ASP.NET Core MVC 2022 .NET 6 - MVC Explained

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what's up guys this is teddy welcome to my youtube channel this video i'm going to be talking about or this video series i'm going to be talking about net core nvc i'm going to be doing a full course and the actual app that we're going to build is going to be a running social media app so you log into this app or you have a home page you have this neat little geo location that finds your location by your ip so wherever you're at it's going to find it and display a nice little cert or it's going to display like a a search result of things that are in the actual database we've got a club dashboard so people can see clubs they can see races and we're also going to have a login and a register so that they can get to a very simple dashboard back to nvc so prerequisites prerequisites before this uh vision you need visual studio 6. you don't need to know css you do need to know html you need to know javascript and you're going to have to know c-sharp definitely for this course why use mvc used everywhere very popular in banking insurance and in the enterprise that's very popular with large employers it's very easy to maintain it's known for its scalability so if you're trying to build something big that you need to scale it's dot net nvc is definitely going to be your choice um it's easy to deploy and because it's popular at so many places and there's so many apps out there that need uh net developers the salary is really high and it's very stable it's a good enough reason for anybody to learn to code honestly um but really the million dollar question is like what is nvc and some people call it nvc but they should make this actually cvm like if i could like erase that but i can't because i don't there's no editing because i'm in the actual presenter this should be flipped around this should be like cvm and if you can understand nvc cvm or if you can understand these three acronyms very well you're going to be doing very well as a net developer but i'm going to try and break it break each individual one down and help you understand it like at a very core level so most important c which is going to be your controller now controllers themselves are very complicated but really at the end of the day all the controller is is it's a way to look at urls or it's a way for your app to actually um however your app is structured is like its url screen scheme is going to be your controller and how data is being uh how you get data to a database is also going to be a part of the controllers but we will get into that at a different time so the model in dot net nvc is probably why there's such a big demand for back-end developers are why back-end developers are so well-paid is because the whole entire idea of a model is you're trying to get to a database you're trying to get data into your models and then you're trying to display it on a web page and the quicker and more efficiently you can do that the better and more you're probably going to get paid and sometimes people refer to these as business rules so and the web page is the view there's whole entire careers dedicated to views but your life as a c-sharp or developer isn't going to be uh so much in the views it's going to be more in the model so if i had to say i would probably focus more on models in your career but if you want to be a front-end developer or you want to be a full-stack developer you're definitely going to have to pay attention to views and most of the time when you're a dot-net developer you're working a lot of times with frameworks and you're just trying to display data on a web page and a lot of times you're doing it in grid so enough chit chat let's go ahead and let's create an mvc project so we're gonna go ahead create new project we're going to go up here we're going to go to mvc and we're going to click next we're going to call this um run group web app because this web app is going to be about running so just um like the acronym is you've got models you've got views you've got controllers so if you don't want this program.cs is basically where all your options are going to be bundled together and where you're going to have things like middleware but uh it's a little confusing and we'll kind of dive deeper into it because we're going to have to worry about things like dependency injections so if it kind of confuses you a little bit don't worry about it the app settings is going to be the settings when your ac your app is actually running so any type of settings like connection strings database connection strings will actually be using app settings later to connect to the database that's where all that's going to be the views are going to be where your html is your html is actually included in mvc with when you are building a program and web api you're not going to have views because the views are going to be handled by angular or they're going to be handled by react we also have the layout uh models models are going to be the representations of data in your database something that we will talk about once we actually get to installing entity framework and controllers if you look here this is actually the entry point of when we first go to the website so nothing is going to be where the index is and if we boot this up you also see that we have a privacy page and i'll show you what that looks like as well so first time this could okay great popped right up so right here that's our privacy and the urls right here are how the controller is actually controlled so that's just a good overview of controllers we can go ahead and shut that down that's how you actually run the app you press the green button www.root is going to be we're going to have assets you're going to have images you're going to have your css and don't need really to worry about dependencies or properties except for the launch json settings which we probably won't even mess with but it's good to know that they're there anyway that's going to be my first video i hope that you guys enjoyed this if you did make sure to hit that like button make sure to hit that subscribe button and as always thank you for watching
Channel: Teddy Smith
Views: 135,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software development
Id: q2AcJmB03Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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