At The Range Shooting 7 Different Brands Of Shells Through The JTS AK 47 Shotgun

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[Music] hi today we're back out here with the TTA shotgun this is the a.k berry shotgun i purchased from academy here recently we're going to go through this had about 50 rounds from Trent and we're going to go ahead and see if we break it in a little more we're going to use several different types of ammo I will show you a picture of the ammo right before we right before I shoot it so let's get on wait and let's see how the single dude [Music] [Music] next up try some Remington premier nitros these are what we call reduced might be a challenge for this gun we'll see ok let's do these for speed let's see how it does okay next up the black room - game loads please go 1290 we'll see how they do next up or the monarch's by academy these are a high velocity 1350 feet per second round let's see how they did okay next up for the federal game load okay now let's go ahead and try these paths next up or Rios and these are also a twelve ninety feet per second like the Remington's so we'll see how they do these are winchester super speed they have a 1350 fps let's see how they do [Music] [Music] this mag pass see how it does [Music] Winchester super-speeds next once up or the Winchester universals these are the hunter rump packs we've had problems with these before the first time out with this now that we've shot shovel through it let's see if they do any better well there you go there's uh there's a couple of different types of probe gates we put through this you can see that it did fairly well with all of them I really appreciate you watching I'm really interested and really like this gun and say this is a jts a K style shotgun from Academy and it's been a it's a real blast to shoot thanks for watching
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Views: 5,732
Rating: 4.8198199 out of 5
Keywords: reloading rod, firearm, rifle, shooting range, semi automatic shotgun, shotgun shells, youtube video, JTS AK Style 12 Gauge Shotgun, 12 gauge shot gun with mag, ak 12 gauge, chinese made ak 12 gauge, 5 round 12 gauge ak mag, shotgun fun, cheap ammo through ak 47 12 gauge, shotgun in ak platform, inexpensive ak shotgun, academy ak shotgun, breaking in ak shotgun, fun with ak shotgun, review of Acedemy ak 47 shotgun, shooting ak shotgun
Id: VWhYuWenaKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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