Attacked by ANTIFA at Demand Free Speech Rally in Washington DC

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sup guys I just went over there now and they what's it called these guys here in the mask walked me off and they're not letting it but a report disseminated and okay the same as I can they do Danny just watch your ass right okay where's art where we at we're right over there okay I gotta go around so there's no there's no exit this way or no entrance this way what's that what's that what okay yeah oh yeah we got another guy we got another guy on Facebook yeah of course we're in a public place hey Bill to get the Trump I think you have to go up and around this way bill I got my in here yeah I got it I mean again these guys blocked me off and then like there was another guy yeah hi bro so if I'm one of the speakers I can't enter through here we all have to enter that way okay so we've got some folks over here speak in we've got our freedom freedom of speech rally going on over here just FYI we've got some folks over here look over here and talk who are you with okay I know you look familiar I'm Ben yeah what's your name Jen Jen okay bumps nothing okay I know it's crazy so you gotta add Tifa over here so they're over here we're gonna be over here we're gonna see what anyone if anyone wants to talk anyone on this side want to have a conversation anyone want to have a conversation no comment okay you don't have to just wonder it anybody on this side want to have a conversation it brings you out here today anybody anybody want to say while you're out here anybody want to have a conversation we're open to conversations we could disagree respectfully we can disagree respectfully right well that's that's one way to talk okay god bless you guys god bless america okay god bless you guys love that ever I agree what about what about intruders love die intruder so we have love thy neighbor am I your neighbor right so am i your neighbor no exceptions am I your neighbor so I'm your neighbor so you love me so you love me okay I just you know I'd like to point out you know make sure there's no double standard there so she said she said no exception so she wouldn't say that directly that I'm her neighbor Tara the fascist then hey dude would you talk would you mind having a conversation you don't want to what's that you don't have to be on camera if you don't want to but okay oh you don't want to okay no worries man all right so we got folks over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't want to get in the middle of their stuff I'll just come over this way just trying to find some common ground y'all share this do me a favor shirt Hey just coming over to have conversation you're welcome are you with you they're not yeah yeah well I don't I've never met them yeah but why are they okay well I support our president make America great again you haven't well then why why'd you stop me if you hadn't heard about it what what made you turn me around and not them what made you turn me around and not them yes and we live in America yes and if you're an American Trump yes well if they're you know if it's important to talk about for sure yeah you do I do [Music] you should check him out it's good it's good yeah it's really good you tell me you don't remember so so so who so whose lives matter all of them all of them all all lives what about what about black children in the womb not that one all right I almost got it I almost got it yeah in the wound tube okay what about black women in the womb what about black women in the womb the black women in the womb when does it start when does it start when does it stop well then why does life mat why does any life matter I already told you you have very short term memory okay okay it's happen it's good yes that's just the way right so but if you don't run our importance don't really exist they do nations do exist that's our contract right that we all abide by unless and if they don't they say they suffer the consequences like being pudding no have a great day god bless you okay what's going on breath I'm not filming that way but good job what what what do you what are you doing up here what happened I know but I want to find Tommy then why are we so distant right why are we so why are we so divided and I'll talk to you over here where it's a little cooler why are we so divided America you have a thing that says love on your heart does that mean love I do and you love everyone no not everyone as I saw I saw a sign that said love thy neighbor no exceptions and so I was asking am I your neighbor actually do love everyone I really do I really people have figured it out I do today I'm not gonna let you hurt others right I've never I don't love right so so we're gonna keep walking don't touch me please is this this is you sit on the grass like a bee oh we're gonna keep walking down to it you can walk to the cops and ask them if you're allowed to be here or not right well I don't have anything to do with that I just I'm out I mean I support them but I want to have conversation why don't you ask the police over here because I know that you will I have some bleep all in to talk to you I do support the police um do I support the police doesn't have no comment on that okay what's going on I'm not with a group unaffiliated