Audi's Supercharged V16 Were Deadly Fast

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constructed during the tough times of degrade depression the Silver Arrows were renowned Mercedes Grand Prix vehicles that served as a dominant force on the racetrack surpassing all opposition Hitler was a keen Enthusiast of the sport and decided to support domestic manufacturers by providing a substantial sum of 500 000 Deutsche marks while Mercedes a spot to take the entirety of this financial support a novel company tried to claim a portion of it in order to fund their own V16 racing program [Applause] [Music] Story begins with Palin and Porsche who established a new development and consultancy firm in collaboration with his son-in-law Anton Pierre and a trusted friend and racing driver for Mercedes Adolf Rosenberger the company was tasked by the vendora brand to design a race car but the financially struggling company was ultimately forced to shut down and became integrated into a large conglomerate this Association became famous as old Union merging for automobile manufacturers into a single entity Audi vendora de Cave and Horst despite this process Porsche remained unwearingly diligent and soon after the merge with the assistance of another engineer Carl Rabe the company presented the board with a new Motorsport project regrettably for Mercedes these represented a tough competitor for the upcoming Seasons the cow was constructed in an adherence to a fresh regulation that specified a maximum Drive weight of 750 kilograms excluding driver and tires which the authorities anticipated would result in engines with an approximate capacity of two and a half liters the project was dubbed the p-wagon with the p signifying Porsche a rubber was responsible for the chassis development while Joseph Carlos attended to the engine the initial tests were conducted in the Autumn of 1933 at the neighborgreen racetrack and they exhibited tremendous promise the development team ultimately opted for a rear mid-placed engine situated within a leather frame accompanied by an entirely independent suspension the power plant was one of a kind creation meticulously constructed by Porsche specifically for the Stars foreign posh's goal was to create a large engine that would generate substantial power at low RPM without the need for high revs to Shield this they decided to build a narrow v-shaped six things on the engine with a small bore this engine was designed to fade into the slim form of the car the first model the 1934 All Tune in type A featured cylinders measuring 68 by 75 millimeters which resulted in a displacement of 4.4 liters a significant difference from the 2.5 liter estimation the engine was equipped with a single Road supercharger that provided decent boost of 0.61 bar at just 2700 RPM the engine generated an impressive 5 and 30 newton meters of torque and 295 horsepower at 4500 RPM for its time the engine was technically Advanced and remains remarkable even today except for a few luxury automobiles such as Marmon or Cadillac the V16 concept was not commonly used and a straight 8 engine was the Preferred Choice drawing inspiration from aircraft engines the all-aluminum engine was built with four steel wet liners that could accommodate much larger balls in the future they narrow 45 degree angle allowed for even firing and compact footprint Additionally the design was simplified as there was only a single overhead camshaft in the middle held by nine plane bearings which operated all 32 valves the intake valves placed inside were managed directly by thing followers while the outer exhaust valves were operated by push rods and Roku arms set at a 90 degree valve angle this design created a hemisphere combustion chamber which in combination with flat top pistons resulted in a compression ratio of 7 to 1. the crankshaft was constructed of a durable forced chromium nickel steel alloy and rested on 10 roll bearings the block itself was cast with the robust webs and the cards allowing the sum to be a non-structural piece the rose type supercharger was situated vertically behind the engine conserving space and supplying air through a two barrel solex carburetor to the intake located low between the cylinders this layout saved a substantial amount of space in comparison to a conventional top mounted intake manifold the camshaft all pumps supercharger and Bosch magnetos were all powered by a gear driven shaft nonetheless the rear-made place power plant presented handling difficulties caused by the weight being concentrated over the rear axle despite providing additional room for the drive [Music] [Applause] ah 1935 the type B emerged onto the racing scene showcasing a large engine with a displacement of 5 liters the engine Incorporated larger Pistons with increased balls measuring 72.5 millimeters and added domes to boost the compression ratio to an impressive 8.25 to 1. in addition they raised the Boost level to 0.75 bar to keep Pace with fast Mercedes resulting in a pile output of 375 horsepower and torque of 660 newton meters these vehicles were so incredibly powerful that drivers often experience wheel spin at speeds of 160 kilometers per hour while shifting despite the weight distribution being 40 to 60. 80 years ago [Music] the ultimate iteration of the V16 automobile engine was introduced during the 1936 and 1937 racing Seasons this time the engine was modified with an enlarged bore and stroke altogether housing a health produced multi-piece crankshaft on plane bearings the conrades were forged from a single piece of metal and operated on needle bearings the Innovative design of callus allowed for a limitless range of engine displacements with the engine growing to a massive 6 liter size featuring cylinders moving 75 by 85 millimeters foreign horsepower with a compression ratio of 9.2 to 1 however the type C's top models received an additional supercharger which easily delivered one bar of Boost the most powerful variant of the type C produced 630 horsepower at 5000 RPM with a torque reaching an astounding 882 newton meters these statistics allow the car to achieve a top speed of over 400 kilometers per hour inspiring auto tune to break the land speed record with a streamlined version burned rosemeier one of the three pilots who mastered the tricky handling of all two unions Silver Arrows along with Tatsu novolari and Han stuk was called for this task rosenmeier achieved a remarkable speed of 432 kilometers per hour but unfortunately he lost his life during another attempt due to heavy sidewind crashing into a forest at 300 kilometers per hour [Music] thank you the V16 engine of the auto tune in Silver Arrows was not without its flaws particularly due to carburetor's inability to respond to ABRA thrall changes the engine of a misfied sending a flame into the intake and igniting the air fuel mixture inside this put significant stress on the supercharger and other components and in an attempt to remedy this a wastegate system was implemented to vent fuel into the atmosphere however this posed a health hazard to passing drivers as the toxic fuel could cause respiratory issues and even coughing of blood alongside the high speeds these machines were capable of this is a great example of how astonishingly dangerous the mod spot was during the 1930s and 1940s [Music] in terms of their racing success the altion and silver arrows were quite formidable boasting an impressive record of 25 GP victories between 1935 and 1937 the type D model developed after the last B16 engine used a V12 which was half its size but with roughly the same power interestingly it's been rumored that Porsche even went so far as producing a 6.3 liters 16s on the variant with 77 millimeter balls specifically for the purpose of breaking records after the war many of these cars were seized by the Soviets as War booty as the ultimate Factory at suika was situated in the soviet-controlled East Germany our turning was subsequentially forced to relocate to Ingolstadt in West Germany which now serves as the headquarters for Audi the surviving cars were sent to the USSR for scientific research purposes resulting in the absence of any type A and beam models today only a single type c is on display at the German museum while three type DS are still in existence [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VisioRacer
Views: 153,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VisioRacer, engine, sound, Auto Union, Audi, V16, Type C, Roots, supercharger, Ferdinand Porsche, Porsche, Soviets
Id: hCvQ_ox_8Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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