The Strange Tendrils That Defy NASA Models | DART

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Thanks to Omaze for sponsoring today’s video.   Almost one year ago, NASA’s DART was launched. The  goal of the mission was to test a new method of   planetary defence by crashing the DART spacecraft  into a Near Earth Object, or NEO, named Dimorphos.   If successful, the kinetic impact would slow  Dimorphos a tiny amount and permanently alter   its orbit. Why is that a big deal? Well,  over time, even small changes to an object’s   orbit can have big long-term effects. Dimorphos  itself poses no threat to us, but theoretically,   if we were to identify a dangerous object many  years before it reached Earth, we could deflect   it far enough in advance that it would miss us  entirely. In theory, such technology could save   the Earth from a cataclysmic event like Chicxulub,  the asteroid that likely killed off the non-avian   dinosaurs 65 million years ago. So far, we’ve  identified about 30,000 asteroids larger than   140 meters in our planetary neighbourhood, none  of which have a chance of hitting us anytime soon   (and scientists think they’ve found all the ones  larger than 10 kilometres). But with an estimated   60% of NEOs greater than 140 meters still unknown,  scientists take the threat seriously, which is why   the DART mission is so significant. Now the  wait is finally over. On September 26, 2022,   10 months after its launch, DART completed  its mission when it crashed into Dimorphos.   In the days and weeks since, images and data have  come pouring in, and NASA has already released   its early findings. So, was DART a success? And  how, for that matter, has NASA defined “success”?   I’m Alex McColgan, and you are watching  Astrum. Join me today as we learn about   the latest findings of the DART mission and look  at the stunning final images the spacecraft took   before its fatal crash into Dimorphos. Let’s  start with a quick recap. DART stands for   Double Asteroid Redirection Test. It’s a joint  project between NASA and Johns Hopkins Applied   Physics Laboratory, with international partners  in Italy, Japan and the European Space Agency.   The “Double Asteroid” in DART refers to the fact  that Dimorphos is part of a binary system. It’s   actually a 160-meter moonlet which orbits  the much larger 780-meter asteroid Didymos.   Dimorphos has an orbital period of 11.9 hours  and maintains a distance of about 1 kilometre   from Didymos. The system orbits the Sun every  2.1 Earth-years and made its approach to Earth   in October 2022, coming within 10.6 million  kilometres – the closest it’s been since   2003 – meaning this was the perfect time to  visit it. Compared to other spacecraft, DART   doesn’t have a lot of frills. It’s about the size  of a refrigerator and weighs just 610 kilograms,   which is minuscule compared to Dimorphos’s  estimated weight of 5 billion kilograms. DART   has one payload, an aperture camera called  DRACO (short for Didymos Reconnaissance and   Asteroid Camera for Optical Navigation), as well  as sensors and an autonomous navigation system.   It also comes paired with a small secondary  spacecraft called LICIACube – making it a   binary spacecraft visiting a binary system!  Built by the Italian Space Agency, ASI,   LICIACube is a small CubeSat with its own  autonomous navigation system designed to separate   from DART 15 days before impact. LICIACube is  tasked with recording the impact and its aftermath   with two optical cameras named LUKE and LEIA.  (Yes, you heard that correctly, Star Wars fans.)   After blasting off on November 23, 2021, on a  SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, DART spent the next 10   months in transit. In the 4 hours leading up  to impact, at a distance of 90,000 kilometres,   DART’s internal navigation system took over, and  90 minutes before impact, its SMART Nav System   put the spacecraft on its final trajectory. When  DART was 24,000 kilometres away, Dimorphos became   visible on camera, taking up 1.4 pixels. This is  one of DRACO’s last images where you can see both   Dimorphos and its parent asteroid in the same  frame. As DART hurtled closer to its target at   a speed of 22,000 km per hour, Dimorphos and its  potential impact site came into spectacular view.   In this image, taken just 3 seconds before  impact, you can really see how Dimorphos   is a loose pile of rubble, essentially  leftover from the Solar System’s birth.   