Auction Finds | You Can't Always Get What You Want

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it is snowing as you can see I got a pretty neat item I was surprised that it went for so cheap I didn't expect to buy but I think I'll be able to use it in my decor hello and welcome to paper and moose I am bundled up today I have on two hats multiple layers of long johns and thermals and shirts have to put my gloves on though and that is because it is auction day middle of January we are expecting a snow storm later this afternoon so the auction hasn't been cancelled yet fingers crossed I get there and it's still going on who knows what will fine I'm always on the hunt for vintage vintage ephemera holiday decor anything that's old and interesting that I can either resell or research my favorite thing to do so bundle up get our hand warmers on and let's see what this auction has to offer on this mid-january snowstorm morning day let's get through it [Music] [Music] nice bones actually like you can that's also doctor's office Pennsylvania there's a lot of different things I could use that stuff it's not bad here but there are a few things that I would like beside the fridge so there's this awesome refrigerator it's a General Electric I've never seen the inside of one but now I want one because look they revolve out how's the place for your butter this great trace at the bottom and then look how cute the top is look how cute this is that's a place for your ice cream I love this I just have no place for a extra refrigerator but maybe maybe one day oh geez [Music] [Music] choice on top of the dam with $2 to two patron - one dollar one dollar one dollar down dollar and now change into anywhere - sold $1 on the three-day clock $25 I'm at 25 25 15 10 $10 and dampener on 10 $5 $5 I have no 7 in there seven and a half seven 1/2 anywhere seven and a half yeah seven and a half now 10 10 out 12 in a velvet glove and a half any we're talking AB so $10 same money number 66 it is snowing as you can see I got a pretty neat item I was surprised that it went for so cheap I didn't expect to buy but I think I'll be able to use it in my decor she's got a carrot it's my car I can't wait to go home and just sort through paper the rest of the day but I'll probably stay at the auction a little bit longer see what else we come by so recap in the car for a change I don't want to drag the items that I purchased out into the snow it is snowing there was still a lot of the auction left but with the weather I don't want to chance you know it getting worse and having to drive home in that alone on my on my drive home just coming up the one road there were three cars that were stuck and it's only been starting for maybe an hour so this would be a great day and it makes him tea and go through my paper but first I want to show you what I purchased I would have the only thing that I would have stayed for was the trunk with the doll clothes I really like that but I'm sure that that was probably an item on a lot of other people's eyes so the price would have been more than what I wanted to pay for but really cute clothes in there I think that they would have done at sea the trunk would have done well the flea market but I would rather make it home safely get in my comfy clothes versus hanging out there and then not winning it anyway so what did I buy I did buy the weights I don't know why I I do have some other weights they are the flat kind they almost look like coins they have two four printed on them these are a little bit different so there's different kinds but you know they're just the weights i I do like their look and honestly I probably would use this in my decor somehow I would figure out some way but I thought maybe I could repurpose them throw some paper on them do something different so we shall see if you see them in a future video what I've done with them if not I'm just gonna hang out is I paid four dollars for the whole bucket of weights I think there were probably about five or six of them in there so we got those rather cold and heavy then I also purchased which I wasn't expecting to purchase the box with the Train items in so you have the trellis is trellis it's a bridge trellis I really like this I I will keep this part because I think this would be neat to use in my decorating I have some older cars I could put on here Oh for Christmas I could get the little Garland and wrap it around oh so many ideas for Easter could be an Easter train well if I had an Easter Bunny train it could go through it but there was this in the box then there were two like the mountains this is a styrofoam one I will not keep this I will take this the flea market if anyone would even buy it there is that one then there was this one which is the nice sturdier one I honestly thinking now like what would I use this for granted does go with the trestle trellis trestle the thing that the train will go on it would go with that but I don't have a train it's too bad to do not win the handmade train that was at an auction a couple of weeks or a month ago I really wanted that that would've been perfect for this so I have to see if I want to keep this or not if not then I could sell this I paid four dollars for this box as well so it was four dollars day along with that there were two other pieces this Aurora model Motoring guard rails with posts oh these would be fun for my cars if I had no so yeah these are little guard rails I do not see I guess I would go on the bottom I think I will take this to the flea market I didn't look this up online I know that you know trains and all the accessories buildings and things like that for trains are very very popular but you know I know if all the pieces are here plastics company West Hampstead Long Island New York 1965 so let's take a look online and see you know if I can get maybe ten dollars if it's even worth ten dollars then I'll put it up there I would have made my money back and then there's also this this is originally $0.99 from two guys store it's daredevil obstacle course accessories that's pretty neat it has the contacts I can't see it jump and a tester and a totter that there's this guy that would go into other pieces and there's even the directions they're still inside which is nice so I can check this out and again see if this is worth anything but you know if not I spent a total of $8 at this auction I was able to see some interesting things there were some really nice pieces but with the weather you know the people about decided to stay and tough it out with the drive home and they probably got some good good deals but I'm looking forward to just getting and my company clothes making some team looking through paper and I'm happy with what I bought there was that refrigerator which I would have loved I've had but I have no room for a second refrigerator can't put it on my porch can't put it in the basement but those refrigerators I've been told to refurbish them and get them back into running condition cost a lot of money but they are gorgeous just those the the shelves that rotate out and then it has a little door for the butter and I love the blue on the inside of the freezer with the own little ice cream section I would so love to have one of those refrigerators that'd be great but the man that the house was for sale and the man that was buying the house or bought the house is actually at the auction and he was buying some of the larger furniture pieces so I was going to tell him you know you are lucky that you probably will get to keep that refrigerator and either will stay with the house maybe he bought it who knows cuz that would have been a big thing to load up those stairs but super cool really loved that old look that old style the vintage General Electric kitchen wares there's just something about him so I hope you enjoyed this auction day with me I hope that you have a great weekend week day whenever you may be watching this and stay tuned for more adventures with me Rene paper and moose pan whatever you may like to call me and you know if you're bored and need something to do if you're snowed in check out some of my other videos in case you have missed any so thanks again for watching hope you have a great day see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 10,691
Rating: 4.9726028 out of 5
Keywords: vintage trains, train setup, vintage weights, auction finds, auction day, storage auctions, auction haul, taco stacks, taco stacks garbage picking, diy crafts, diy weights, train collectors, Lionel, Aurora models, auctions in PA, auction life, female vlogger, vintage style, decorating with vintage, how to vintage, auction kings, storage kings, penny sales, thrifting, reselling on ebay, auction house, bidding war, locker nuts, buying antiques, antique clock
Id: 7iOcUAEkcpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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