Assassin's Creed Odyssey Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?"

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I had decided 'wait for sale' all by myself just to practice some financial discipline (im really not that rich), but god daMN it ! Your review has my mouse hovering over the 'add to cart' button in steam already !!!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Spock_Vulcan 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for the review!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/billdoughzer 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
it's up everybody this is Carrick with ACG and as always it's my continuing personal open world adventure to bring you reviews there are two minutes long or filled with sponsored bullcrap and it's time once again to tie on your best shit-kicking boots and dive into the longest fatal shirts and skin game that has ever existed an age-old battle between two ancient orders and a who looks cooler showdown the medieval j.crew hoodie wearing brotherhood of assassins or the Templars who for all intents and purposes are basically Cobra from the GI Joe cartoons let's see if Assassin's Creed Odysseys actually we're strapping up for Odyssey releases October 5th for the PC Xbox and ps4 for anywhere between $59.99 for the normal Edition all the way up to the questionable life decisions version otherwise known as the Pantheon Edition which is two hundred and nineteen ninety-nine and should probably come with its own questionnaire that asks if you understand what the hell money is my review is based on the standard version also if you buy some of those more expensive ones you get to play a couple days early as always if you liked the video maybe subscribe so here's my review for Assassin's Creed Odyssey possibly the most aptly named title in the series here hold this for a second and the strategy of social stealth graphics are at first now we have to mention origins if we're gonna talk about Odyssey if only for a moment if origins was anything it was a beautiful mixed bag not because organically it was actually problematic it wasn't but it did have a couple graphical bugs that did hold it back from greatness but it's color palette and world design is where the game really showed its worth and here again in Odyssey it's the same way but on a far grander scale this massive world stretches out in front of you from the Sun beach cliffs of some forgotten fortress man by nothing but a couple skeletons and the massive major cities were sprawling thoroughfares in a generous hand when it comes to NPC counts all of these locations with their own subtle differences in their makeup it really can't impress at times and much of that can be seen as a continuation of those changes in origins also the combat system works a little bit tighter here just the animations feel a little bit more focused for some of the weaponry and the textures and animations for the NPC's go from good to excellent though of course there's gonna be some video out there with somebody bugging out because that's just a Ubisoft game and I can certainly point out one place where that's gonna happen because the main character at least the main male character that you can play apparently has something in his eye almost through the entire game because he's constantly shifting his gaze left and right I don't know if that was to show that he was a well-worn battle-hardened soldier or they have some new eye tech that runs at 200 frames per second but even a couple of those stumbles it's really hard not to be impressed when you ride your war burro through the center of a forest watching the leaves fall and then bust down the center of an enemy camp and watch them all fall over themselves trying to get their [ __ ] together to attack you it's not just the more diverse a variety in the world but other elements like the return of the epic ship battles with catastrophic collisions that send more people to Davy Jones locker than scurvy and questionable port prostitutes and plying those open seas or just taking a moment out of your busy mercenary day to sit down and watch a bear bite a man who's fighting a lion who then gets attacked by a boar now performance wise the game runs at 1080p for the ps4 and xboxone original and 4k for the Xbox X all at 30fps with the Xbox X offering a nice downsampling solution for 1080p for those who haven't upgraded I have to say what performance is good there are some bumps in the road though especially during some of the cut scenes where the FPS seems to dip a bit and it got as low as 25 frames per second on my system not exactly where we would like it although that is rare and for the most part it does hold that FPS but to be honest there really is no excuse as 30 FPS lock should be at the very minimum and we shouldn't be seen those drops at all sadly PC code was actually not available for comparison in this particular instance overall Assassin's Creed Odyssey looks amazing at times in its world while possibly a bit less fantastical then origin still does a spectacular job eliciting a feeling of real worlds around you while at the same time sadly seen those FPS hits in wide turns sweeping locations and in a couple cutscenes and as always that brings us to sound music and voice I'm sorry I shouldn't be involved in this we don't have to die how many others will die if I free you you have blood on your hands you've acted on the God's behalf they'll bless you for this [Music] let's do voice first voice has always really had a love-hate relationship with the