Atlanta Braves 2021 Home Runs Including Postseason

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[Applause] and a drive hammer deep right field it's a pitch hit home run for pablo sandoval he hopes a four-game hit streak alive and he just launched a hangar deep toward left field a solo home run does just that will come home for the opener on friday and the first pitch is belted by acuna deep left field one pitch it's one nothing nationals and he unloads to deep right field that ball's got a chance that ball's gonna fly out an unbelievable craftsman as this ball is whacked toward right center field that ball is going to carry that ball is going to go the high fly ball hammered to left center field is going to have another home run there we go swing fly ball hit towards center field deep robles back to the wall pablo does it again high fly ball [Applause] swing fly ball that's well hit harper back can you believe it another pitch hit homer right fly ball well hit harper on the run not get mad freddy hits one out in the pitch didn't get it there fly ball belted deep right hartford backpedaling he's gonna turn he's gonna say goodbye and the first pitch to ozzy albies is sent out to right field and gone we're here in the fifth freddy making a bid to score and that one gets daddy first this swing by albie's in a drive rather by acuna and a drive to seda that's going to go [Applause] that ball is smoked to deep center marte back that bound for chad ozzy unloads got his hands inside that ball that's whack toward the chop house in the air left center field martay just admires that baby one in the air that's well hit that's down the line [Applause] first pitch swing high fly ball left field dickerson going back to the warning track that ball is gone first pitch swing fly ball left dickerson [Applause] freeman lifts off and that one's well gone last 13 at the plate and darno swings and sends the ball well hits a left and that one's gone first six batters hendricks is faced in the air to right that one's well hit hayward's gonna watch asians three homer game that is and there's a drive to deep center field heredia with a drive to left field carrying and that one play the pitch swing and a high fly ball wallop deep right field beck goes judge leaping try it's a home run one pitch fly ball well hit towards center smith on the run warning track it's two nothing atlanta to the strike fly ball wallop down the line did he keep it fair that's great too pitch he shoots this one to right field pretty well hit look at that ball carry look at that ball go high fly ball deep right field one in it bet for freeman he talked about fly ball felt it he's back long home run how far up the fleet juice is that going high fly ball off speed he crushed that baby marcelo zona so far tonight there's another shot this one off riley's bat bryant's going to turn that balls in the bullpen another [Applause] deep right field it's a perfect night for freeman full eternity in baseball and ozzie unloads to deep right going back he's at the coca-cola slide he looks sixth inning high fly ball to no doubter look how far that baby goes junior the nod so far that ball is launched deep toward left center field that ball is gone off the swing and a drive belt it deep left welcome back christian pache your audience is not playing the game that is rifle to left a line drive homer up and a fly ball hit toward that scoreboard in right center did he get enough of it yes he did and a high fly ball center that ball is gonna go it's a grand slam and he swings the first one and launches it to right field harrison back turns it is gone as contreras the 3-0 count got the green light he lifts one to center field that ball is in launch mode that ball is gone 13 out of 16. dansby shoots one toward right center field that ball is carrying that ball is in the bullpen [Applause] swing in a high fly ball headed for the bullpen herrera as far as he can go two strikes swinging in a high five ball right center field headed to the bullpen pablo stealth quality to it gives him a lot of success dansby swanson having no trouble however i know my mom is super proud of her daughter-in-law chelsea and our family and her and her grand they both have done that 2-2 is drilled to left-center field and it's gone it's on the way and a fastball well now he's having a little bit more fun because he just turned around an 0-2 pitch a 1-1 to contreras and a fly ball hit to deep left field he got it all [Applause] swaying at a high towering fly ball crushed to left by acuna if it's fair it's gone he admires that one is swung on and hit high in the air that's deep left toward that boat that ball is out of here greek now a left-hander on the mount and ozuna unloads first pitch told you time for a selfie it stands the pitch that is scorched towards center kane going back to the warning track he'll turn that one's off the scoreboard as this one is launched to deep left center field that's an historical 250. high fly ball center bradley going back as far as he can go leaping try can't get that here's freddie now and he unloads on the very first pitch deep center kane going back track long grand slam for freeman swinging a drive that ball is walloped deep right field at the wall there's one of them back on trip swinging a shot hammered toward right center field that ball is gone swing and a fly ball hammered straight away center that one is into chattahoochee fall his last two trips high fly ball center field deep at the track the wall it's gone walk off homer the first time he's done that in his career and atlanta picks up a hugely important tomorrow night this was a battle royal it wasn't easy here it is swing and a fly ball belted deep left at the track at the wall it's out of here swinging a high fly ball that's built to deep left loading it back for gainsby swanson out here it is it's