Audi S4 B8.5 V6 3.0TFSI - Tapping Noise, Chains, Bottom End?

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hello guys welcome back in another video we have another car in the garage again it's a audi it's a s4 and it's uh something nice what we didn't in the video so that's the key it's a b8 and a harvest for uh adam sends the car somewhere from north um there's a issue with the engine it was somewhere in the garage previously and they found some metal chunks in the sump so potential full engine rebuilt anyways um i want to do the diagnostic first thus to check if everything's working fine and all other fault codes and uh then we're probably gonna drain the oil and check it as well if you're gonna find some more metal chunks and we're going to have to open the bottom and see what's going on there so yeah this is the car and it was remapped i think it was unicorn remap stage 2 i think so i should be running over 400 brake horsepower and it's it's pretty much clean car so let's start it up sounds alright got some aftermarket exhaust on the tips are huge you know look good mean so yeah um might be three liter and yeah i can i can start hearing the noises you can probably hear it as well definitely don't sound very healthy fault codes no fault codes so we definitely have a very funny mechanical failure somewhere gearbox rpm signal from ecu hmm that's not good but it's not confirmed since memory clear okay clear the fault anyways we're gonna we're gonna do the gearbox service as well um because it wasn't done so we're going to set up the gables as well at the same time but yeah i have to put it on the ram now and we're going to check everything up that is very bad oh okay so um i drained the oil um couldn't really see nothing in there so um yeah i'm gonna start taking all the stuff from the top the loom will be disconnected um we'll all come out with the issue and stuff so yeah um i'm gonna take the engine out and just gonna strip it see what's going on inside okay guys so uh this is day number three so i took the engine out stripped the engine and uh i'm still looking for the noise what was what you've seen previously so this is what we have left um engine block i'm pretty much sure that the bearings are good there's nothing wrong with the block as well that looks all good um the bearings from the conrots they are not the best but i don't really think that was making the the tapping noise so this is the dirty table this is the clean table and everything was here gotta be done clean checked again um i have to remove all the gaskets i already spoke with tps today about five million hours because it's just bit of a difficult to explain like yes i need the o-ring seal which is over there and then too many stuff so yeah i've done the order so that should be coming in couple of days anyways adam's coming tomorrow to check on his car well actually his car will what's left of his car um yeah we've got all the stuff in the boxes behind here and uh yeah so these are the bearings there is definitely hmm there's definitely one sign but i don't really think that was that's the that's the main issue anyways i want to take the pin out and i want to check all of them if uh it was in the piston slot but even then there should be marks on the pistons which there is a bit of a sign of awareness but i don't think that'll be an issue yeah i'm gonna shoot these now we've got an ultrasonic cleaner over there on the table and we've got a cleaning box over there so this will be my fan for a couple of hours basically so yeah plenty of cleaning to do um this is the stage of the ceiling the heads it's not that bad yeah it's it's just black because something is coming in something is burning inside and it's making a bit of a carbon but it's not that bad anyways they will be pressure tested skim clean uh the valves are coming off as well uh definitely new spa plugs and uh we'll see if if the guys are actually good so i'm gonna drop this to the machine shop along with the crank um because the crank is gonna be polished and um yeah i'm going to try to make some footage from the machine shop as well roy's bit of a old-school worker so i will ask him if he can do some footage while he's working on on this and um you see the process these are old gaskets and head gaskets yeah can't tell anyways it wasn't mixing water or anything so there was an issue they had this all will be replaced anyways uh the timing chains four of them as you saw um all these tensioners and brackets and sliders what whatever you've seen there will be new replaced bolts is basically scrub metal can use them so they'll be all stretched so so that's going to scrub and yeah oil pump mist oil pump the place where the car came from originally set they found loads of metal beds inside and metal chunks and stuff but this is the old sump and it doesn't seems to be like anything wrong with it to be honest i mean there's definitely something but it's it's nothing like i would call like big chunks uh in the pickup pipe i'm not sure if you can see it there is a bit of a plastic stuck in there yeah so um i didn't find yet where it where it might come from because all of these are not broken or anything there is definitely lines from the chains and stuff i don't see anything broken there so i don't know um anyways the engine is fully stripped yeah it will be fully built everything will be new i'm putting new water pump as well sorry new oil pump water pump is going as well anyways the pcb