Astrologer Reveals Which Zodiac Signs Become Successful

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some interesting people are gemini's biggie tupac angelina jolie johnny deb john f kennedy marilyn monroe are gemini's typically known for being very creative what they're known for is argumentation they love to take the opposite side of any conversation the chart does not tell you that you have to do this you have free will you can either develop yourself what the chart says this is the best way through a process of growth and development are you someone who believes in god to me god is the cosmos we're living in god it's important for people to use astrology for what it's worth it's a guide it is not a directive you know you read in the bible that we are made in the image of god it's too human it's too vindictive it wants to punish you if you do something wrong there's nothing about learning except to obey obey okay it's not so much about you succeeding or not succeeding it's about being the best you that you can be [Music] so my guest today you know some of you guys may say pat what is it with you in astrology well you know for the longest time i ran an insurance company i've got 18 19 000 licensed agents and every time i meet people i ask them when's your birthday when's your birthday when's your birthday when's your birthday and in my mind i'm trying to figure out if there's a formula for it so mario said pat since you always ask everybody about their birthdays let's go get somebody who can educate us a little bit more and see if there's some credibility behind this astrology and today my guest ray couture has been an astrologist for nearly 50 years there's an interview with him where i think 14 15 people come up and by talking to them for like a minute he has to guess what they what sign it is and that video got 14 million views on cut channel if you've not seen it we'll put the link below as well but with that being said ray thank you so much for being a guest on valuetainment uh thanks for having me appreciate being here yes so so ray what what gets you to wake up one day and says i want to be an astrologist how does that happen well we share a certain common uh background i was in the military for quite a while and um you know uh after i got out of the military it was kind of like a weird place you know you know what it feels like you discharged and you're out there trying to figure out well how do people in the real world work you know so i i uh ended up uh in a coffee house someplace after i got discharged and i met this guy and he started telling me more about myself than water no we did it he said astrology i looked at him and i said man you got to be crazy i've been you know been pushed around by government regulations back and forth to co this way and uh some of you know all of that kind of stuff i don't want to be pushed around by balls of gas and rocks in the sky telling me how to live my life and he says well okay fine you don't want to do it well here's the here's the kick this was a coffee house and this guy was surrounded by beautiful young women and after a while i said to myself you know i got to get in on that because he's got something going i on headed to table and i noticed that everybody was really interested in astrology so uh here and there i would say a few dumb things you know and he said hey man i'm going to give you a list of books you go get them and we'll work together i looked at him i said you're crazy enough to be right so i went and did that and within a couple of years we were teaching classes together wow and i i view him uh as the person who gave me the opportunity to take it from the sky put it in everyday language people's uh way of living and understanding in common ways rather than some big esoteric kind of place you know astrology is a real thing he said look people think astrology is all about what's out there you know the big you're in it you're a part of it you're a product of it so he taught me how to do that and then i got involved with people who were um pretty much uh the leaders in in the astrological community for many many years and uh got into radio did an awful lot of that kind of stuff and did astrological work from there so that that's how i got started very interesting on on and how does that become a career is it just teaching courses i mean how how do you monetize that career as an astrologist well you know my focus uh was not so much on monetized my focus was on what in the world was going on and how could i figure out what it was because i felt over time after learning more and more about my own astrological configuration that i needed to be uh providing service and the service i needed to provide was some kind of guidance that's the way my astrology is set up so i monetize that in terms of doing astrological counseling doing life coaching if you will you know every once in a while uh probably even happened to you a number of times i know it did when you were a kid the business says people get confused or something happens and it's not part of their plan it's not part of anything that they are doing or believe in and they don't know what's going on so they find out about me somehow these days it's not hard to find out about me but 40 years ago i'm i was toiling in in the backwoods you know just sticking like you did i dedicated myself and i always ask myself what more can what more can i learn how can i get better how can not so much be better than the next guy because that's a place where you and i probably have a difference of opinion you know you're you're you're involved in developing yourself in the context of competition i'm developing myself and my clients in the context of cooperation and i am as well but i'm very competitive but i still would like to cooperate with you as well well we're gonna do it okay it sounds good wonderful sounds good so so look for me you know i give you a very funny story so one day i bring my uh uh uh one of my analysts my senior analyst and i bring my director of finance i said i want you guys to run a report for me they said what report and i've asked for a lot of weird reports over the year but this one was the ultimate weird report to them i said i want you to take my top earners who are making over put the number quarter million then i said try it out half the money try it at 100 000. try that 50 000. i want to report to see what sign makes the most money okay and i said i just and then the report came back and said you got to be kidding me this sign makes the most money you know and the way i ran it i ran it based on months i didn't want it based on signs you know because sign is a little bit different but there was a trend so the biggest thing to me was trends and then you know i started looking at these trends i said why do why why do april babies do so well is it because they put a lot of pressure on themselves to make sure they get the job done in areas they work in a safer stuff a different way and virgos are perfectionists and why are they why is it