Atheists are a Myth

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okay today we're going to talk about the one question that all atheists fear or at the very least they really hate to try and answer this question wait I recognize this guy isn't either one that came up with that all knowledge is in a circle whenever you're talking to an atheist you ask them if you can um have them participate in in a little demonstration of course they're gonna agree to it what you'll do is you take a piece of paper like this and then you're going to draw a circle yep that's him well this is really easy to refute I'll show you how you know say okay mr. atheist can we agree for the purposes of this illustration can we just agree that all the knowledge that exists in the universe exists inside this circle is that okay no I can't agree to that this guy has several videos directed at atheists and each of them is somewhere between two and three minutes long so we're just gonna hammer through the entire catalogue let's start with video 1 sometimes I feel like catnip and I feel like they think they're the cat they see a Christian and they want to pounce on me and play and just like they do with everybody else you think catnip is a really good analogy let's test that and they always posed this question and the question is give me the evidence that Christianity is true that Jesus is God things look that nature so I'll you know thinking they're honest I'm going to go down the evidence that I'll cite the scientific evidence the historical have missed the archaeological evidence that evidence must be really compelling for you to not even mention it here if by a third party you mean second hand I don't count that but if you mean confirmed by historians later on then I also don't count that because more often than not those accounts have been forged to conform history with current mythologies like the Roman Empire I've heard several fulfilled prophecies half of them were fulfilled in the exact same book and a quarter of them were fulfilled in the exact same chapter so that doesn't count however if you're referring to prophecies in the Bible that were fulfilled in modern day that's epic you should be talking about that right now yawn if you rewind anything far enough back you'll find it's statistically unlikely to happen that doesn't mean that it's impossible well then I'll be the millionth person to say eyewitness accounts are unreliable at least 500 people have said that they've seen Elvis alive it doesn't mean the king is alive original original you know what original means right the first the Alpha the starting point there were none before it original there are no original texts from the Bible zero there are none the oldest that we have are the Dead Sea Scrolls and parts of them that have survived are not actually a hundred percent they're very similar yes but not a hundred percent the same plus on top of that a lot of it is in Hebrew and modern Hebrew is not the same thing as ancient Hebrew it's a reborn language it was dead for several hundred years in fact even if the ancient texts managed to stay the exact same that doesn't mean that the language that we've derived from that text is in any way accurate now it's very likely to be extremely accurate but there's no way of knowing if it's 100% I mean we already know of a few language problems from the Bible we are pretty good at transcribing ancient languages and dead languages but I mean we've been working on ancient Egyptian longer than Hebrew and we still haven't figured that out not completely at least let me give you an example because language is not the same in each dialect you're not just changing words to mean the same word you're not just taking all wrong and turning it an orange and saying oh that's the same word ancient Hebrew and English have a lot of differences other than just the way that words are pronounced and the meanings of words for example the second commandment thou shall have no other gods before me a direct translation into English is God's too you shall have not my face beside other what the does that mean are we even translating that right does this not literally say that we're not supposed to put God's actual literal face beside other gods what is it was I mean I was actually stunned into silence I didn't know what to say to that because whatever you're speaking with somebody assure them evidence naturally you think that they're actually going to look at the evidence and find out for sure for themselves like millions and actually billions of other people have done that yeah that's what you would expect if what you said was actually solid evidence and not just thought experiments and debunked from the past well I came on the one question that all atheist fear no atheist can answer by accident because one day I was so flustered I said okay show me the evidence you have to prove that God does not exist no no no no no no no no irrelevant irrelevant give me proof that leprechauns don't exist it's a pointless pointless thing to say to a scientifically or skeptically minded person has nothing to do with atheism it has everything to do with skepticism you've made a positive claim you have to back up that positive claim with solid empirical evidence we have not made any such claim therefore we have no reason to back it up and that's just Dunning on you irrelevant I have no evidence that invisible elephants don't exist that doesn't mean that they don't but I reject the notion of it because we have no evidence at all then invisible anything's can exist so is that okay I guess it's only okay when it's not God they have no evidence to support their position they have no evidence to support that God does it exist so they live with the blind faith it's so painful seriously we have no faith in anything or at least I don't I have no faith that God exists