famous person from Augusta James Brown I mean who doesn't like James Brown and austa has this James Brown like square and James Brown Avenue and they have murals and it's they have this cool statue so if you come to Downtown Augusta you can pay your respects to Mr James Brown and then you could probably go to Spotify iTunes drive around town listen to his music I can't put it in the video because it's copyright reasons but I think that's what we're going to [Music] do [Music] woo [Music] cut the town it's always there moving yes next up we are going kayaking with two dudes kaying that's a fun name so I'm guessing it's two guys two guys are meeting up with us and we're going kaying right on the Savannah River the river is very peaceful we're here in early October it's still a little bit warm this is a little unseasonable warm but it feels nice so in the evening it's cooling off it's probably like 75 outside right now it's just really relaxing there's a nice reflection on the water cuz things were kind of quiet we're going to go enjoy this so we asked specifically for like a sunset time so we're on the water from 6 to 8ish and we're just going to watch sunset from the river apparently there's Gaters In this River you know nobody told us until I don't know yesterday that they had alligators in Augusta no all right we're recording Cramer wants in so badly are you feeling Sarah were those dog people again today Kramer we're just going to let Dad show us how it's do me I drive you across the country you paddle me around the river yeah I can do that this life vest is like around my neck actually we're not going anywhere because this is the best part of the day oh wow so right now we're on the river we just started and as you start you actually go underneath a railroad bridge and the train happened to be going over just as we were starting which is really cool oh I am growing on my knees are growing weak I miss the one I love when I was young she's the only one for me [Music] oo oh I will run cuz the morning brings the Sun and I we'll lose you when the night is done oh I will run cuz the morning brings the sun now we'll lose you when the night is [Music] done that was so much fun we just finished kaying with two dudes right here on the river we had the most beautiful sunset the water was just it's a river but it felt like a lake cuz it was just so mirrorlike and so smooth which I don't know I guess I haven't experienced that in a river cuz ours the Tennessee River back in Chattanooga is just it's a lot busier it was so quiet so beautiful and so relaxing we had a great guide Greg was amazing honestly like sometimes guided things you could be a little nervous it's like oh I don't know what the guy's going to be like he was so much fun it was great it was like he was an old friend we joked we laughed highly recommend you could do guided or just rent but next we kind of got to hurry and run back to the hotel and change cuz we have a dinner reservation at 8:45 which is in just a few minutes we don't usually eat too late cuz we're like old people but tonight we got to eat later cuz we have too much to do so let's go we kind of smell like the river so hopefully they will take us but like Sarah said I highly highly recommend highlight of our time here in Augusta so far was being on the river it was well worth [Music] it dinner time tonight we are at Fifth and bench which is highly recommended and we just ordered I'm very hungry we've had a full day of running and kaying and driving and Chris and I are both just enjoying sitting here and relaxing and I think is going to be good I just saw her the we just walked by with somebody else's inner I was eyeballing okay that looks good I'll have that I think my face is showing it I'm I'm tired but like a good tired you know just like you've been out having fun all day kind of tired that's where I'm at right now I'm ready to get a good dinner in me and it'll probably be a hard night's sleep tonight and if you see the lights flickering that's not because of some cool like mood setting they have it's because of our camera and how it captures the light I just snuck one a Christmas French Fri one so I got the chicken breast which comes with risotto and fresh vegetables and then they put Rosé butter on it which I've never had a rosé butter but I'm in treat cuz I like Rosé and I like butter give me some chicken and some veggies going to have a good meal got a little bit of the Ros in there it's good with the Roso yes please so I got the burger it's an Angus burger it's got bacon tomato lettuce they even hand stamped the uh the bun that's how you know it's a nice burger very good burger great service delicious food uh chicken I told Chris like it's easy to make a forgettable chicken that was like a really good chicken like it stood out like oh it's got flavor it's not dry it's got like the seasonings on it it was just very good so we are stuffed we are tired from the day it's been a great day but we have more to come so we're going to head back to the hotel get some sleep see you guys in the morning you're good when you're on the wrong side of right guilt a mean nothing but a lers fight how fo was I now you played me like a clown