Attack on Titan's Most "Pathetic" Moment Explained

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everyone gather around for the main event of the evening in one corner we have coughing baby and don't be fooled by those rosy red cheeks and innocent demeanor because his finishing move is a doozy he can be juggled he can be small and ladies and gentlemen he can cough let's see how he [Applause] [Music] fares ooh I guess you could say he's got that dog in him let's see how his opponent hydrogen Aaron Jaga is one of the most complex characters in Attack on Titan but as well the most static of all the characters combined from episode 1 all the way until the final episode Aaron does not change he does not go through character development not even a little bit so in the final episode I saw many people were confused as to what was going on between Aaron and armen's conversation so to help you all out with that and bring a little bit more clarity to the scene this video here is to explain to you attack on Titan's most pathetic moment so if you haven't get subscribed we cover tons of anime on the channel like jiujitsu kaisen Demon Slayer chainsaw man one piece and tons and tons of seasonal shown in a new anime don't miss it get subscribed drop a like on the video and help a fellow out we're almost at 100K Subs so after Aaron is beheaded by masasa we are immediately greeted with a familiar sight Armen and Aaron are now children again back on the dock of shin ganina this is a call back to episode one of the series and at the site where moments before the colossal and armored Titans would first appear leading to his mother's death you may be wondering how Aaron is able to bring Armen all these others back into the paths after being beheaded well we'll explain that later in the video Armen asks Aaron if it was so necessary to beat him up like he did and this is a call back to final season part one episode 14 in which Aaron lies to Armen and Massa about having the memories and feelings of baracus and essentially becoming a copy of him and as well the existence of the acrian gene both were lies or misinformation and in reality Armen simply inherited memories and feelings from baracus but didn't become some pathetic copy or anything of him as for Mikasa this acrian Gene never existed and it isn't real in reality all of mikasa's headaches were due to the founder yamir poking around in her head as yir believed she could be the one to break her Stockholm syndrome and free her from her love of King Fritz turns out though that all of this was Aaron's plan to push Armen and Mikasa away so that he could protect them from himself and make them the hero of the world to basically put them in the position of what the Tyber family the home of the Warhammer Titan was in pre- rumbling Aaron wanted the survey core and Marley's Titan Warriors to work together as eldians to overcome the greatest evil known to humanity Aaron yga by doing this the idea that eldians are evil Sinners who only want to take over the world is uh well stumped into the dirt pund intended and with it comes a new appreciation for eldians and the rise of their prominence this is because nobody would dare go against the people who live literally save the world from Extinction after all so Aaron brings Armen on a journey through burning Seas Aurora borealys and finally the vast sea this is all a reference to the book that Armen showed Aaron as a kid which would spur him on to one day free Humanity so that the nightmare would end and his friends could see all of these Marvels and do what they want this is essentially a representation of what he wants for his friends in life to see and experience all there is that they could only ever dream of seeing after this we get a see an explaining some of yamir's character as Aaron explains to Armen what he can understand from yir even after 2,000 years yamir still obeyed King Fritz despite him killing her family destroying her Village and cutting her tongue out even after obtaining the Titan power even then she obeyed him because she loved him and the reason for this is due to Stockholm syndrome which if you're not familiar is defined as feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage taking by a victim towards a captor the reason we can surmise this is because Aaron describes yir as suffering and that she always kept searching for someone to break her cycle of Stockholm syndrome the term suffering is very important and a nice tell of really what's going on here turns out though that this person was masasa and the reason for that is very simple masasa showed it moments before by killing Aaron and ending the rumbling it's shown that yir could never do what was right by her and end Fritz's life even though she dreamed of doing it so many times so basically masasa could do what yamir couldn't because of her strength and her nature of always doing what was right by her this is why masasa never for example confessed her love to Aaron because she made the right decision the entire time sort of subconsciously because if she did well I mean they probably would have ran away together whether she knew it at the time or not so mikaso was the only one who could kill Aaron and sever that Bond while also severing the bond of yamir to free everyone from the Titan nightmare simple as that and because of that Aaron kept pushing himself so that he could allow Mikasa to free yamir and everyone you can see this throughout Aaron's relationship with Mikasa in the series remember all those times he seemed cold towards Mikasa or seem to disregard her feelings well that's because Aaron knew he had to keep moving forward to allow masasa to do what she had to do which was what she did in this episode upon realizing all of this himself Aaron begins to understand the gravity of all that he did he's the one that dragged Humanity into war and he knew he had to do it the moment he touched Historia hand at the metal ceremony Arend day begins to tell Armen that because of the founding and attack Titans acting in unison there is no such thing as a past or future for him it's all just one conglomerate of memories from the past the future everything it's all wrapped into one he's lost himself in vast knowledge and experiences of time and due to that for pretty much the entirety of the final season he was only ever really Hanging On by a thread this is why when we see Aaron in the Doomsday Titan he always had his eyes closed he was tired of existence himself and by closing his eyes he could better focus on the task he had to carry out even more surprising is when Aaron reveals