will be replaced so we all all the components will be replaced virginian parts again um the only upgraded stuff will probably if i can get or the machine shop can supply us upgraded bearings so the lubrication of the bottom end will be a bit better but other than that will be fully stock engine yeah i'm gonna strip these now take all the piston rings off uh we're gonna start the cleaning process so yeah welcome in my world let's do it so uh we finally got everything for the engine cylinder heads are back for from roy uh he done this bit of a footage as i said he's uh older guy so probably next time we're gonna have a better footage so yeah but he's done a very good job there skim uh we've done the valves as well uh the exhaust guides were replaced and ready to go on uh he also told us the egr egrs were quite dirty so he cleaned them up um we've got all the parts here cleaned up ready to go on new pcv we've got a new crank seal as well new water pump all the gaskets for the housings and thermostats are here and yeah this is the bottom end plate cleaned ready to go on these are the bearing shells i mean i personally think these are just tear and wear signs so anyways they will be replaced same as the conrad's one also crank was polished and miroslav found out i'm not sure if you're gonna see it there's a plastic probably some kind of a bracket plastic in the crank so maybe that was making the rattling noise because the chain was just stretching around this point so we're gonna take it out remove it and clean it up a bit and uh yeah pistons are cleaned up to be assembled with new piston rings we've got mild piston rings new oil pump all the gaskets as you can see for the bottom end and new convert bolts big end bolts and new bottom bearings and convert bearings so yeah pretty much ready to put it back together engine blocks cleaned up so yeah all we need is just couple of others and hopefully by today the bear engine will be put back together [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so yeah the bottom end is done we put the pistons with the rods in and everything so yeah these new bolts everything was tied into the newton meter spec so the the mine crank bolts are 80 newton meters uh these round bolts for the whole bracket was 40 and the rod bolts were 60 newton meters so we are going to continue with the bottom end so the oh something come on and everything and then i'm gonna start putting the cylinder heads back on with the and we're gonna put the new timing chains on and you're going to time the engine up [Music] foreign so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] okay so uh the timing is done everything sorted uh so all four chains were replaced along with the brackets and the tensioners all you're gonna need is a locking pill for the crank which goes from the side of the engine right over there so that will go in and you have these plates which goes on the camshaft on each side you got to be careful when you're tightening these because they are not holding the pressure which we should be tied with so we always have to support uh the wheels with a tool so it's not turning any it will not damage the plate from the back uh also you have markings the exhaust side has a plus sign which gotta be between here but you've got doubles three dollars sitting on the cam so that shouldn't move and then the variable timing the camshaft adjuster there's a cut over there that gotta be in this place between also from the other side and yeah return the engine already a few times is uh turning freely and everything so it should be cool we're gonna put all the covers back on now and we're gonna put the accessories on the engine [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] this [Music] oh [Music] so the engine is finally in uh miroslav will do some plugging here and there the air conditioning needs to be plugged in the power steering needs to come on and meanwhile we're gonna do a service on the dsg gearbox you can see the oil sump it's completely rotten so we have neo sun with the gasket the filter with the strainer will be replaced and we have some new bulbs as well because they look very bad so yeah full service on the dsg let's do [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] ah [Music] [Music] yeah all good to go all right guys have fun thank you all right guys so that's the s4 ba three liter supercharged gun adam took the car we download changed before he took it we done some mileage we went for a drive together so everything's cool we checked the car on the run before it went so yeah no oil leaks everything's cool gearbox service was done as well so the car looks very nice right now with the new wheels we put the upgraded spoiler and the diffuser on as well adam was happy with it and he's got a bank holiday on monday so definitely gonna drive the car on the weekend and uh yeah stay tuned and uh yeah we've got loads of loads of loads of work to do and more interesting videos coming in so stay tuned and catch you later
Channel: VAG Technic
Views: 229,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audi s4, audi s4 b8, audi v6 3.0, audi v6 30, audi supercharger, supercharger, audi engine rebuild, audi s4 engine rebuild, v6 engine rebuild, supercharger engine rebuild, v6 tapping noise, v6 knock, v6 engine issue, v6 noise, audi v6 timing chain, audi v6 engine repair
Id: Bgpa0uZPu5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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