Audient iD44 MKII Audio Interface - EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW 🔥

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this is the audient id 44 mark ii and this is a premium audio interface which is why it cost a bit more than some of the other ones out there but it also has four of the juiciest mic preamps that you have ever heard plus it has class leading converters so that's really what you're paying for here it's like having console quality right on your desktop you will absolutely hear a difference when you plug into this audio interface you also have sins and returns to easily incorporate outboard gear to jfet di inputs for guitar or bass for analog outputs to optical inputs and outputs two independent headphone outputs physical knobs and switches for everything three programmable function buttons for things like switching speakers or mono mode dedicated buttons for talkback mute and dim scroll control an on-screen mixer loopback and a ton more so in this video we'll go through everything starting with unboxing to getting your drivers we'll check out all of the features and functions go over the mixer routing see how to record how to set up a qmix how to use loopback and everything else that you want to know about the audient id44 mark ii [Music] [Music] first we'll start with the box feel free to pause if you want to read all of this then we'll pop it open and see what's inside here's your quick start guide and you can download the full manual from the website just hit pause if you want to read all of this then we'll pop open this box and in here you have your power supply with the regional adapters i'm in the us so i'll use this one but there are also adapters for the uk eu and australia in this box you'll find the usb cables you might need to fish around to get them out of there you'll get a usbc to usbc cable and a usbc to usb a cable and there's the interface here's a quick look at the difference in size between the id14 mark ii and the id 44 mark ii alright so that's everything included in the box the id44 mark ii unit is really built like a tank it has all metal construction and it really feels like quality whenever you handle it it also features a modern minimalistic design and color scheme with its black top and smoke gray accent the bottom has four rubber feet to keep the unit from sliding around and you'll also find your serial number and pin on the bottom on the front you have two independent headphone outputs with individual volume knobs for each as you can see there's actually three ports here two quarter inch ports and a 1 8 inch port or 3.5 millimeter port so you could actually plug in three pairs of headphones but output one will share an audio stream over to the left you have two jfet di inputs for guitar or bass and when you plug into one of the inputs on the front it will override the corresponding input on the rear so that just means if you have your guitar plugged into input 1 on the front you wouldn't want to plug your microphone into input 1 on the rear since that input will be bypassed so just plug your microphone into a different input if you want to use it simultaneously with your guitar to the rear of the unit you have four of the award-winning audient console mic preamps with 60db of clean and juicy gain and that's enough for condenser microphones and most dynamic microphones if you're using them for music related purposes however if you are using broadcast style dynamic microphones for voice over podcasting live streaming or youtube videos then you'll probably want to have a cloud lifter type device on hand for mics like the shore sm7b which of course require a minimum of 60 db of gain and oftentimes sound better with 65 to 70 db of gain you can also use quarter inch trs cables for line level devices like an external synth or the output of a mixer and we also have inserts on channels 1 and 2 which makes it very easy to incorporate outboard gear and we'll have a separate chapter for the inserts then we have four line outputs and this is where you would connect your studio monitors or maybe a headphone amp or other external gear you have a word clock output two optical inputs and outputs so you can easily expand the id44 up to 20 in and 24 out so if you want to add another 16 mic inputs then this is where you would connect your external mic preamps here's your usbc port the power port and the on off switch on the top you have your four input gain knobs and these are sturdy metal knobs by the way there are signal and peak lights for each input then you have per channel switches for 48 volt phantom power minus 10 db pad and a low cut or high pass at 100 hertz to remove low end rumble from a signal this is the main volume knob and it's also your scroll control knob when you activate the id button there's a dedicated button for dim and cut also known as mute and talk back then you have three programmable function buttons and you can assign the function in the mixer for things like mono mode phase flip and to switch the speakers here's your volume knobs for your headphone outputs as we've already seen this is your usb status light and the eight segment main meters and these indicate the output level of the id mixer app so you'll still need to keep an eye on the meters in your daw there's also a kensington lock on the right side of the unit yes the id44 mark ii does cost more than other audio interfaces out there with a similar i o or even with more i o so why is that well what you're really paying for is the amazing mic preamps and the superb adc or analog to digital converters this is one of those premium audio interfaces where you'll actually hear a difference a positive difference whenever you plug into it the mic preamps have an insanely wide