lifted toward right field polanco going back he's going to turn that ball is gone all-star game two this ball has cracked toward the gap and left center field that's got carried to it now riley unloads if he kept that fair that's in the terrace hey two strikes swing and a drive that's hit toward the left field corner did it stay high enough riley's the batter and he hits this one a mile high toward left center field out by that 385 side one swing gets you back into a lot of games and look at this oh my goodness with a couple of strikeouts no runs as this ball is hammered to right field that's going to it first pitch swing and a rifle shot to left fan it's one to nothing we did things backwards high towering fly ball by albies to right polanco is back and that ball is gone well pitch he is skied hard toward left center feeling deep look at that ball carry out toward the wall swing and a high fly ball belted left center field that baby's deep there baby's gone he shoots this one toward right center field and deep that one's got a chance that one's off the top one that's hit well toward left back goes vargas he'll turn swing and a rope hit toward left that's into the monster seat man it's a high high fly deep to left field watch this one carrie that one is way up into the light stand in the air that's wallop to right solos get a turn that ball is long gone two on the way swing and a fly ball that's launch left center field it's a no doubter wayne 238 he shoots one toward right field pretty well hit soto going back that ball's carrying that ball is gone high fly ball hit deep left harrison back that ball is way out of here on the left side as this one is launched deep center field bellinger back so is freddy freeman home of the 2-1 and el monte hammers it to right field bets towards the corner this ball is back and it is good funny as acuna junior smokes one deep to left wow the first pitch is swung on it high in the air toward right center field herrera turns and watches that ball sail into now philly the pitch swing and a drive that ball is launched austin riley has tied 3-2 pitch swing and a fly ball hammer to center herrera back at the 401 leaping try can't get it think about that as freddie unloads deep to right field that's down the line did he keep it fair he did that's hammered down the right field line a long way austin reilly says bye bye swing and a drive hammer to right by ender did he get enough he did swing and a fly ball down the left-field line dance bay it's gone brings a 1-2 that one driven that one deep that one gone freddie freeman as this one is hammered toward left 2-2 pitch deep toward that wall it is gone a tough go of it here in june and he jumps on the first pitch drives that to left look at that ball carry out of here there with freeman scoring position and he unloads deep right field chop house here we come to fastball [Applause] mckinney goes back and that ball is gone and a shot towards center that ball is deep at the wall it's a line drive home run and he swings the first pitch and drives it to deep left palar going back to the track to the wall it's gone a three-run homer do two coming in the air to deep right field back toward the corner goes conforto and that ball is out of here in all those categories and just hit another one oh yeah that one's headed for the bleachers a long home run for freddie freeman on the first pitch ozzy jumps on the first one and hits a line drive homer no series for pinard del rio as this one's hit toward the gap in right center field and that one's gonna go back in the sixth inning and heredia shoots one towards center aquino on his horse still going that's gonna carry out swing and a rocket hit to straight away center that's how you pay back a high tight pitch cool to touch and now looks to be heating up as he touches this one off deep towards center at the wall leaping try and that one's gone dirt he might streak first pit swing drive toward right center field nobody's getting that pitching these last three turns as akonya unloads tape measure home run swing and a drive ozzy on low t he's got a fourth hit swinging a drive first pitch adrianza look at that ball go deficit ozzy unloads on the first pitch deep to right pitch line drive down the right field line that ball is smoked that ball is gone and hammer deep to right field at the wall it's out of here oh center cut and he knew what to do with it wow there's a drive hammered and crow knows that one's not coming back way out of here diaz too that ball is hammered toward right center field that ball is gone freddie freeman unloads on the very first pitch and cracks that to deep right center and it's gone swing at a drive hammer deep right center field that one is long gone and he unloads to left center deepest part of the ballpark and it is gone and dansby hits another one a country mile he's got a two-homer game going and a high fly ball hit a mile high straight away center came by her back to the raw we are tied 21st as this ball is hammered to deep left that ball's got a shot [Applause] he unloads that's headed for the braves bullpen welcome to atlanta jack peterson the on or out and he hits a high fly ball belted toward the braves bullpen freeman down 11 of the last 12 as freddie hits one a mile high toward left fam going back at 375. he's not gonna get it [Applause] swinging a high five deep left field that one is gonna go adam duvalla pitch it over ties it bank swing and a drive he got all of that baby it's a grand slam they've played at citizens bank and now arcia launches one to left that ball is gonna go for the braves first baseman and he unloads deep to right field that one's not coming back swing and he belts one deep right field that one's not coming back are frolicking tonight and ozzy on loads deep to right field high leverage high and gone riley unloads 68 coming in yum uh-oh