I'm here wiring so why why are you telling me where I need to go if you're not affiliate I'm suggesting that you walk down and check with the police if I choose not to because used to be you believe on the police right if you choose not to then you can we can believe in the Constitution I believe in America I should be able to walk anywhere I want to how's she gonna go there but as a private city that I can stand in your way well if you can and then if you commit a crime right but you can't block you know I'm gonna change my tongue here's what I'm gonna ask you to do okay let's hear okay let's hear it okay that's good what's your name again she's coming she's following me god bless you young lady let's go back over here what's up girl I'm just filming man I'm trying to have freedom of freedom of the press what's going on I'd love to have a conversation yes come talk I'm with America's voice news what brings you out here today America's voice news anyone want to tell me why you're out here today what do the dresses represent what do the dresses are you are you from are you from the Packers what is it what's that well I personally don't but I don't have a problem with somebody else and we and we should be free all of us right everybody I'm not going I'm not going in there y'all I actually I didn't want to interrupt your event I just wanted to have a conversation this is actually a great but backdrop round and like not explaining what well what is it no no I want to have a conversation what does it mean to you well I mean it means living free being able to make your own decision yeah how do you determine that you're not that you're not arrested for living the way you want to live that you're not attacked you're not violently attacked by people by fascists that call themselves anti-fascist they are what is the definition of fascism tell me your definition of yes or just your definition give like a technical definition of fast because no matter what silence hang on let me ask you let me ask you that had silencing other people's beliefs or ability to speak that you disagree with would you consider that in the realm of fascism I would not consider that in the realm of fashion fashion that's art that's silence with other people that they don't agree with right it's kind of a bigger thing than just like I don't want people to talk so so what what how much bigger is talk about you know genocide and committing genocide so how does it work to you how does what way better how does fascism work yes does anybody has anyone here consider themselves Antipa that would like to tell me why you're out here do you think it's like a set I'm trying I'm trying to find it yeah cuz I'm from the west coast and I've met some of them out there I don't know I did for California from California no no I can't actually came for the fireworks and the parade and I just happened to be here yeah well god bless a man they're doing a great job what what do you have it what do you have a problem with the problem all right I'm not I'm not affiliated with them but I do something I've been you're hanging out with them so like well actually I'm hanging out with you well you were hanging out with actually I have not been over there yet okay so I was like seriously we even begin with the how do you pick apart a message that's so deeply incorrect him wrong on every level so do you know what their message is yeah okay so we're not jerking off so what will i drifting off jerking off as far as I know has nothing to do with their platform and neither do I suppose you know you know do you know there is another director no I don't know you know he's he's Hispanic American X not racism song okay the director of a racist organization right you know you know the vast majority you know the majority of their members have melanin in their skin have melanin I mean you're calling them white supremacist just do this whole thing wide open right what will your saying here platform and exist your steeple carrying out the oppressed have members you're telling me they're racist but their platform is against racism they're chauvinist for America why are you silent in his voice why are you silencing his boys with an umbrella you don't you don't have to talk but you can right why are you silencing his voice anybody knew the conversation are you from here well you kind of are but why why what is so why are you afraid of me do you have Patriot a phobia patriarch phobia Pedro phobia is it us USA of probita that is there is such a thing there's those are beautiful umbrella umbrella gentleman was a beautiful umbrellas just FYI they are they're beautiful umbrellas I have to tell you and just FYI the rainbow stands for God's promise the rainbow stands for God [Applause] why are you trying to because I know liberalism is a mental disorder but I don't know if it's pop I don't know if that'll help what does that fan noise mean so I'm being sad it's a little warm here it is a little warm but the cloud covers help him let's go back me to freedom hey I'm sorry silence you I'm sorry Silas away but you can come over hey freedom of speech freedom of speech is welcome over here god bless america trump is your president all right let's get over to my Patriots I only have so much time it's going on brother hey Jun what's going on