Assembling and Decorating the Butterfly Paradise Wedding Cake

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[Music] hi everybody today we're doing something real this is a real wedding cake and will be delivered to real wedding I would like to thank to this wedding couple A&J so being so kind to let me to share all this information with you I like to start from something irrelevant but there is a similarity into it when you go to uh movie theaters you know that this not real this is is uh made by actors actresses and then directors Studios and all those stuff uh but once the movie start you get into it and you believe in what's happening so you like or dislike what's happening you like or dislike the the people in there Etc so uh why it's happening because we don't see the things that which is happening behind the scene you must be asking to me now what's the relation between wedding cakes and and movies what is is to do together uh because wedding cakes also has a behind the scene section so this video today will be about that part we have to deal especially this size with in K which is about five tier and allog together I'm guessing about will be end up about 60 kilo maybe between 50 60 kilo uh it's it's not it's not possible to calculate exactly how much going to be the weight of this W kick before it's finished you don't even have the scale to put it on and find out you just have to feel it how heavy is it all right so in this cake with this size there's things to be deal the weight as I said has to be considered and the construction what we putting inside weding cake has to be good enough to deal with that weight so it doesn't have any disaster assembling another issue because sometime we do decorations on the each part of the cake separately and we join them together later on sometime we do the decorations all in once on the cake but this case is a bit different so how we deal with that uh that we don't damage the cake while we putting together and then uh the other issue of course Transportation you may not have the same size of the of the truck so you will have a possibility of limited uh height and then how to deal with this even the cake is so large and you can put it in different parts and join together in the event place so this is already another thing when you look at this drawing I made this drawing um couple of weeks ago when a customer approach me they come out with the certain ideas they want to have for example the they can they can express the colors what they're looking for they can express the the the flowers Etc and then General concept and everything for example I always ask the customer uh how high you want to cake first because when we go into details that uh this is important to start from the the size that that's why I I indication for customer they looking for something that size and I start drawing that putting that one point here one point up there and draw everything is that there customer doesn't come always the final design so we have to add our own U our own ideas combining with the customer ideas to come out with the final design so this has come out like that and also uh what you see over here there's different components see that the cake is completely covered with the piping here there's a cake here goldplated there's another one with the quilting design there's another with the initials on a gold uh plated uh oval plaque and then the sort of finished with the matching pipings around and then there is roses in bouquet there is a butterflies there is also Gazo and sitting on the cake so all those things is not my issue today for this tutorial my tutorial today is about how to deal with all those things how to put it together how to arrange it everything so uh all those little bits and pieces comes together to uh achieving the final uh product final result so this will be uh a bit of like a uh step bystep method so I'm going to make very small short uh short steps that show you one by one and also I would like to invite you to take note while you're watching this video because it is important what you do first what you do after I said it all the time and also uh that uh if you have intention to do this kind of wedding cakes give a lot of uh attention to uh inside of the cake like how to build this construction that the cake doesn't drop so all those things what we talking about now it's combination of them it shows our responsibility I always relate that uh being a cake decorator dealing with someone's most important event it's like very similar to like flying the uh uh commercial airline so you have a couple of hundred people behind that you you you you have the obligation you have to make sure that you you're Landing in the next place and the wedding cake decorators are also important for us as a responsibility same as that we have couple of 100 people in the event that make sure that they're all happy at the end of the wedding because if something Happ to wedding it's a uh it's not going to be remembered as a nice wedding it will remember as a the wedding with the disaster because the the cake was not there so that's why it's important this tutorial is like a uh going into details of those kind of responsible acts I'm going to start now constructing the wedding so all the parts are ready so there's nothing to actually produce here uh this this is important in this tutorial how to combine together how to arrange things together what's the thinking behind so this is what we're going to talk about today starting from the very base of the cake I actually use a tabletop because it's very nice and strong and then I have also a bit of grip underneath so it will be very secure to go for this one uh if you don't have a tabletop of course you have to use at least 20 mm Uh Wood and cover with the desired material