Audyssey MultEQ XT32 Setup | Marantz SR8012 Dolby Atmos Receiver

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hey what's up YouTube this is youth man in this video we're gonna be setting up and configuring Odysseys multi eq xt 32 room calibration software but before we get into the video if you're into home theater audio and video hit that subscribe button and don't forget to hit that Bell notification so that you'll be notified when the next video drops all right guys want to give a big thanks to Marantz for sponsoring this series as we continue on the marantz sr 80 12 receiver in this video we're gonna be walking through step by step how to set up and calibrate your system with Odyssey now even if you don't have the exact version of Odyssey that I do maybe have an older version of Odyssey it's still the basic principle so even if you don't have the exact receiver or the exact version of Odyssey there's still a lot of information that'll be valuable to you in this video so let's go ahead and get started okay the first thing we need to do is get our Odyssey room correction microphone and so we're gonna go ahead and take this out of the box and it comes with a really long cable so you can position it through various areas in your room on this other end you've got this 3.5 millimeter jack we're gonna open up the marantz right over here on the SR 80 12 it says setup bike I'm just gonna plug it into that port right there the next thing we want to do is take the Odyssey microphone and secure it to a tripod now in my case I've got a tripod so we're gonna screw it into here if you don't have a tripod Marantz has included a cardboard tripod now this is pretty weak now there's nothing fancy about this it's just cardboard and really it's not that great but it'll do in a pinch if you do not have a tripod basically each one of these are lettered so you've got the a so you'll match the a up with that then the B on top of that and the C on top of that so once you get it all configured there's these little tabs that allow you to slide this in here like this and you can see there's a little tab right here you can push the tab in and that keeps it from sliding down once you get all the pieces together you can take the microphone slide it in these little corners like this give it a little half spin and it secures it in there so I'm gonna take the base of my tripod and we're just gonna screw that into the bottom of the microphone just like that and we take my tripod and secure the base to the top on just like that you want to make sure that you have the height of the microphone right at about your level so what I tend to do is sit in the seat next to it and adjust the height until the top of the microphone is right about my ear level all right once we power on the marantz we're going into the setup button on the remote we're gonna come down here to setup assistant and then we're gonna come down to speaker setup now in the speaker setup it's gonna walk you step-by-step on how to connect your speakers so we're gonna go ahead and go through each one of these real quickly there's a couple of questions that will ask you like do you have a center channel yes we do do I have surrounds I do do we have surround backs which would be the 7.2 part of it so yes I have those and I have two speakers and on this screen it allows you to select whether or not you have Dolby Atmos or auro-3d or DTS X setup so in my case I have four Dolby Atmos in-ceiling speakers so I'm going to come down to four speakers two pairs click enter and then it's going to ask you what setup do you have in this situation you have two front height and two top middle you can have front height and top rear there's front height and surround height front height and rear height top front and top rear top front and rear height or top middle and rear height so in my setup again I have four in ceiling speakers and so I'm gonna select top front and top rear and hit enter it walks you through on how to connect those on the back your receiver do I have a subwoofer yes we do and in this case I'm just setting up one subwoofer so I'm gonna select one it shows you on the back of the receiver where to connect that on the sub one output and here's the summary we've got front speakers a center speaker one subwoofer surrounds surround backs and top front and top rear Dolby Atmos speakers we're going to click Next and now we're going to begin to play some test tones through the system and through your speakers and it's going to test that with the microphone so we're going to click Next the subwoofers turned on so we're gonna hit next so we can hear the front somebody hit yes I hear the center I hear the right I hate the surround right surround back [Music] okay so we were able to hear all the speakers now we're gonna come down the speaker calibration where the actual calibration setup is going to take place so it's going to walk you through what I just showed you earlier in the video it shows our current configuration which is correct so we're gonna hit next it walks you through on how to set it up either on a tripod or the included tripod where to plug that in which we've already covered our subwoofer is set at 50 percent and so Odyssey multi cue XT 32 allows up to eight different measurements in your room and as you can see there's one couch with basically three seats and at a center seat a right seat and left seat and what you're going to want to do is place the microphone in various positions around what we call the primary listening position which is noted on number one in the center now in my setup I have two rows of seating so I have a row of three in the front as well as a row of three in the back and you may think to yourself wouldn't you want to place the microphone in each of my six seating positions and the answer to that question is no because you can't really physically optimize that broad of a space you can't optimize an entire room and make sure everybody gets great sound in that so what you're going to want to do is to optimize for your primary listening position in my case it is position one which is the center seat and then we're going to place the microphone about two feet apart from that number one position in those eight seating positions so let's go ahead and go to next we've got the microphone pointed straight upward and it's at ear Heights we'll hit next and now it's just going to tell you please be quiet make sure you turn off your cellphone's turn off any noises and distractions try to do it when maybe nobody's home as well so we'll click Next and once you're ready to begin we're gonna click begin test okay so in this case it determined that the subwoofer level is actually too high so we're going to do is click on subwoofer level matching and now we're going to go to the back of the subwoofer and reduce the gain until we get it down to something that Odyssey likes so that right there so what Odyssey likes to see is that you have the subwoofer around 75 DB and as you can see here it's bouncing between 74 and 75 so we're fine so we're gonna click next and we're gonna click continue alright so Odyssey has gone around through each individual speaker to test those so we're gonna click Next and now it's going to show you to place it in position number two so I'm going to quickly move the microphone over to the second seat about two feet from the original position and then we're gonna continue the testing now for this demo I'm gonna go ahead and speed it up because you're just gonna repeat this process through all eight positions around your primary