Astro 4.10: Accelerating content site development

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all right all right all right all right well yeah  let's do it let's talk about Astro 410 our latest   release of Astro it's not only our latest release  it's also one of the biggest releases we've ever   done we have a lot of new features in Astro 4.10  I'm going to go over them here in a second but   one of our main focuses on 4.10 is making it  possible to use Astro in ways you never could   before and I'll explain what that is.So these  are the features you've already heard about   actions I'm not going to go over that we also  have request rewriting we have number of build   performance improvements we have type safe  environment variables and we have a new way   to use Astro inside places that previously  couldn't go and we call that the Container   API. But before I go over the features I want  to talk a little bit about some of the design   principles we use when we build Astro. So one of  the first design principles that really we really   try to think about try to make sure that we have  a cohesive framework is we try to make it easy to   do the right thing. So you might be be familiar  with the term a pit of success and that's what   we try to do we want to make it so that when you  build your site with Astro you kind of fall into   winning strategies just by using it. A couple  examples here is of course Islands which is a   way to add JavaScript just when it's needed. We  also have view transitions which is our take on   client side routing so you can start with an MPA  and then you enhance it and make it client side   routed. Another thing that we often think about is  making it it so that others can do the difficult   thing for you and this really comes through  with our Integrations API. With integrations   you have hooks into the entire process that  Astro runs and Starlight's a great example.   Starlight gives you an entire documentation  framework as an integration. We think that's   really powerful. So think about these principles  as I go through each of these features; think   about how these um come through. First up we have  rewrites. So you might already be familiar with   rewrites if you're familiar with older servers  such as Nginx, Apache those all had rewrites or   you might be familiar with other JavaScript  Frameworks they also have rewrites but we   did it in in a unique way whereas normally it's a  config it's you have inside your config here's an   old route I wanted to go to this route instead we  try to make it dynamic and I'll kind of show what   that is. But first let me tell you a use case here  so let's say you have a product page and the user   goes to a product that doesn't exist you want to  show a 404 page. Well rewrites enables that sort   of thing. The code looks like this you've probably  written this sort of code before yourself you have   some type of function to call your API maybe you  call the database you get the slug from the URL,   that product doesn't exist. You want to reroute  to the to the user to the 404 page now you can   just call Astro.rewrite pass in the route that you  want to you want to render you pass in this case   we're going to pass in the slug so you can get  a little bit extra contextual information to the   user. But it goes more than this we can actually  use this inside of middleware so an integration   could provide like higher level features for you  in this case we want to provide localized slugs   we want to have the URL in the language of the  user right. But normally you don't have multiple   languages in your file system right like you have  hello.astro and if you want the French user to see   salut instead, I think I said that right, salut  um you could build an integration that does that   right you you just parse out the URL you get that  slug here we have a little map and we're going to   call rewrite to go to that instead so like I said  this is something you can imagine integrations   providing you know a nice API to have these sort  of localized slugs so we're really hoping that   Integrations start to build these types of things.  I'm going to take a little break from features for   a second and talk about performance. Of course  performance is something that is challenging   in a static site generator you know especially  when built like Astro that enables you to use   JavaScript so it's something that we're constantly  having to monitor it's something we build   benchmarks for and something we're constantly  trying to improve. So recently we've had a number   of performance improvements that have had a pretty  dramatic effect on static build performance and   I'm going to go over the numbers here in a second  but first I just want to tell you a little bit   about how we actually did this and we did this  not necessarily just by improving Astro we did   it by improving the entire ecosystem so through a  lot of upstream contributions. Now of course Astro   is built on the shoulders of a huge JavaScript  ecosystem right so we have projects like Vite   and so we we made some improvements there we also  have Shiki which is a syntax highlighter. We have   tinycolor, expressive-code, we have Rollup which  is our bundler and we have the Remark ecosystem   which if you're not familiar that is what gives  MDX, markdown support inside of Astro. So we   made improvements to all these projects and that  had a dramatic effect on Astro itself. All right   before I show you the actual numbers we kind of  use the docs site our Astro docs as kind of the   test project for this right because docs is an  example of a great advanced static site. It's   a static site with internationalization support,  it supports 14 different languages, there's 4,439   total pages that was like of a couple weeks ago  it's probably even higher now. And so our previous   baseline when we started this project was 14  minutes. Which is doesn't sound that bad actually   when you think about it but when you do start to  think about it and you think about the workflow   for a doc site; the typical workflow is docs is on  a GitHub repo and so if someone wants to change a   page like maybe they fix a typo or they document  a new feature they send a pull request to the doc   site. So he has to wait for that to build to get a  preview URL so you're waiting 14 minutes and then   perhaps the reviewer checks that and maybe they  ask for suggestions so you got to wait another 14   minutes so it's something that can accumulate  over time so after all these improvements all   these ecosystem improvements we got the number  down to 5 minutes and 30 [Applause] seconds so   that is a 60% Improvement which is pretty  dramatic and you know it not just Astro the   benefited from this anybody that uses these  other projects get the benefit as well. But   there's one more feature that we were able to  bring this down even more. So I don't know if   you know this but in Astro 4.0 we released a new  experimental feature called content collections   cache and what contents collections cach does it  it not it notices that most in something like docs   or in a blog most of your content is in your  content collections in the contents folder and   so what we did is we made it so that when you  do something like oh I'm just fixing the typo   or I'm just adding documentation to this one  page instead of building the all the pages we   just build those pages that have changed and used  cached versions for the rest of everything and so   on the doc site when we do that the number goes  even lower. It goes to 1 minute and 9 seconds. So we started off 14 minutes just making  improvements down to 5 minutes 30 seconds and   now