that should just be the end of the conversation right there I also have no faith that God doesn't exist why pretend like he does when I don't think that he does what's the point of that it's a seriously easy concept you have faith that God exists that's fine you know go about your day I will not bother you you have faith that he exists but I do not have faith that he exists I lack faith I'm not advocating the opposite I am just rejecting the positive all right that one's suck let's go to the next video all the time to prove as a Christian that God exists when this happens and by the way they always tell me it's you who make an extraordinary claim that God exists so it's up to me as a Christian to prove that it exists correct and that's a rule or a law if you will within logic in science you can't break that rule there's a reason why burden of proof exists into six videos I did called is the Bible trustworthy videos one through six they're all short videos generally less than eight minutes easy to prove for any honest person who wants to see evidence there's plenty there to convince them that Jesus is God and that the Bible is true I've watched these videos maybe I'll do them on the channel here someday but they're terrible they don't present any evidence for anything most of what he mentions has been debunked years ago and all the other stuff is the same rhetoric that we hear over and over again oh do tell this is just a false charge because the Christian just like the atheist lives in God's creation we breathe the air he gave us we look at the stars we look at the moons we look at the earth of the oceans and everything he created this is what you use as evidence no wonder people are saying that you're not giving them evidence look around you that's your argument that means nothing I know where this kind of confusion comes from you see our brains are pattern-seeking it's part of the way that we functioned in nature before we became a civilized society we have art we have furniture we have architecture and we know these things are designed because we design them and we design them with a purpose they have a purpose and they have a function and our pattern-seeking brains will see nature and see that things in nature seem to have a function and seem to work in as a cohesive unit and our brain tells us intuitively that because things have a function and a purpose they must be in the end design but that's not a very logical way of looking at things that's much more intuitive intuition is denounced in science now not coming up with ideas in the beginning but coming up with results and understanding results we don't allow intuition at all things have to be backed up with empirical evidence prove it is actually the atheist that has the burden of proof because if you say God does not exist which is the basic claim that atheists have Thanks right mister please tell me more but what I believe God does not exist are you trying to redefine the word ordinary now it is quite ordinary for me to leave my house to not run into any gods to not speak to any gods to not see any gods and to not feel the existence of any gods it would be quite extraordinary if tomorrow I walked out my front door and there was a god sitting there in front of me you do understand what ordinary means right has the extraordinary burden of proof you have to come up with the proof that God does not exist because we live in the in the creation that he gave us with the Sun the Moon the Stars the ocean it is the burden of proof of the atheist to prove that God does not exist well actually anybody that makes a positive claim has the burden of proof but Carl Sagan's quote that you're looking for here is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence so you're kind of mixing up the terms here but whatever this is another lesson on you don't know what the extraordinary means so it seems to me that this whole video is just a hissy fit because somebody told you that a God is an extraordinary concept and you said well I based my whole life on that and you got upset about it and just said I don't have to prove it um to prove it alright so today we're gonna cover this guy and not understanding the difference between terms well you can prove some negatives but that rule does apply here it applies with the concept of a God so yes you cannot prove this particular negative however I've not already pointed it out atheism does not make the claim that God does not exist what atheism does is listen to your claim that God exists and fails to believe that claim atheism acknowledges that there is a hypothesis that there is an ethereal sky daddy and atheism says I reject that concept atheism says I do not have faith in your God atheism does not say there are no gods it says I do not believe and just to point out sometimes atheists are actually interested they want to know if a God exists or not and some atheists actually want to believe like I kind of want to believe that there is a God of specific types and I look to people who say there is a God and I will ask them hey if there's proof give it to me I'm really interested and when they come back to me with I don't have to prove it you have to prove it that doesn't really make for a great conversation you see a skeptically minded person cannot believe something out of faith and I realize that is the cornerstone of your religion but a skeptic needs evidence we can't believe things out of faith we need evidence and if you've got evidence give me evidence but it has to be real evidence not look around you oh yeah it's really waxing poetic no no no you are completely misrepresenting atheism atheists do not have faith in anything ethereal do you understand this is a very important point I need to drill home into your head okay look let me let me just point this out you have faith that God exists and atheists