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now the d3 cat ain't starting right now got some dead batteries on it but uh said he did back it off the trailer onto here so [Music] oh don't spray ether now he's gonna it's not an ether issue it's a battery issue or or a cable issue [Music] um 8 000. okay that's a no sale uh i think they got 7 500 on it case 1390 right there give me three thousand dollars on that tractor three you're gonna get three three me two thousand two thousand one money your woman do you want me to go one minute five hundred five hundred and seven fifty seven fifty seven fifty 2500 wow 22.50 all right we're on to the farm all cubby with a sickle mower and it fired right up no problem there but otherwise well i need to throttle up a little bit the uh remember the choke on that uh was disconnected so he's gonna have to manually choke it but yeah it started sound good sound good it's formal [Music] harvesters [Music] [Music] 800 [Applause] [Music] oh that's good price on that 700 with the sickle bar and goodbye on that it's a messy ferguson 50 and uh 65s were real popular not so much the 50s and 85s the 85s were not at all it's got the single remote on the [Music] three back it fired up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we go to the massey 135 over here yeah started right up no problem [Music] [Music] 15 [Music] there you go 12.50 for the 135 diesel and we would go to the david brown um looks like they're going to go with the alice chalmers b i'll tell you one thing they like to start them trackers stand in front of them drive tires oh thank you right there [Music] [Music] [Music] it's dirty sold for 600 is worth that [Music] separately on that tractor right there you heard her run give me three thousand dollars on that board three minutes three videos three minutes everybody gets everybody give me two thousand give me a thousand one thousand one thousand one thousand thousand thousand [Laughter] [Music] [Music] 750 [Music] fifty eight hundred dollars on the ford 8n all right somebody was asking me uh in the live or in the last night's video in the comments if this was 200 or 300 it is a 200 [Music] gallon [Laughter] 2200 221-223 2353 22 2300 230 2300 and 200 and 23 hundred twenty three hundred twenty three hundred and twenty three hundred twenty three hundred here we go we got uh big john in the big john deere i don't know if that's his name or not but looks like a big big john it fired up i don't know if they used either didn't look like they did but they fired up there we go what will that combine sell for aj you said 2800 a couple other people said as high as six so oh okay so the combine in the 215 head comes together and the running gear separates so that's interesting i'm [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] they're at 22.50 wow i think it sold with the head for two grand it's a nice combine for that man oh here we go the running gear foreign 500. that cart's at 600 man that's a nice car for that price 550 for the cart kiwani cart pretty heavy they're going to the the 300 i'll walk over there well it started [Music] back up a little bit get this thing in full view boy yeah you can definitely smell the gas coming off that thing [Music] you're good um seven hundred dollars interesting all right they're gonna sell the uh david brown 885 now all day 1500 1500 1400 no three point on it you know i mean it'll start all right here we go with the mule the long-awaited mule first they're gonna pull right in front of it but pretty sure you're gonna be okay not being able to stare at it at least we'll be able to hear them there's another auctioneer over there and they got one of the speakers facing this way and i kind of don't get that but it's a whole lot not by auction so there you go 23 22 23 [Applause] hundred six six twenty six and a half six and a half seven hundred twenty seven twenty seven twenty six and a half twenty seven hundred seven and a half eight 2 750 the mule went for it did need all new tires i did hear it run ran good there you go don't know what year it was either thank you now this is a cool little piece a quad evader um just hook it up to your four-wheeler which you guys saw me buy at the previous auction and uh go from there this is set up manually but uh you could set electric hook electric up to this this is really cool i think i'm a bit on this for food plots i mean why not i knew these go about fifteen hundred dollars so i guess anything under that's good nah just kidding yep there you go this is what i want air and a tire it's for hire there we go [Music] you
Channel: Farmall Fanatic
Views: 18,405
Rating: 4.9265442 out of 5
Keywords: auction results | what'd i buy?, used farm equipment for sale near me, used farm equipment for sale by owner near me, used farm tractors for sale near me, good used farm equipment for sale near me, farm equipment for sale near me, used farm equipment auctions near me, antique farm equipment videos, rusty old farm equipment videos, used john deere tractors for sale near me, john deere combine for sale near me, used john deere combine for sale near me, antique tractors for sale
Id: fyt4Z-xMsxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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