good morning I'm a little bum we just missed showing you guys the most beautiful sunrise I think I'm I've seen in a very long time it was the perfect orange pink purple blue so beautiful and then we turned around and there was a full rainbow behind us such a pretty sunrise this morning Chris ran back upstairs to get the Drone and by the time he came back it was gone I think the forecast today to be cloudy but I actually felt a few raindrops while he was inside so fingers crossed it doesn't get any worse first first [Music] coffee at ven swamp we're doing an Eco explorers walk Augusta has a swamp that's where we're at welc I love overalls y that so very at home how do I [Music] look got my nap sack all right we're climbing down a ladder to get into the swamp so because of that we're not taking our good Sony camera so now we are on GoPro and cell phone I've got my cell phone but Chris has the GoPro stra to his chest so everything's going to be Chris Point sometimes I feel like I should go into like I like to go sideways it's just it's easier if I hit something to catch my balance that way then forward little further about right there there's some okay yeah I saw something jumping and then you'll take this I'll give you this next and then cheese all those big bad BS inang bang bangang bangang see right in that little puddle a bunch of stuff moving oh I see it our loot oh my Fe so we just got back on to dry land yeah Sarah is carrying her bucket full of Little Critters some we can see some we can't but yeah we're feeling very adventurous today I want to go for first okay oh he fast okay oops well [Music] shrimp are jumpy fellows won try to commit suicide so just would he be so apparently we got a bug that's not an aquatic bug he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time he's in the water now have to set him free let's see here who do we want to go for next wow all right it's like being a kid again I haven't done this kind of thing in Forever D how long have you been doing this well this program we just kicked off this year oh wow but I've been here for over a year so okay and I love it that was such a fun tour so we're at fennessy swamp and if you don't know what fennessy swamp is I didn't know what feny swamp is but there are swamps in Georgia and I knew that but I didn't know they were as far north as Augusta so Augusta has FY swamp which over 7,000 acres and they have alligators here I just want to mention that nobody told us that when they asked do you guys want to do the swamp walk and we're like yeah that sounds great that sounds like a lot of fun and I wasn't putting together like you know swamp means like Gators and snakes so much fun we got to put on the waiters I've never done the whole waiter thing we got to go into the water and you know they taught us how they capture bugs to put under a microscope we got to look at it under the microscope and then they release some back and then we got to go in the lab and see how they you know the whole water treatment process or water process and knowing where your water's coming from and going to and how you're taking care of it and it was so cool it's such a it was a great 2-hour experience everybody here was amazing you know when you look at a tour like this you think oh bring your kids and you should bring your kids to this but there were no kids on this tour it was just adults which is amazing I was like being back in school it was a field trip a lot of people come here apparently four field trips in school but we got to come and just be kids for a day I love it I love stuff like that that allows us to just kind of remember what's fun in life so if you're interested in bugs water swamp beautiful scenery it is beautiful here and they have trails and I saw people bringing their dogs here it's very peaceful they were just talking about how you know a few years back this was an illegal Dumping Ground people just dumped everything here and how they've you know restored the ecosystem of it and now mayflies apparently are very very uh susceptible to things like they are very vulnerable and they have been spotted in some of the rivers and creeks and stuff like that surrounding this area so that means that it's gotten much cleaner and much better all thanks to scientist and volunteers yeah they've done a great job in just a short amount of time we've seen other things eat each other out here now it's time for us to go eat [Music] lunchtime so we finished our swamp Expedition which was so much fun and then we ran back to the hotel grabbed Kramer and we are at Bodega Ultima they do breakfast and lunch I got breakfast cuz I haven't eaten yet today besides my coffee and Chris got lunch so meet Ash Ash is the mascot of Bodega Ultima and she's the face and cover of their like house wine which got me thinking I think we need to open up a little wine blend with Kramer's face on it yeah I'm sure that's what they want we're such wine connoisseurs I'd love to learn more about wine but oh [Music] food oh I love Gritz so good not healthy but it's good the ultimate comfort food it's like butter and cheese and Grain and salt [Music] everything that causes a heart attack man isn't good so I got a bagel it's an