do not have faith you see you do have faith atheists do not have faith getting it what you're saying is that atheists do have faith in the opposite but that's not true no atheists do not have faith in the opposite of faith no they do not have faith you get it dance around that question and they're gonna dance and dance and dance I debate some atheists sometimes for weeks that I asked them the same question over and over what is the evidence you have for God not existing and they won't dance and keep dancing and keep dancing then they'll talk to somebody like Thunderfoot seems to be the atheist go to guy underfoot is the atheist go to guy jeez do you remember those days that was 2014 everybody goes to armored skipped because I make a positive statement of faith that God does exist and I should prove it then I refer them to my six videos is the Bible trustworthy videos one through six which anybody can find on YouTube and they'll come back and they reject all the evidence of course something you would expect so do you expect a theists to just reject your videos then why did you make them or do you expect them to reject them because you made them poorly but holy I think we're getting through to them they're gonna start playing silly semantic games know what they're gonna say is exactly what I've heard hundreds of times and that is this I don't claim a positive faith in God's non-existence what I claim is that I lack the faith in God's existence well guess what it's just semantics it means the exact same thing no no they are completely different okay so saying I don't believe is saying that you're skeptical saying you're open to believing just you don't where as saying God doesn't exist I'm saying that I'd not only don't believe he doesn't exist I believe that he doesn't you see the different no you I can't reduce to be on this why can't pass me an aspirin but the bold kind if I claim this watch does not exist but then I go on and claim well actually I simply lack the faith that this watch exists the end result is the same thing okay the end result is the same technically but how we got there is different and that's important because one's a knowledge claim you're saying that you know that he doesn't exist saying you said that your wife did ballet I would say I didn't know that and you said yeah and I said well you know I don't think she's graceful enough for it and sure like I'm kind of skeptical I don't really believe that she could do it and you say yeah she can do ballet I'm not saying she doesn't I'm not saying you dude your wife can't do ballet she's just not graceful enough to do it I'm saying oh well I didn't really think that was possible I would have to see it to believe it why is why is that so hard that why the it's not tap dancing to act as if something doesn't exist if you don't believe that it exists even if it does why pretend that it does if you don't believe that it does God may very well exist but I don't believe it why should I act like he does if I don't believe it it's not a tap dance it's just pragmatism yes have no evidence for your belief but that was close so to try and squirm out of this problem what they do is they exist now with the delusion they call themselves atheists agnostics or agnostic atheists and this is a real strange thing to call themselves because the classic definition of an atheist is somebody who says God does not exist well you say to mr. I see that all the times it's a pretty definitive statement it's a statement that's an closes all doors to the possibility that God right which is why most atheists don't say that they just say they don't believe okay they're open to believing just that they don't he is Amanda Gnosticism are not different forms of belief or different belief systems they don't even refer to the same thing atheism and theism refer to belief whereas Gnosticism or agnosticism refer to knowledge those are both separate categories so you can be a gnostic atheist an atheist that knows there is no God or you can be a gnostic theist atheist that knows there is a God or you can be an agnostic atheist an atheist that doesn't know if there's a god and an agnostic theist believer in God who doesn't really know but still believes which is the strangest of the four I realize but they exist now we live in a world that people want to identify themselves and they also want to avoid identifying themselves as specific things so when you're a fence sitter somebody who's not decided somebody who is spiritual and kind of may believe in God but doesn't really follow theism and doesn't necessarily know that there's a God these people will tend to call themselves agnostics now socially we recognize that as meaning somebody who's a fence sitter but in technical terms that just means that they don't know as to what their belief is it actually makes no claim on their belief saying you're an agnostic you're not actually claiming that you're not a believer again knowledge and belief are two separate things you just make so much sense I just love you so much when this is over we should get an apartment together it's kind of like saying this watch does not exist closed or shut case dude enough with the watch it's a bad example because we can all clearly see the watch on your wrist well sorry sorry if you're blind and you can't actually see it there's a there's a watch on his hand it's clear there it's a bad example no they're not polar opposites assuming that your straw man is correct and atheists say that God does not exist the polar opposite of that is that he does not exist oh my god wait I can't stop existing now we still have yet to get to the PS to resolve stole saw saw besides I can't stop existing before I remember how I began to exist how did I begin to exist I can't remember that far back there's only one person on this planet that would tell me I had to summon