Assassin's Creed Ambience- The Most Beautiful music from AC 1 to AC: Odyssey
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Channel: Georgi S. Georgiev
Views: 2,805,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beautiful music, peaceful music, historical music, epic music, calming music, peace, calm, meditation, relaxing music, relax, Assassin's Creed, history, peaceful and relaxing, relaxing and peaceful music, the most, the most beautiful music, AC music, beautiful AC music, beautiful AC OST, assassin's creed OST, game OST, beautiful game OST, emotions, emotional OST, calming OST, atmospheric music, classical music, modern classical music, epic vocals, ethnical music, ethnical
Id: 9QvRjjNzRMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 45sec (10905 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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