guys hey done guys mind telling me why you're out here okay you don't have to you have a public place but god bless you guys god bless america right not very many stalkers out here anyone want to tell me why you're out here America support freedom Liberty I still love you she said she said she loved me no exceptions no exceptions do we have the right to have rules in laws though so if somebody breaks in your house do you love them if somebody murders your family do you love them if somebody steals your wallet do you love them or just kind of not like them [Music] no comment no comment I guess love thy neighbor no exceptions unless they're Magga hey what's going on no Bernie no socialism I'm with you if you show me a Nazi I will tell them to go home he's got a sign how do you know that I know a lot of people of there I haven't met a single in the oddity and if there was a Nazi out here I tell him to go home what symbol is Nazi symbol is this is this what you're talking about the 3% because that represents the 3% of America you don't have to anyone want to talk anyone want to talk what it what do we need they came in the cavalry came in what are you doing out here my name is Ben I'd love to know yours I just I don't know why we can't have like intermingling groups why do we have to be separated anybody [Music] anybody want to talk I found a couple of people in the back side that wanted to talk anyone else willing to have a conversation before I go back over I'm going to tell them I came over here and we tried to have a conversation why not [Music] everything we sail against do we're live we're live so I'm not cutting anything I may cut it up later okay come over here with me come over here with me I want to come over here I want to talk to these guys guys come over here come over here your reflexes aren't very good excuse me excuse me excuse me hang on hang on hang on guys okay excuse me why do you guys immediately try to attack can you tell me why do you say that excuse me this is my property this is my property this is my property dude come on why are you trying to say why why do you guys assault people why is it okay to it's our boy and I'm a virgin am i trying to fight yes am I trying to silence you am I trying to sign into your village your ability to speak am i Trent who's trying to serve it to please try to silence who hey who's trying to silence you he was trying to steal property fashion exactly exactly they're fascists I got my umbrella buddy over here again can we have a conversation let's continue that conversation already be careful with those guys mind it they are the fashion okay with me bro he told me he's with me oh hey god bless you guys they can we find out who threw the bottle at my face okay can we find out who threw the ball in my face all right I'm going this way I'm going over these hey god bless you guys I'm with America's voice news I was actually over here having a conversation okay so until the fascist antique became an attack but I'm with what's up I'm actually I was on my way over to our event get him outta here I was on my way over to our van so why did why are fascists allowed wait why can't they get or why do they not get arrested but I get forced out I appreciate you brother let's just go again I love you now you're good I love you come why are none of them arrested when they were trying to steal my property they threw a bottle at my face why are none of them arrested okay we're good here actually my vents here all right you can go around the back side make a right and you'll get around the back so only fascists are allowed in that can you just please go around the wall all right guys so I was just removed from that event after I was a Suffolk no god bless you man this guy was standing by me saying don't do that and we're I don't know I don't know your political beliefs I don't over on the same side I don't know anything about you but thank you for supporting our ability to be free in this country man my name is ben ghazi god bless you brother hey I'm shoutout what can I give a shout-out to your organization or do you want to keep it I'd love to because you're awesome man you're awesome if it wasn't for people like you I would have been attacked even worse so I appreciate cowardly just don't even try and like I mean you should have a commerce then any meet me are g qu am am and I'm with frontline America one Burke womp am 36 thanks and I'll just say this I may not agree with your you know your stance but I'm here to defend your right to talk it's your idea be shut out they don't have to talk to you force right but then they shouldn't have shutting you well in an attack me was addicted I'm with you bro I'm with you man hey by the way guys I love you I just I wish so right right I know I know I know just real quick I'm gonna keep doing just right in front of the cops I guys talk to me and he was allowed to stay in there I know just just so we can both agree those guys are the fascism all right god bless you all love you love our law enforcement right there we go so had a nice little kind of conversation with some of the guys and then like usual was attacked by antifa the guys who don't want to have conversations they just want to silence people with violence hey bro sorry man I just wanted to thank those guys so it's