Satan Satan Satan from the bowels of Hell I call the arise arise hey buddy Oh Satan I need your help recalling my origin can you help me out with your flashback machine no problem just close your eyes and let the machine do the work Hey what the Frick is going on here you guys are stealing my team's young you can't do jack it's against the Ten Commandments oh yeah which one like six and a half or something look do I have to get my lawyers involved here relax creationist cat we were just having a little fun here didn't you think that was funny you did god there's a sense of humor he created aids cancer no one order Special Victims Unit he's not a fan of comedy look I just wanted to help my buddy out like that time you helped Eve out with that Apple Satan oh come on you think that way wasn't in on that he's all-powerful and all-knowing how could he not a bit hey that's my daddy you're talking about well your daddy's a jerk yes it'd be else a dork I think it costs enough damage here why don't you just go away no way I just got here why don't you turn around and walk out the door the door oh you got me doing it hey don't make fun of my speech impediment babyface don't make fun of my babyface bad ass if I may interject yeah yeah holy my fortune cookie was right so it's a delusion that many of them are turning to just to try and confuse the public on what actually is going on and what's going on is that they've been busted and they know they have an untenable position with zero evidence to support it so now they're running scared they're creating new definitions or maybe just maybe you still don't understand what atheism is just throwing that out there come on man why do you spend so much time trying to prove that your God exists hey yo all right this video is titled the dangers of atheism there's a problem that goes on with atheism that I think most atheists probably never consider but a lot of Christians do consider and that's the dangers of atheistic thought we've my thoughts are dangerous get out of my head you stupid thoughts the reason there's a danger is because if there is no God then there is no set moral standard that man is required to abide by well pretty much but it depends on what you mean by morality if you mean good and bad right and wrong then no that's just simple logic it's good to do something that benefits the tribe and it's bad to do something that is detrimental to the tribe it's good to do something to yourself that is good for yourself and it's bad to do something to yourself that's detrimental to yourself anything else is a gray area and that's usually where what we call morality comes in when you ask yourself where could a possible moral standard come from you would have to conclude that the only place you can get a moral standard according to the atheistic thought process would be from mankind morality is a set of standards a set of rules that we feel that we should follow and it's usually because those rules have been imposed upon us by some sort of a leader for the longest time it was the Pope that imposed rules and you know what even the modern Pope does the modern Pope thinks it's immoral to give contraceptives to people who were at risk of contracting aids and passing that aids on to the many children that they would consequently have does that sound immoral because the Pope says it's immoral see this this all comes down to the fact that morality is subjective question becomes what man is going to set that standard and here's where the danger comes from if you look throughout history you see that who's ever got total power is the one that sets the moral standards part of the problem is morality itself is a very nebulous term it doesn't actually really mean anything on its own it really drums up a lot of ideas and concepts and feelings but the word itself does not have a finite solid meaning what does everything always come down to does it feel good or not feel good to do something if you hurt somebody's feelings does it not hurt your own feelings that's empathy that's not morality is it good to do something that's good for the village that's benefit that's not morality morality is always something that ends up being imposed after the fact something that covers the gray areas and it's always because I said so it's always subjective and let me just concede to your notion that God exists say God created an objective morality well since God created it and since God is the constructor and he is the rule maker and because God Himself is a subject that by definition makes morality subjective mankind is the highest level in the evolutionary scale so mankind gets to set the standard well not gets to butt heads too because we had to get along besides we've observed moral codes in elephants in dolphins and in other Apes we know that we're not the only ones that have a sense of morality that it is whoever is in charge of that section well usually it's either a piece of paper or a tyrant it's never good but just because it's not good doesn't mean that God exists it doesn't mean as a problem for atheists things don't have to be perfect just because God doesn't exist they're not a danger and the reason for that is because America was founded on Christian principles once there is no real threat by eight yes in America because the America whether you believe in God or not is still governed by the Ten Commandments it was the foundation stone for all our laws in America that's still in America most laws are written with a moral understanding thou shalt not kill they're all based off the 10 Dometic commandments as a basic standard today even today as far away from God as we become so that's why it's illegal to worship any other God other than Yahweh and that's why it's illegal to make statues of other gods and that's why it's illegal to work on the Sabbath and that's why it's illegal