Attack of the Legends: Spice

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what's in the market for glitter stem nova jack corellian sunburst i invented all those spices ask anybody how much to buy all three of those spices [Music] spice is the narcotic of star wars originally just a few offhand lines from a new hope what are we going to do we'll be sent to the spice mines of castle or smashed into luna's what it eventually became the overarching term for drugs in the galaxy generic spice is a sandy substance that could be smoked ingested or cooked and injected giving euphoria and hallucinations it's like a mix of heroin and lsd it became a staple of the expanded universe used in books comics video games whether it was a plot device or flavor text to spice things up with over 60 variants of spice and legends it ranged from the most vicious life-ruining narcotics to table spices but first why did george call it spice well it's no mystery that the original star wars movie borrowed tons of ideas from other media flash gordon the hidden fortress damn busters and dune if you're interested in dune or film history in general i highly recommend watching yodarovski's dune it's a documentary about the unmade 1974 dune film that was going to have music by pink floyd starring salvador dali orson welles david carradine and mick jagger and even art designs by h.r giger and this is pre-alien the visionary director alejandro yodorowski sent a screenplay book to studios in hollywood and it seemed amazing but was universally rejected by studios like universal paramount and even disney said that it wasn't normal enough sci-fi like 2001 space odyssey it was too metaphysical philosophical and weird but even without the film getting made copies of that initial screenplay book circulated around hollywood just the way his sword fights were designed there's a huge amount of influence there's a scene of paul dueling with a robot and doing training and it's a lot like luke dueling with the ball and the money of popping [Music] gigger he make the monster of alien why he made the monster of sally because donovan obama created aliens they take more views they take iger force and hollywood started to use my my group no it was very fantastic a lot of people took images and ideas with them and incorporated them to other projects star wars had the desert planet sand crawlers moisture collection eventually giant worms and spice the most precious substance in the universe is the spice melange the spice must flow in dune spice melange is a drug that extends your lifespan as well as enhances your mental abilities to the point of being able to fold space-time for galactic travel it also gave you the blue eyes so the drugs of star wars were given a name and yes uncle owen in operu told luca that his dead dad was a drug dealer no my father didn't fight in the wars he was a navigator on a spice freighter that's what your uncle told you and han solo obviously smuggled hard drugs but it's not that obvious to some people apparently in 1994 author kevin anderson submitted the book jedi search to lucasfilm for approval and it included spice as a drug the politically correct executives at the time at lucasfilm told him that spice can't be drugs because that would mean that han solo a hero used to be a drug dealer and that just won't do they demanded that he rewrite spice as a food additive which anderson replied would you think he was smuggling oregano what's the matter for you so the executives furious got big george on the horn to get him to make anderson understand that spice is a food additive and not a drug to which george lucas responded it is a drug though it's it's a drug it's a food additive what of course it's a drug it's space heroin that's what what else would it be what so luckily spice remained hard narcotics because in a hive of scum and villainy people aren't dealing salt to avoid taxes even if that did happen in our history and we've warded over saul before that's not my head cannon salt by the way salt and food flavorings are already in star wars labeled as food spices there's actually a species the arcona that are addicted to salt like it was a spice salt is also poisonous to godels them godels can't get a damn break the earliest use of spice dated back to pre-republic civilizations 27 000 years before the first film people used sleeper ships to colonize the galaxy although these ships traveled faster than the speed of light they didn't have hyperdrive systems yet because it wasn't invented so sleeper ships took hundreds of years to arrive to a system so to accomplish these colonizations they would freeze all their crew in carbonite but carbonate had bad side effects when he came out of it blindness nausea nerve damage mental instability brain damage and just straight up death spice was crucial in this regard it was given to the crew before and after carbonite freezing to minimize these symptoms i'm here because the empire discovered how to process spies into painkillers save sick and injured soldiers when there's not enough cult overrun the empire's never been in the spice trade before but there are young men and women who need these painkillers you'll have to get your spice someplace else and then over the years people realized the recreational uses that spice had which led spice to be highly regulated and taxed or just straight up illegalized across the galaxy so naturally organized crime and illegal production boomed as a result it quickly became the number one product for smugglers due to such high profit to volume ratio and as usual in smuggling