jack peterson unloads that one's gonna go a long way that one's out of here one two swing and a high fly ball wallop to right it's a home run already 42 pitches and ozzie hits one a mile high to deep right did he keep it fair [Applause] and that one is hit high in the air toward left center field that ball is carrying off the top of the hit with a two-strike pitch to start and there's our first pitch bullet built into that field he has hit a grand slam another high fly ball crushed belted off the facade [Applause] swing and a drive straight away center at the wall it's gone riley first pitch cracks that one toward left center field back goes smith he'll turn and he's done it again just pass before four o'clock tomorrow as that one is cracked deep down the right field line did he keep it fair yes he and he jumps all over the first one and cracks it toward right center that ball's carrying out toward the wall nemo leaps up can't get it up here it is and riley hits it a mile high to left down the line at the wall did he keep it fair he did javale's running pitches hammer toward left center final deep kane back track wall graves swing and a high fly ball down the left field line can he keep it fair at the pole it hits the pole and this one is smoke toward left center field that ball is near the bullpen that ball is gone [Applause] freeman shoots that one down the line did he keep it fair he he did and this one a mammoth shot to straight away center that one's not coming back two here it is swing and a high fly ball toward left center fielder deep at the track at the wall duvall has done it strikes swing and a fly ball hit toward the gap in right center field that ball is gone and riley hammers it down the line hanging slider and we are tied 15 homers rips one toward left center field that ball's got a chance to go there's a solo home run atlanta leads it guys can mix and match that ball's well struck to center look at it carrie robles to the wall it's gone relax a little bit smoke to deep left two run homer for duval swing and a high fly ball deep left field did he get enough aquino to the wall we are tied two two tv swing at a drive belt to deep left it's three to nothing oh swag and a drive deep right field aussie albies into the chop house look out for the birds as ozzie tomahawks that ball to deep right center field that's headed for the atlanta bullpen and it's a catcher and this one is hammered toward left field that ball is gone not this time unloads deep to right field did he get enough at the wall he did 2-2 fastball rifled center field deep braves have the lead [Applause] swing and a high fly ball toward left center field dansby swanson with the fourth here it is swing and a drive that's wallop to deep left that ball is in the to the pitch swing and a fly ball hit hard toward the braves bullpen dansby golfson tomorrow swinging another shot off the bat of swanson a line drive to left that one's gonna go today the pitch swing at a high fly ball by duval that wins back toward the bullpen that one's at the wall swing and a fly ball well hit to center robles as far as he can go goodbye swing and a high fly ball hit toward the braves bullpen at the track at the wall freddie puts the as riley cranks one to deep left that one's a no doubter back to back freddie unloads deep to right field that ball is gone lizardo when they got from oakland and now duvall got a hanger and look how far that one's going way out into pitch swing and a fly ball well hit to right did riley get enough warning track whoa game against the lefty starter as this one's whack to center that ball is deep that ball is at the wall that ball is gone don't have the ability there's a high fly ball deep to left that ball is gonna go and for aiken and solaire hits it a mile high and deep to left big time extension swanson's double the difference and peterson hits one high in the air deep toward right that one's got a chance that one is gone high and deep and gone ballpark won't hold this one i don't think well maybe [Applause] i fly ball did solaire get enough to the warning track to the wall stuart leaps he can't get it as he drives one to right center field judge back he's on the track at the wall seal high fly ball wallop to deep left field at the track [Applause] look how far that one's gonna go way over the bullpen way up into the hank here in terrace swaying at a drive that ball is golfed on one iron wow doubt high towering fly ball to left rough on the run glasses gleaming not gonna get it [Applause] solaire to right that ball is deep that ball is gone swing and a shot by freeman deep into the night back to back homer then the dodgers three huge games with san fran as that ball is cracked to deep center and that one's gonna go i take that as a no high fly ball toward right bench is going to watch it go jeff you called it and that one is hit high in the air left center field and deep at the wall rosario ties it up dansby cracks one to center and deep that ball is deep that ball is gone braves big right fielder the pitch and that one is hit high in the air deep toward right field that ball is gone swing and a drive to fall long home run [Applause] swing and a fly ball deep center at the track at the wall welcome back ozzy albe swing and a high fly ball deep right center field that one is gonna make the um travis darno is up and hits a high fly ball deep left field one pitch and gone ryan feltner's first big league pitch is on the way and ozzy jumps all over it drives it to deep right into the bright sunshine at the swing and a high fly ball wallop deep left center field that ball is going darno hits one high in the air that one's gonna go a long way swaying at a drive how far is that one going to go [Applause] swinging a high fly ball belt to deep left he hug it do ball bang get it [Applause] payoff pitch swing and a high fly ball