frequency response from 10 hertz to 65k while most audio interfaces under a thousand dollars and really even a lot over a thousand dollars have mic preamps with a frequency response of 20 hertz to 20k and sometimes you'll find something with 20 hertz to 35k so that might be a reason why you'd want to consider an audient because you're always going to get great mic preamps i mean even with something like the audient evo 16 which we already have a full video on that you're getting mic preamps with a frequency response of 10 hertz to 40k and that unit is under 500. so audient is always on point with their mic preamps and of course you know there's more to an audio interface than just preamps and i'm not saying any of those other audio interfaces are bad i happen to own you know several audio interfaces with 20 hertz 220k preamps and you can make a hit song with any of them but it's just something that you might want to consider whenever you're comparing features with other audio interfaces you know the frequency response of mic preamps is an often overlooked feature whenever you're making comparisons with other audio interfaces and when you plug into the id44 mark ii you are going to hear a difference you know one thing i really like about these preamps when paired with the sm7b and i am using a code of stealth as well right now which is it's like a cloud lifter but with these preamps the sm7b has a present and articulate top end a natural wide and defined low end and a clear and juicy mid-range whereas with some preamps when you use them with the sm7b uh you end up getting a resonant sort of wolfy lower mid-range in a harsh you know like a harsh resonance around 2.2 k or so in a round and warm bottom end that kind of just overpowers everything so you end up having to do a lot of eq to carve out all of that resonance and the boxiness and you just don't get that with the id44 mark ii but it's not just the sm7b that sounds great through these preamps i could even use this cheap 99 audio technica at2020 condenser microphone and there are no effects at all this is completely raw straight into the preamps no plug-ins no effects and it sounds crisp it sounds clear and it sounds articulate i could even use this cheap 59 microphone and it sounds great through these preamps again no effects completely raw i can get in closer for that proximity effect in a world where one man fights for great preamps alright the bottom on that really sounds great but i can engage the high pass and get rid of some of that extreme low end make things you know a little bit more clear check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two check one two and back on in a world where one man fights okay we we get the idea but one more time here check one two check one two great proximity effect in that but again use that high pass filter boom dials out some of that extreme low end or i could switch to a standard dynamic mic like the shore sm58 straight into the audio interface again no effects it sounds great i could turn on some effects and now it sounds even better because of course we have some eq in there some compression some de-essing and some other effects in there as well or we could switch to the rode broadcaster and this is the mic that i'm using for the majority of the voice over now right now there are no effects and it sounds great very natural it might be a little bit sibilant because this is a very sensitive condenser microphone so i'll pop on some effects all right there we go now we got a bit of eq compression de-essing and a much more professional sound so i describe these preamps as natural clear articulate defined sweet and above all else juicy they just have a special just juiciness to them you know they really are some of the best preamps out there on the market so when you're comparing audio interfaces and you're wondering why one with less i o less analog i o is more expensive than one with more analog i o well what you're really paying for are those internal components the clock the preamps the converters you know things you can't even see or touch but you can hear they will make a difference to your overall sound so that might be a reason why you would you know want to choose the id44 over something else but it really comes down to the features that you need for your studio and the amount that you're willing to spend again there are plenty of great audio interfaces out there and you can make a hit song or a hit podcast with any of them i just wanted to point out why the id44 mark ii cost a bit more and why you should consider internal components when comparing the other features between audio interfaces in your price range before we connect the id44 to our computer let's go ahead and get our drivers come to this site and download the driver for your system even if you are on macintosh you'll still want to install the driver so you can get the id mixer you should also download the full manual while you're here then install the driver alright there we go next we'll connect the id44 to the computer so connect the usb cable and of course you can use either one of the included cables but i'm using a third-party usbc cable because i need something a bit longer connect your power cable and you'll also want to connect monitors or headphones to the id44 because you're not going to hear daw audio through speakers connected to the computer or through laptop speakers so again make sure you connect speakers or headphones directly to the id 44 mark ii then turn it on and we're good now after you've flipped on the id 44 you probably got this pop-up on your computer and here we can register the unit and see the free software or you can head directly to the website so create an account or sign in if you already have one which i