This remarkable photograph is DART’s final fully  transmitted image. It was taken at a distance   of 12 kilometres, a mere 2 seconds before  impact. For reference, the scale is roughly   3 centimetres per pixel. And here, finally,  is DART’s last, partially transmitted image.   The downlink was interrupted by DART’s  previously scheduled, shall we say, disassembly.   As strange as it sounds, this is my favourite of  these images. Its incompleteness seems to capture   the drama and intensity of the moment, as though  freezing for all time the breathtaking instant   when DART completed its 17.5-million-kilometre  journey in the blink of an eye. To the very end,   DART did what it was designed to do with  incredible precision, and it’s a testament to the   ingenuity of those of NASA. Here is the entire  sequence, sped up and played as a timelapse.   The video you see corresponds to the final 5.5  minutes of DART’s final trajectory. As you’ll   notice, some of the images look a bit blurred.  That’s because DART’s ion thrusters came into   play, causing vibrations to the spacecraft and its  camera. This sequence is incredible to me due to   the speed involved. It hit such a tiny object!  And I’m astonished some of these images are in   focus at all, imagine how quickly the camera  had to adjust to the rapidly approaching object.   Now, I’m sure you’re itching to know whether  the impact was successful. To relieve you of   the suspense, the answer is: yes! In fact, the  early results have surpassed expectations. Before   DART’s kinetic impact, NASA defined success as a  change in Dimorphos’s orbital period of at least   73 seconds. Yet based on what we know so far, the  data shows that DART shortened Dimorphos’s orbit   by a full 32 minutes, from 11 hours and 55 minutes  to 11 hours and 23 minutes. Even with a margin of   error of plus or minus 2 minutes, that is 25 times  NASA’s benchmark. A truly remarkable outcome.   The impact released 19 gigajoules of energy, the  equivalent of nearly 5 tons of TNT, and blasted   a crater up to 150 meters wide in the asteroid’s  surface, pretty big considering the moon was only   160 metres to begin with. But why did the impact  shorten Dimorphos’s orbit? Well, due to orbital   mechanics, the crash pushed Dimorphos closer  to Didymos, which in turn, sped up its orbit.   Scientists confirmed this finding through  observations from optical telescopes here   on Earth, including the Southern Astrophysical  Research Telescope in Chile. (SOAR also happened   to capture some of the very best images of the  encounter, including this breathtaking photograph   of a 10,000-kilometer trail of debris two days  after impact making it look like a comet.)   Because Didymos is a two-asteroid system,  its brightness fluctuates as Dimorphos passes   through the shadow of its parent asteroid and  out again in front. By tracking the light curve,   scientists can calculate the speed of  Dimorphos’s orbit. These results were   further supported by radar data collected by  observatories in California and West Virginia.   DART wasn’t the only camera watching the event  though. The closest images of the crash scene were   captured by LICIACube, and they are phenomenal.  As you might recall, LICIACube separated from   DART two weeks before impact to conduct its own  flyby using its autonomous navigation systems.   2 minutes and 45 seconds after DART’s impact,  LICIACube flew past Dimorphos to photograph the   impact site with its evolving plumes and ejecta.  Here is an action-packed image of Dimorphos after   the impact, with Didymos overexposed in the  foreground. Notice the huge plumes of material   emanating from Dimorphos. Some of them seem to  be spiralling, almost like tendrils of a vine.   This indicates that the material  changed directions as the plume grew.   We think this phenomenon may be caused by the  composition of the asteroid, as impact tests   on finer sediment mixed with coarser debris  sometimes yield similar ejection patterns.   This is a more distant image, also captured by  LICIACube, with Dimorphos on the rightmost side.   Notice how the asteroid itself is barely  visible due to the huge clouds of material   splashed up by the impact. But LICIACube and  Earth-based telescopes weren’t the only tools   observing the impact’s aftermath: Hubble and  the Webb Telescope also got in on the action.   