piloting skills became paramount because most smugglers routes went through dangerous territory the kessel run for example is a backway to kessel that goes through the maw nebula past a cluster of black holes called the maw the kessel run circumvents the usual route to kessel that's a lot safer but highly patrolled traveling through hyperspace like dustin ain't like justin crops kid without precise calculations we fly too close to a store they're bouncing to a super market and then yeah be a hell of a lot what's that watch we've been losing deflector shields go strap yourselves in be careful on the way out kessel is a misshapen asteroid planet that's the biggest exporter of spice in the galaxy the spices are mined mostly by slaves and droids and the spice worlds that put out the most product were usually far from the core of the galaxy because core worlds had been mined dry since ancient times and spice operations farther away from coruscant were less likely to be caught by the government although most spice is illegal it's still common especially within the empire for officials to take spice shipments as bribes to look the other way on patrols for a while spice isn't always illegal though some are prescribed by doctors which explains why leia's given the 21b droid them eyes for that spice hook-up yom-san i see the way you look at him i'm a man too you know i go pee-pee standing up i will defeat him please don't i will [Applause] [Music] some are legal in trace amounts in wine or cocktails kind of like space absinthe maybe you'd line your cup of calf with a nice dose of rill and some are packed into tobacco products or in star wars it's called tabak smoked in sagaras so what types of spices were there well i've done the research i'm basically certified as a pharmaceutical person but for star wars spice so basically it's the most useless skill ever that i can put on my resume first off there's generic spices again these are the ones that are just euphoria with hallucinations oftentimes i think writers just picked a spice and made up a name and just threw it in whatever thing they were making but there are some interesting stories with some spices on this list sice noodles that singer in jabba's palace quit the max rebo band went solo and had three failing albums and then became addicted to federal sweet spice smells like toidarian b.o which is apparently very pleasant and that mummerjeep producers could be found in star wars galaxies and it was one of the secret ingredients in woo hers cocktail that he was trying to make for jabba the hutt to become rich and famous and get off of tatooine i'd also like to throw in that in this cocktail that wu her was making he dragged greedo's dead body and milked his pheromones into the drink i think joppa really really liked it but anyways there's a bunch of other spice people have written into legends that have more interesting effects first up uppers glitter stim is the first big one in star wars it's expensive rare and extremely addictive gives euphoria hallucinations and a heightened mental state it also gives a brief but limited version of telepathy overuse of glairston leads to brain deterioration sight loss paranoia and death users are referred to negatively as glit biters glitter stem is collected from the webs of energy spiders in the minds of kessel these creatures thrive in pitch black darkness and they can even survive blaster bolts extremely dangerous the spice that they produce is also photosensitive activated by light so it has to be mined in total darkness and packed with opaque paper andrus also known as white spice is very common it's mainly used as a food additive and for food storage on long voyages so you think it's like salt however it can be shocked and turn into a nootropic drug so like an amphetamine essentially it's actually widely legal but still abused by addicts i'd like to informally give this spice the name alderal giggle dust also known as exoprotein powder is a golden brown spice that's smoked and gives euphoria alertness and makes you just laugh at everything gree is a purple spice that gives an overwhelming sense of power and happiness and crude is a psychoactive pill that reduces the user's inhibitions and makes them act on selfish impulses with no filter on to downers real the second big one of the galaxy real is a weak spice but highly addictive it's mined primarily from the twilight homeworld of ryloth and has medicinal uses in painkillers and anesthetics like glitterstim it gives a boost to existing telepathic abilities gives high pain relief and it's hallucinogenic which is perfect for a toilet dance club a variant of rail called real core was once used with bacta to make something called rylkha which was a cure against a virus called the krytos virus this was a virus that targeted and killed millions of non-humans during the new republic era carack is a strong painkiller pushed by spice dealers as pain medicine it seemingly has no side effects when you use it but trace toxins inside of it can build up in the body over time causing severe health issues and eventually death it's exactly oxycontin from the 90s and 2000s if spice dealers are licensed doctors own correct also suppresses force powers which oxycontin may also do milliflower is an exotic red and blue flower from naboo it releases airborne chemicals that relaxes air breathing species it caused a tranquilizing effect that helped in aromatherapy and muscle relief but mostly they're given as gifts on naboo it's a big part of the culture between both the naboo and the gungans the extract from milliflower