not as much fun so I go there obviously people are like oh you're instigating no I'm showing the truth of what the reality of what's going on I for me to be at walk in there and be attacked for what I'm wearing I could actually be dressed up I could totally not agree with these things yeah and they wouldn't know it right and so I like that for people to be that upset with clothing is just it it's weird it's just dumb like I don't understand why they would like attack you me I get they don't agree with you but there's no point in making it you know physical right me well to them they're like what happened to what's this guy's name out in Portland and II know I know he's just that he's he it's just a journalist out there documenting I do man but that probably not I had it facing I had I had my face when I got hit by a bottle but I don't know if I had his face on it so that's why they cover their face so they can commit crimes and get away with it that's the sad thing they call themselves anti-fascist but they are the fascists they're the ones trying to silence people to go ahead I came down yeah I saw you steaming there I even backed up yeah I moved back I mean it's like if you're really trying to defend people against fascists don't you think the fascist would be the aggressors I've been to a bunch of rallies bulk assertive and liberal yeah and I'm a liberal myself yep but when I've been to like like the March for Life debbye last year it was pretty peaceful yeah have you ever been attacked by a conservative no never whenever I go to like say the women's [Applause] yeah so hey guys doing entrance this way okay thank you yes never been attacked by anybody buying conservatives yes and be attacked by liberals and and my thing is we should be able to disagree respectfully exactly you know what was your name again Darren Darren Darren Thompson van Bourke one great to meet you girl so what's this I do a show called frontline America on America's voice news and so we go out travel the country to tell the story of America obviously I'm coming from a perspective sort of perspective I'm a Christian conservative and so I want to espouse my ideals I want to compete in the arena of ideas with common sense people like yourself and find common ground and help fix America it helps you know find the things that we agree are bad that we need to fix and find solutions okay so and I would you seem like I would would would you call yourself a classic liberal I don't really know I mean I'm trying I I grew up as a liberal and but now I'm trying to be more you know centrist you know I'm trying to be what do you what do you think of abortion I don't really like I believe that you know women should have the right to do whatever they want I don't you know get into it what about the woman as a child and I don't want to put I know like some people just don't have a feeling on it here's the thing that you have a very valid point yeah because I feel like that is human being yeah but I feel like if somebody who wants to do that I'm not I just I don't try except you like oh you shouldn't do the whole do whatever you want I don't really care right okay if people want to do they're about socialism versus capitalism do you want to be able to have business or you want government to run our economy I believe in business okay you're more capitalist than communist yeah that's you man so you're not you're not with Bernie Bernie I did okay were you mad when with the collusion of the Democrats against Bernie Hillary took it from them I was pissed hey let me get over here I gotta I gotta say hi to the folks if you want to come up here you can come with me as in to wherever you want to go hey doing brother what's going on guys what's going on brother I just got assaulted over here Jared was actually watched yet he was down there with me and Antipa came up they tried to steal my that yeah so they tried to steal my hand if your water bottle hit me in the face and then they're trying to hit they're probably thirsty so that's not right it wasn't bad as long as it wasn't urine I couldn't taste this hey tell them who you are brother Jersey from Major League Liberty what's going on guys the last time I went to see you did and then I met in Colorado gosh I forget Matt yes this guy hey so I need somebody to keep an eye on the time I got to be back to the parking garage my one o'clock I got a move I got to get in your stay so hiding something about Major League liver - you guys got less liberty prevails I'm hot I'm sweaty but huh how you doing god bless america I was just down with that chief but they weren't very friendly today yeah I tried to hit me through water ball to hit me in the face try to steal my head you know just like they always do unfortunately the fascist that they are well it hit my face and I thought okay not a sick joke good yeah yeah luckily it wasn't asking cuz that would make my flight home pretty terrible then I sweat like a foot again I miss myself speak - yes what's that you're amazing bro do you mind all right what's your name Andy Andy Ben Andy just give me water could you open it for me that I got tied up on my hands I'm sure let me go over here real quick even our absolutely bro Thanks hey water from Andy that's right Andy water from Andy god bless you brother what's up man