on top and also I have a plastic sheet which is cephone sheet on top uh I'm not going to remove this cellophan sheet before everything is finished so it's protecting anything drop on it or anything like a a stain or something so the first thing is I like to uh place this cake on top of here but if I place this weight on top of this cake in the room temperature after a while it will be crack on the side here and then it's a lot of pressure imagine this is only the second tier and there will be more tiers on top of it so I want to build this cake step by step by using this PVC pipes these PVC pipes stay in the middle and then take the weight so how how I do that uh there's a hole in the middle of this board exact and I place this cake also in the middle of this board so but a couple of millim difference it will get this Center uh Rod which is this long treaded uh long treaded road it may be just not in the middle if it goes if it goes a little bit on the side on the side here there will be more pressure here and then not enough here so it has to stay almost in the middle so to measure that I like to first of all uh before then that I like to explain you how high is this so when I place this one here is see that is lower than the cake because there is a a boat underneath the Kake extra board underneath the kick so what I do I place my my wooden stick in the middle and then make sure that it's don't go anymore and I put a little Mark over here with the pencil and then take it out and exactly uh cleaning up and after that I measure that exactly the height I have to be exact or a little bit lower but not more than that because if it's too much will be the top cake will be turned around so I did that for this and for that I have exactly the height of the uh the cake except the the board underneath so let's place this one in the middle how we do that first of all we have to find out what's the center of that is the uh that's here 42 and 21 is around there let's put this one here first okay yes and then over here also 21 that's about there so that's supposed to be the center of the Ki I'm going to push this one down all the way down I have to meet with a center hole of this board I am straight here turn around a little bit make sure straight on the other direction too let's see yes it's go through that means this is the point of the uh cake I place this in the middle that's in the middle not in the middle push a little bit like this all right so that means the cake is this PVC pipe has to be placed inside the cake exactly this location so that's a bit of mess we will create so just take your blade and then go mm outside and cut this already a little bit room temperature dried uh fondan if I push this one now like that nothing will happen it will go inside but what will happen is it create some cracks also maybe not important because the other C coming on top but I just want to make sure that everything is nice and neat so I will push this one in and don't worry about the cake stays inside okay right here and I can take this off now all [Music] right that's a little bit more than a cake but it doesn't matter because we can always uh if there's a little bit Gap around here we will always cover with something else in a way okay now second thing I like to do exact the same thing in here I have a board underneath also with hole so I want to make sure that am I in the middle or not Don't Touch Too Much on the gold one 37 and 5 37 is actually uh 37 is 15 18 and half 37 is 18 and2 it's around there 18 and half it's not there I have to go slightly this way okay let's see it's in the middle or not yes it is okay now placing in here is it in the middle Shake It Up There It Is What You that sits pretty good all right let's give it a couple of hammer good all right this cake is now uh ready to carry the weight this is also ready to carry the weight so what we have to do now place this cake over here if I go with my hands underneath now and then I place it over here what's going to happen when I removing my hands underneath all those icings will be crack the gold will drop off everything will happen so that's why I will call some help and then my closest help is my wife and I will ask her to help me now we're going to place this cake on top of here and then I have four pet knives it's a biggest ones I choose so I need to have this four all of them underneath and it together and then place it the cake over here so uh may I introduce you my wife Joe she has a big muscle she exercise every days thanks for helping me so please take the two two pette knife and then when we putting inside here it has to be crisscrossing so we have to balance our our uh positioning everywhere think about 3:00 6:00 9:00 set okay 12:00 no you are too yeah you have to be more there exactly okay now uh can we do that so we're going to place it on in the middle but don't remove the pet knife because I'm going to remove later on I'm going to check that same tzing everything slowly lift it up are we okay I think so I mean if we break this one now this will be I don't know what's going to happen Okay in go go to you please to okay leave the pette N there please thank you h little bit crack but doesn't really matter I can fix it everything time thanks a lot okay so before I I remove that pilet knives what I like to do I want to I want to just check just check that uh is it in the middle can I go inside all the way down and I'm meeting the hole underneath so that's why what I like to do this is not long enough so I'm going to go with this one take this out take this one out and try to push everything in and then hopefully we're going to meet the hole okay the pet knife is holding what I like to do I have a problem with this now here so I'm going to try with this one that's a a knife sharpener it's got very