Atlanta Comic Con 2024 Meeting Norman Reedus, Andy Serkis, Maggie Lawson and Others #normanreedus

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Heart by the way my heart's so terrible but it's a heart just sign it right just forgot about Tori I want to [Music] saying hello a day with Caleb Josh a movie collector uh you can see we're repping the the uh YouTube hoodies today it's a little chilly got my new uh convention like bag that I'm wearing first convention then obviously had to carry another bag because my Walking Dead plaque and my poster but as I'm uh walking we'll show kind of briefly the guest today and we we go up so normally for the Walker stalkers and all that our Park own Centennial Park this is close to that but not the same one but this has a bridge to the Georgia Royal Congress Center which is where we are right now mercedesbenz Stadium right beside us uh last time we were here uh what's that MomoCon yeah MomoCon uh Ed Sharon was playing right there as we people were lining up as we left continuing cty guess there but I love coming here to the roal Congress Center Ranger stop is usually like Buckhead but last last year they were in Atlanta in a random motel but this is this is convenient more convenient than that is but we're here to get our badges you don't need I don't need no stinking badge but uh getting our bad well I'm VIP Josh is like a normal dead guest then we'll start hopefully with some big names Norman Reus Andy Circus some people from Psych payon list to complete our Cobra Norm oh we want building a don't we uh Norman to complete Walking Dead Payton to complete cobai and a few others we were walking that direction completely opposite of what we need to go there's mercedesbenz we C we came up this escalator and me completely Miss A Sign Atlanta ComiCon registration I believe 3 years ago at least 3 years ago uh fandemic which was supposed to be the new Walker Stalker comment down below I believe it was 3 years ago yeah uh I was standing right here Jeffrey D Morgan uh cancelled his further signings I was group a general admission he cancelled that was coming the next day I was not because I did not get M tell anything Norman Reedus got injured actually they both did but uh so it's been 4 years since he's done one I think but decided it's been 9 years in the making to try and get Norman uh every year for Walker Stalker you would need the Platinum or gold VIP to even get in his line so I got a VIP this time cuz I did not want to chance it but here we go early exed ready for the convention to start Josh's General ad Mission I am VIP we are going straight to Norman Reus is pretty empty right right now but it will not be in about an hour but we get in in about 20 minutes important info in the map looks like celebrity row then artist alley and the vendors and I'm pretty sure the panels are back up there I want to proud for John he went straight to photos tried to get a video did not get a clear one we are going to Maggie cuz she is at her table signing uh here am I making this to anyone or just deciding it uh you can make it to me Caleb c a l e b c a l e b that's a heart by the way my heart's are terrible but um that's a heart my favorite episode as Mr Yen presents Alfred Hitchcock that's a good one it's probably mine too um honestly I I love many of them but that one especially because of what we share and that it's like one of my favorit yeah absolutely I love it wait it says we're doing a selfie too should we do a selfie okay we just met Maggie and Timothy both uh both right there both uh both super cool uh you can tell Timothy De Doodles uh but both uh both super nice super cool we will end this video I think with the panel so stay tuned stay tuned for that we were going to do Danielle who is right beside them she left a bathroom break so we'll see who will be next on the agenda Randy qu just sign it right uh uh two Caleb and then your character name as [Music] [Music] well there you go the lone Lobos boy signed on my spot well John cre he did all this and kind of ate into your space forgot about Tori you just kind of see where you can fit it maybe right in there just met Payton Josh is wait for Danielle we were going to do a combo but I don't think I can still of Norman and Andy so we'll see the the VIP go better uh than uh General Mission I had to get a photo with this loser otherwise I would have been done way sooner Hi how are you why did you did his character name I didn't even see that so Josh is holding my beautiful plag finally got Norman Reus after 8 to n long years and he do character name and then Josh is jealous because stickers I got stickers from Sean Clark If you don't know he has a YouTube channel malfunction and he does a podcast also hars Hollow ground he does the best uh movie locations in existance so he gave me those we were talking if you did I do a video I don't know if I did I talked about that what about his about uh us meeting Sean at Lakeland antique mall I think you did I think I touched on it but um megga con two years ago not not this current year we were walking around out I'll do a