that the day the colossal and armored attack paridis he played a role in the attack on his own home that day he knew that baracus had to survive and so instead of The Smiling Titan being allowed to eat him he forced The Smiling Titan to basically start to the end of the cycle by sending the Smalling Titan toward his mother saving him and basically manipulating himself into carrying out revenge the moment he touched his story's hand years later was the moment he realized all that he had done to himself it wasn't baracus or the armored that killed his mother this is why he was never offended when meeting rer before the declaration of war it's also why he never backed down after Riner would beg him and apologize for what he did because it was never about Revenge by that point it was all about carrying out his duty to end the Titans and allow masasa the opportunity to free yir which in turn would free everyone around the world so Aaron did all he could do to make the best of the situation he put himself into everything else he had done by that point was all just icing on the cake as he was just using this opportunity to basically save the rest of his friends that would survive this then leads us to the ocean scene where they are now represented by their current age Armen asks Aaron how masasa will be able to forget about him and live a happily life with someone else Aaron like always gives the answer he's always given which is to disregard it and not really think about it this pisses Armen off and rightfully so he decks Aaron for treating Mikasa the way he has this is because masasa from the very moment he wrapped the scarf around her always risked her life and fought for Aaron she was his protector for years and years and just like Zeke said masasa would snap the neck of a Titan because she loved him that much so to have Aaron simply just ignore all of those years of pent up feelings she has towards him and disregard it at the end of his life no less well yeah it's very disrespectful the theoretically even if she didn't have feelings for him she still dedicated her life and put her body on the line time and time to protect and save him the punch did Aaron some good though as it made him realize after Armen suggests she'd hit it off with another guy what his true feelings are which makes sense Aaron just spent his entire life repressing himself at a base level so that punch really was probably needed so when he realizes that he tells Armen that he doesn't want her to find some other guy or move on from him or forget about him he simply told Mikasa all of that back at the cabin to protect her just like he always tried to do his true feelings are different as he deeply loves her and that one-sided love we thought was real for the longest time wasn't and the entire time their love was Mutual for one another Armen calls this sight before him pathetic well well which it is though that is done on intention Aaron is one of the only characters really in the entire series to break down and cry and quote be pathetic he does it quite often if you go back in the history of this series while some will say Aaron is this hardened Edge Lord badass who hates romance and women and eats red meat and I mean this is this is just a hilarious misunderstanding of his character and shows that really they weren't paying attention Aaron has always struggled with his emotions to some degree and to get through what he had to do in this final season he had to basically remove all semblance of himself and dissociate from reality however there were times he would break down like in the final season after realizing he got Sasha killed where at the end of season 2 when he realized he had possibly just failed everyone and is this pathetic guy who can't even turn into a Titan or even the time he touched Historia hand realizing the gravity of what he just did Aaron is a human being that has emotions and the fact he did such a thing here is 100% in character for Aaron Aaron has been an absolute anguish and is the most tortured character of the series besides yamir Fritz and small hints of this is the reason for example he grew out his hair which was as because isayama stated who is the creator of aot by the way he stopped caring about taking care of himself and living a normal life because he dedicated himself to moving forward and completing his plan he was miserable that's why he used a manipulated flock and created the jarist that's why he pushed masasa and Armen away and that's why he carried out the rumbling it wasn't to stick it to the normes and become EDG Lord incarnate he ultimately did it because he wanted to save his friends and make sure they live a happy and peaceful life hence why he broke down when Sasha died hence why he broke down in season 2 and all of the other reasons he did so previously Armen calls him pathetic because it's a pathetic sight coming from a guy who did all of what he just did but that's Aaron that's who he is and always has been from episode 1 and emotional Garden variety idiot who came into immense power at the end of the day all he wants is for masasa toine happiness which is why he wants Armen to tell nothing of what he just said to her because at the end of the day Aon knows that it wouldn't be fair for masasa to have her still be so attached to him even after he dies which as we know she remained completely attached to him even after his death and realizing the life that these two are about to live Aaron breaks down and well he doesn't want to die he doesn't ever want to leave masasa or anyone he loves them too much after all everything he just did was all in the name of saving them I don't know about you but in a weird up way this is true love but he knows that even if he desires to live that he cannot do so as he's killed billions of people and therefore he could never atone for the sheer amount of lives that he's just ended so he shows Armen the 80% of humanity he wiped out as the flattened ground is full of blood making it look like a Blood Red Sea when in reality this was at one point land of some kind Armen realizing what he just did or rather what he is about to do and the gravity of it all Aaron explains that what he's about to go through with is he's about to lower the population of the outside world to that of the levels of Paradis to put that into perspective we have a general idea of paradis' population which is around 1.25 million people give or take so around the world there are around 1 million people left that's it meaning the total population of the planet after the rumbling is only around 2 million people because