aago bagel and it's got chorizo tomato avocado egg I was in the mood for breakfast I haven't eaten yet today so I was like I got to get breakfast and I really wanted coffee again and coffee sounded like it was going to pair better with a breakfast Seafood than fried chicken it's good toizo we are going to be really sleepy after this so I got the Pat's chicken sandwich it's dipped in hot honey butter with lettuce tomato and pickled peppers look at this thing this they oh I smell it it's got a little spice to it it's not overwhelming doesn't burn but it's just enough to get your tongue tingling it's very good a lot of flavors are happening here it's not just your normal Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich like this is a really good chick chicken sandwich lunch or breakfast for me was delicious it had great reviews very surprising in a sense that like I thought the prices were very affordable and the food was like really good quality especially for the price I mean price aside it was really good quality Chris said it was one of the best chicken sandwiches he's ever had no exaggeration we're from Tennessee we know a good fried chicken sandwich she stole that from me I was going to come on here and say that like we're not exaggerating we're mine was really good so mine was just to give you guys sorry I didn't mean interrupt you again no no no no mine was $8 just to give you guys an idea of like how much that cost the Grits were 350 I mean I think in 2023 those prices are just really hard to beat yeah and I'm not exaggerating that was one of the best chicken sandwiches I've ever had like very good very very good the cheesy grits were good but now we can't fit inside our pants so anyway we're just carbo loaded we're ready to go let's just go I don't know where I'm going so next up we have a couple of hours we're going to run around town see some of the high spots in town which means like wood Wilson's childhood hom is here see some of historic neighborhoods and we're going to get shots and show you guys some of that but that's what we're going to do for the next couple of hours and we have more planned but that alone takes a lot of time so just behind the scenes of filming is it takes a lot of time to like orchestrate all these shots so while we're here for 48 hours we're really few of those hours are going to be spent dumping off memory cards and charging camera batteries again so right now is a little bit more of a logistical thing and we're going to go enjoy driving some of the neighborhoods and seeing some of the spots to get the shots to show you you got your msh you got your daddy's rain you're like a piece of heaven in a hurricane it's bubbling over like a sweet champagne you got your mama sunshine you got your daddy's rain starting our Friday night off at Savannah River Brewing Company we saw this earlier it looks really cute so let's go get a beer it has been a very long day in a good way it has been such a fun day but I feel like starting our evening off with a little beer it's the perfect way to do it and I love I love a well-branded brewery too isn't that a cute little logo so one of the things about Augusta is they do have a good like drinking scene so if you are into getting different types of drinks a lot of people come here for that but I did see so we had a list visit Augusta they knew we wanted to do something cuz we like here they've seen some of our other videos and they gave us a list of like five or six places they're like hey these are ones we really recommend and one of them is like one of the self- served T places I don't think we're going to make it there but I'll put all the different recommendations in our blog post about austa so if you're interested in seeing what all the places are that we discovered and we wanted to visit and maybe we didn't get to but everything that we would recommend an Augusta I'll put that in there but one of them had uh kombucha on tap which I personally really like kombucha and I know a lot of Jers they don't drink which is great I mean I'm we're not heavy drinkers we like beer and wine that's about it but I thought kombucha on top like that's good Koma it's a great alternative it has that same kind of FS beer where it's kind of carbonated and it's just got that little pop to it I like I do like it I mean I do like a good beer Friday night date night in Augusta Georgia we are at frog Hol Tavern might be the most recommended place in town it looks so good and we're very excited to go in here and eat some dinner I'm very hungry you know we started with a beer after work for a little happy hour and now it's dinner time I'm hungry we are typically old people where we eat a little earlier than most people our age it's 8:00 I think this is going to be well worth the way so let's go there's not too many places Chris and I go where they have a sign on the door it says tin tops flip-flops and athletic atar are prohibited oh man I feel like this is a good date night for us it's very rare that we go to places like this this is good we need more practice at this but I'm still wearing sneakers all right let's go to frog Holo I usually do this in the mirror but I usually don't have anybody record