little cliff notes we were walking around I saw Shan Clark and I've seen Sean Clark every kind I go to almost especially the Walker Stalker ones but I didn't want to like he was busy so I didn't want to like hey how are you but uh so we met him at the Leland anti M and then Adam the blue was there I know I've talked about what he's like hey Adam the blue you know ad you guys like Adam the woo we're like we know him we had seen him like 15 times that year then Adam walks around he's like no way so and Sean's like oh you do know them he's like yeah so he remembered me and free stickers so now we're going to Andy's circus get out of my [Music] way she's the ring girl just met Andy Circus Gollum looks kind of like Josh that's kind of a dis on me though isn't it yeah he saw all the signatures which uh well we kind of like a one arm paper hanger I've showed it off before most of these we got at uh Fanboy Elijah Wood Dragon Con now Andy Circus to probably complete the poster okay just met Danielle pcker she is over there right there Josh was deciding between this and Yours Mine and Ours uh and he chose SK I think Daniel agreed I think it's the right decision so now on to the psych QA Pano check out this Sizzle [Music] real wo [Applause] [Music] wo please give a huge round of applause for Timothy and Maggie [Applause] la W hello hello everybody Welcome to Atlanta nice hello thank you thanks for having us Atlanta we love Atlanta well well well we have a bunch of people we have a lot of people that want to ask questions so we're just going to kind of jump into those okay and perfect um before we get started though we just wanted to give you guys one more round of applause to you know how much we appreciate you guys being here it's just a pleasure having both of you here guys one more huge [Applause] W thank you all so much we're having so much fun it's so nice to be like kind of up close and personal with everybody these cons are so special I think they're so great and we're having a ball I didn't hear what you said prod CU in my ear in but I'm assuming you said let's welcome those handsome and beautiful detectives and his woo that's what he said that's what he said word for word Tim you didn't miss anything I'm he Tim hey it's magul [Music] it's all right first question hello wait our microphone there can you turn that up go ahead can you hear me yeah we can okay we're good so thank you very much for coming out here today guys um mine's pretty quick who was the easiest or quickest to break character when something would happen no like like Tim should we talk about the classics the tell okay it's a few tells I I don't know that anyone else caught this tell that I could always tell because right before the main tell which is a lip quiver there was a nose flare and it was Tim trying to hold it together I would see it happening and I was like he's he's going he's going he's going and he's gone he's gone we've lost tip yeah that was really easy you're right that was an easy one to start with where this this Pantheon where they come from like family members you're in that that higher Echelon py is so beloved did you know when you guys were on it that it was something that special that was going to resonate so much with everybody or did it just did it did take on a life after so after was over and you're like oh my gosh you didn't real we're part of such an amazing thing well I think the com denominators that mag Bol on that show speaking for me we knew we knew it was really special while it was happening we didn't know it would be as special to everybody else we just know it special was for us I think we it's one of those things that um I've I've often said you know you had these moments in your life where you can can almost look at it and be like man we like didn't know at that time like we didn't know how good we had it but we we really did like we cherished every single day we got to work together to see each other to have this like incredible job to have this show that we love so much so I think I think and now thanks to all of you we still get to relive a little bit of that family that you all are too I was just telling someone earlier like you all are just as much a part of it as and and I so I think for us while we were doing it um we had a real like a real you know gratitude and appreciation all of that while we were doing it but our Hope was just that what we felt uh came across and so the fact that like you all kind of reflect that back to us means everything that's like literally what we what we were doing or what we were feeling while we were making the show yeah you you really do reflect it back and as we always say within the family the psych family without you we are not us exactly exactly we love you we love you next question hi guys the podcast you know that Steve is working on a Luck of the Irish model sequel that we can both be in it's going to be so good yes yeah my dancing might not be quite as good as it was in the in the first movie but oh I I think I think you'd be better now cuz you definitely did all of that dancing in the first I