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The YouTube Love Ato channel is participating in a campaign to solve the problem of undernourished children with Happy Alliance. If viewers leave comments on this video, lunch boxes will be delivered to children concerned about undernutrition for every comment . Nice to meet you. The length of the graphic overclocking guide video is getting longer, so I prepared it separately. This video is a graphic undervolting guide video. People with PC hardware knowledge will think it's easy, but beginners will find it difficult for some reason. I'll explain it as simply as possible. Don't think it's difficult, and it would be nice if you could learn the part of 'Ah~ there's something like this' through the video. First of all, there were various feedbacks through the last overclocking guide video . I also checked the comment saying that they are now asking me to overclock my graphics card. Again, overclocking or undervolting, which I will tell you in this video, definitely has its pros and cons. And, I also told you about the disadvantages in the overclocking guide video, and nonetheless, it is up to each of you to know the method and try it. I think there is a big difference between what you know and what you don't know . It would be nice if you could help me understand more about why people use it . So let's start by pointing out what undervolting is. There is also undervolting in CPU. Likewise, undervolting can be applied to the GPU we will look at today. You can think of the concept as the same. To put it simply , let's assume that there is a graphics card that shows 100 abilities. However, to show 100 abilities, 100 energy (rice) I'll say it's consumed. You can see this as something like reducing the ability to show only 90, but lowering the energy consumption to 80 instead. You can see that the ultimate purpose of undervolting is not to fall too far from the original ability . Then why are you doing this? 'What are you doing to make your head hurt like this?' You may be thinking this. If you have watched the overclocking guide video, you will remember that overclocking is giving a little more rice (while increasing power consumption) and increasing your ability to do a little more work. Of course , a product with good yield can do more work even if it does not give a lot of rice . And, as the heat increases, the cooling fan of the graphics card spins faster, so the fan noise goes up. Undervolting here aims for the opposite result. While reducing power consumption, lowering the heat of the GPU, reducing the fan speed and lowering the noise , aiming for a side effect. Possibilities can be expected. I don't know how you felt about what I've said so far, but there are probably some people who think like this. Undervolting is incredibly good. Why didn't I know this good thing? Isn't that what you should do? You may think, but if so, undervolting would have been treated as an essential item for PC users, right? What I said is the advantages of what you can expect. So, this is the point. What can I expect... I told you the case of the best picture in terms of possibility . There are quite a lot of types of graphics cards, and if you take Nvidia graphics cards as an example, there are still people who use the GTX 10 series. 20 series There are so many different products from the 30 series to the 40 series. The nature of the product is different for each architecture, and even if it is the same 40 series, each manufacturer and the luck of the draw are added, so the products show a variety of appearances . There is no guarantee that good results will be shown. There is a possibility of malfunction and the possibility of adversely affecting the product cannot be ruled out. So, I can't say that it's unconditionally good and you have to do it unconditionally. Anyway, it's your choice whether you know how to use it or not. So what about undervolting? First you need some supplies. As mentioned in the last overclocking guide video, 'Afterburner' and 'Combuster' programs are required for preparation . The basic settings are the same as overclocking. This is how afterburner and combustor are placed side by side. If you are not familiar with afterburner and combustor, please watch the overclocking guide video at the top right of the video first. It will be helpful to understand this video. Afterburner's central core clock If you look next to the graph to adjust , there is a mark like a mobile phone antenna. If you click this , a graph like the one you see now will appear. This is called the curve editor. This curve editor is used to proceed. First, the Y-axis of the graph in the curve editor represents the core clock, and the X-axis represents the core voltage. And this graph is displayed based on the value set in the BIOS of each graphics card. So let's get a little more familiar with this graph. For example, the RTX 4070 model we are testing right now. If you look at the graph displayed on the curve editor of this model, you can see that the core voltage value also increases as the clock increases. So, what this graph means is this . Higher clock means higher voltage . You can think that you understand more than half of bolting. You don't seem to have done anything, but you're embarrassed to say that you're halfway there, right? It's really halfway there. If you watch the video to the end, you'll think it's really easy. So, don't be too hard on yourself and listen carefully to the rest of the method. And if there are beginners among those watching, fighting. I'll cheer you on. It's not difficult. Now I'm ready . I'm going to start undervolting. The first thing I need to do is understand the graphics card I'm using. What does this mean? I 'll show you . First, run Combuster. As the combustor runs, afterburner will display the GPU clock on the left and the GPU temperature on the right. And, the voltage value rises above the temperature, but there are probably some people who do not come out. In that case, click the gear-shaped settings icon and look here. There is an item called Use voltage monitoring function. If you click here to activate it, the voltage is displayed. Now, while keeping the combustor running, you can keep a close eye on the clock value and temperature. Although there may be differences for each product, the boost clock value will go up all the way, stop at some point, come down again, and then go up slightly, and so on. And, if you look at the temperature, you can see that it went up to 75 degrees when it was first driven, then came down all the way, and now it goes back and forth between 70 degrees and 69 degrees . It's a little bit, but there will be a section that goes up and down. The model I tested could see that the temperature went back and forth between 68 and 70 degrees, and the boost clock went back and forth between 2595 and 2610. So, to sum it up, it's like this. In the case of this model I am testing, assuming that there is no more temperature increase at around 70 degrees and the product is slightly throttled at this time, you can see that the boost clock is going back and forth from 2595 to 2610 units. Depending on the card you are using, these values ​​will come out differently. You can refer to the