sharp end okay one of them is still holding yes got you okay so let's check here not there yet yes we are done so now I can remove my pette knives slight damage on the corner but this doesn't really big matter because I'm going to fix that anyway later on with some decorations done so next thing now is to place you of course the next steer on top of it next thing I like to do I'm going to place my washer and the nut underneath you know that there's so much this much of of this road coming right underneath I'm going to place this one in and then don't worry about the top yet so once we complete everything with this then we're going to tighten up the top one and we will have everything secure properly so uh you would maybe ask me why I didn't do this one earlier because to lift this cake on this height bring back back to here it will be quite a challenging very risky job that's why I want to put two of them together and push this one in together and also uh why can't we do the third one and then after that do this one because to find that one two three holes at the same time maybe it's a bit too difficult that's why is the two is just Optimum and the third one I'm going to put and place it in like this here so let's get this one in here now quite a bit of involve here that is good enough okay now going to put it back and place the all on turntable let me check I put some starform legs underneath so to make sure that is there's a finger space that's good so these two now on top of each other uh when I look at it there's a little bit of Cracks around here because of the pallet knives and everything so this is always uh fixable with a little bit of roaling a bit of like soften up the fondan you can always pitch it up the also another thing is if you see that the corner that which is really drastic is not really possible to good good job by repairing because we have this all those flowers and and butterflies and everything coming on so you select that particular corner to cover it with another decorations on it there will be no problem at the end I think I can handle myself the number three so this is uh the Quilted level uh these cakes are actually produced and the uh covered with the fondan at least the day before because you need to have a really firm uh dried uh fondant with a kind of firm take also inside so I left it into the room temperature but at least 19° so we have a condition here can go for 19° uh if you not have that kind of uh condition you have to put in the fridge and you have to deal with the uh moisture a little bit on the surface so um I have to grab it like this I have extra board underneath of course and there is a hole in the middle of the board so I have to remove that that knot see that go down go like this it doesn't matter because at the end we we will squeeze it anyway so clean hands lift up and then fight this one there's a leg in here okay slowly okay little a bit of cleaning I'll grab my dry brush and brush everything off and ready for the next level now we came to the fourth level uh till now with all those three layers we will not uh I did not really worry about what is the front what is not the front Etc but as you see that in the fourth layer there's a frontal look there's a decorations in the front then this must be the front of the cake so I'll take the opportunity that uh uh before I place the forth one I will go around and then select the right place where is the front of the cake so when I turning like that I will have no problem at all on this level because can be any side in the front when we look at the first level which is the piping one it's also there is no problem at all except some top Parts but top parts are not really important because we're going to put some ribbons and cords and everything around that's one of no problem at all now when I look at the golden part because gold is such a very thin coating any small little crack will be appeared so when I turning around fortunately that is only one spot here there's a little bit crack we can fix we can just Reco with the gold on it we just put a bit of like a font on it or something but uh I'm not going to border to do that so I will choose that little crack at the place that which I'm going to put roses and butterflies later on so this is the 45° here uh that is the pl that is the spot that roses maybe more frontally like this here and that is the front of the kick so I'm going to put one little uh indication here it shows that it is the front of the cake and I will not miss it all right so that means I have to get now this cake on top and I know which direction to put on all right now let's get this one down first I can't get my fingers underneath it's impossible so I like to make it upside down and place this cake on the on the uh on the star blocks like this that I can put my fingers underneath now take a big take a big breath and turn this one in once like this just thring in there but don't throw too much otherwise you will have your own disaster okay now that just happen like that I think I forgot to emphasize every cake underneath there's a 3 mm wood covered laminated with white cutboard underneath and on the top so there's there's no cake touching to the to the wood and then there's also preh hole in the middle so I can go through this this this place so I will place that little legs underneath here like that it's a sterofoam you can put something else if you like no problem just like this and placees on top approximately in the middle and then hopefully nothing drops stop breathing like this that's good all right so now I can I can grab it so this is my this is my front I'm going to turn this on like that okay Clean Hands I'm grabbing the cake from these fingers underneath but these two fingers on the side no damage perfect now next thing is this one