do fill out all of your information again you'll find that serial number and pin on the bottom of the unit and register after that you'll have access to the free software that is currently available now this software is optional you can download everything or download nothing and the id44 will work the same exact way after you connected the id44 your computer probably automatically switched to using the id44 as the playback engine for your computer and that just means that you'll hear system audio like youtube or media player through speakers connected to the id 44 and not through speakers connected to your computer or through laptop speakers so if you're fine with that then you can leave it like it is or you can switch it back to your computer speakers on windows just click the speaker icon expand and switch it back to usually real tech on windows and of course you can do the same thing on mac just understand that you can have a different audio engine for your system sound and your daw sound so you can have things like youtube playing through your laptop speakers and set pro tools to play through the id44 or of course play all sound through the id44 it's totally up to you to access the id app on windows come to your tray and right click the id icon and here you can set your loopback source clock source sample rate buffer check for updates and show the mixer you'll also see many of these same options in the mixer under setup on mac you'll access this from the menu bar with the id mixer you can set up your low latency monitor mix and adjusting the faders for the input channels or mic channels does not affect the level going into your daw so if you need to hear more of a mic in your headphones you can pull this up here now if you adjust a doll channel that will affect the level that you hear in your headphones depending on how they are routed or through your speakers so if you crank the volume and the overall level seems low make sure you turn up your daw channel and also make sure it isn't muted or check if another dog channel is soloed [Music] on the mic channels you can flip the phase then you have pan knobs for everything you can stereo link or unlink your channels you have solos and mutes you can set up up to four cue mixes which we'll get into in a minute you can also name your channels and your mixes up here you can show or hide the analog inputs optical inputs and the daw returns you can also freely adjust the size of the mixer down on the lower right side we can activate talk back phase flip mono mode alt speaker dim and cut which is mute of course when you activate these from the mixer the corresponding light on the unit will illuminate or vice versa if i activate something from the unit it will be reflected in the mixer you can right-click phase flip mono and alt and assign them to the f key of your choice whenever you hover over those controls it will show you the f key that they are currently assigned to the other controls talk back cut and dim have permanently assigned buttons on the unit under file you can save your mixer configuration and recall it under view you can show or hide the analog channels digital channels and the daw returns just like we can over here show system panel will show you the routing for your outputs and the talkback input we can also click the stereo button to switch those outputs to mono if you wish on the left side you can set the optical inputs and outputs to adat or spdif set the clock source set how mono mode works and adjust the trim settings for dim in the alt speaker under setup we have many of the same controls that we have in the id app so you can quickly access them from either place you can also store the standalone state if you want to use the id44 without a computer under help you can check for updates check the knowledge base and see the current version of the software and the firmware installed on the id44 now let's take a minute to understand how the doll return channels work and do some routing first i'll set outputs one and two to main mix and i have my main studio monitors plugged into outputs one and two now these doll channels refer to the output you select in your software so if i route studio one out of one and two you can see that on the daw one two channel in the mixer and hear it through these speakers plugged into outputs one and two if i switch studio one to outputs three and four then you see that in the mixer and we can still hear it through these speakers plugged into outputs 1 and 2 as long as we turn up the fader for the 3 4 channel in the master or main mix and the volume knob still works i'll switch studio one back to outputs one and two and also set windows to use one and two then if i play a video or something all windows sound will come through the same one two channel in the mixer and of course you'll also hear it through your main speakers game base middle treble we all know what the this stuff does or i could switch windows to use three and four and you can also switch this on mac but now if i play the video you'll see that in the doll 34 channel if i play studio one you'll see that in the doll one two channel and we'll hear them both through these speakers plugged into outputs one and two [Music] use the mixer to balance your ears for cabinets which are right over here click and choose you have 22 different cabinets or i could plug speakers into outputs 3 and 4 set the routing to main mix for now studio 1 is still set to outputs 1 and 2. i'll play back and we hear it through both sets of studio monitors at the same time and the volume knob adjusts both sets of speakers in windows which is still set to three and four will also play through both sets of speakers at the same time meaning you cannot run the plugins or sample libraries