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hey guys it's Kensi Oh welcome back to my day I'm obviously in a different setting it's really ugly I'm really sorry but I wanted to do a dance video for you guys and this is the only place that I can do it in so today I'm gonna be trying the hardest ballet moves and this is in my opinion and I know a lot of people's opinions - the list is short you have like four things just because I don't want to kill myself this is literally concrete um never do that I really never do that um just cuz you will literally break yourself look so bad for you but gotta do it for the maybe YouTube what are my tights and Leos I'm just gonna we're just gonna go for it let's go the first one I'm doing is heart in the variation from grandpa classy and it's the like that I've actually done this before um and it actually was really proud of yourself because I did it I want to be able to do it now hopefully I will you might look really bad you know this is not a dancer [Music] oh that was attempt number one everything okay it wasn't that bad I'm not like super duper more first that's right again I wasn't really like holding myself up so I was like when I was like doing this I was like and then I have to turn out [Music] whatever for the next one key to Act one turns it's like 16 turns from kids like consecutive turns and like a double and deep I did this over the summer and I can only do singles I couldn't do the double so how's it gonna work out [Music] [Music] okay that almost better except like I should have done 17 but to be honest I'm running out of space so it's not my fault it's this is full I use this next one is 32 phytase on point so on like the black salons like whatever I've never in my life attempted this so this should be interesting I know I'm not gonna be able to do it but I'm hoping for like 16 [Music] [Music] okay so the final one our hops on point and I'm just going to be doing the Giselle variation like 30 hops across I even know where I was airing my arms to be honest that was so ugly okay it would have been better if I wasn't on concrete and if this room was bigger like I know the Gantt excuses fine lying and joking like I'm really not that like me like plus like I don't have a skirt like your skirt anyways so I hope you all enjoyed this video you like this video don't forget to give a thumbs up subscribe it down below and comment if you want any more Valley videos okay so much stay confident bye
Channel: dancingwithmackenzie
Views: 3,479,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ballet, pointe, ballerina, dance, hardest steps, dancer, mackenzie davis
Id: 38arRPp5gB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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