like they have the perfect cut hair everything and why is it that libras are good at reasoning and the way they work and why is it that i've always gotten along with an aquarius in my life i've never had a moment that i've not gotten along with an aquarius except for maybe lucius prescott lucian president him and i didn't get along but everybody else i got along with so the question i have for you is when was the moment for you when you get in because you know when you say strategy if you say astrology to a christian person they're like i don't believe in it i don't even want to think about it i don't even want to you know a lot of religious people like don't even bring it up to me and some people are like i don't believe in this it's fake it's not this it's just a bunch of bs but to me i've seen like 20 years i've been following this stuff i've seen a little bit that there's something there what formulas early on did you see ray that you were kind of like wow this makes a lot of sense was there like a moment for you where you said there's a lot of trends that i'm noticing there may be more credibility here than i thought before i met this man i think you know one word that happened to me um was when i um got involved in being a radio producer and interviewer everything that i felt prior to that had to do with me not really being good enough to do any of that kind of stuff i had that kind of opinion and it wasn't even just that it was i wasn't interested i preferred the hands-on elbow elbow bumps hugs and contact with people but then i discovered uh you see from everything that i've been told i'm a sagittarius and that explains something to me about why i was always really feeling weird about people being negative around me always pointing out all the things that could go wrong and all that so i started talking to people in that same coffee house who were associated with the university of california in berkeley and they introduced me to some of these people in radio and they said oh you're the voice we need and i said no no no i'm not and then i found out that at the very moment that this was happening there was an eclipse happening on the same degree that my uh moon was i have a moon in leo uh you and i get along on leo because everything you told me about yourself uh i have it right here you're you're all intent purpose i think you're leo rising i know you got a jupiter in leo but we won't go there yet because you want to know more about what that happened so that moment i realized that i all of my fears had been undercut and i found myself in front of a microphone interviewing some people that in in my estimation uh were above my station but i walked in there and i just did what i did because i didn't care about all of that kind of stuff i just cared about talking about the truth and about the positivity and about the direction and about higher consciousness spirituality religion all that kind of stuff and astrology then just kept on telling me day after day you're in the right place ray just give up on forget uh feeling uh comfortable or inadequate and uh god the cosmos the source or whatever put me there so i need to do uh what it is that feels good to me and i always felt really really good when an idea of mind would light up somebody's eyes and say oh gee i never thought of that so that was a way for me to continuously feel that i i was doing the right thing it wasn't me trying to run away from reality i mean i i was brought up a catholic although i never really practiced it so much um it was pretty pretty difficult to do that um especially the family that i had was uh catholic but nobody ever went to church and everybody was in everybody else's face about one thing or another so my answer to that was hey mom i want to go in the air force okay she said sure day before that i asked to go in the boy scout she said said it was too dangerous boy scout no but air force is fine oh camping out in the woods like that that's dangerous man but can you go in air force so keep going i'm listening well that that's basically that's basically is taking me back to the psychology of this guy who was in the military did you have an epiphany did you have a moment where you're like listen because to me i'm not solving for 100 and i think you are you are you aren't as well maybe you may be meaning uh you can 100 of the time guess what someone's sign is and say well this is what it is because when you sit there and think about signs you know like if i look at the in my business and i'll say i have seven cancers they're earners okay different background one has a degree one doesn't have a degree parents religion you know upbringing that was there that wasn't there you know major setback in teens major setback in 20s you know uh then a bad relationship a bad you know betrayal you know all of that religious beliefs all of that stuff kind of makes up who we are but the foundation would you say the foundation is still our sign based on where you believe as somebody that's been doing this for 50 years what would you say would be the foundation of my dna my individual as who i am patrick that david well i'll give you i'll give you a little bit of an insight to the way i i talk to a person they ask they're coming to me with the same question whether they actually ask it or not i say look at the moment that um your body takes a first breath you got to understand you're not your body your body is something a mother made and while it's in the womb it's a water breathing creature even has gills breathes drinks works with amniotic fluid mother puts it out into the room can't breathe got a traumatic experience already gets whacked on the bottom goes like that well what comes in with the breath almost like a trojan horse that air carries your spiritual dna and that is the conf that the the the way the solar system is at the moment and it comes into you uh into your body that way and the reason that that that is the case for everybody is because you know the moon goes around the earth and you have this uh was borrowed from quantum physics whole idea of the wave state of the moon is its orbit it makes uh the earth a yoke becomes the womb of the solar system and so everything that is going on in the solar system is solar system manifesting creating all kinds of versions of itself and that's because if you look at what the uh cosmologists have been saying for the last 20 30 years the cosmos seems to be attempting to become aware of itself and that means that it seems to be tuned fine-tuned to create life so it has a sense of being alive so if if the cosmos is alive in that way the solar system is alive in that way because it's a part of it so the solar system is comprised of the sun and the sun is 99.86 percent of the mass of the solar system so that means a very very small amount for all the rest of it so the sun is the creator if you will or the animator and the planets are like the genes they're like the organs of the solar system so the solar system is you at the time you were born the solar system