from this drive but what if i switch three and four to q a well now when i play studio one we only hear it through our main studio monitors and the same thing for windows we're only hearing it through the main monitors again as long as three and four is turned up in the main mix but i could also do this i'll turn down three and four in the main mix head over to qa and turn up 3 4 in the q mix and now we only hear windows through these speakers plugged into outputs 3 and 4. and 247 gigs of unallocated space what if i turn down one and two in the main mix then head back to qa and turn up one two in the q mix now we only hear studio one through these small speakers and not the speakers plugged into outputs one and two and by the way if you set it up like this your volume knob won't have any effect but what about this i'll switch three and four to doll through now before you do this make sure you turn down the volume in windows because again we have windows set to three and four and when you use daw through there's no volume attenuation from the id44 or the mixer so that can make doll through very useful if you need to route audio out to external gear but in this case we're routing it to speakers so be very careful here just to make a point i'll turn off the speakers plugged into outputs 3 and 4. i'll play the video and we can still hear it through these speakers plugged into outputs one and two as long as we turn up that channel and the main mix exfat with a usable partition and of course you still hear studio one through the main speakers so let's turn down three and four in the main mix i'll turn on the speakers plugged into outputs three and four and play the video so technically you could now we only hear windows audio through these small desktop speakers and the volume is controlled exclusively within so setup like this our daw will play through our main speakers and our window-spaced audio is separate and plays through these small speakers or sample libraries from this drive and if you wanted to use the alt speaker function you could quickly switch 3 4 to alt speaker in routing so hopefully this section has shown you how powerful and flexible the mixer and routing are with the id44 mark ii the main takeaways would be if you route something in your software you'll see that in the corresponding daw return in the mixer and you can hear that source through your main or alt speakers by turning up the channel in the master mix and also if you want to route something directly out of an output just select daw through if you want to quickly check your mix on different speakers then you can use the alt speaker function i have the large black monitors plugged into outputs 1 and 2 and the small black and blue monitors plugged into outputs 3 and 4. come to routing and set one and two to main mix and outputs three and four to alt speaker then we can activate alt speaker from the mixer or map it to a function button we're using f3 playback your daw and we're hearing the main speakers press f3 and now we're hearing the alt speakers and your volume knob will control both sets of speakers [Music] if one set of speakers is louder than the other then you can boost or cut the alt speakers by 6 db to quickly check your mix and mono for phase issues and the overall balance activate mono mode from the mixer or map it to an f button from the system panel you can set how mono mode works have it play through one speaker [Music] or both [Music] if you want to reduce the volume but not mute it you can use the dim function again activate it from the mixer or use the dedicated dim button from the system panel under trim you can choose how much the volume is dimmed when activated [Music] to quickly mute the output click cut in the mixer or use the dedicated cut button on the unit [Music] the id44 mark ii has separate switches for phantom power and you can turn it on or off per channel so if you need phantom power for your condenser microphones or if you're using a cloud lifter type device for your dynamic mics just plug in your microphone flip on phantom power and adjust your input gain and that's it you're good to go a cue mix allows an artist to hear just what they want in their headphones and this can be different from what you hear through your speakers so let's say you have a vocalist and a guitar player and each of them wants to hear more of themselves in their headphones no problem we have two pairs of headphones plugged into the id44 then i'll come to routing and set headphone 1 to qa in headphone 2 to qb i'll come to qa in the mixer and name it vocals and name qb guitar the mic plugged into input 1 is for the vocalist and the mic plugged into input 3 is for the guitar player we can also name those channels in the mixer of course set up your tracks in your daw the same way you always do have the vocalist sing and the guitar player strum and we'll pull up the and reduce vocals guitar a bit so the vocalist can hear themselves better [Music] and now i feel haunted by the ghosts of our past i wish we were good then do the opposite for the guitar player on cue be [Music] all right now we have two different cue mixes and a main mix for our speakers [Music] if you happen to have something playing in your daw at the same time like a click track or drums you can adjust the level of the doll return for each q mix [Music] anywhere we can go anywhere if you click solo then you can hear your cue mix through your speakers which might help you set it up there's actually a lot more that you can do with your cue mixes and they can also come in very handy when using loopback so feel free to experiment with your cue mixes what is talkback well talkback allows you to speak directly to an artist through their headphones you can activate it from