Astarion & Dark Urge | Bring me to life || Baldur's Gate III GMV

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For he who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself becomes a monster You don’t look entirely… yourself Husk. Maggot. A Bhaalspawn, slip-sliding in filth with these pigs Don’t become his... I didn’t realise you and I were so alike You know, I didn’t care for you when we first met I... had a plan A nice, simple plan All you had to do... was fall for it And all I had to do was... Thank you ... not fall for you Which is where my nice, simple plan... fell apart He is so afraid So, so afraid Of everyone, besides you, who he ought to fear most Each man kills the thing he loves Just as the lick of poison is removed from my words of love yours become a sentence of death A tragic pair, eh? What the hells happened to you, Astarion? What are you? I’m more than what I was The world is ours for the taking What in all the sweet hells are you doing?! You must destroy this world It is what you were made for This thing won’t have you It won’t win You’ve got this And I’ve got you The favourite of Bhaal turned meat puppet Don’t look at me like that I can’t be what you want to see in me You like him for more than his looks, but he will never believe that I’m with you, my dear You are a small, pathetic little boy who never amounted to anything No! Stop him! And get me out of this! So rise, Challenger of Gods, and prepare for battle once more I was alarmed by you sometimes, scandalised even but somehow by your side, I still only ever saw you I love you I love this And I want it all You were by my side through all of this And whatever the future holds for me I don’t want to lose that
Channel: 23Zen03
Views: 13,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astarion, dark urge, baldur's gate III, bring me to life
Id: XsLsBp77uLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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