Audacity Tutorial How to Record | Click Track | How to Make and Use in Audacity | An Easy Tutorial

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hello there musicians and welcome to the latest video tutorial on how to use audacity at today's that's going to be on how-to create and to use more courtney musical track any recordings also white uh... the first thing is uh... contract is uh... it's a metronome it's done metronome it's vase exp force sp that's an eternal you know so he's wind up type ones as well and cock fitness room um... you don't have a national goal get yourself one from now on we practice uses all-time it's of great tool we can all improve our timekeeping everybody can improve our timekeeping and via the better you get music it and we'll find you have to do need to work on it even more cell you know work on that uh... okay so it could track in audacity will help us state perfectly in time as we do our recordings nothing says amateur like the recording it slows down the speeds up all the way through so pleased you could track these are okay here we go protection audacity uh... the uh... the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go to generate e uh... on the generate many and i go to cook track principle or give me a few options you know uh... weaken our tempo or beats per minute and again beats per minute of temple what it means is how many courses there are any music in the in one minute so if you think would american and every time a marching band steps you're stepping to the beat they may step ninety times per minute let it be ninety from you get the idea alright and uh... what we need to set that we also accept the beats per measure i'm gonna stick my neck deacons mostar's rich four on the same i_q_ because i've used them in a minute and it's going to uh... the number of measures are burst uh... what that means is ripley's on c_ to records on u but you can recorded for so you think about it and i'm too three four well how many times that brown before goes each one of those rounds affords measurably arbor so on is the sixteen i don't need that many you can always give yourself more give free cooper so three votes uh... so that's basically it you can also play with some of his addicted ticking sound rather than the penalizes you know except you you can choose and some other fine-tuning you can do here but need most is what we need to touch so cook okay and ego it created a sixteen bar uh... cooked up for simply listen to that sounds like this do it now um... i can get it when it comes that's none of my speakers sold my microphone doesn't pick it up so if i want to play with that uh... i can play with that i was standing in the book so if i effective record in my microphone comple along with that quick unattractive by equipment psychometric here wants okay so that's so now a out if you know so many other videos that i've played for you uh... in the past you'll know that our destiny tends to put things in the sink a little bit and you can fix setup quite easily i initially had to do that first of all three have listened to microchips way forrester now it's not perfect and time you can see that the uh... click he's just little for the on so i_d_'s my time shift to all which is right here and and the below the stubble of it so i can see magnifying glass you can see the polls is on the line those up right uh... so i'm going to music as beginning here we go ec ec allow pulses in the softball tas and try to make sure they're lined up good it's a little late the gulf ok snap eggplant the one excellent stones go back for a few so now if i want to work in that i could start here record uh... maybe the shakers uh... and i don't want to hear my drum so on and you see that i could commute anita johnson who played directly with the quick stimulus shakir west wanted them you can't return on if you need to work out that for group uh... i'm gonna do but just for the quick so here you go to record it diego so uh... and once again it's going to be a little bit of time uh... because i don't see those at risk and again you can change your settings and as you can make it so that it makes them throws at time when someone's but um... i i'd find so easy to fix it in here i just do it rights elements of a look uh... asthma strong holstein ceo outline it up now with my click bo greitz here scowcroft took a couple of the rooms missile early lee and or maybe when you do in you can play with this you know you play with it might move it near and dear to make it just to a line blitzen it's x it is here with the drum it pretty good sticky quick helped i'm gonna meet the quick use your kids tap perfect but if you get the idea uh... and uh... i'm a little bit of your near but you know you can play with it and uh... improve it as you go but the next basically basically tanay canadiens which are all done the last thing you can do is you can delete the quick you can just do it if you want for now but you can delete the quick when you're done and it's all good so i hope that helps if you have any comments or questions or concerns please let me know a complete indica in the comments section of uh... on this page also uh... uh... if you like the video but alike given away to give a subscription to all that helps so um... rock-and-roll okay guys getting questions i'll i'll try to betty and they can andy and the comments so ok if you've got the sierra
Channel: Andrew Mercer
Views: 78,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audacity tutorial, Audacity, How, to, click, track, click-track, click track, metronome, audio, music, recording, editing, mp3, education, wav, sound, production, diy, manipulate, Tutorial, practice, guitar, studio, multitrack, multi, dub, overdub, andrew, mercer
Id: ilmPyDWOzR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2012
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