the mixer or with the dedicated button on the id 44 mark ii but before we can use it we need to set it up come to the system panel go to talkback and we need to set an input source if we choose internal then we can use a microphone connected to the id44 or choose external and use something like a usb mic or even the mic in your webcam i'll choose the webcam then make sure you have the headphones routed to a qmix because you won't hear this through the main speakers activate talkback and there you go you can even adjust the level of the talkback for each qmix all right hey that was great but on that chorus i really want you to give me more [Applause] all right so right now you're doing more like a hoo-hoo and i really want all right so let's reset and try it again scroll control will let you use the big volume knob sort of like a mouse scroll wheel in fact if you check the devices on your computer you'll see the id44 is also registered as a mouse to use it press the id button position your mouse over something and turn the knob scroll control will work for any parameter that responds to your mouse scroll wheel and this will vary between daws and plugins in studio one i can position my mouse over a fader and it works with my mouse scroll wheel so it will also work with scroll control but it's not just daws it'll also work in a browser video editor or any other program where this really comes in handy is when you're using a laptop and trying to make precise adjustments in a plugin for example or use it to draw in automation which is much more accurate than trying to use a touchpad when you're done turn it off and the encoder knob goes back to adjusting the output volume the inserts on the id44 mark ii make it very easy to incorporate outboard gear right into your recording chain it's a really cool feature if you've never used hardware inserts so here's a couple ways that we can use them this is an external multi-effects unit it has an expander compressor eq de-esser etc all in one unit now you could use multiple hardware units like if you have a separate eq separate compressor separate expander and so on and simply connect those units together but in this case we'll go with the single unit i'll connect my microphone directly to the id44 so we can take advantage of those super juicy preamps then i'll connect a quarter inch trs cable from the send to the input of the hardware unit then run another quarter inch trs cable from the output of the hardware unit to the return on the id 44. okay now i need to set up the channel on the id44 i'll need phantom power since i am using a cloud lifter type device for the sm7b turn up the gain and there we go as you can see the mic input is getting split off and sent out to the effects unit and back into the id44 i can set up my hardware now and as you can see as i adjust the hardware unit it affects the level of the mic input okay we're all set now when you record like this you're not recording the dry mic input instead you're recording the output of the hardware unit so this is also a great setup if you're a live streamer and you don't want to use a bunch of latency inducing plugins in something like obs instead you can perfect your broadcast voice sound with your essentially zero latency external hardware and send that signal out to your live stream another way to use your inserts is to bypass the preamps and directly access the adc so you might do this for external effects units that you plug directly into or even for external mic preamps that you're not using with the optical inputs so let's say that i really love the sound of these tube preamps and i don't want the sound colored by the preamps of the id44 no problem i'll plug my microphone directly into the external preamp and then run a quarter inch trs cable from the output of the preamp to the return of the id44 set up your external hardware and there we go you're ready to record with your external mic preamp now set up like this your gain knob for that channel on the id44 won't have any effect because again we're bypassing that preamp and going straight into the adc if you've never had an audio interface with inserts man it is a really cool feature to have but above that it's also extremely useful if you like to use external analog gear while recording with the optical inputs and outputs you can expand the id44 mark ii into a true 20 in 24 out audio interface now how you set all of this up will depend on the exact external hardware that you are using but in general you would connect your toslink cable or perhaps cables to the id44 and the external hardware ins go to outs and outs go to ends you also have the option of using the word clock output but we don't need it for this in the system panel i'll choose adat then we need to match our sample rate for each device so the id44 is at 48k and i'll match that on the outboard preamp now a lot of external gear will have a switch right on the unit then we need to set the default clock source one device will be internal and the other will be external exactly what you choose will depend on the requirements of the external unit but once all of that is set up you can start routing your optical inputs and outputs in the id mixer and in your daw now i'm sure that most of you already know how to record a microphone and a guitar but in case you don't we'll cover it here first i'll turn down or just mute my speakers and plug in some headphones otherwise you'll get a feedback loop if you have a live mic in the same room as your speakers when they're turned up then i'll plug in my microphone i'll use input three no reason could be any of them or of course you could connect four microphones and record all of them to separate tracks at the same time but let's just stick to one for now