becomes you and me when me but it's the same solar system produce the same sun in the sky when you were born i was born so when people start talking about this woo-woo stuff we're all one there is a cosmological reality to that so the foundation is when you take your first breath that path you're on whatever is rising so you've been on this path of leo rising you've been challenging yourself from the day you were born and in your experiences coming out of iran and in the whole idea of being a refugee and so forth what you saw in those years from 7 to 12 13 and 14. man you know you were not really satisfied with that's good you are upset and you took that upset and decided i'm getting out of there and i'm gonna find a way out of there and around 10 or 12 the whole circumstance arrives total confusion on your part as to what was happening all of a sudden you found yourself in the united states and you looked at the united states and you heard what they were saying and said you can be anybody you want here you said that's for me i i know what i want to be because i know what i have been and i have been lost and poor and angry no more nobody's going to push me around ever again and on top of that i've got something to offer and i want to work to serve and help people that's my whole deal i'm here to help people and the only way i can do that according to your chart is to learn and learn and learn and i can't at the time when you started thinking this way i can't afford to go to university anymore well okay i'll bring them to me i'll bring these teachers to me rather than me having to pay bucks all kinds of money to just go hear what i think i already know so that's a short version of how your your path is going now you know i'm october 18th i'm a libra i was born october 18th october 18 1978. the sun is in the last 10 degrees of libra and what follows that is one two three four planets in scorpio the investigator the guy is going to get into and find out what makes it all tick i want to know why this works let's understand it not only that but i hope that it changes my financial situation what i learned or it can change my values it can can even i i i even want to believe in something believe it or not i want to believe in so please give me something to believe in and the end result was i believe in me that's the driver but to me that you are is an aspect of this thing called the cosmos which is what's called god if you want to call it something you know there's all kinds of concepts of god among um people of the world you can go from islam to buddhism you can go from buddhism to you name it right but what you have is nobody really know um but you end up having to feel it and in your case you know the whole business of how you you were able to transcend things was because of the way that you felt about your family background and upbringing and everything you were hit 24 5 6 and you were unhappy clearly about how your mom and dad were doing whatever they were doing and all the experiences and you're upset so you said okay i'm gonna get out of this and i'm gonna develop myself so i mean i don't know where you want to go from there but i mean it's like you you you you uh psychoanalyzed all of that right do you believe in god yourself are you someone who believes in god well i'm looking at the sky and i'm saying to myself that's the fabric of god there was a creator like a creator that put all this together you know well i mean uh that creator is still creating and that creator is the cosmos and you are a part of the cosmos so at the deepest level you're an aspect of god but the god of the christians and the islam and judaism is too small it's too vindictive it's too human you know you read in the bible that we are made in the image of god the reality i believe is that christians have created they've created it's their imagination of what it is and i think that's wonderful but it is too human it's it's too vindictive it wants to punish you if you do something wrong and so forth there's nothing about learning except to obey obey obey obey now for you know ten thousand years uh saturn in the sky was considered to be um the furthest cell planes you could see with the naked eye in those ten thousand years these kinds of authoritarian points of view whether it's religion spirituality or politics it's a top down the best example is the pharaoh people in those days lived hardly ever past 40 45 in ancient by that time and the pharaoh was supposed to be a god that fell from the sky to help humanity and humanity in return was supposed to provide him a trip back to the sky well that's what the pyramid was for and people were dedicated to building that pyramid for when the pharaoh pharaoh dies puts in the sarcophagus in the king's chamber there is a shaft of light that comes from an opening that's treated replaced where a certain star in some cases you know could be deneb or any other kind of star but this specific star that was supposed to then hit that sarcophagus and bring the pharaoh back to his position as a star in the cosmos so we have all kinds of ideas and fantasies and i uh stories about why we're hearing what we're supposed to do so what i found in astrology is that's the closest thing i've ever seen that explains how god works so i look i look at uh i look at the the pattern of the solar system the spiritual dna and each of these planets you know have a specific function you know um mercury for instance oh i want to go back just for a moment to what you said about all these cancers you have you know why you have them why they have this powerful thing called image making power imagination there are bonkers on the inside you never know what you're going to come up with but god sometimes the stuff that comes up boy you monetize that in an instant boom there it is you don't have to go through development cancer is ruled by the moon and the moon is the development the internals process of developing who you are so these guys are are really always popping out something that could grow you know and some of it needs more watering than others they're nurturers they will take care of each other they'll take care of anybody's working with them uh they're fine great you guys uh people in in that respect so so going back to what you just said because you just took me to hold it from the conversation i got a bunch of other things i want to follow up on but uh so so do do you tie yourself to a denomination just are you would you say you know i consider myself non-denomination atheist agnostic catholic or no i i i believe more in the zodiac than i believe in a god well i i i believe in the zodiac and i am a buddhist okay okay so and by the way i always say if i wasn't a christian i'd be a buddhist if i wasn't a christian yeah i always say if i wasn't a christian i would be a buddhist so then this takes me to the next part because i think it's fair to say did you actually end up going to uc berkeley or you just were by the coffee shop around uc berkeley oh it's just around the coffee shop right