it so we got a pin war from the wiut valley which we were just in will Valley in Oregon so that's really why I chose like that looks good but really I just miss working a lot too happy Friday y'all this is a fun dat night this has got a nice feel about it it's nice but it's not stuffy it's you see the signs of door it's like no athletic wear which I get it's a nicer higher-end restaurant you come in and it's the waiters and the waitresses are all very kind very hospitable they're not snoody you know that kind of thing they'll get CH and they're like cool you guys belong here that's always a good sign it's a good kind of laid-back but nice dinner out still waiting to see what that food's like though but I have high expectations so I got the ricot noi heirloom tomato sauce roasted Titan Farms eggplant olives and shaved aago it's very fall tasting I really like it oh my good as good no I could taste the ricotta in it it's really good I got this special which is a pork tenderloin they have sweet potatoes regular potatoes what they did is they grilled it then they baked it and then they put like some brown sugar butter on it and it looks really good [Laughter] so that's really good that's really good so the team here at frog and Hollow were they're so hospitable so nice they're just amazing without asking us they were like let's just bring them dessert which is a fine and Noble like idea unfortunately I am allergic to nuts and every single dessert that they brought out has nuts which is a problem for me but it is not a problem for Sarah what even worse is said Chris's birthday was what 7 days ago I have yet to get him birthday cake here I am so Sarah Sarah is um feasting stuffing her face with four different with four different desserts and me on the other hand I'm just going to drink my [Music] water so if you're looking for a nice place for a nice date night or maybe you're trying to celebrate a birthday or maybe you're here for the Masters come to this place not only is the food great because this is one of the most tender pieces of meat I've ever had but the service is so good and Sarah is just like having an entirely different experience behind me eating this [Music] dessert the worst part is like apple pie is Chris's favorite I think it's apple crisp or crumble or I don't know what man but it [Music] is sorry so don't be like me don't be allergic to nuts I've never had somebody show up at my table with four desserts all for me this is heaven this is what heaven's going to look [Music] like all right so we are at fat which I love that it's Forks Area Trail system it's this area it's actually on the South Carolina side of Augusta so if you don't know Augusta is right on the border so the Savannah River is the dividing point between Georgia and South Carolina and most of the city is on the Georgia side and that's everything we featured so far as just been Georgia except for this one and it's very much shared by the community because it's actually on Federal Land I look like they have like 20 something miles of trails here primarily mountain biking there are some trails that are just mountain biking only but pedestrians are allowed on most of them too and so are four-legged friends so we have a long drive ahead of us we are heading back to Chad nooga today it's about 4 4 and 1 half hours from us so before we get in the car we are going to go for a good little run little trail run got our trail shoes [Music] on got a few miles in I think we're ready for some breakfast breakfast [Music] time we're at the Brunch House of Augusta I instantly loved it the second I walked in so the girl who welcomed us her name is Ashley and she's one of the owners of the restaurant it's actually a very small family run restaurant it's about 2 and 1 half years old right now so it's like her parents and her and it's just it's really cool I love places like that it's got a great old Diner BBE when she said oh we've only been here 2 and a half years like really cuz it really surprised me because cuz it feels like something that got step back in time like maybe it's like a neighborhood institution that's just been here forever can't guarantee I'm going to go healthy on this morning's venue because there are some really good like classic southern breakfast thingss and one thing that South is know for is biscuits and she said we have homemade house biscuits every day okay it's got to be something with a biscuit [Music] today oh baby no I Ain [Applause] [Music] we haven't done this but we should set up a time lapse because everybody in this kitchen I mean like it is such a they are moving and it is a tight space they have turned so many people away uh people trying to get in to eat they're like sorry no room and they are just moving as fast as they can I don't think they do reservations they're open from 9 to 2 Wednesday through Saturday and then 9: to 3 on Sunday they're close Monday Tuesday they don't do creations it's a it's like a diner so it's a relatively small space you either wait a long time or you walk away but get here it's so worth it like if you've never had good southern food I can already tell this is going to be the place to eat I love I miss like less and less