Assassin's Creed games with various characters eliciting almost head-scratching ly bad in non time correct accents to some syllable perfect NPCs that'll walk past the main character it's an odd mix and each game has had its ups and downs and odyssey is really no different first the major change here is that there are RPG elements to the game as well as a male and female protagonist choice you have this isn't that strange when you realize the last full game this development crew at Ubisoft worked on with syndicate which also had the character choice for many missions what plays out is mostly acceptable but overall a lot of the reactions fell a little bit flat especially as you can tell the same generic affirmative answers are given for the main character this is something that an RPG nature is gonna bring out that wasn't there in the past games with so many quests and so many choices you're gonna have to double up at times and that's a bit noticeable both main protagonists do an okay job at delivering lines but don't expect Clancy Brown in Detroit becomes human level of Awesome here overall I say with this amount of content its average to good with exceptional parts sort of sprinkled in there at different times that is not to take away the fact that some of the later characters and one or two of the main characters are done excellent music first off this is actually different than origins for sure and I think we expected that but there's something that resonated with me here from the very first moment I turned it on and while overall it is a more ambient tone than the prior games a great deal of that works very well even if you choose the option for the music to play often while you're travelling subtly epic but with underlying vocals and a sense of native instrumentation and surprisingly most tracks in Odyssey are that good as a package excellent and of course that brings us to sound luckily the excellence of origins continues here with a nice wide sound spectrum excellent choices for dynamic volumes as well as exploration music frequency which I just talked about a second ago it's so nice to have informative sound effects in this nice 3d soundscape and normal scenes and environmental audio is also excellent it works incredibly well to inform the gamer and really that's what it should be doing and of course that brings us to gameplay and a bit about the story and let me tell you this is aptly named Odyssey because it's long which I'll talk about in a second but it's a great story as I said before it branches out full RPG territory you start out by choosing to play either as Cassandra or Alexio and then jump into the life of a mercenary in ancient Greece that then branches out into this larger open world as you make choices kill folks sexytime other folks and just all-around make yourself a nuisance on man beasts and boxes throughout the game origins 2.0 is what some folks have actually called Odyssey and I would not argue that but I would also say that it's regretful if we leave it at just that the game has a number of new systems at play or building on origins for example the role-playing system itself which just changes that back and forth narrative that we used to get into something that at least is a bit more flowing and my god does it help however light it is because it may not be the best choices but I give the game credit for offering those choices for you for example there's no back button in conversation so when you talk to somebody you can find out your choices are rock hard place and kick in the nuts which I actually really like it gives you this feeling of expected preparedness and almost all the conversations you have and while some are admittedly shallow others have a nuance to him that I actually didn't expect like this one question with a struggle politically in a major city that sees you sort of adjusting an election one way or the other but you can also break right in the middle of the quest and leave everyone high and dry just hiking off into the wilderness and even a couple play out vastly different across the timespan of the game in fact story wise this is also one that's interlaced with the side content to an incredible degree and it might be over all the more lore happy of the versions of this game also easily one of the best endings in an assassin's Creed game ever and that kind of choice continues aund it into the combat as you heavy weapon wreck an entire series of nations humans into a pulpy paste and we see once again some improvements here for example you have a [ __ ] ton of weapons and armor to choose from you have the dodge and the perfectly timed ones that you can slow down everyone around you as well as a parry that leaves enemies open for huge strikes which is vital sometimes with some of the heavier weapons and I can't pretend it's not fun especially when you hit an enemy in the head so hard with a club that looks like you yanked the back axle off a wagon and said yeah that looks good enough for me but now both weapons and armor can be engraved with runes you learn to add bonuses to their traits like adding damage soak abilities are doing more damage with poisons small additions but overall they are very worthwhile ones and allow for a little bit more finesse in your customization also all items have four rarity and each adds a slot for engraving I will admit the game still has a bit of an issue with multi opponent combat though especially with its reliance on that dodge and parry system and while it did feel tighter for people who were stymied by that you probably will notice