corresponding values . However , this is the part you have to choose because the drop rate depends on how you undervolt . If so, you can choose 2580 or 2575, and if the clock is low, the performance will be a little lower, but on the other hand, the voltage can be lowered and the temperature will be lower. You may not be able to drop the voltage much, and there will be less room to lower the voltage anyway. It can be difficult to lower the temperature too much. In the end, you have to make a choice about where to put more emphasis. First of all, I'm testing with the 4070 model, and since the 4070's power consumption isn't high, I'll go in the direction of preserving performance as much as possible. So, let's take 2610 as our target clock. Now we're going to adjust the graph. There are two ways here. Even those who do existing undervolting will use one of these two methods. The first is to work after pulling down the graph as a whole. If you look at the graph, there is a point for each section like this, and you can click this point with the mouse to raise or lower it. If you press the shift key and move the mouse here, the entire graph moves together . Method 1 is to drop it and proceed with the undervolting operation. Another method is to proceed with the undervolting operation on the original graph without lowering the graph (No. 2). I will tell you which method is better and which method should be used. I won't lose. You can choose the method that suits you and use it. The undervolting method other than graph adjustment is the same. Now, I will apply undervolting. I said that I set 2610 as the target value. Locate the place where it is 950 by looking at the afterburner screen, is it currently in stock condition? In a situation where the bench is running in a pure state, you can see that the GPU voltage value is 1000, 995, or 990 going back and forth in the corresponding section . So, I'm going to lower this voltage value to 950 If you click it, you can see that the clock value and voltage value corresponding to the current point are displayed in a white box. Click this point with the mouse and raise it all the way up. If you raise it as far as you can see, you can see the clock value on the left. If you raise the point, you can see that the clock value moves together . It's a bit difficult to manipulate it finely, but it doesn't work as well as I thought. If you select a point and press the enter key while holding down the shift key, you will see the number displayed on the dot change. If you press shift enter again, you will see it change to +106. This means that the current movement from the point value on the original graph is the clock standard 106. But, since we are going to enter the clock value of 2610 , it is not +106 . The clock value at the point where the dot is located is displayed. Delete this value and enter 2610. Then press Enter. You can see that the left side (clock value) has changed to 2610. Now you can see that the voltage value is 950 and the clock value is set to 2610. And , in this state, press the Apply button of Afterburner , and then click the point at the voltage value 950 again . The graphs located at higher voltages also need to be adjusted. If you leave it as it is, you can see the voltage jump as you see now. Press shift enter and correct the value to 2610 And enter By the way, only the end value is modified and the rest of the graphs remain the same, right? It would be too cumbersome to modify this one by one. In that case , press the shift key and drag the mouse all the way . There are some bugs in the editor, so there are times when the entered values ​​are not applied immediately, and there are times when the values ​​bounce . Check if it is applied well. You can see that the voltage value is well fixed. And, you can see that the clock value is well fixed at 2610. Now what we have to do is whether there is a problem with the graphic processing of the combustor screen , whether there is a line on the screen, or whether the graphic is broken, or whether there is such a problem or an error occurs. I've been watching for 1-2 minutes, and if there's no particular problem, I 'm going to lower the voltage one more step here. It was 950mv . The clock value will come out. The left clock value will be raised to 2610, so don't worry too much and just check that the voltage value at the bottom is 945. This value may differ depending on the graphics card you are using. Will it be? In the same way as before, after pressing shift enter, delete the existing value and edit it to 2610. Now you can see the modified point has risen and you can see that it is aligned with the right points . You just have to enter it and apply it (repeat until it comes up) After this modification , you can now see that the voltage value has changed to 945. The clock value is set to 2610 . If not, lower the voltage again by one level. Undervolting is like this. Keep checking in this way and watch for 1-2 minutes. I'm a bit embarrassed to say that this process you've seen so far is undervolting ... but it's very simple, right? Easy, right? Depending on how you look at it, you may feel that it is easier than overclocking. If you lower the voltage , there will definitely be a section where an error occurs at some point or a problem with graphics processing . In this graphics card, the undervolting voltage value that can use the 2610 clock that I aimed for can be regarded as the voltage value directly before the problem occurs. You should also check the stabilization to see if there is a problem. Then I did undervolting with the goal of 2610, but 910 to 2610 is the appropriate value. If you press and the profile number blinks, press the desired profile number and save it. Then, in the situation where the saved value is loaded (even applied), click the button with the startup (Windows logo) on the left to activate it so that a red border appears. When Windows boots, Afterburner automatically applies the undervolting value. Then, how did the effect/result of this undervolting come out? As you can see , if you look at the PUBG replay as a standard, you can see that there is no big difference between the pure state and the undervolting I did . On the other hand , it was confirmed that the power consumption dropped by about 40W on average and the temperature dropped by nearly 6 degrees . It is possible to set the power consumption and temperature to be lower, or, as I showed as an example, you can set the power consumption and temperature to be lowered slightly while minimizing the difference in performance. I hope the contents of the video were helpful to you. Thank you very much for doing it. It's been Ato so far. I'll greet you again in the next video. Thank you very much for watching. Have a nice day
Channel: Luv IT ATO 러빗아토
Views: 103,193
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Keywords: 리뷰, IT, 주변기기, PC, 가전, 모바일, 정보, 아토, 러빗 아토, pc 견적 추천, 조립컴퓨터 견적, pc 견적, 컴퓨터 추천 견적, 그래픽 카드, 그래픽 카드 아토, 그래픽 카드 러빗 아토, 그래픽 카드 성능, 그래픽 카드 성능 올리기, 그래픽 카드 언더볼팅, 언더볼팅, 언더볼팅 안정화, 언더볼팅 장점, 언더볼팅 전력제한, 언더볼팅 하는법, 그래픽 카드 언더볼팅 하는법, 그래픽 카드 언더볼팅 장점, 그래픽 카드 언더볼팅 단점, 언더볼팅 가이드
Id: os3iCwobpys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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