however is illegal you can concentrate it into this chalky bitter powder that you ingest one dose gives you the two tranquilizing euphoria doses releases your inhibitions and overdosing can cause unconsciousness or death by paralyzation or heart failure what a lovely valentine's gift mark an herb is smoked through a pipe and gives you a high and it has an easily recognizable odor when burned and it's cheaper than most spice so it's mids i guess gregabaki is a gray plant that when burned as an incense simply relaxes people it's used in cantinas and storefronts and i guess it's basically hardcore lavender sweet blossom or grandcheck is the nectar from a flower of the same name the nectar is thinned out into a fluid which is used as a sedative as well as a potent truth serum all arounders these give multiple effects glitteril is a combination of glitter stim and real it can be made synthetically by mixing the two drugs together but a more potent version could be made naturally energy spiders from kessel that made glitter stim were known to be imported to ryloth and fed real afterwards they grew to massive sizes and started spinning webs of glitterrill instead of glitterstim glitteril is intensely addictive amplifying the effects of both spices it also caused long-term memory loss in the user most notably it was used on the jedi knight quinlan vos and his apprentice ayla sakura maybe she was on the glitter reel during order 66 like she didn't even put up a fight she was glitterly shot to death whoa what planet are we on i forgot what we were doing here but this is so cool someone should definitely take a picture so trippy does anyone else hear chancellor palpatine that stings god this is so stupid so annoying carcinoma also known as black spice boosted mental and physical abilities and gave a sense of well-being but the side effects were super random varying from person to person from having the jitters to having the death crash and burn also known as nutrient burnout is a chemical mix of random stimulants and depressants whatever's lying around it gives heightened awareness but also awakens any latent psychodepressive tendencies a narcotic incense is a substance that produces an aromatic smoke that either stimulates or depresses the central nervous system depending on the species who inhaled it brief exposure caused a high while prolonged exposure was often lethal then there were two types of animals organs that could be harvested and genetically modified from the quee and the clicknic and when ingested chemicals from these organs would line your organs in a protective layer giving you a short boost in both physical and mental performance followed up by puking up all those chemicals mind enhancers thruster head also known as tuscan mix it's injected and instantly increases awareness and mental capabilities tenfold and it's immediately followed by anxiety and extreme nausea muon gold it's a fashionable spice made by colliding engine lubricant with sub-atoms called muons it's expensive to make but increases mental performance exponentially and reduces inhibitions it's popular with witty smugglers on the side because it helps them talk their way out of hopeless situations but it has degenerative effects on the neural pathways of the brain it brings on early dementia galadi it provides relaxation and supreme mental clarity force users also found that it greatly enhanced their abilities and connection to the force but it's highly addictive and it amplifies the negative emotions often pushing force users towards the dark side yerok root also known as rock house is a natural eredonian root spice given to warriors before battle for a sense of confidence and understanding of life basically it's a drug to make soldiers ready to kill or be killed it increases mental performance and it's also a strong hallucinogen but repeated use led to permanent psychosis an arium root comes from blue nanarium flowers it increases cognitive performance and mental sharpness at the cost of a slight physical strain it's popular among college kids onto reflex enhancement neutron pixy also known as the kessel special is a hallucinogen made from a mushroom from toidaria called black gabaki these mushrooms calmed the user's mind and enhanced their agility the fungus taste was usually covered up with a fruity flavoring booster blue is made from the dyes that go into industrial starship paint this blue liquid that was usually stored in a metal container greatly enhanced reaction time it's popular with gunslingers and it's not uncommon for pilots to overdose on it during extended missions also it's been known that people who combined neutron pixy booster blue and thruster head that they could literally dodge a blaster bolt on reaction i bet in the special edition han ate some neutron pixy mushrooms injected thruster head and huffed blue booster before this happened no one's made a name for this combination of drugs so i'ma name it something real original trinity help or non solo magravian cat spice gave literal cat-like reflexes shadow paw also known as endor root it's ground up and smoked usually through a long bone pipe by ewoks it spiked reflex speed but wore the body down with each use and then finally impact was extracted from fungus from felucia it could be ingested for a short dramatic spike in reflex speed followed by a lethargic crash onto strength enhancers red rage is a spice used by sith during the great hyperspace war of 5000 bby it increases strength at the cost of eyesight which is an accepted sacrifice by force users since the force can account for a lack