people in the South are presently because there's just so much changing and that kind of thing people here they still call you sweetie and stuff I just you don't see that much anymore I'm like oh I love that we may have stumbled on to an Augusta not so Secret secret locals obviously know something we're sorry we're we we're exposing this right now so anticipation is high let me know if you need an extra plate so you don't mess around try to take another body thank you thank you okay I got the Benedict and they're famous for like their shrimp and their salmon so there's salmon and then each side has a piece of shrimp on it too it's got the poached egg they make their sauce fresh every day they said so it's like the lemon holling sauce and then the homemade biscuit you see it oh it smells so good yes yes I love good biscuits I'm like don't Southern just you know all you people who are not from the south and you're like oh my gosh everything in the South like is probably that healthy you know what it's right right it's not that healthy but it is good and then Chris got there the other thing they're very known for is their stuffed French toast so he got Apple they had apple strawberry and blueberry looks so oh my gosh that's like apple pie it's like a doughnut and an apple pie at a baby oh it's sticky though when you go somewhere like this and the menu has a lot of options I always ask like what do you recommend cuz most likely the waitresses they tried it before and this is like the most these are two of the most recommended things we wanted one sweet one Savory just to try a little bit of both so we're going to share both I'm very excited about this I breakfast my favorite meal we rarely get hot meals cuz we have to sit there have to take photos of it have to do slow-mo of it we have to talk about it and then we have to get us eating our first bite on camera it's quite the ordeal I know this looks like a PL job but it's hard someone's got to do it though oops great Ashley one of the owners just walked by as I was making that face did she laugh that's good that is really good now I'm going to watch here the egg you ready watch the egg oh yeah that salmon in there is so but it has such a good salmon I feel like fish can get lost sometimes if it's not good that's good it doesn't get overly lost especially with all the other Savory things happening it's got the perfect amount of fish flavor to it and then the holiday sauce it's got a lemony kick to it so it's refreshing alongside like a really comforting warm biscuit oh it smells like an apple pie today's going to be a great day I'm going to be hopped up on sugar but this is really good the bread is really dense it's fluffy and it's not overly sweet yes it is sweet it tastes like a dessert breakfast but it's not like the sugar is rushing and hitting your mouth all at the same time it's very subtle very good when I'm passionate about something I'm passionate don't need to sleep on this now I haven't had the the Benedict yet but this this is really good clearly we didn't enjoy it at all made a real rookie mistake and wore my least forgiving denim overalls I own multiple pairs of overalls I feel like I need to preface that I have like horf five fairs these are the kind that they have zero gift they do not stretch big mistake breakfast was delicious I think honestly it's hard to beat a good breakfast food and this place the I mean I know we walking with cameras and so people are very on alert but they were all so genuinely nice and not just to us but to everyone in there they just there was I was listening to their customer service and the family who owns the place they're just they're great at what they do and it shows and obviously doing something right for to be 2 and 1/2 years old and we got here at like 9:15 they opened at 9:00 and we took one of the last tables and like people are moving in and out like they're pretty quick it's worth the wait truth be told we're going to be moving slow real slow we we feel good you know I'm just really thankful Augusta has a lot to do outdoors like moving around because we have eaten really well this week like really well I mean we weren't planning on this being we're planning on this being in an Augusta food tour but man like there's some good food down [Music] here you know I just have a thought new hair new lifestyle it's all kind of work the only reason we found this coffee shop because it hasn't technically opened yet by the time this video comes out it will open but we were driving past and both Sarah and I said we want to stop there it's a really cute it they were saying that it used to be a Sinclair station um and it was for a long time then it just sat empty and I don't know if they did this on purpose or not but the green is still sort of the Sinclair green did you notice that like the old Sinclair greens they did a really good job the lady who designed it apparently she's newer in interior design and she just owned it she completely killed it like you guys know we love coffee like they serve Onyx Coffee which is based out of Arkansas very high quality coffee one of of our favorites in the country their coffee is great we love good shop one of the reasons we love