listening position it's going to take probably around 20 minutes to do the testing of all eight seating positions so I'm going to go ahead and pause the video here while I go through the remaining seven positions okay so I've taken measurements from each of the eight positions and now we're going to hit continue and the marantz is going to calculate that and analyze that data so my recommendation here is to turn dynamic EQ on someone go ahead and fast-forward through this it'll take just a few minutes for it to analyze it as well as make some Corrections once it's applied the room corrections will click next and we'll go and disconnect the microphone so Odyssey has finished calibrating so we'll click Next and now what we want to do is return to the main menu by hitting return so now what we want to do is go up to speakers and hit enter come down to manual setup and then let's come down to speaker configuration now what you'll see here is that the receiver has received the information from Odyssey and the marantz has determined that it believes that the Front's need to be set to large my recommendation is to set your Front's your center surround set all of those to small and then you'll set your crossovers to where certain frequencies will be sent to your main speakers and your surrounds and your Atmos speakers and frequencies below that crossover are going to be sent to the subwoofer so we're gonna click enter we're gonna change this from large to small thus intercepts are small so that's fine I've got one subwoofer surrounds and surround backs are set to small so we're good there and then the top and rear are set to small as well for my at most speakers so we're good there we're gonna hit back or exit now one thing that you can do is come down the distances and check to see how well it measured it your front your rears your surrounds and you can check those and actually pull out a tape measure to make sure those are accurate we're gonna go back now one thing I do like to do is come down to levels I won't do it in this demonstration because I've done it in a previous video but if you go to levels you can click test tone start and it will play a test tone through each speaker one at a time if you have an SPL meter as you cycle through each speaker you want to make sure that each speaker level is the same exact volume on your SPL meter so let's say your front left registers on the DB meter at 75 DB and when you go to your center channel it registers at 73 you're going to want to bump that up a few decibels till gets to 75 DB and the reason for this is you want all of your speakers to have the same exact volume so that they're what they call level matched but for this demonstration like I said we won't do that I'm gonna go back we're gonna come down to crossovers knowing the crossover selection we have the option of setting a crossover frequency for each individual speaker now you can see here the marantz received the information from Odyssey and it determined that the front speakers need to be set with a crossover of 40 Hertz now what that means is frequencies that are 40 Hertz and above will be sent to the front speakers while frequencies that are 40 Hertz and below will be sent to the subwoofer now if you saw my video called Odyssey got it wrong I'll link it in the card above as well as in the description below I found out that setting your crossover at 40 Hertz really isn't the most ideal situation and the main reason is I was listening to music during that video and I just was not getting the slam that I knew I should from the subwoofer and the reason is is the frequencies during that song we're probably in the 50 to 60 Hertz range so all of those bass frequencies were being sent to my main speakers instead of the subwoofer so what I like to do is set my front crossover to 80 Hertz typically you're gonna want to set it anywhere between say 60 and 80 you can try each one and see what sounds best to your ears there's really no right or wrong my preference as well as THX's recommendations is to set that at 80 Hertz the center channel I'm gonna do the same thing set that to 80 the surrounds I'm gonna set those to 80 now you'll see the marantz set the top front at most speaker and the top rear at most speaker at 120 Hertz and 150 Hertz since I have in-ceiling speakers there's no reason not to run them at 80 Hertz now if you have Dolby Atmos up firing speakers the ones that you would place on top of a front tower or rear surrounds you would want to use a higher frequency such as a hundred and ten Hertz maybe up to even 200 Hertz because you're having to reflect the sound off of the ceiling and then back down to your listening position and frequencies below 110 Hertz aren't going to be very directive and so for my setup again I'm going to change this to 80 Hertz for both the top front as well as my top rear speakers now again these are not the absolute this is how you need to do it this is my preference from what I've experienced in my own home theater by all means play with the crossovers and see what sounds best to your ears these are just some general settings for you to try so once we've set our crossovers we'll go back to the main menu and then we're gonna come down to base and make sure that this is set to 120 Hertz now this was always really confusing to me so I'll try to explain it pretty simple the LFE is its own individual channel which basically stands for low frequency effects so when you set your front main speakers to say 80 Hertz any sound that comes to the front speakers that are below 80 Hertz will be routed to the subwoofer but when sound engineers make a track for a movie they also include low frequency effects that don't come through the main speakers they're going directly through that LFE channel and those frequencies are anywhere from 120 Hertz down and so if you change this to say 80 Hertz to match your front speakers any content that the sound engineer sent through that LFE channel that's a hundred and twenty Hertz down to 80 Hertz you will not hear and you will not experience so in essence you'll be missing out on content that the sound engineers desired for you to hear so my recommendation is leave your subwoofer mode to LFE and lead the LFE set to 120 so now we'll go back to the main menu and we can exit the setup menu okay so there you have a comprehensive step-by-step walkthrough on how to calibrate your system using the odyssey room calibration setup now if you have any questions regarding Odyssey feel free to leave those down in the comments below as well as any tips or tricks that you have that you want to share with others now if you're interested in purchasing the SR 8012 I'll leave a link to it down in the description and if you're interested in other videos on the marantz SR 8012 you can check out this playlist right here well guys I'm gonna wrap up the video here hope you enjoyed it if you did smash that like button if you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe and as always you guys be blessed and we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Youthman
Views: 132,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audyssey MultEQ XT32 | Complete Walkthrough and Setup with the Marantz SR8012 Receiver, Audyssey MultEQ XT32 Calibration, Audyssey MultEQ XT32 Setup, Audyssey MultEQ XT32 Walkthrough, Marantz SR8012 Dolby Atmos Receiver, Marantz SR8012 Dolby Atmos, Marantz SR8012, Marantz, Receiver, Home Theater, Dolby Atmos
Id: 6Z0svzYSAEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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