of vision gun jack also known as zabran is injected giving a strength buff at the cost of reduced motor control mental sharpness and the ability to reason afterwards the user feels weak and sluggish with long-term health risks scramjet also known as bantha radish it's steroids it's star wars steroids i think it's fun that you can refer to people as probably being on the bantha radish zypoline droid lubricant also known as corellian mist was a literal droid lubricant but when rubbed on the skin of a humanoid it boosted muscle performance at the cost of cellular decay parepanol also known as parwan syrup heightened physical strength and gave a sense of invulnerability lumbny spice is one of the rarest spices in the galaxy found on caves on hoth and coralog it has unknown effects on humanoids because fire-breathing dragon slugs usually defend them but what we do know is that those dragon slugs eat the lumny spice and as a result they can grow up to 20 meters and they develop armor-like skin now for spice with special properties not necessarily bad good or enhancing just niche stuff ava bush is a non-addictive plant that could be brewed into tea it gives you relaxation and sleepiness but has subtle truth serum effects with the right balance of flavor you wouldn't even taste it making it popular among spies and criminals deluge countered hunger pangs and sapped all desire for food side effects included apathy and lethargy it was developed by the old republic during the new sith war to save on cost for military resources lasagne is purple mold that grows on the backs of lizards who live in garbage it's scraped off with a spatula and then you rub it on your throat and it leaves a purple stain it's pretty disgusting however it completely removes the need for sleep and extends your lifespan by the amount of time that you're not sleeping the rich are the ones who are usually addicted to it and it's commonly spread information that's really bad for you destroying the moral centers of the brain but speculated that these side effects were made up by the rich to keep the commoners in the dark on to the horrible death sticks they were developed on coruscant in illegal pharmaceutical labs using mushrooms from the planet belasar and they were usually dealt by balasars such as elon sleaze bagano it comes in a granulated form which could be smoked but was most known for its red and yellow liquid forms that came in a vial which can be injected or mixed with alcohol the effects it gives are enticing enough twisted bright colored hallucinations and a nice high but the side effect is where the namesake comes from death sticks shortened your lifespan and each hit makes the desire for the next hit to be even bigger quickly and exponentially decreasing the lifespan of the user you could take years off your life in one night medical assistance was required to kick the habit assuming the user even wanted to stop even then it cost thousands of credits those things will kill you stay where you are end spice it's basically a generic spice that's highly addictive gives euphoria hallucinations that normal stuff but each spice dealer makes their own strain of egg spice in the first strain someone takes that becomes the only strain that will satisfy their addiction so ing spice earned the street name the leash if you get leashed you either quit and try to survive withdrawals or you're stuck trying to get the same ink spice from the same dealer for the rest of your life tempest is a mix of glitter stem and a virus from the hut's home world taking tempest gives the effects of glitter stim followed by a fit of uncontrollable rage the sensation of taking tempest is like hot spikes being driven into the back of your brain followed by pleasurable emotions a short temper and then a feeling of invulnerability it's pcp oh hey he's on the trinity combo tempest is a key component of tempest feud an adventure module for the wizards of the coast tabletop game and finally eldratz is a man-made silvery slimy resin that puts the user in a catatonic state giving the user no semblance of their former self and people usually use it on others to enslave them eldretz was once used by a human mind administrator to enslave creatures called clusads to mine valuable nova crystals for jewelry once a slave was near death from eldrat's doses they were released to wander like a zombie until finding an echo of their former self again in summary there are tons of spices written into star wars back in the day and it's pretty overwhelming and sometimes messy but with cool ideas sometimes actually that's legends in a nutshell now you're equipped with all the knowledge you need to do a little smuggling on the side as long as you keep one thing in mind the spice must flow wow wow what a wonderful galaxy of spice we have here today thank you for watching the video and thank you to my patrons who voted on this topic and supported this video's creation share it if you really liked it like comment subscribe all that stuff helps the channel grow and i'll see you guys in the next video the legend will never die
Channel: Saintmillion
Views: 36,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saintmillion, saint million, star wars, spice, star wars spice, dune, dune spice, star wars dune, star wars drugs, drugs in star wars, star wars legends, legends, star wars lor, lore, star wars legends lore, legends lore, ryll, glitterstim, sansanna, lumnispice, the old republic, star wars galaxies
Id: pWz77RzOdHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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