i'll create a mono audio track in my daw set the input to 3 in this case i'll mute the input and record enable the reason why we mute the input is so we don't get a doubling effect in our headphones because we're going to hear ourselves with no latency through the id mixer and not through the daw return this is a doubling effect so let's mute that input much much better now and now we can monitor ourselves with no latency through the id mixer this is a condenser mic so i'll flip on phantom power adjust the input gain alright hit record and lay down your track this is recording a microphone through the audient id 44 mark ii once you're done you could record another track okay let's say we're done i'll disengage the track take them off of mute i'll turn the gain down turn off phantom power bring our speakers back in and then add some plugins to mix the track let's record a guitar and this time we can leave our speakers turned up i'll plug in a quarter inch ts cable into my guitar and into input one or two of the id44 create a mono audio track in your daw set the input and then turn down the channel fader in the mixer because we don't need to hear the dry direct input of the guitar [Music] then i'll throw in a metal amp plugin record enable the track and set the input gain now this guitar has very high output active pickups so it barely needs any gain at all all right now you can play and hit record when you're ready to lay down your track [Music] you could also throw in a drum instrument and play along with that [Music] the id44 mark ii has two independent headphone outputs however you can connect three pairs of headphones if you don't mind channel 1 sharing the same audio stream but if you ever need more headphone outputs you can connect an external headphone amp some of the smaller headphone amps will only have a direct in so in that case you would connect a quarter inch trs cable to one of the headphone outputs on the id44 and run that into the headphone amp set the routing for that headphone output and there you go now most of the larger headphone amps will have a left and right input so in that case we'll connect two quarter inch trs cables to a pair of outputs on the id 44 and run that into the headphone amp then we'll need to set our routing for outputs 3 and 4 and i don't want main mix because then the volume knob will affect the level going into the headphone amp so you could choose a cue mix i'll even name it headphone amp set up the mix and there you go another option would be to use doll through and then set up a headphone bus in your daw make sure you turn down channels 3 and 4 in the main mix and there we go so you have a couple different ways to route your external headphone amp of course there are also digital headphone amps and those would connect to the optical output but what do you do if you want to use a headphone amp and multiple pairs of studio monitors well in that case you should invest in a dedicated monitor controller with this unit i can switch between two pairs of speakers and still use my headphone amp you may also want to consider the audient nero which can connect and switch through three pairs of studio monitors and a sub plus it has four headphone outputs built in so it's kind of like a combination of my monitor controller and headphone amp all in one unit loopback is a must-have feature for any modern audio interface i always say do not buy an audio interface if it doesn't have loopback you are going to need it so what can you do with it well you can record computer-based audio into your daw think of things like a video playing in a browser or even a zoom call plus you could record a microphone along with it which is great for things like podcasts and this works on both windows and mac or on windows you can use loopback to route audio out of your daw and into something like obs for live streaming or screen recording and that's actually how i make all of the plugin review videos that we have here on this channel now you can do the same thing on mac but you'll need an additional app and i'll touch on those in that section now since the id44 is marketed to a professional audience i'm going to assume that you already know how to use loopback but if you don't i would highly recommend that you watch the loopback section of the evo 16 video for an in-depth walkthrough of using loopback with obs yes these audio interfaces are different but when it comes to setting up loopback and obs everything will be exactly the same at least pretty much exactly so again if you are brand new to loopback do yourself a favor and watch the loopback chapter of the evo 16 video first to record computer-based audio into your daw we can use loopback and this works for both windows and mac let's say i want to record the audio from this video playing in a browser now there are a few ways that we could set this up you could try qmix for example so feel free to experiment with your sources but here's how we'll do it i'll set the playback engine for windows to audient 1 and 2 and then set the loopback source to daw12 again we could use a qmix or even the master mix so after you get your id44 experiment with different routings but we'll go with doll one two and we can see the loopback emblem on the daw one two channel create a stereo audio track in your daw set the input to loopback and this name may vary between daws record enable the track and mute it otherwise you'll get a really nasty feedback loop the reason why you'd want to use something like this and not mix a real sense of space using only if we play the video you'll see the input in your daw so hit record and there you go if you want to record a microphone along with the loopback track just set it up the same way you always do again make sure you