coffee is actually the community aspect and that's what they were saying it's like they went and started this coffee shop as a way for the community it was a community aspect before even the coffee aspect they did both really well and it's one of our favorite shops been to in a while first off they served us our drinks for here and these real glasses which I think is such a nice touch cuz not many coffee shops do that it's very pretty but I got they have you know typical lattes vados every sort of espresso drink you can imagine but then they also have like their rotating seasonal flavors and special to drinks and this one's their fall one it have pumpkin spice butternut squash it's so good but it's not I was kind of oh maybe be a little sweet it's not too sweet it's you taste the espresso first and then you taste all the compliment flavors really nice and then Chris got the Mexican chili one it's another one of our specialty drinks but it has tahen in it and chilies and peppers it just it's another espresso base got it ice so it's weird having like the heat but then also the ice of the drink but it's another one where you taste the espresso first and then you taste like the the heat it's not too spicy kind of remind be like Mexican chocolate kind of taste you know where it's like it's a warmth it's good if you're in the Augusta area or maybe you just need to get out of Atlanta or Chattanooga or Nashville or wherever you need to visit this coffee shop it's very very well [Music] done [Music] so right now we're on the Riverwalk which is really Pleasant it's a Saturday morning and I think there's some sort of like charity walk behind us yeah and a farmers market is happening right over there and they look like they had some good stuff they did I we like a good Farmers Market but the river that's in front of us right now is the same river that we were kaying on our first night here and we saw this Amphitheater from the river and it looks so nice Augusta has been surprising me this entire time and yes this video visit austa asked us to come down and just explore and when we do videos like this you know a lot of times we struggle with the fact of like we don't want to say everything's amazing everything's great because in reality it's not and it's not true to the city it's not true to you um but I can genuinely say that Augusta keeps surprising me on what they have to offer and where they're continuing to go and you're not just referencing Augusta you're referencing as all of our travel videos we don't want every video to be like this place is the best cuz obviously what's the standard of everything's the best but we also don't like to do negative things but so we try to if we're featuring it it's because we really genuinely like it if we don't like it we just don't put it in but Augusta has really surprised Us in the sense that they have invested more in the downtown area than what I had expected and more into trails and honestly I feel like they've done yes they brought us into to encourage tourism but I feel like the video is also going to be aimed at locals who may not know that their own city has something and that's what we like to do is not just for people to go visit a place but for the own locals to say I had no idea that was in my backyard cuz I mean if there's one thing we got out of 2020 is that you and I explored a lot in our backyard and that there's plenty of stuff just outside your door yeah so if you're visiting Augusta come to the Riverwalk it's it is nice and pleasant and before we go to the farmers market I'm really still kind of upset about last night's dessert Fiasco and I saw a place that had dessert and by golly I'm going to get some dessert today we're going to get the peanut butter pie I saw it in the window like that's what we're ordering chis Chris looked at me like you could have kidding me all right let's just [Music] go I let Chris choose because I obviously got to dessert last night the plan was to come here for dessert after dinner we were too late so Chris I owed him still a piece of cheesecake cuz that's what they're famous for and he chose cookies and cream cheesecake I think you're going to eat off this for days it's a big piece of cheesecake everyone said we had to come here and they said the dessert is what they're most known for specifically their cheesecake now their other cakes their traditional cakes look delicious too but cheesecake how are we going to get this home without a fridge for behind the scenes and extra content you can head head on over to our patreon community otherwise be sure to follow on Instagram or like And subscribe here it really helps creators like [Music] us
Channel: Chris and Sara
Views: 14,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: augusta georgia, things to do in augusta ga, things to do in augusta, what to do in georgia, augusta ga, best things to do in augusta, what to do in augusta, traveling to augusta, best things to do in augusta georgia, where to go in augusta, augusta georgia travel, travel vlog, small town, usa travel, travel couple, chris and sara
Id: mn5ogB5zu5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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