they got it well it's far down into the art in the air force okay got it so you know i think it's fair to say the last 18 months have been very divisive in america i had a friend of mine that came yesterday one of my advisors very good friend his husband and wife were here and we had lunch at this local uh fish spot in boca and i said you guys been around longer than i have i've only been in america since november 28 1990 which is 30 years plus two months right so you guys have been in america for a long time and everything else with me for the history of america is based on books i've read i've watched a debate between nixon and kennedy i went and studied fdr when i studied what happened but it's not i wasn't in the heat of the moment than following it right and politics was probably not nothing not something i was interested in until the last 12 15 years that's when i really said i want to know more so you know i have friends who are democrats i have friends who are republicans i have friends who are independent i have friends who are libertarians and you sit down with a democrat he can convince you that what he believes in is 100 right you can sit down with a republican he can convince you he's 100 right you can sit down with an independent she can convince you she's 100 right same with a libertarian how much is of this is the truth or your truth based on your wiring your zodiac i don't know if you know what i'm asking or not like oh does our zodiac sign and the way we're born we automatically are politically republican or democrat or independent is there some uh trends and patterns between those well i mean you're asking if uh truth is relative or not you know relative truth i mean uh i i am i am convinced that um the solar system uh and astrology uh are a very good way for people to understand what is going on with them and what their life is about and what the best uh best way for them to be is the astrology uh moment of birth uh creates this chart you know um and the point is that the chart does not tell you uh that you have to do this you have free will you can either develop yourself what the chart says is this is the best way this is if you do this in a way that is clear and increases your consciousness and awareness and so forth everything that you do will fall into line and it's the best way for you to go but people whether they're republicans democrats or independents or buddhists or catholics they're going to go according to how they feel and that is going to be determined by the conditioning of their first 14 years in their life the conditioning that gives them an idea of who they are in a sense based on how they either fit or don't fit and what they're told they're going to have to do and so forth but you know the idea that you that you're bringing up is that every one of these people in one way or another has found their way to what they believe in according to how they are responding to the circumstances that they develop but there's so many different levels that you that you that you haven't a human being you know everybody operates first of all on the biological level and gradually socially you become a socio-cultural character you're playing a participant you get married you do these things you have children and all that and then all of a sudden some not all of a sudden but through a process of growth and development you then become an individual who looks at society and says i'm going to get out of that section i'm going to do this and then beyond that you become completely successful you make tens of millions and billions of dollars and you still feel empty there's still something you need to do and that's where you begin to understand the concept of feeling the divinity calling within you to god but to me god is the cosmos we're living in god we are a part of god we're a thought of god these cosmologists of today are basically saying that um the cosmos um is a great thought so i ask you that question for a reason the reason why i ask that question is because so you know i uh i like data i'm a big data guy data tells a story right if i pull up data i can learn a lot about anything data if i'm running a business say i'm uh selling uh alcohol okay run my dates on what day i sell what the most and then i'll say okay i see trend december such and such wow people drink a lot on thanksgiving day and you know stats showing that thanksgiving eve is the the highest drinking day of the the year and by the way that's actually factual statement and research i've seen right so okay so while you're talking i go online and i say what are the most common zodiac signs to believe in god and what comes up is it says three zodiac signs who are most likely to become atheists okay capricorn virgo taurus okay then i go and pull up to prepare for the interview i'm like you know what i'm curious what zodiac sign have we had the most presidents with used to be 5'5 i'm sure you know this now biden made it six five scorpions not at the top then you got aquarius is at five which is lincoln fdr harrison mckinley then you got cancer capricorn leo libra pisces tied at four then he got gemini and sagittarius three areas and virgo is two right and then gemini's you got jfk bush senior and trump all the same interesting leos you got obama clinton same interesting so so i look at a lot of data and and you know i mean by the way there's some crazy data that's been pulled up i don't know like the data if you've done research on this yourself cancers are the most dangerous according to fbi data shows that cancers are the most frequently arrested of all signs and their crimes are often most more serious than others cancers right you got tesla elon musk tom cruise robin williams george michael leos are most likely to hit the gym the most twice as much as everybody else leos are also the worst drivers they get 40 more speeding tickets than libras except this libra i guarantee you i got all leo's beating and speeding tickets that's a promise right there right so i go into this you know the top athletes are frequently aquarians you know michael jordan you know 21 of top best athletes in all sports aquarius number uh second place is cancer 12 so again i can go on serial killers are two signs pisces and gemini i pull up all this data and it tells you something so how much of it is like is there that much of if you are a sign and how you are that's going to dictate how you're going to be i mean you know data can tell us a story what are your thoughts about the data that links to different signs well the data doesn't tell anything about dictation it tells about how people either were able to use their sun sign energy for positive things or negative things and the most serious negative things usually come out of experiences in the first 28 years of a person's life usually in the first 14 and the reason for that is that in those first 14 years of life half of them is the development of the ego and the other half is the ego trying to figure out how to feel about that so there there you are you know