this is not l long enough this is a little bit shorter so what will cause that problem that cake will be sink in because the the top Kake we not going to stop on the surface it's going to stop more down so I have to cut oh hold on I think this is okay because there is a cutboard underneath the cake that should be okay let me measure that again one more time just go inside here take it out it's perect perfect 100% I forgot that there's a wood underneath that's why I was confused a bit so place this in the middle and just push W sit perfect all right now we have to make bit of house cleaning P this it that's good that's the front look like all right now I have to get the fifth level of the cake here on the table and I explain you more things about it one more layer left which is the fifth layer uh at this stage we have to start thinking about the transportation because cake is getting higher and higher my Transportation possibility is only 7 cm and when I measure this from U from the level lower level from the table to the the top of the this long thread it's about 65 so just nice but if I put one more layer of course it's going to be not possible but at the same time I have the kind of like obligation to show you exactly how the cake is decorated completely so I want to do that that's why I keep my base separate so if if I uh put this one over here on top like this all right I can actually take my uh knot which is this one and then completely squeeze it down tight tight really tighten up and then I will have see that this lose this this thread is D now it will be completely tighten up here and the cake will be all in one piece so it will be compact together the only problem is if I use my nut and then tighten up nicely the wood which is underneath this cutboard sheet it's it's only 3 mm it's not going to be strong enough so that's why I put a metal washer inside between the cardboard and the wood I hide inside that if you want to have more information about this how to build all those all those construction everything I have a video called internal support for High cakes so you can just look at it have some more information about that now what's happening I like to keep this everything together put together and decorate together but I want to separate again so for the transportation so that's why I'm not going to glue anything together so let's uh get this one done what I'm saying there's a metal bar here which is I don't want to keep the cake touching here even that is safe enough but I don't want to do that one so what I like to do first I'm going to put my uh the metal uh washer is on top I'll push it in and pull it up and then get this one tighten up first I'm not going to use any more PVC pipe around this this cake uh because there's no more uh much more weight coming on just the topper we're not going to be heavy enough to create problems so I just tighten up nicely and I'm not really squeezing too much this is already good enough right so at the moment it's all the PVC pipes inside the cake is touching each other there's no more pressure on the cakes now I let me have to clean again okay now again I have the last layer this one is the fruit cake I can keep it uh uh quite firm here it doesn't really doesn't matter with temperature and also a customer wants to keep it for for anniversary or something uh I can really lift up over here now to put it in but if I do that I will get the cake inside here that's why I like to protect that what I do is a a big uh straw for slash this is just the right size I think it's a bit little bit bigger than the M10 it's just right and I cut this off like this it's already good all right so uh I'm going to put this cake on top and then when I and also what's happening underneath the cake there's a boat there's a boat with a big hole look at this one here that hole is good enough to take this pass through this knut so I'm going to do this one now let me put it back again I'm going to clean my hands some now at this stage we have look at it if there's a frontal Ki here like this this the the the logos is here we select the if there's any imperfection on the other side uh planning that putting roses and decorations on to cover in the same time when we have the chance when put this spun on like that push all the way in here and then we can take it out again so this is already just nice and also look at it if the cakes some of the cakes like some side a little bit higher and then the other one is to be also balanced so if you have the cake this side higher other one this side higher so you have to turn around to get this right but I as far as I can see over here there's no problem I will live it as it is the next thing is we're going to put the Gazo on top of the cake but I'm not going to glue it as I said I will put all the decorations on it but I will make sure that I can separate Kazo also this cake for transportation all the heavy liftings are now finished what's left with the lifting is tomorrow we have to lift everything together so uh obviously and honestly I can't do that myself uh even with my wife together so I call some friends and we will be four Al together to lift up bring it to the transportation vehicle and go straight to the venue uh it's about 25 km I believe so it'll be no problem at all okay now uh what's left here I like to place my Gazo on the top of the kick and then also work on some coverage so I like to cover all those gaps between two cakes every time when the cake comes on top of the other one there will be Gap around so we use different metods to close that like maybe sometime ribbon sometime cord sometime piping so so I will do different things on each level I will make a white ribbon here and I will do also white ribbon here and then I will do gold cord here and also gold cord here and