around the world would like around the other side or all the way around which which other countries America gets rid of it's Christian foundation atheists in America will be a danger as well you just look at some of the people in history who have been atheists or believed in the Atheist ideology which would be include also secular humanists and generally people who believe in evolution there is no atheist ideology okay there are a billion atheists and each one is a completely different type of atheist all right there is no ideology secular humanism and the belief in evolution again have nothing to do with atheism first up let's just get this out of the way Hitler was a Catholic that's a fact so let's just forget about that what they did had nothing to do with the fact that they were atheists nor secular humanists nor they believed in evolution and that didn't factor in at all and I would like you to make a case as to why it would truth is they were just dicks and lots of dictators over the years have been dicks and lots of dictators have murdered their own people and other people for really bad reasons man has left to set his own standard and according to the Christian belief if man is set to status set his own standard he will set an evil standard well good for Christian belief I guess but I set my own standard and guess what zero people have died never was this is a book atheist that you're gonna definitely want to read and the reason for that is because since you're an atheist I know a lot of you have this viewpoint that you want to have an earth where there is no religion and we've already had an earth that had no religion this book explains what that was like and it wasn't the Utopia that many atheists think that it would be secular humanists and and evolutionists and all the other people that believe like you believe um hello are you forgetting three thousand supposed years of Hebrew history before that point was that not a religion the world was full of religion before Jesus came along the Hebrews the Egyptians the Greeks the Romans the Babylonians the Sumerians everybody had a religion you know Jesus came along to abolish religion have you ever read the Bible he denounces religion that you think you would get but this book is an interesting book for all people to read especially atheist so you can see that in this book there's a question that's asked and that question is this what is a human being to you because the way you answer that question what is a human being to you determines exactly what it is that you could do to one how do you figure are you saying that if God doesn't exist you'd be willing to do unspeakable acts to animals and people because as it is I'm an atheist and I treat animals with probably even more respect in humans if I were to decide one day to treat humans the same as animals I would only be improving the way I treat humans God you have to treat that human being with the same kind of reverence respect kindness and love that you would treat God but if the human is nothing more than a compilation of evolution and let's face it if you're an atheist you've got no place to go you have to believe in that theory that man is nothing more than a compilation of animals and if man is nothing but an animal then that determines what you can do but what we do to animals already we hunt them we shoot them we skin them use their pelts for for jackets and for footballs and for shoes and all kinds of things we do medical experiments on animals we do all kinds of things to them eat this if you get a world that is void of what the Bible teaches then you're going to experience the kind of a world that we never want to see again the world that's described in this book I certainly hope you get this book because honestly this if you think this through you're gonna get not the utopia you think you're gonna get you're gonna get a world that we've already had and that's not the kind of world anybody wants to live in nobody so believe in God or become a football I certainly hope you'll join me in praying that we always have leaders that believe man is made in the image of God and certainly never have a leader that has any kind of authority that believes man is the Supreme Being the compilation of all those animals because that will certainly be the destruction and the fall of mankind oh I don't know the future is impossible to predict but I really don't want to have any more leaders that think that they're ethereal sky daddy dictates what they do and they make decisions based on a 2,000 year old book the piece there is this do you know I don't understand why he dictates the title of the video at the beginning of every video because so far none of them have been accurate this video is titled atheists don't exist mister are you sure oh wait he said it right this time oh well law of averages whenever you're talking to an atheist you asked him if you can um have them participate in in a little demonstration of course they're gonna agree to of course they're gonna agree to it what makes you think I'm gonna agree to anything you know the evidence you've presented so far is really weak but what I hate worse than bad evidence is thought experiments thought experiments don't prove anything and then you're going to draw a circle you know say okay mr. atheist can we agree for the purposes of this illustration can we just agree that all the knowledge that exists in the universe exists inside this circle is that okay and the 80s is gonna say yes that's okay yes I know I jokingly said no at the beginning but there's a reason I said no to this part because it's misleading question first of all we need to come to an agreement on what the terms mean what is knowledge knowledge as far as I'm concerned is just imprinted information inside of our brains and the brains of animals so all the knowledge in the universe