ASVAB Study Guide: Mechanical Comprehension

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hey welcome to general mechanics part 2 I'm Kiera meum the 113 DCNS member fish on behind you for today we want to go over here is an formula to help you figure out and solve some load intimidating problems that you may have on your upcoming SS has to break them down to show you how to get answer to these problems will also show you step-by-step how to keep it open and how to read out some of those wrong answers that may try to intimidate you to answer the person incorrect so the first example of a problem that you see on the SS is example number 425 the question states if you're number one is moving counterclockwise which directions is gear number two and number three move these three terms of answers you're number two is moving clockwise and give threes moving clockwise here number two moving counterclockwise three is awesome with your counter clockwise you're number two counter clockwise three clockwise and then here number two clockwise and three counter clockwise the simplest way to figure out this problem is any gear that you start with which will be gear number one the opposite gear always moves in the same direction so in this instance gear number one and get number three are going to move in the same exact direction so if you're number one is moving counterclockwise so it's gear number three so that weeds out option 8 and option C next if these two are moving the same direction the only other option is for this to move in the opposite direction so you're number two would move clockwise and gear number three move counterclockwise so your answer would be letter D you're number two moving clockwise and here number three moving counterclockwise the second example is problem number 4 13 states is take beat which is six inches wide goes down an inch how far up we'll take a go which is three inches like this is a very simple problem however the answers our designs of confusion KB is two times the width of 10 K therefore if this goes down one inch you just multiply that by two so the tank a would go up two inch so your answer would be option C which is two inches so the third example is problem number four 19 a question states if you remove the plug from the 2 which way will the water flow you're charging them in your answers are option a and will flow into the tunes option B it will flow out of the tube option C neither it'll set same level then option D can't tell that's off information that you're giving the way to take this problem out is to look at the diagram that you have this number word is higher than this level of water so the scientific way to solve this is that gravity taken to affect and everything must come back if the water level in the tank is higher than the water level in the tube when you remove the plug one level on the tool or right thus giving you the answer a one level right into the to issue reading the slope is that 1 over 4 15 gives you a little more in depth on the math portion of the aspect disobeys will show you how to solve a problem when there is multiple numbers and then answer that needs to be solved at the end the question States what amount of force is required to balance this entire set down here below you'll see the formula written but I'll go to a step by step the left portion of the shed you have a 5 pound weight at the end then you also have a 10 pound weight in the middle if you look here this is your formula ok so what you will do use multiply the distance from this in the middle of the shaft times five pounds which will give you 50 foot pounds then you would also multiply this distance 5 now 5 weeks times 10 pounds which would give you 50 you add those two together you can get 100 foot back then you will do a hundred foot pounds divided by the total of 10 feet here which would be 10 final 500 which will give you a 10 pounds this of course that's required to balance the shape example for one it's further more in-depth with figuring out how to solve a problem using an equation the question states at the peril is 400 pounds how many pounds an effort would have required to push it up to here so to figure this out you would use the node which is 400 pounds divided by mechanical advantage which will give you the effort to figure out the mechanical advantage you would do the horizontal distance divided by the vertical distance therefore 12 divided by 4 will give you 3 here is our mechanical events we already have our new which is 4 1 Japan simplify this question 400 pounds divided by 3 will give you an effort the options are 100 pounds 133 pounds 300 pounds and 4 in Japan so 400 divided by 3 gives you the effort which would be 133 pen so the correct answer for 401 would be option D 132 pen question 4 is a station when water is heated and confined to a closed container so that the steam can escape the pressure on the inside a container will be linked as the temperature of the boiling water was linked your options are as follows option 8 the pressure on top this container will stay the same and the temperatures of boiling water will increase option B suppression top container will decrease in the temperature of the boiling water will increase option C they both will increase and option D the pressure side of the tenant will decrease as attempt to the bottom water will stay the same if the container is closed you can weed out any answer that is decreased for the pressure side of the container because there's nowhere for the pressure to escape for option B and option these are out of the equation now you have options a and option C if the pressure is inside content edit include the pressure will increase because there's no way for the pressure to escape as attempt to the boiling water will also increase reading our option a the option will be C both of them will increase resistance to the second portion of general mechanics I'm senior young 113 ppm so dark here Joint Base Andrews [Music]
Channel: Be The Hero
Views: 118,652
Rating: 4.9220247 out of 5
Keywords: ASVAB, HIgh School, Air National Guard, DMV, DCANG, Tutorials, mechanical, comprehension
Id: Hsa2Pa91gz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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