gold ribbon also here so you will see that soon uh i' like to show you something quite interesting uh as you seen on the plane I will put butterflies around the cake like a ping around the cake so uh there's two butterflies comes on top of the Gazo here uh I did some work but solve a lot of problem so there's a hard surface here on the Gazo and then the butterfly is also hard so to join them together in just little one dot it's not going to be really secure way to join it together just dot to dot so what I do I put just let me show you here you see here a little dots so this one I made it in about 2 3 seconds just roll a little bowl of p and stick over here with the egg white and some bit of Roy icing on and let it dry completely so then before the peliz get too dry I actually take one of the butterfly just push it in this corner I get the exact indentation from the lower part of the butterfly so later on to glue the butterfly over here it will be no problem at all so by doing this about 2 second work it will solve a lot of problems uh while we joining the butterflies on these edges okay now I like to put it on so uh that is the front of the Caso and this is the front side of the cake so I'm just going to lift up here slowly carefully so completely dry no problem as long as you not knock on there will be nothing happened so I just place it here make sure that is in the middle I think it's pretty straight go like this this around okay all right I will leave it like this then later on we will separate it okay now let me just show you how do I close that I have different kind of ribbons here one of them is the white ribbon it's a cloth ribbon always cut off the first s first Circle because can be Dusty or a little bit dirty so just go around okay I'm going to use roing to that so just at the back of the cake dot of relaxing here and a DOT another dot on top and then glue it together this is only for temporary because I'm going to remove again I just use a just little small dot so that's already cover that Gap second one also with white ribbon that's pretty pent uh I just use a little bit more roing here there's a problem here it has to be go underneath so what I like to do I'm not going to use this one I'm going to use gold CT around here so by using gold cart gold cart is uh something that which is uh could be quite uh annoying because at the end it's just like this all the whisle coming out so I have to secure that with a bit of sticky tape just go around of it and then cut from the middle all right then go around when the cat meet at the at the end just put your sticky tape in the middle of this uh cutting eventually will cut the spot so put it on top each other and then cut exactly from the spot so that all those whcl doesn't come out bit of parying here halfway through and the other side that's it some little dot here I can cover that also good so that's only good enough uh there's a lot of decorations on this cake so we don't have to be really too fancy about that uh next one again the gold of course that's also worked out now when it comes to that point that where the gold surface I'm going to use first the gold ribbon like that here to make it much more cleaner I just start from there here that's the back no that's the back all right that's it uh there's I think nothing else need as a uh ribbons or cord or whatever that's already clean enough uh I'm sure you realize that I put a little bit of railing around here to fix that little cracks uh that cake pressurized that cake a little bit too much I think I cut this PVC a bit too low uh it could be a little bit higher it will be better all right um so far so good I think what we should do now we have to start with the putting gold rers here so I'm using a r iing because white to white is not going to be seen much all right just what I do is like a uh I'm not going to go too much on the edge here it's one 2 3 4 5 so I see the five is realizing is not drying I will increase the number maybe six or seven so that's good that's good that's good four and five okay next one I make six one 2 3 4 5 and six so this is depends how uh dry is the room how cold is the room and then how much is the strength of your Royal iing that how quickly get dry so that you have to measure if you want to make it fluently without any disturbance or without interruption you have to count that how many you need to do I did six I'll continue with the six I think six is good so I'm sure you don't want to watch me the whole cake I finish with Dres so I'm going to stop shooting now and get back to you when this whole thing is finished my next step is placing the Roses on the cake as you uh may remember that on the plan we have three locations one is the as you see over here coming down and the second one is is here coming down and then the third one also here and it starts from the large one a little bit smaller and then smallest one here so uh normally uh what people do that they this kind of cascade of roses uh it's another way of doing it like you wire everything and together into one uh one sort of bouquet uh and then you place the whole lot in once on the cake uh it's a tradition that because people take it out and keep it and maybe just frame them whatever uh but I'm not going to do that because of two reason first of all too much time time consuming and then people doesn't want to uh pay that time so another thing is like I don't like to use too much wires on the cake so that's why but at the same time I like to create a kind of variety of sizes of the Roses it looks much better so that's why I asked my wife to do all the roses for me Joe and then uh she make two wir roses on two large uh two large uh bouet and then one more wire rose on the top it should be more than enough everything else is the normal fondan roses that you