um in those in those uh in in your in your situation you you have the reason you do this is you have uh something in virgo called saturn and it's in the house of what is valuable and what to you is valuable is your analysis and your breakdown and you give some kind of structure as to what people are doing what kind of work are they doing how are they you're interested in all kinds of data that's what virgo is like very critically uh critical analysis i mean you go up and down on data alone but the idea also with astrology is you have to be careful with that because um take for instance the gemini's right it was kennedy and then there's you know trump a lot trump whatever he can't remember your favorite president i thought he's your favorite prize a picture in the background of his uh he was my favorite favorite president uh kennedy uh as a gemini ha uh was not like trump trump gemini function is to confront conflict and resolve it but a gemini like trump will take conflict and use it to separate and split people up to keep himself in power that's how that's how he works that's how he gains power he just turns people against each other and that's everything he ever did whereas kennedy did the opposite he did the gemini thing of bringing people together and overcoming conflict and trying to connect and communicate and understand you know first words out of his mouth inauguration friends and foes alike you know talking to everybody we're going to connect and we're going to be real and you can count on us now you asked a little earlier all these years that i've been here and you only been here for 20 i saw i've seen this country decline in very very slow serious way for just the word organic food what a mind-blowing thing that is i grew up and there was nothing but organic food there's al there was no chemical it was no big ad and we had a lot of local farmers and they didn't use pesticide because they didn't exist so they used the farmers almanacs they used all kinds of things but they did it organically and so forth little by little uh through all kinds of ways of you know the agriculture department of the united states the the government itself and the school system discovering that by the time he got to world war ii didn't have enough healthy kids to make soldiers out of so there was this school lunch program that was put together and that made it necessary for uh have enough surplus to be able to give it to them so you end up with a lot of energy going into putting chemicals into the ground as a way of growing more food and on and on it goes until now you have to pay extra to not have food with chemicals in it so that's only one example the political thing i mean the political parties uh uh in the formation of the country there were never there weren't any political parties when they formed this country in 1776 it never dawned on them so that's why the electoral college is such a mess because they were thinking of all the states being you know bound together loosely by an agreement to be part of the united states and so they could have this vote and they could do that but it was all about slavery in the united states at the time because slaves in the slave states didn't have enough population voting population to be able to win an election they were all in the bigger cities and so forth well the solution to that was the electoral college where they said okay you guys um are going to get so many votes and we're going to increase your population by taking every slave you have and counting it as three-fifths of a person now that that is that that is where it all starts and comes from and racism uh you know the country the united states for instance is a cancer right now cancer is all about race but it means human race it means human race because it's an astrological thing of god if you will and human beings have turned it into racism because the uh what you said about cancers perfectly fits the united states our behavior in this world you know we're we're we have this bring me your poor your ground downtrodden and so forth and then you have a president like this who does that so cancer can be very viciously awful mean and terrible and it can be also very kind wonderful and nurturing and it all depends upon what happens to that in the growing up stages so a country has an ego just person makes sense you know some of the best leaders of my company are cancers like i mean and i'm not talking about one or two a number of them are cancer so yeah so if you don't mind i wouldn't like if you just go and say here's the fabric of an aquarius here's a fabric of a pisces because i watched that video you had with cut and i watched it a few times because you know girl comes in and she smiles at you ha ha you're like oh are you pisces why fish teeth fish you have it so let me see your ear and then you looked at the ear like your ears are poking you're going to be you know and let me see this can you stand or let me see your hands turn your hands around okay if you have something like this are you oh you agree too much here let me change the sign give the sign back this is you if you were that you wouldn't agree that i mean you know the way you went back and forth so it it made it very technical like it didn't even make it uh easy to make an analysis so would you mind taking a minute and just kind of going through each sign and what the commonalities amongst those signs are well uh sure okay um uh if you know the makeup of of a person is more than their sun sign but the sun sign in some way has a a physical um kind of manifestation and now take an aries person for instance um psychologically emotionally you're gonna find them very impulsive um and um pretty hot tempered very easily you know ticked off in some kind of a way and there you'll you when you look at them almost everything about them is in their head you know i don't mean psychologically but the shape of their head the way that they talk is in their head you know they don't use their hands so much to do this way in that way they use their head a lot and and and their head is what aries rules if you're looking at astrology book and say what part of the body does aries rule it rules ahead so you can tell in aries generally speaking but it isn't always true that the the that they're going to look that way because of being airy sometimes they're a taurus but they have an aries rising and what was rising on the eastern horizon when they took their first breath that also has an effect on their physical appearance so uh in aries rising may um be more apparent to you than or to anyone than the the fact that they're taurus but the aries energy is is pretty clear they're impulsive um they're kind of bull-headed the way they handle problems is oh there's another brick wall to smash instead of going under a rounder or anything you know they just go right at it uh a taurus on the other hand will look at that wall for a half an hour and then turn around and think about it turn around look at that wall for another half hour and then decide