it here when it comes to stealth systems in game play it works passively in this game but it's not really worth writing home about and since this time you're really not an assassin anyway I'm okay with that you have some options for sneaking out and knocking people out or assassinating them from cover and so forth now wonder wicken your way through a color for wonderland and kill and everyone's gonna be a blast let's be honest most major nations started that way but sometimes you have to put the murder on momentary pause in the homicide on hiatus and do some other stuff and my god Odyssey is packed with other stuff for example there's a cultist system which Ubisoft is asked not to show in the game's review due to it being mid game when you get it and graphically it actually shows a couple things that could be spoilery but this is a system where you hunt down a particular group within the main story of Odyssey and in fact it's intertwined with the story itself but where the past games have again felt a bit one-two-three with Ubisoft open-world craziness in between the cultists system works incredibly well as it offers snippets and tidbits about who those cultists are but you need to hear more conversations read more hints and play more to uncover each one it offers a far more organic feel to the gameplay and while it's not an ancient Greece version of Sherlock Holmes consulting mercenary or anything it is still really enjoyable also the mercenary system is here which builds on origins but here you have a who's who lineup of dastardly men and women all aiming to make your day harder if you kill too many innocents or just generally caused too much havoc more and more of the mercenaries are released you can see the maturity in this system here now and for me it's easily my favorite part of the game 1/2 nemesis system 1/2 GTA star bounties you can ignore them just by sneaking off if you ever see a mercenary coming after you you can fight them of course but you can also pay off the bounty itself anonymously or better yet go and find the person who put the bounty on you and kill them effectively snuffing out the line of bloodhounds tracking your every move and trust me tracking is in the name of the game here and so is traveling because it's difficult to explain Odysseys exploration without the words give and take for example exploration itself it has the ability to turn on or off any part of the HUD as well as the ability to choose between a guided and exploration mode with the prior being like most AC game prior but the latter being closer to another hint system like the bad guy works near Greiner he has long hair and a limp and calls himself George or something like that and you have to track him down and that immersion really does help so much so that I really didn't want to go back to the other gameplay types when I was testing and this of course is where the games longevity and Ubisoft's claim of 100 hours of story comes from because all this combined dual protagonists choices and a huge number side missions the mercenary system as well as the cultist tracking and the ship battles do make the game longer for me than any prior AC game by actually a long shot and while not at all taking my time I was at 80 plus hours when I was done with a number of side quests not completed and the number of activities not finished and that's not counting the more mundane and randomized questions you can get from the local mercenary board I can see some people getting through it and 45 to 50 hours but due to the way the game is that setups most likely gonna be literally going from start to finish with the guided vote on which will net you one of several slightly different endings as well as a somewhat one to three story with short stops when you find yourself too low of level to really continue with those main quests so you have to go on a side quest to level up because yes the locations and quests are still based on levels here and when it comes to levels we got to talk about difficulty now uneasy difficulty an enemy that's a couple levels above you is gonna be a soaked machine they're gonna be sponging up hundreds of hits before even slightly showing damage and when they hit you they're gonna treat you like the rind of a mark mcgwire home run from the golden days when he was stripping naked and roll around in bull piss so he could hit a thousand home runs in a single game on medium and hard that progression actually raises dramatically add in exploration mode and I can see it taken someone well over a hundred hours for all there is far more content here than origins or any other Assassin's Creed game by a wide margin even if you don't choose to engage with anything other than the main game itself that's also longer the way the story in the world intertwine it's easily the most cohesive if you explore that side content though and yeah there's even more additions there's additions like the new nation battle system where you can end up taking on smaller missions to cause an enemy nation to grow weaker then join a massive 100 plus man battle to the death to see who concedes as the land but watch out because they can actually turn around and tack you as well or the recruitment system so if you choose to knock somebody out instead of killing them you can recruit them to your ship and then add them to specific spots in the crew each person offering their own bevy of beautiful surprise bonuses when you do it and it is an excellent system but it is a little bit weird because you're running around Mike Tyson and everybody into oblivion