Here, you can see a spectacular series of images  from Hubble showing the progression of the plumes   in size and number. Notice how some of the plumes  look like rays emanating from the asteroid.   Strangely, some of these “rays” appear  curved. Why? As of now, NASA isn’t sure.   While Hubble has observed the impact  from the visible spectrum of light,   the Webb telescope captured its own images from  the infrared spectrum. This is pretty impressive,   since Dimorphos was travelling three times faster  than Webb was meant to be able to track. The   timelapse you are looking at starts right before  impact and continues until 5 hours afterwards.   Notice the sudden flare of light, coinciding with  the material released from impact. I also love how   the Webb images give you a great sense of the  spiralling plumes emanating from the asteroid.   Over the coming weeks and months, scientists will  continue to study the data from DART’s impact.   But the real investigative work will be carried  out in the future by Hera. Hera is a mission   currently being developed by the European  Space Agency that will launch in October 2024.   Carrying a sophisticated payload of instruments  including cameras, a spectrometer and an   altimeter, HERA will intricately document the  size, shape and composition of the crater left   behind by DART’s impact. It will also carry  two nanosatellites named Milani and Juventas.   Most exciting of all, Hera will conduct  observations of Dimorphos’s internal and   subsurface structures. This modelling will  not only advance our understanding of the   binary Didymos system itself but provide a  more nuanced understanding of how a NEO’s   physical characteristics influence the transfer of  momentum, as well as how kinetic energy transfers   to a NEO and its ejected materials. All of this  will allow for a greater understanding of DART’s   kinetic impact and provide a useful guideline for  improving deflection technologies in the future.   So, there we have it: everything you  could want to know about the DART mission.   Right now, we’ve barely scratched the surface  of deflection technologies, but if you look   at what this mission has accomplished, it  appears the future of planetary defence has   taken a bold and promising first step. So do  you think this mission was worthwhile? Do you   think we’ll have to use this technology within  our lifetimes? Let me know in the comments!   When DART reached Dimorphos, it was going 6.6km/s.  While we can’t quite reach those kind of numbers   here on Earth, acceleration in a fast car  is still very exciting. That being the case,   would you ever want to climb into the driver’s  seat of the fastest production sedan ever made   and effortlessly zoom from 0-100kmph in 1.99  seconds? With Omaze, maybe you can. Omaze is   offering a chance to win a Custom Tesla Model  S-APEX. This car is top of the line, with   prestigious interior finishing and a carbon-fibre  wide bodykit. It looks so good, and you won’t find   another car like it, because this custom $250k  car is actually a one-of-kind. The thing I like   about Omaze is that it’s win-win, by entering  you are also supporting a charity, and for this   sweepstake it’s the Petersen Automotive Museum, a  non-profit that explores and presents the history   of the automobile and its impact on global  life and culture. So head to   and enter NOW! The experience closes on January  27th at 11:59pm PST, you don’t want to miss this!   Did you know, DART isn’t the first time we crashed  a probe into an object to see what would happen.   Check out the Deep Impact video for more info!   A big thanks to my patrons and members for  supporting the channel. If you want your name   added to this list too, check the links in the  description. All the best, and see you next time.
Channel: Astrum
Views: 294,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dart, nasa, astrum, astrumspace, dart mission, nasa dart, nasa dart spaceship, nasa crash, mission dart, nasa crashing, dart impact nasa, nasa asteroid, dart asteroid, nasa dart mission, dart nasa, dart spacecraft, nasa asteroid crash, nasa asteroid mission, planetary defense, dimorphos, double asteroid redirection test, nasa crashing into asteroid, dart mission impact, asteroid dimorphos, didymos, planetary defense test, dimorphos asteroid, dimorphos nasa, dart crash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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