have another video to to watch and learn how to do those Roses so uh Ivory roses with uh green but it's very light green so it's actually we did the ivory and we add just a DOT of green and just to change the tone a little bit uh I don't want to appear any green on the cake it's this not going to make any sense so uh instead of doing this wiring bookcase we're going to glue all the Roses just with chocolate on the surface of the cake and create that kind of feeling that is actually is a kind of like a spread that has been done all together so I'm going to use white chocolate and I'm going to use also a bit of cooler that's a liquid air so when I spray it on the spot that I'm using chocolate it will uh immediately set and I continue with my work I will advise you something uh if you have roses bouquet like this arrange them all on the surface like that so as you see that I know exactly how many I'm going to use and then I don't have to look at again what I have to use so it's already I will I organize that make this booket on the surface and transform this one by one on the kick it will a lot of uh easier uh method that to do this way instead of going on the kick and start doing it one by one so this is my second bouquet and this is my third bouquet so as you have seen that I have done one uh because I always study first before I show you something if I have any problem I will solve it before before then I show you so there is no problem at the moment I'm going to do the second one in front of you let's get these roses here first this side there's the I'm going to need and that's the spot that I like to do that just here that area so at the end of today I want to create that s kind of looking with a flow of the Roses so I start from this corner I want to have uh one wired Rose here right here the roses are wired and then also uh we put a a strip white plastic uh tape around of it so it doesn't go anything in in the cake going to put next one here that looks good I'm actually just dipping that roses into the chocolate here uh every time I want to put one rose I place it first I see that positioning that's a bit too large going to put this one here and then also that Rose has got platform underneath you have to select the right right place like this I dip generously but I'm not dipping too many times only once clean dip and then just make sure that there's not dripping and then just go back here and then push a little bit on the surface a little bit and after that use that one here Let It Go that's right now you have to go one by one so next thing is I like to put one big row here there it is white chocolate it's a very good glue especially using Ivory roses on the White surface I mean you won't use the dark chocolate in this area isn't it so this doesn't make sense so one by one you place the rose and see the size is correct or not and then continue I think this one can go here no too big this one no too big grab something smaller here like this all right very good I want to make this flow here right right here so I'm going to continue with smaller roses uh there's one beautiful when to continue a bit more here definitely can come this one there I want you to realize that I'm putting roses in the way that actually all the stems of the Roses is meeting somewhere behind the cake so it's just like this is here and then not everyone the same direction it goes here and there and there and there and there so this one goes this way this one goes this way it's like a if you put the stick in the middle of the Roose it goes like a explosion around all right it's coming up nicely now I like to see one more time what else I can do here I just want to put one more of this one more of this this mix well don't forget we will have still leaves coming in you can all those gaps we use after that that's good all right one more here there one I'm applying quite a bit of force on the rose so there that's why better to do these roses a few days before nice and nice and sort of firm that you can apply Force you can push it that flows okay uh one more here all right now I like to put this ones so this is single single uh single padal just a roll around and then makes it like a the sharp edge here it makes lots of Beauty at the end of toet one more good all right a little bit more here just a couple of small ones I'm pretty much coming to the end of this bookie all right that looks beautiful and and I like to put now a couple of leaves leaves again that you just look at Mt RS you don't have to use too many not everywhere you have to really see where is nice matching few more beautiful so let's start with another one here so because this cake going to stay till here this one removed so I'm going to make a bouquet here but I'm not going to touch uh to the much to the Gazo because Gazo also will separated so I'm just going to start from here and do one small B over here pretty much the all the bouquet of flowers is the same so we place the one large flour in the middle or two large FL in the middle and after that you fill up the all the Interiors by looking at the directions of the flower going into like a according to the meeting at the bottom somewhere uh that is like explosion look like so I think I can put one more Rose over here just to finish off that edge that's it I said I shouldn't connect anything with the Gazo Gazo has to be free I think it's still okay no problem so now it's the time for long waited uh butterflies to place on I'm going to stick now two butterfly on the top uh on the Gazo uh on top of this platforms that I prepared before and then after that I'm going to put two here two here and two here so uh of course my height is not I'm not tall enough so I just go over the a milk crate hopefully I don't fall off on the on the cake so it will be very funny anyway so