hit to left hernandez going back at the track at the wall braves are on the board here it is swinging a high fly ball belton right field rosario has tied strike high fly ball well hit to right soto's gonna [Applause] swing on the first pitch drill deep center braves are back in front swinging a high fly ball he found it we're tied swag in a drive by duvall hammered left that ball is gone he's the 3-2 swaying in a fly ball hammered toward the braves bullpen daylight crews sprinting looking ozzy fly ball belted deep right field stay up it's gone no pitch freeman shoots one toward left that one's got a chance happy birthday to you swing in a drive hammer toward the gap left center that ball is good swag and a drive hit high in the air deep right field eddie rosario high in the air left field deep and bryant at the wall it's gone it well left center field slater back gone he'll add to that good day and it's gone off the 10 swing and a drive by duvall way back in left center how far is that one going force and focus on every day swing and a drive did he keep that fair yes he did that'll be key tonight as riley unloads deep to left field there it is number 30. swing in a drive hammered down the line did he keep it fair yes he did driven a mile to right that's headed for the seats to move back though swinging a drive got the arms extended deep left center on cue austin riley as ozzie cracks that one down the right field line did he keep it fair yes he did [Applause] freddie freeman say goodbye swaying and a drive peralta's not getting that one [Applause] dansby shoots one to right field that's pretty deep at the wall myers leaping try it's gone was the first big one cellaire sends this to deep left center field it's back and that ball is gone and swing and a drive deep right field jack peterson has put the braves in front swag in a drive way back way way out of here it's one nothing swinging a high fly ball did he get enough mccutcheon on the run that one's into the bullpen fact that you like you said you're trying to whoa rosario puts a charge into that baby and the braves get a run back [Applause] swaying at a drive andreanza is hit along homer good thing though ouch the right center field indeed nimmo going [Applause] he's hit a ton to left off the bat of contreras and it's gone swinging in a drive hammer down the line so lair a missile for a lead off homer bowser swinging a fly ball to left field going back as christian yelled still going back at the wall that is gone points at his team's dugout gives a low five to ron washington back to the back at third oh one pitch and a fly ball out to left right center field kane going back giving it a look that continues to fly and that's gone the right center field pretty near the bag at second one two comes and it's getting the air to right field that one's gonna chance to go she's gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dugout and riley rips one left field line it is a home run it's from scherzer swinging a deep drive to right field hit with tremendous force tie game home run jack peterson here in the bottom of the fourth that one the upper deck of the chop house that just missed going up on the roof this game near the top of the second eddie smacks one to deep left this will send back taylor with urgency he's back to the wall that's out of the ballpark when he was logging multiple innings that ball's high and deep into left center field duvall gives it a ride and this one's going to fly 2-1 to freeman and a high-fly ball into right field got some carry to it that's his back at the wall and this one is gone 1-1 pitch rosario hits one well to deep right field back at the wall that one is gone t trots around the bases thousands are trotting for the exits the 2-0 swinging a fly ball hit well in a deep center field this is back to the bleachers and freddie freeman brings the thunder early here in game five that was a no doubter to deep right center two pitch on the way driven to right field out there towards the corner that is a fair ball home run [Applause] [Music] those people were jumping for cover out there he's trying to fight to stay in the game this one is a rocket into left and gone five nothing atlanta that's hammered into left field and this game is tough for a short left field porch and a pitch that was up darno hits one well to deep center field this one's going pretty far back [Applause] this one's heading back towards the wall this ball is gone put a charge on that one two one pitch that's hit well a deep left field back there towards the wall alvarez leaps and that is that is out of the ballpark back to back dansby and jorge braves lead for the first time tonight it's three to two here in the seven fished adam swung on a fly ball to deep right that's carrying back there to the wall grand slam wow light the fuse 32 on the way it weld a deep right center field way back this one is flying and that is a monster mash there they go pitch on the way he attacks and smokes one to deep left this one's going supersonic that is out of the ballpark solar lands the first punch here on the top of the third you can take all the time you want when you do that to a baseball the 2-2 pitch dansby a rope to deep left field that one's rising kiss it goodbye a two-run bomb by dansby 1-1 pitch this has struck well to deep center field sprinting back as siri spins around that one is gone running around third he looked into the dugout and he celebrated a lot it is the atlanta braves are world champions
Channel: braverman26-
Views: 20,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Braves 2021, Atlanta Braves 2021 Home Runs, Jorge Soler 2021, Jorge Soler WS MVP, Austin Riley 2021, Freddie Freeman 2021, Ronald Acuña Jr. 2021, Ozzie Albies 2021
Id: aI93OaMlL1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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