good to see ya okay I'm gonna try to get back on oh yeah scary scary kick a Pepe Pepe what what are you doing out here this video might be blocked immediately because the green frog just showed up Pepe Pepe why do you trigger the Liberals so bad it is it's the eye in the eyes looking into their soul that shows them that they're the evil ones is that right Pepe whatever a frog makes ribbit ribbit all right all right guys I'm gonna flip this around it's going on guys am I good yeah no she's gonna grab me one right now thanks man I've been with frontline America love you guys that's up I'm hot attack by a teef up but at least it was water or not ass hello can I come up behind there just film and we got Gavin McInnes speak and you all god bless Gavin gotcha gotcha gotcha hey we got we got Milo Milo's comments going on brother what's going on brother [Music] oh hey Milo can I get a hat signed by you real quick real quick real real quick do you have time to sign a hat beautiful thank you man [Applause] [Applause] Kevin so you got my Lord Gavin hey Gavin can I get a hat sign yeah all right can I get a hat sign brother love you man appreciate you front line America America's voice News we appreciate you stop Tobias thank you sir god bless you bro all right there you go [Music] hi Joe hey I'm so sweaty you probably don't want to hug me it's great to see you this is going to be so good this is gonna be so good so good all right guys so [Music] you got black bloc coming in brown boys y'all grab boys so black bloc is coming in y'all sorry had you mind holding this for just a second Russ going on black bloc's coming in okay booth oh boy here you yeah yeah my hands-free don't even trip yeah cops got him all right Milo's up on stage black bloc with hey what's up girl hey dude man good to see ya god bless you hey what time is it you got a time anyone got a time okay I'm really hot wish the left will never tell you because they're hateful shit girl Sandberg if you're listening to this I bought your book when I was 18 years old when I was in college and you said women we're always gonna face obstacles you said lean in well I'm here Cheryl I'm leaning in I'm most banned person the wife knows that right no one's been bad as much just me I've been banned from uber and lyft I couldn't even get here today I had to hitchhike and 50 people drove past banning me from their cars this morning I was banned from the hotel buffet because I was an hour late then I went to get a bagel or forgot my wallet and the guy in the bakery literally banned me from breakfast that's how bad it is out there you guys I've been banned from my bathroom in my own apartment I've even banned from this speech which is why I'm being represented today by a homosexual and a cheap wig oh it's exhaust welcome welcome to white history but I'm just kidding just kidding every month is white history because of racism now who's looking forward to straight pride I'm going I'm going as Harvey Weinstein now straight people have a lot of thing I'm proud of Bora Tiffany Trump Anthony can forward to that yes Tiffany no the other one before I start though I'd like to take a moment I'd like to share with you please a moment of silence to reflect on the awful tragedy this week of massive earthquakes in California some very mean people are describing as best fourth of July gift ever it's not funny 2500 earthquakes in the last week alone stop laughing 7.1 on the Richter scale just a hundred miles north of Los Angeles I think we all remember where we were we heard the news first and thought to ourselves goodness how sad it's still there and now some apologies from the people who can't be here with us today Jack mr. Beck is a naughty boy who makes up stories about innocent Democrats on internet I'm just kidding there's no such thing as innocent Democrats no he is actually here somewhere there was some rumors that he wouldn't be but not to worry we've got baby purr so Beck to worry to keep us you know this Twitter account jack the cervix you knew you should look it up we use it in my house when we run out of implicit Jacob Wallace here or as I'd like to call him Jack mazovick with ABS Roger stone couldn't be here but I'm fine about that because anti-fur said he was like the target number one and so now he's gone I'm back on top Roger stone is a very close friend of mine and one of my personal heroes but I admit we have drifted recently and it's all my own jealousy of fault I have to have to admit um Roger is about to fulfill one of my light ambitions before I do which is a 2 a.m. three-way at Rikers Island I can't forgive it Omar Navarro couldn't be with us today [Applause] [Music] he could he's coming down off a crack binge with another married woman or as I like to call him Jabba the slut first fat people Oh marshmallow Ella is too stupid to function and a liability to the movement but I do want to tell you why he shared with will sama from The Daily Beast about the proud boys
Channel: Frontline America
Views: 220,413
Rating: 4.8360958 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 55sec (2455 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
Reddit Comments

The cops push u out! WTF They protect Antifa

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
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