we're down to just a little over a minute when  we add some caching on top. So content collection   cache is a still an experimental feature, it  is great for a workflow like docs it's great   for blogs it is experimental you can enable it I  recommend you check it out. All right let's jump   back over to features and talk about astro:env So  astro:env is our answer for type safe environment   variables this is something I'm actually very  passionate about I hope you can tell. So let's   first let's define an environment variable  first off it's an operating system concept   right. What happens when you have environment  variables is the operating system when you   execute your program the operating system takes  all your environment variables things you define,   define in your shell scripts and it makes a copy  of those attaches it to the process when you read   the environment variables it gets it from that  list so this is something that's existed basically   since the dawn of Unix. But more recently the  JavaScript ecosystem has added more ways to do   environment variables; it became a bundler  features so if you're familiar with WebPack   for example there's a Define plugin and that's  a way to define environment variables directly   inside of your config of course. We also have dot  env files anybody here use a dot env file? It's   a great way to do local development you can have  your environment variables inside of your project   and you can point to your staging database or  your staging whatever and read from there so it's   great for that use case. Of course we also have  environment variables inside of our CI, inside of   our host and those all have different UIs and they  have even sometimes different ways to read the   environment variables so environment variables are  just inherently a difficult thing they are hard I   know like as a framework developer they're hard  on me and they're probably hard on you as well.   But it goes further than that like we have some  environment variables that are just things we   need in the client some are things we just need  in the server some of them are secrets; like you   don't want your Stripe API key to be exposed in  your client bundle you're going to have a really   bad day if that happens some of them are required  some of them are not some of them are optional. So our answer is astro:env, a new  built-in module inside of Astro so   this gives you type safety  gives you nice auto-compete   you define your variables with a schema which gets  validated with Zod and it works with any adapter   runtime so there's no more worrying about oh  Cloudflare reads environment environment variables   this way, Deno another way there's no process.env  shimming, none of that. So it looks like this you   have a new env property inside your config you  can define your variables you can define what   type they are; are they a string? are they a  boolean, number? And will get coerced for you.   You define what context they run are they server  are they client. You define the access level are   they public are they secret. You can define the  default or they required. Full configurability   of your variables and when you go to use them  you import from astro:env/client or server you   get nice autocomplete all that for you and in the  server version you have this get secret so if you   want to read something dynamically at runtime you  can do that of course you can only do that on a   server you can't do that in the client that'd  be impossible so we don't even let you try. All right last up we have component containers  so this is the Container API it this at the   beginning of the talk is like one of the most  powerful features but it's also one of the most   upvoted RFCs we've ever had this is something  people have been asking for in Astro since we   started the project and I'll go over some of  the use cases and you can see why that is but   first off what this is is it just a low level  rendering API it's a low-level API that you can   render Astro components. So some use cases here;  anybody here a Rails or PHP developer. Python,   no I guess not well whatever you're not going to  like the demo ha. Yeah so yeah you can use you can   use Astro inside of Rails, PHP this is people  have asked for this because Astro is really   nice to add JavaScript right you can just add your  client directives now you get JavaScript for free.   You could also use it to do full text rendering  inside of RSS feeds just get your collection,   loop over that collection, render that content  component, inject that inside of your RSS. You   can also do testing we've always had support for  Vitest inside of Astro for quite a quite a long   time now you can actually test those components  you import your card create a container render   that to string do any assertions you need so  that is container API I'm going give you a   demo that you're going to love, but first  4.10, you can upgrade existing projects:   npx @astrojs/upgrade or for new projects  do npm create astro@latest like normal. So next I'm going to do a little demo. So we have  a PHP app and if you could guess I am not a PHP   expert and I can tell none of you are either so  no one's going to know any the wiser that I did   this a good way or not uh but what I do know  is that so this is just a nice little PHP app   mostly HTML. I know that PHP has this function  called passthrough and with passthrough what you   can do is you can execute an external command and  it will just kind of inject anything that command   logs right here so basically what we want to do  is we run run our script that script is going   to log some HTML and it's going to happen right  here. So PHP developers are laughing right now   there's probably a much better way to do this  it's more efficient uh but this does work so   this is what I'm going to demo. So I have  an Astro project inside of my PHP project   this is a low-level API as I said here's the  container code I'll come back to this in a   second first I want to show you kind of how I  designed decided to organize this I have this   all.ts file which I export all the components  that I want to use, like for example have this   React wrapper component and inside of that  we're rendering a counter component who would   have thought you're pretty much required to do  counter components in demo so that's what I did.   So I have this counter component which is just  a normal react counter component using Tailwind   and I have this render.mjs script. I create my  container I'm passing some magic config stuff,   I have this resolve function for example this is  allowing me to resolve like where client scripts   are loaded from because I have them in a special  place in my project. Then I have this components   which has my React wrapper component on it;  I can render that to string I console.log it;   boom it is magically inside , which way do I go,  this way, it's magically inside of my PHP app.   So this is a PHP app and I got myself a little  island and look at that a working counter, that's   the most beautiful thing in the world. And if I  open up the inspector here we can see, hopefully   that is large enough, let me just bump that up,  we have an Astro Island which I don't know if   you ever inspected the HTML of Astro but you get  these little Astro Islands so there you go you got   yourself PHP inside of Astro so let me just yeah  that is it let me let's go back to the slides. Now check out Astro 4.10,  thanks everybody [Applause]
Channel: Astro
Views: 8,550
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Id: lm2br5_zcHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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