AUDITION LEAVES JUDGES SPEECHLESS! Emotional Original Song On American Idol 2018

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My biological mom had me at a very young age she was 15 or 16 when she had me I guess she just felt like she wouldn't be able to give me the life that somebody else could so she Supposedly traded me for a car to some family in Birmingham That Person wasn't capable of taking care of a baby so a short time later. I was adopted Patricia elder raised me no father in the house most of the time she worked two jobs Just to make sure that I could play those sports and do all those extra things that everybody else was doing My mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 14 she was Cancer-free for two or three years and then the cancer came back you got to the point where there was nothing they could do anymore It was tough tough for me it was tough for my whole family And that's really when I turned to music mom got me my first guitar that Christmas It was just cheap guitar, and I started playing and I was really terrible at it. I Started singing a lot in front of her she liked it, so I just kept singing My mom's battle with cancer ended and she passed away in April of 2016 Without her there's no telling where I'd be right now You know she provided me with a stable home and worked very hard to get me where I'm at today Man I don't know if I've ever heard a story like that so me either I guess it makes you a lot stronger in life. Huh yeah yeah stronger I guess humble blessed to be here, so well. No matter what happens here today, man Congrats on being here thank what a what a ride and What are you singing for us today? I'm actually gonna sing an original song. It's called gone It's like a tribute song that I wrote for my mom. Okay. Oh Let's hear I know I can go I can Give you everything that I had any more All that I ever had Was for you to give me everything that you had no more Because the days are getting shorter It's a nice grow long and I sit alone all day Just to ride in this song, but I can't see you anymore cuz of your up dog your uncle When I was a young boy, you took me in and loved me as your own The ladies love that anyone can ever know Is the love from a mother's heart though, we are far apart I know As it is for my guitar I look up at the star you were finally home I Know I can know I can Give you everything that I had Oh Brandon I'm honestly honored you did something few people can do you wrote a song Magically from the heart that had two chords. You just slayed it in my opinion but Speaking on behalf of songwriters around the world to express everything To where the first time you ever hear it you get Got it yes sir, man, that was amazing like Songwriting is in your wheelhouse forever You wear your heart on your sleeve it makes for great song line I'm going to sit here for a moment and Decide whether the singing part is the part? I wanted push you forward You've got a genuineness about you A realness that you know is hard to find and are they weak we got to help your voice out just a little bit But I think there's something there Thank you. Let's do the vote okay three times the lady was about my mom I Think you did it very well. I think you got a yes for me Thank you That's a yes for me Thank you. I love your voice I was not expecting your voice to be that dadgum good. I didn't see you coming brother So now he's going, but now you're Dollywood. Thank you. Love it Thank you Thanks, man awesome. It's awesome preciate a job. It's great to meet so yeah, Thank You Philip. Thanks. I appreciate it you guys Thank you. Take care, man
Channel: undefined
Views: 7,510,304
Rating: 4.8919597 out of 5
Keywords: american idol 2018, american idol judges speechless, american idol audition, american idol audition 2018, judges left speechless, american idol judges, american idol judges left speechless, speechless audition, audition leaves judges speechless, emotional audition american idol, emotional audition, original song american idol, heartfelt song, american idol brandon elder, brandon elder american idol
Id: Gg9dYwd-Nfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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