because my dance was going to be even better he's taken more lessons since I did the first movie yeah so my question is what was the biggest difference between doing you know Disney Channel original movie versus doing something like so like oh the biggest difference well I think doing a movie in general versus doing a series like the sort of beginning middle and end I will say it's just like a shorter time frame I had such a good time on that movie and I'm still friends with most like a lot of the people that I worked with on that as well but like when you have eight years of a show or eight seasons of a show you go through so much life together so I think for the main differ being it's just like a shorter time period where where you know and you also finish telling a story in a there's sort of a beginning middle and end well I mean I guess they're gazillion sequels and things but I tell what you saying like what they're telling me sort of pop in and out where with psych it's like if these your this becomes your family for anarch 8 years and still going I mean still is exactly this is all the series was for eight years but like we're still going thank you so much crazy thank you our next question um but my question was with psych four um I've been getting a lot of articles that I don't know if anyone else has seen But A lot of people are talking about how a psych 4 movie would be a perfect opportunity for a crossover with monk yes I just wanted to know if you had thoughts on that or if you like heard that Magie take this one thanks Tim um no it's funny I've heard a lot of people say uh they would love a psych monk crossover um but in terms like as far as the universe of Psych and everything else I I don't know because you know we don't say these things until we know them but you know I would say we would not write anything off so I mean we we would be open if monk is open right can we c yeah right now but as far as you know as much I think as we do probably about that it sounds like you maybe no more yeah thank you so much of course Steve being so attached to his days at working at Disneyland and the dull pineapple TIY room he wanted to throw it in then of course we needed some moves an apple wasn't quite as fun for slice up to the road yeah I think the I think the initial uh it was definitely on set um but I think the uh I think it was an improv if I remember that James did in the pilot it right we don't talk about the episode cuz someone wasn't in it oh thank you yes it came from the TIY room at Disney for Gus do you guys have any personal favorites I mean all of them MC clap your [Applause] hands um I think G de butter shs oh pretty good what's yours uh it's from the uh it's from the The Shining episode it was felo Del Toro which I forgot well done the part about MC clap your hands is the um physical bit physical bit of Comm of thinges to with that face which is just delicious it's good it's really good wow I forgot about that one go ahead there were a lot of uh movie and TV tributes parodies uh homages on psych uh is there a particular movie or show that you'd really like to see get the psych treatment The Wizard of Oz yeah that's just what came to mind I just imagined everybody I don't know why I just saw that but like that that's what I that's what I go to I don't know how we pull that off but I I would like to see that Sor because every time I think well I know cuz you love Dorothy yeah that's really why no cuz every time I think of one oh no we already did that I know it's true we we did so many um Steve even said that he used to have like a wall of like Classic Movies his favorite movies that he would just sort of like go through plot-wise to try to you know our jaw's episode or you whatever it is and Joe like you know whatever his inspiration was from those episodes I think I still to see the espd folks in space what would be thinking is I'm not a r cuz I got nothing for you excellent now you have a chance you guys still need that put up a okay that wraps it up ending strong with the panel that was a cool panel met uh celebrities finishing out certain runs uh Walking Dead Norman Reus Andy Circus BL the Rings probably done Cobra Kaa done with Payton List then I got George Newburn Father of the Bride and is that it oh selfie with Danielle pan Becker uh so that was it until next time his channel link down below uh like subscribe share with a movie lover comment your favorite celebrity if you've met celebrities and keep collecting a a
Channel: A Day With Caleb
Views: 4,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atlanta comic con, celebrity convention, comic convention, atlanta comic con 2024, atlanta comic convention, cobra kai, psych, psych the show, maggie lawson, timothy omundson, andy serkis, the lord of the rings, gollum, george newbern, father of the bride, father of the bride part 2, steve martin, danielle panabaker, peyton list, norman reedus, the walking dead, the boondock saints, q&a panel., celebrity meet and greet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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