of this there will be no other Wars in retaliation Humanity can't afford it nor could they do it even if they wanted to however despite him telling Armen all of this all of this has just been determined by Fate it's going to happen Aaron tried to stop this in multiple other timelines too he tried to prevent it but in everything he did throughout these timelines all he was able to do was get this result this was the best case scenario and it's just as Armen said he is a slave to freedom and none of this can be undone Armen hearing all of this though he breaks down realizing the gravity of it all and that there will never be an end to conflict realizing that not even this event will stop the Gears of War from grinding but even so Armen believes that one day we all must come to understand one another and that all the rumbling has done is ruined people's faith and believing there could ever be a common understanding Aaron through all of this never considered that fact and now what people will learn from this is that the only way to solve issues is through violence and murder kill or be killed as he hears this Aaron recalls when he was born and was told by gisha his name and that he was free Aaron realizes that from the onset he wanted to level everything from existence since his birth he doesn't know why but we can easily piece this together that due to the convergence of timelines inside of his head due to the attack and founding Titan that much like how the rumbling was predetermined by Fate Aaron from birth had memories implanted within him from himself to carry forward until he leveled it all there was no reason other than that this was his fate and the timeline he needed to carry out as this was the only good timeline that he could afford so he had this desire planted within him from the start so that he could carry it through to fruition this is manifested in episode one by Aaron's need and desire to end the nightmare outside the walls and his need to join the survey Corp he didn't know at the time but that desire to end the existence of all Titans and free his friends was him giving them those feelings from the future so at the end of it all he realizes that well he's just an idiot who came into power simple as that he wasn't anyone special like Freda or yamir he was just Aaron Jaga the son of gisha and this is when Armen makes an important realization too it was his fault as well if he had never shown Aaron that book he maybe would have never fought this hard to free his friends from a grim fate because of this sight Aaron showed Armen he thanks him because with this sight he was able to realize he was just as guilty as Aaron he showed him the book he killed those people in Liberia and so because of that they can finally relate and cope with the reality that they've created for themselves they're both murderers all the same killing Innocents for a greater cause that they both really can't possibly explain finally Armen and Aaron find closure after all of this time as together they'll burn in hell for all of their sins they could never atone for so Aaron will erase armen's memories until he is dead then upon his death they all will remember those final moments and that will continue time and time again every single time through every path and so Aaron will be waiting for him and vice versa so one day they can burn in hell together this is when the scene switches over to Armen back in the previous episode when Annie seemingly breaks him from his Daydream turns out that this moment in the pin ultimate episode with Annie is the moment that Aaron talks to Armen it wasn't during the battle but it was before the battle and he didn't even realize that until after he had been killed at this brief moment where he froze in reality was his final me meeting with Aaron that's some really awesome writing just like Aaron said he would remember it after it all occurred and boy did he in my opinion this moment is one that is one of the best moments in the entire series as it explains pretty much everything that happened in the first episode and resolves it all why Dina ate Carla why Armen zoned out in the last episode why Aaron activated the rumbling the truth behind his birth yamir Fritz's Stockholm syndrome and her reasoning for choosing masasa and so so so much more it pays off so much of the plot from small references like the seashell from the end of season 3 all the way to yamir Fritz's character sadly though there is a very loud minority that just don't seem to get Aaron and because of that they use the phrase pathetic to describe the scene as more of a pejorative the reality is that this may actually be one of Attack on Titan's most misunderstood scenes in the entire series because well it's complicated and well sadly some people saw Aaron as a Mindless killer who hated masasa had no feelings and just wanted to to eliminate everything for the sake of being edgy when really that's not at all what Aaron's character is about he's not some disgruntled angry teen who wants to take out his revenge on the world all he wants at the end of the day is to protect his friends and family and make sure they live a happy life where war and Titans do not exist where they can explore the world to their heart's content maybe it's just a bunch of teenagers who aren't old enough to really get this ending but this scene is easily one of the most important and well executed sequences in the entire series and to me that's inarguable everyone was in character everyone was explained perfectly and the whole myth that there were plot holes and ass PES and Aaron being out of character is just it's wrong but that's why we have a comment section so what did you guys think about this scene and Attack on Titan did you love it did you hate it let me know in the comments below as well if you could check out my other channels like the king of anime podcast where we cover weekly seasonal anime like fron jiujitsu k rone kinchin spy family and so much more as well check out my chainsaw man channel where I cover the newest chapters as they drop and if you're an aot fan the same Studio behind the final season produces chainsaw man and as well Jutsu kaisen so you don't want to miss out on that financially support the channel by becoming a patron where you'll gain access to my mega one piece Arc reviews and first impressions thank you for the 13 years of support I love you bye-bye
Channel: SeaTactics
Views: 36,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bo0ncFe6pgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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