is just all the knowledge that corporeal beings have but I can already tell from the way that he's setting up this question that he's using the word knowledge as as some sort of a nebulous term like knowledge can exist outside of brains and as far as I'm concerned no humans contain the only scientific knowledge of the universe until you know we meet aliens that also do ask them to mark how much of this knowledge they currently possess no way dude have you ever heard of the dunning-kruger effect everybody would draw an enormous circle but even if I'm being modest i scratch the surface on a lot of topics and I know a lot about quite a few topics so my circle is not going to be just a dot it's gonna be really big so you're gonna say mystery is I just want to make sure I get this correct if all the knowledge that exists in the universe exists inside this circle and the current knowledge that you do currently possess exists inside this little dot is it possible that in the knowledge that you do not yet possess God exists someplace in there well whose God which God because we're gonna have to come to an agreement on that term - can you define God can you define God in a way that's not contradictory is it the God of the Bible because I already know that that God's a contradiction so what little I already know about the universe teaches me that no contradictions can exist within reality but could a exist sure you know even outside of this thought experiment I'm willing to admit that I bet that you wouldn't find a single atheist it wouldn't be willing to admit that a god could exist outside of our knowledge but that doesn't validate Christianity God could exist there so you have to ask yourself is the belief in atheism a credible belief in goodness so let me ask you something else demonstrations over by the way since we know in some gigantic cosmic circle all the knowledge in the universe does exist whoa whoa whoa and this is exactly why I didn't agree to your terms because that doesn't make any sense how could all the knowledge in the universe exist within a circle knowledge isn't a tangible thing first of all and even if you do break it down like what are you referring to as knowledge are you referring to literally what we have stored in the capacity of human brains and papers and books and the internet or are you talking about things that we have yet to learn because that's not knowledge that is the unknown and you cannot quantify that do we know that because I've known some pretty smart people and I've known of some very very smart people that if they spent less time trying to figure out new things and more time just learning what we already knew then they could probably learn a lot of it you know depending on how long they live no giant cosmic circle all the knowledge in the universe does exist and it was put there by somebody or something whoa whoa where the did that come from okay that is a premise you did not display any evidence for it what makes you think that the knowledge that we have ordered sorry this imaginary knowledge that we don't have that's out there in the universe or whatever the that means was put there do you really even hear yourself talking right now none of what you're saying makes any sense well there's somebody or something that put it there has to be greater than that knowledge or they could never have put it there only logical conclusion would be that God put it there otherwise it could not exist yes the only logical conclusion would be that it would have to be some sort of what we would call a God if your first premise was proven it is not by the way it just came the out of nowhere never absolute knowledge of all of the things all the knowledge that exists inside that in that circle they can never make an honest claim or and I should say not as claim they can make us sometimes they don't know but they can never make a bold claim saying that God does not exist unless they possess absolute knowledge or all the knowledge that does exist inside that circle so even giving you the benefit of the doubt and saying that what you're talking about is the unknown and because we don't know all of the unknown we can't know that a God does or does not exist granted agreed but so what neither can you do you really want to live your life based on what might be because of a book that was written two and five thousand years ago think it through cuz that circle with the dot in it just represents your freaking brain right now so I'd like to thank my good buddy Satan you can go find him at john smith's channel link below john smith does break downs on the gospels and he just started leviticus his characters are all very funny his voices are all really well done and i certainly suggest his channel it's a lot of fun and a huge shout out to creationist cat he worked really hard on this episode the whole collab part he did i wrote the script but he did the animation he did the sound effects he rewrote his own song and sang my lyrics over it and he even superimposed my face onto it and then he did the whole fight between CC and satan at the end it was incredible it was a lot of fun he is super talented it's just too bad that he's a creationist go on over to his channel you will love it you will not regret it creationist cat is one of the funniest characters on youtube right now link below please subscribe
Channel: Armoured Skeptic
Views: 1,763,600
Rating: 4.8689003 out of 5
Keywords: exist, Armoured, armored, skeptic, sceptic, Cat, Satan
Id: bcZJVfw_GOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 26 2014
Reddit Comments

Did the guy he was taking apart seem kinda sorta really fucking dumb to anybody else?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Shmickildy 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2014 🗫︎ replies
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