eh i'll go around a taurus is energy that is based on the shoulders you can find uh taurus as taurus athletes have huge necks there's a little head on a big neck you know the taurus part of a person that taurus person if you're dealing with let's say the female of the species tauruses are beautiful they are fertile they are just gorgeous lovely people and it works that way for men too from the perspective of their their their their sense of solidity their their built like a block you know the guys the ladies are built like an hourglass you know they're just all very very sexually attractive sounds like you've had some uh interesting tauruses in your life i'm married to one [Laughter] stage she's over there listening [Laughter] no it's true it's true um taurus ladies are very beautiful they're very fertile they're they're they're very supportive um and and the thing about it is that you can't push them but once they make up their mind a taurus person you can see they're they're the beginnings of libra and the reason i'll tell you that is this the sign libra is ruled by venus the sign taurus is ruled by venus taurus guy or girl will say i don't really care what people think of me i'm going to do what i want to do the way i want to do it at the time i want to do it in the speed i want to do it but i'm gonna do it so don't try and stop me libra on the other hand the venus that rose there is like well i am the social creature and i have to sort of like not rock to bow what my job is is to get be friendly and happy with everybody else because i'm a salesman and i've got all this stuff in scorpio so i want to be really really nice to people so that i can do the scorpio thing of using them to get myself advanced and i'll take them along too because that's part of the bargain i'm a libra i have to be fair so you care what people think about you and on top of that with the leo rising not only do you care about it but you need it you need people to like you you really really do because in in your chart after rise after the rising sun and leo what comes up is virgo and virgo gets a little self-doubt and says am i good enough if people like you then you can say yeah good enough not only that but i'm better than good enough because you got anyway i could just go through your whole chart you were like going straight to it yeah i know how so so if pisces i think you went through aries taurus libra you went into uh cancer we spent some time on cancer uh what what can he say about aquarius what i say about aquarius is um they are um they're in a whole other universe they're living in a a kind of consciousness that says i i don't believe uh everything in that little box you want me to live in i want to live outside the box where my job is to take everything that exists and make something else out of it i want to live outside the box i want to be part of something bigger than myself i want to live on in a logical way i don't really want to get hung up in a bunch of emotional morass about being angry about this or the other i want to be simply logical take care of business take care of the group rather than myself as an individual so aquarius is a is a we kind of a person whereas a leo is often a me kind of a person right not that either one is right or wrong versus the way they are take fdr forensic is it aquarius and he was all about the us of it all and that's why he brought in the whole concept of social security because the figure had a responsibility for everybody to be able to at least have food on the table and money to buy it let's see what we got left so if we got we covered uh uh let's do scorpio and pisces scorpio well if you're uh as an example um scorpio uh fundamentally emotionally is an extremely private person if you get in a relationship with a scorpio you best be aware of the fact that they're not fully in it no matter what it looks like they protect themselves they are about survival and survival means it's their responsibility to be aware of what danger is involved and so forth so a scorpio will put a mannequin into a relationship or a trial balloon or something like that and eventually they'll get more and more into it when they get hungry enough because you know the balloon is being fed the mannequin is being fed all this love and attention and the scorpio is not getting it so then they inching a little bit closer and so forth but they need relationships to grow because scorpio follows libra libra is about relationship you know your relationship to everyone and everything and scorpio is the result of that so a scorpio person is in the result area and they have to have relationship to get results you know that's really what your scorpio energy is doing is trying to get results from your relationships so that it knows oh what is it in me that needs to be strengthened right and for for for all your life it boils down to having something to believe in believing in higher believing in god for instance whatever dimension of god consciousness you might want to adopt and put your your your own psyche into um that that's that's what your uh scorpio energy is really trying to do you're very helpful by the way as you're going through it you know i i went a little bit deeper to kind of look at some more data and different things came out like i'd be curious you know if you have a sign that who are is there a linkage between the happiest and the least happiest because like right here says capricorns have wandering eyes they're always looking ares makeup bulk of billionaires according to forbes so forbes 400 the most billionaires are aries interesting when you think about that world leaders are often scorpios hence six of them is ours right a german astrologer named fran ellsbett ebertine predicted hitler's rise to power based on his astrological chart in 1924. i mean it's just crazy to be able to say you know so sagittarius are twice as likely to become famous research conducted by cartoon network that's a pretty credible source to conduct that research right you know democrats believe in astrology more than republicans do according to chapman university which i've been to chapman university right democrats believe in astrology more than republicans that's the university you went to you went to chapman one of the best movie schools in america schizophrenia is uh signs aquarius and pisces both teddy roosevelt and franklin roosevelt believed heavily into astrology top money makers according to career builder scorpio leo cancer taurus lois earners aquarians capricorns pisces have the darkest thoughts studied by perceptual and motor skills gemini switch jobs often reagan hired an astrologer a republican president hero to republicans hires in astrologers the scorpions are considered the sexiest sign i mean you know again like i tell you i'm a dated guy but when you think about it um do you have some things where you notice you know this sign is the most content this signs the happiest this signs the least happiest uh on how they live is there anything that you've seen there well you know