mute the mic track in your daw otherwise it will feed into the loopback track all right that's all there is to it what if you want to screen record a tutorial video for a plugin or maybe you want to live stream yourself playing guitar or a virtual instrument or maybe you want to podcast using plugins and audio tracks in your daw no problem we can do all of that and more with loopback now this will work natively on windows but you'll need to use an extra app to do the same thing on mac and i'll touch on those apps in a minute but for now let's cover the basics in obs which by the way obs is completely free and anyone can get it so in obs create an audio input capture name it daw audio and set the input to loopback the output of my daw is analog one and two so i'll set the loopback source to daw one two or it could be main mix it really just depends on what you're doing but we'll go with doll one too then play back in your daw and there you go you can see the input in obs and you're ready to record or stream and obs will capture everything going on in your daw every input every plugin every virtual instrument etc etc now if you're not getting input just make sure the sample rate for obs matches what you have set for the id44 and on windows you may need to come to sound settings find the loopback channel and just make sure that it's at the same sample rate do the same thing for any other inputs or outputs that you want to use with obs if you want to record a microphone at the same time but you don't want to run it through the daw in that case simply create another audio input capture name it microphone and set the input my microphone is plugged into input 1 so we'll choose 1 2 then click a gear icon advanced audio properties and set the mic to mono there we go if you want to record the audio in obs two separate tracks to edit later you can set that up in here as well again i would highly suggest that you watch the evo 16 video if you don't know what i'm talking about you can also record a webcam just create a video capture device name it webcam and select it position it wherever you want and there you go if you happen to be using a green screen then you can right click the webcam filters and add a chroma key there we go you're all ready to stream or record now everything we've done on windows will carry over to mac except for how you route the audio unfortunately core audio on mac won't let us route the loopback audio into obs but we can do it with an additional app one option would be the free black hole driver but you're really better off purchasing an app something like ginger audio ground control room or ground control caster or rogue amoeba loopback yes these apps cost money but they're going to save you so much time and trouble i highly recommend that you simply purchase an app you're gonna thank me later instead of trying to do this for free just purchase something that works all right so to route your daw audio with something like rogue amoeba loopback you would add the id44 as a source you can get rid of these cables and there's a few ways that you could set this up but let's do it like this come down to channels 21 and 22 and these are your loopback channels from the id44 connect them to the output take note of the name here because this is the name of the input we'll be looking for in obs so come to obs and just like in windows create an audio input capture name it daw audio or whatever you prefer then set the input to the loopback audio device that we just created play your daw and there you go if you want to add a microphone to a separate track in obs we can create a new virtual device let's name it microphone 3 again remember that name i'll add the id44 get rid of these cables i have my mic plugged into input three so from the rogue amiibo loopback app i'll connect three to both outputs come back to obs create another audio input capture name it microphone set the input to that microphone 3 device that we just created and there we go now we have the daw audio and the mic audio on different tracks in obs of course you could always run the mic through the daw if you don't mind that audio being combined alright alright alright so that is how you can use a loopback to screen record or stream with your daw and this works with other streaming apps as well like streamlabs melon zoom skype google meet and others once again if you are brand new to loopback i would highly suggest that you watch the loopback chapters of the evo 16 video because we go much deeper into loopback in that video but as you can see loopback is an essential feature for any audio interface like i said at the beginning you are going to need it so that is the audient id44 mark ii 20 in 24 out audio interface with its four juicy preamps four analog outputs optical io headphone outputs speaker switching talkback buttons and switches for everything scroll control loopback and way more so if you want to further check out the id44 mark ii head over to go over the features dive into the details with the tech specs and decide if this is the audio interface for you so that is everything you want to know about the audient id44 mark ii [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: BenoniStudio
Views: 24,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audient, audio interface, recording, loopback, iD44, iD44 MKII, Review, tutorial, pro audio, Talkback, Scroll Control, ScrollControl, Loopback and Streaming, Loopback and OBS, DAW Audio OBS Studio, id44 setup cue mix, how to use the iD44 MKII, iD Mixer, Loopback on Mac, Speaker Switching, iD44 inserts
Id: RnUANft6IN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 52sec (3592 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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