what I do is because the chocolate has given me instantaneous contact and and glue and standing in the one spot I'm going to glue with a DOT of chocolate and after that uh I'm going to just uh W around with the royal icing that you don't see it Royal when roing dries everything much more stronger just a dollar chocolate here all right I like to take this one just grab from the strong Corners that doesn't really you don't touch any of these uh lace designs hold it like this not holding I have to put a little bit more chocolate for stay stay good T the B off coolness stays so I let I don't touch anymore I just let the chocolate side a little bit then I'm going to put the next one here now when I'm gluing this it was a bit of struggle because I didn't uh do the chocolate uh before so the best way is now it's better idea just to put a little bit of chocolate over here first and just put let very very thin just smear it there all right and let it this one set and then next one you take it in the hand whatever you want the glue and also put little bit chocolate here whever you want to glue just about here okay also let it sit just a few minutes okay once this one set this one set the third amount of chocolate in between these two set chocolate it will GL it in no time that's good it's standing now I will give about few seconds that don't disturb anymore then after that I'm going to start welding around the edges with the RAR sink when it's dry will be completely dry and completely secure no problem I can start from this one actually with the realing where's my realing here okay the other butterflies will be no problem because I have a stick to to join the in the cake no problem at all I'm going to leave this one like this I'm not going to take anything away so make sure that it is now nice and solid good next couple is here next couple have to go in between the RO es so I have to just find the right spot I think there is a gap over here in between three rows I can place this one on I want to have the two butterflies looking each other so this one look downwards this is a fruit cake it just goes through the all the fruits will be quite solid that's good I don't want to push too much uh next one has to go in between here so flow that that that kind of thing over here but thought could be any direction so I just do it like this here beautiful that really works hard so look at the difference now the cake is now coming more elate next to if I look at the cake from this direction this is the front of of the cake so I have to imagine where the butterfly is coming in I want to have one right here and then one right underneath here so this is the right location here so that's why I want to put this one actually downwards like this like this have to find a way to do where here yes don't push from the wings because otherwise it will be wrecked so you have to push it uh I think it's a too long because it's like touching somewhere inside take it out again and cut off a little bit don't snap it because snap will be vibrate the butterfly will break just to break it just slightly push here and break it that is compressed paper actually this Ki po sticks let's go that's right and the next one is here I need to have Direction here like this that's better all the way can touch to the Roses wonderful give you one more turn okay I have to look at now the cake all together stand like this like that and then after that like that so that is kind of here's one here's one just right here then I have to go inside there here's one let me see that one here I think I want to get here one yes okay next one that's the front has to be here there there yes tail is broken I can put it back no problem at not just a little one yeah see okay so far that butterfly is in place we have one more surprise attachment left I make some spikes but uh I like to have this like a addition to the flow a little bit so I did similar to the uh butterfly antennas but much more larger so I want to add this one for a last Edition to the to the flow and then just en enhance it for a last step okay uh these are the spikes that I'm talking about they I done this couple of hours ago out of page so you cannot make it out of fondan or out ofing because you need to really strength that uh you just roll the passes from thick to thin and then also cut Stripes from thick to thin and then it's actually like just a squarish uh and you bend it while the p is too soft so I thought is a good Finishing Touch represents the the wing uh wind of the of sort of wind of the Wings Of The B flight so uh it's just I think it's elegant so I did already a couple of them I want to add the last few in front of you just dip the end bit little bit of in chocolate and then of course you have to uh first position and see where you want to put so I decided to put this one around here just right here uh just uh like this finish uh last one I like to put here in the front that here see okay the only challenge left is the delivery tomorrow obviously I can't lift up myself even with my strong wife so we will be four to lift I hope this whole behind the scene experience was educational for you and we'll add some comfort to your next big project that's all for today guys God bless you all stay cool and happy till to the next video bye for now [Music]
Channel: Yeners Cake Tips - Yeners Way
Views: 564,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wedding Cake (Food), Cake (Type Of Dish), making of, tutorial, class, yeners way, art, butterflies, sugar, gazebo, love, Food (TV Genre), Wedding (Quotation Subject), gold leaf, quilting, quilt, calligraphy, piping
Id: 8g6rKRXuaeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 50sec (4190 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2015
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