the thing about statistics is that that's just exactly what they are that's all that they are there's no one sign that is designed to be the happiest the propensity for happiness might be greater in one sign than another but it doesn't mean that that sign will always be considered that way but at the same time all the statistics bring up that yeah these were all these all these uh pisces for instance or were you know mentally deranged in some kind of a way right well um that's because uh the danger of spirituality if you will well pisces function you know pisces is a sign that has no boundaries they are one with the cosmos they're they're they're some degree they're it's just like uh they're they're all image all imagination uh all higher dimensions of awareness but the person might be afraid of that and be afraid of it and be scared and do things because they're being spooked by it but then there is enlightenment where the pisces possibility for enlightenment is such that their oneness with the cosmos will leave them in in a state of full awareness and so they're they're spiritually enlightened they're beautiful kind and wonderful people they're very very sensitive but that very sensitivity is what will cause one to go down a very negative path and another to go a positive path to sensitivity level there's no boundary that there can be almost anything when when i'm dealing with pisces it's sometimes hard to find them because they're they're so fluid and the only place where there's structure that is providing they haven't lost all their teeth i can tell the pisces by their teeth because their teeth i call them fish teeth because uh it's a pisces who has teeth that look a certain way i can't describe really how they really look but when i see pisces teeth i i i know them i know that they're there and by the way i saw her teeth what it looked like and it does kind of i know that teeth i just don't know how to describe it either and i've seen that teeth you know many times in my life and now i have to ask next time i ask and i say are you pisces why me stop your teeth because that's stuck in my head now so what what sign have you noticed has been the toughest to read for you over the years the toughest one to read yeah scorpio scorpio is a tough story yeah wow because no no that they um have a natural tendency to uh hide the animal that um you know in astrology there's all these animals that epitomize uh what the sign is about and scorpion has two animals i mean the scorpio two animals as a has the scorpion and the eagle now the the scorpion operates this way um it hides under a rock and if anything comes close to it it comes out and takes a sting of it and moves back but always hidden and you can't get too close if you get too close to them you don't know what stun you you just jump move right so they're hard to read in terms of whether or not they're going to accept you as a non-threatening thing whereas the eagle uh flies high in the sky sees the mouse down below and comes down and just grabs that and that's it there's no there's no ifs ands or buts about it just happens so the difference between the two is the the scorpion is the automatic stuff you know they automatically attack so they try to hide because they don't want to attack because every time they do they lose some of their energy i'll give you a good example of how how serious it is for the scorpion it's the story of the scorpion and the frog now you're gonna like this story you know here's this lake here's this frog and here's the scorpion well the scorpion comes up to the lake and realizes it's got a long way to go it's got and doesn't want to go all the way around and it says to the frog hey you know you can swim i can't how about you give me a ride across the way the frog looks at the scorpion and says you're out of your mind you're a scorpion you're going to kill me you know scorpion says come on you know look how do you think i'm stupid you'll be out there in the middle of the lake i can't swim or sting you i'm gonna drown come on man use your head sure frog says the well okay so they jump on there jump on there and the frog you know looking up saying hey thanks a lot miss scorpion i ain't no problem all of a sudden zap sting the frog look at his scorpion and says what the hell is wrong with you now we're all going to die scorpion said sorry you couldn't help it so you just have to be a certain way and in order for them to be a certain way they have to hide that they are this certain way scorpions i just pulled up scorpions bill gates a scorpion ryan gosling leonardo dicaprio puff daddy you know i don't know if there's any uh uh correlation there uh with scorpions you know and gemini's you know gemini's some interesting people are gemini's biggie tupac angelina jolie johnny depp john f kennedy you know obviously trump i think fdr was a marilyn monroe you know i mean i can go on with gemini's uh are gemini is typically known for being very creative like artists do they have a very big creative side to them well i think what they're known for is argumentation they love to take the opposite side of any are any conversation i have a daughter that's a gemini and and you're validating this she's four years old it's it's a constant yeah right no matter what oh no do this do this do that but but but but but they do it just in order to be able to exist and they say no i mean they want you to know what they think so they'll go on and on and once they start all uh chatterbox the gemini chatterbox that four-year-old of yours wait till six seven eight nine and ten rata tetra ten hold on too many words so many words what do you want lollipop you know they're going to give you all the reasons in the world why they should have this thing but they won't tell you what it is until at the end you get tired and say okay okay all right look i got to go out what what do you want oh yeah dog or sandwich or a hulk or kiss or something like that so gemini's are are like that they they really are communicative they they love reading uh and their way of living is widespread rather than deep they're very curious you're you're for you uh don't leave anything you not see or touch anywhere near her because she's going to pick it up look at it toss it around and see what it can do very very it's so true right i mean i can go on with you for a couple hours i'd love to have dinner with somebody like you or we can just talk offline when once the craziness goes away but any final thoughts or conclusions or notes any final things that you have you want to share with us before we wrap up the interview well i i think it's really important for people to um try to rise above uh the social cultural conditioning of the first 28 years of their life if you want if you will because in the first 28 years of your life you know you're living uh in a cultural cocoon in one fashion or another even though you change cultures here and there you're still you know um you get born and you crawl into this cocoon and uh or some sometime around 28 yeah yeah