then you're apologizing slapping a 10-spot in their hand and telling them to go wait on your fishing ship for you it's a little bit odd narrative Lee but speaking of ships broadside battles are back baby and their inclusion is a welcomed addition while not offering a hugely new series of distractions the ability to sail around and take out pirate contracts are just Jack Sparrow your way through a never-ending series of enemies sinking and voice it's enjoyable stuff overall but what did all this be without the typical Ubisoft open-world love affair with jank honestly surprisingly it was very little compared to my experience with past Assassin's Creed games especially with origins I think I had four total real bugs of course the typical at times wonkiness characters popping into and out of existence like toga wearing quirks did happen but I can honestly say this was a pleasant playthrough compared to the original release of origins however I do have to point out one really weird thing I'm not sure how these nations conquered anyone because almost no one understands the use of a compass the first time someone told me a quest was to the west I trotted off and sooner rather than later found out it was East no biggy mistakes happen then I was told one enemies to the south but apparently here you ignore the S and you go for the end which normally means North but here it means not north either that or these [ __ ] are Chokin down enough lead to cause smooth brain disease it wasn't all the time but it was noticeable and lastly let's talk a little bit about microtransactions they're almost identical in form and function to Assassin's Creed origins so if you're OK there you'll probably be ok here but that means a lot of them day 1 will be available but you can also play for them normally now we'll say that by the time I was done I had a great deal of this [ __ ] all stored up but just like origins I don't like its inclusion as a package Odyssey offers an incredible amount of gameplay a ton of different varied environments improved combat and a number of new systems of course what is all that gonna matter if it's not fun and that brings us to fun factor it's always best to remember this is a time when a badass was a guy in a skirt and a breastplate that literally had nipples like they out batman batman by many hundreds of years there are very few things more fun than sprinting across the sun-dappled glen into an enemy camp and their only true crime was that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and had that one last bear pancreas some jackass wanted for a boner elixir or getting new skill from the skill tree and testing them out on enemy groups and seeing how weapons engravings and new attacks work in this cool synergy to take down the more powerful opponents than you should but it's the story that for me worked so well not the main one either but all of them intertwined and there are some poor ones that's for sure but many of them are very fun as well and that newer way of investigation and that newer mode that you can offer is something that the prior games didn't do and I feel that profoundly pays off here I really enjoyed my time with Odyssey despite its issues and more so to me then origins due to having far less bugs in this game as you guys know I rate games on a by weight for sale rent or never touch it again rating scale with rent being replaced by deep deep sale if it's a PC title this is a Buy I absolutely love the standard edition if you guys want to get the special edition so you can play early that's up to you it's not really going to make you suddenly think Assassin's Creed plays completely differently but this is one of those games that really does show a nice fruition of all of the different fundamental elements of the prior games and puts them together and that RPG system really does help even if not all the quests are amazing but to me the one thing I can say that was really profoundly impactful through playing this entire title is I never actually got bored it really didn't matter what I was doing there was always something that was enjoyable that I was able to branch out and do to replace any downtime I may have had that main story was there for me to return to at any time and those side stories continue to intertwine with it it really was a very fun experience so anyway that's it for me I hope you guys liked the video if you did give it a thumbs up if you didn't give it a thumbs down maybe check out reddit or Twitter and as always you can become a patron on the patreon website which allows me to continue to give you guys reviews that aren't two minutes long or filled with sponsored bullcrap and as always I buy a copy of every single game I get even if the developer gives me a code and I give that away to patrons peace out and enjoy the rest of your week
Channel: ACG
Views: 1,105,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek, angrycentaurgaming, gameplay, angryreview, #gameplay, ACG, angry, videogames, gamereviews, xbox, ms, #reviews, #gamereview, game, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, odyssey review, assassins creed odyssey xbox review, assassins creed odyssey ps4 review, assassins creed odyssey pc review, assassins creed odyssey game review, ac odyssey review, Assassin's Creed Odyssey Review, ac odyssey gameplay, assassins creed odyssey impressions, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?, ubisoft, assassins creed review
Id: HjY9s3UsFUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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