you have to say wait a minute i have to reconstruct myself so for me um it's important for people to use astrology for for it for what it's worth uh it's a guide it is not a directive you know i i see astrology now more from a position of being transpersonal it's not so much about you succeeding or not succeeding it's about being the best you that you can be and for some people that might mean remaining in poverty not mean that they shouldn't uh try to get out of it and all that but they need to learn how to work with it you have to learn to work with what you're given right so um i i really think that uh in the coming years uh as far as the planet is concerned uh people need to be more conscious of the fact that your environment is you and as human beings we need to be more conscious of how we interact with the planet because i think it was john lily of eli lillian company who said back in the 80s or so humanity has become a virus destroying its host and that has to change so the only way i can see that changing is by becoming aware of the fact that we're having this kind of effect on the planet and begin to be able to figure out how to change ourselves within ourselves to be able to be better at our interaction with one another and therefore also with the environment itself because in the final analysis you know uh the latest report i've read is we're headed toward the end of the century with a planet that may not be hospitable let alone inhabitable so we have opportunities to turn things around and that applies to each and every one of us in our own in our own way i know you uh patrick are doing what you can to help people get to a position of having financial security so that if that's what they need in order to turn around and look at the planet and treat it better all more power to you yeah you know i i uh i appreciate that from your perspective i mean it sounded like you may be running for senate or or congress or office here can you imagine we get uh 2024 astrologists running for you know office my name is ray kator i endorse this message and uh i'm gonna lead the cancer of a nation july 4th of july 1776. uh you know it would be a very interesting campaign if you ever decided to run i'd love to interview if you wanted to run this will be the place we'd introduce it to the world i wouldn't be the first astrologer did that we had george washington and thomas jefferson george washington and thomas jefferson were astrologists yeah they were very deep into astrology they were deep into all kinds of philosophical uh reformation that was going on at the time um and and uh you know the though the the system of government was based upon astrological observations the whole use of the eagle as the animal was also because of the scorpionic nature that the eagle represents and the fact that elections in this country are on the second uh tuesday or the first tuesday of november means that it's a scorpio time and it's time to eliminate the old and bring in the new and so that's why those and the 20th of january as the inauguration day is the day that the sun goes out of capricorn and aquarius yes it's a a mission yeah it's all astrology we should sit for a couple hours and we can go through all of that um and you could you could you know yeah can you continue with that what what else in the way america was founded on has to do with zodiac because that's a whole different thing that we didn't talk about at the beginning well no i thought probably you might do that i didn't know you were going to do the statistic thing but um yeah they're they're there's so far so far you said the following you said first tuesday november 3rd uh scorpio okay because it's the old and the new you said january 20th inauguration because capricorn to aquarius right and then you said the uh what was the other one you said you said another date um that you gave which one was it did you give two of them only well again yeah you only gave those two um but uh uh the the idea of the the structure of the government you know uh you have two houses you have the senate and the house of representatives right that was a compromise but it's gemini it's like taking the concept of gemini communication uh between uh the lower classes the house of representatives and the upper class the senators and the reason for class differentiation there is because it was taking the house of lords in the house of commons in britain and bringing them into a new dimension with the house of representatives in the senate to signify the idea of communication between classes that would determine the form and shape of the government and so the the astrological idea behind the presidency of of of the country uh is out of a uh long-time long-term 30-year relationship that the colonists had with the iroquois indians the iroquois indian group had a a democratic setup and so franklin i think it was and jefferson talked to them along with with uh washington about how how we should set up our government constitution and they said well um you you need to have um your chief chosen by a council of elders so that became you know the the congress i mean this is this is fascinating stuff like i said we we need we need more time together then around me uh somehow we figure out to make this happen uh once this uh craziness goes away we need more than an hour together here i really enjoyed this ray where can people find you if they want to find you what's the best place for people to find you best place uh you can go to astrological perspectives on on the internet www you know all of that yep we'll put that link below uh that's probably the easiest way i also have an email if you can sure that would be astro for astrology astro ray at gmail easy we're gonna put both of those below for people to find you if they have any questions uh a brace for impact you're about to get some emails uh astro ray ray thank you so much for your time i really enjoyed it patrick it's been my pleasure i really enjoy hanging out with you like this been great likewise take care bye-bye so did he get you right meaning your sign whatever your sign is did he get you right pisces capricorn cancer whatever it may be and do you believe in zodiac signs stats say one third of america believes in it do you uh and thoughts comment below another interview i think you may enjoy as well as ron white ron white has a system for remembering all presidents remembering words and his system is duplicatable where you can learn if you've never watched my interview with ron white click over here to watch my interview with ron white thanks for watching everybody take care bye [Music] you
Channel: Valuetainment
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Astrology, Ray the Astrologer from Guess My Zodiac Sign, An Astrologer Guesses Strangers' Zodiac Sign (Ray), People Guess Strangers' Zodiac Sign, Ray Couture
Id: M3VBlUrS2jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 37sec (4177 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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