ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor .NET 8 Updates

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>> [MUSIC] Hello everyone and welcome to the May episode of the Blazor community stand up. With us today we have Daniel Roth. >> Hello everyone. How are you doing? I've got to say that is now the coolest opening graphic sequence. About that logo, amazing. Fantastic. >> A lot of hype to live onto. >> We have John Galloway. >> Hi, I'm excited to have a front row seat. I'm quite excited. Dam was like weeping together demos during the countdown, like throwing it all that easy. >> Myself and I can invoke. Today we're going to be talking about some Blazor updates for.NET 8. Earlier this year we did a stream or be shut our plans for.NET 8. This is an opportunity for us to show what we have so far. But before we jump into that, we will start with some community links. Let's get started with that. First we have Blazor ApexCharts, which is a wrapper around a chart library, a jump strip chart library called ApexCharts, which is a cool way to add interactive charts to webpage and as a part from our Vanilla JS, angular, react vue, but also Blazor. They have a pretty cool demo site that shows all the different types of supported charts as well as code examples for how to create them. It's really easy to get started and copy and paste some code into your own project and mess around with it. The charts are really cool, very interactive. If you need that functionality for your app, then give this thing a look. >> Fancy [inaudible] really those look great. >> Next we have a blog post by John Hilton. This is about when Blazor components re-render. There are a lot of different ways or a lot of reasons a component could be re-re-rendered in Blazor, maybe it's perimeters changed or maybe an event got fired and it had a handler and the component or something, or you call state has changed but this blog post goes over all the reasons that a component could be rendered. If that's ever been a topic that's been convincing to you, like when do I have to call state is changed then maybe this blog post can help clarify some things and also goes over some things like how things work under the hood. Give that a look if that's a topic you're interested in. Next, we have a set of examples for how to use the MVVM Toolkit with Blazor. The MVVM Toolkit as part of the.NET Community Toolkit, which is basically a set of UI platform agnostic helpers for Don apps, and the MVVM Toolkit is part of that. MVVM, if you're not familiar, is a UI design pattern that's familiar in lots of different types of C-Sharp UI frameworks, but it's less common to Blazor and there isn't yet a official plays or MVVM sample. If you want to use that pattern within Blazor, get this example look and there are also some accompanying blog posts that come with that as well. Next, we have a podcast or an episode of the.NET Rocks podcasts. This is actually from late March, but its featuring Steve Sanderson and Javier Nelson from the Blazor team. >> They run in the big guns. That's great. >> The topic for that podcast is, on this page, it's called Blazor United but it changed that phrasing, so we're not calling it Blazor United anymore. We're just calling it the Full-stack Blazor effort. As you're listening to this podcast just in your mind, replace every occurrence of Blazor United with Full-stack Blazor because we're calling it Full-stack Blazor going forward. But anyways, this podcast is really interesting that go in-depth on someplace united topics. If you're interested in that, which I'm sure many of you are, please give that a look. >> It's a really good podcasts. I actually was at a conference in Romania and I got a lot of it. I was teaching a two-day workshop on ASP.Net and I got a ton of questions on Blazor and said, okay, we'll take all your Blazor questions on the second day of the workshop. As I was walking to the workshop, it's as a 20-minute walk, I listened to this whole podcast and just to make sure that I had all my tech details. It was like super helpful. A lot of great technical detail here. >> Definitely. Cool. That leads us to the last community link, which is This is a pretty cool site that just has a giant collection of websites that have been built with Blazor. There's some really cool ones on here that I've never seen before like there's this stock scanning app that's pretty decently complicated. There are a lot of full featured apps basically on this page as well, some simpler ones. But if you're looking for some inspiration or just some cool examples of apps that are built with Blazor, get the side of look, has a lot of really neat stuff in it. >> I think this site is built with octane. This is shown Walker's project I believe. This is the a CMS style system built on Blazor. That is I think then hosting this built on Blazor website. It's Blazor on a multiple layers all the way down. >> I think I may say something in the footer. >> Built with octane. >> This is octane. >> Awesome. >> We had Sean on to talk about octane a while ago. Might be good to get an update from him sometimes in. >> Definitely. That wraps it up for the community links. I think Daniel I'll hand it back to you. >> Man. Thank you Mackinnon. I was just looking at all the chat. This is a global stream. We have people from all over the place, Lebanon, South Africa, Italy, Tanzania, I think I saw earlier. Welcome everyone. I don't know what time zones it is for you all, but if you're like in the middle of the night to watch The Community Standup we appreciate you being here. Thank you for joining. We're going to do an update on all the new stuff that we're working on in Blazor in.Net 8, we're going to look at some of the features that have made it into the most recent.Net 8 previews. We'll do some demos. I have a few demos with some stuff that's coming in the next video. We'll be shipping shortly, any day now within the next week or so. That'll be fun. Then I'll talk a little bit about the roadmap for some of the other features like ones that are still coming down the pipe for later in.Net 8. Let me move this over here so I can see what and I'm talking about. Can you see my screen. Great. In.Net 8 one of the big themes for Blazor is that we're working to combine the benefits of the server and client into a single consistent programming model based on Blazor. Modern web apps today they use a variety of approaches to handle their WebUI needs. Like maybe your homepage or your blog. That's best handled with server-side rendering so that it loads fast and is easily indexed. In.Net 8 today we have support for server-side rendering with MBC and Razor pages, but for other parts of your app, maybe you need more elaborate functionality, needs to be responsive. That part is probably best to run from the client using client-side rendering. For that in.Net we of course have Blazor. But in order to use these two different approaches to WebUI together in.Net App, you currently have to mix different frameworks. In.Net 8 what we're working on is we want you to be able to use these two things together. We're combining the strengths of the server and the client into a single consistent programming model based on Blazor, so that you can build full-stack WebUI using Blazor components. This will all be from within a single project that you can have. Islands of interactivity placed on either Blazor server or Blazor WebAssembly alongside server-side rendered content. You can easily switch the rendering modes and even mix them on the same page. That's what we're working on for for.Net 8. Now Mackinnon mentioned earlier, some of you have probably heard us refer to this effort previously as Blazor United, but that name gave an impression that I think led to some confusion. This, isn't a new framework. This isn't even a new hosting model for Blazor. Instead, it's actually just a collection of new Blazor features and enhancements in.Net 8 that make Blazor a true full-stack WebUI framework. To avoid confusing people into thinking that we're building something completely new and completely different,we decided to actually move away from the Blazor United naming and instead just focus on the actual features that we're adding to Blazor. It's really just Blazor in.Net 8. What are those features? Well, there's five main features that we're working on in the.Net 8 timeframe. Server-side rendering with Blazor components, streaming rendering, which I'll talk about what that is in a bit, enhanced navigation and form handling and adding client-side interactivity on a per component or a per-page level. Then also the ability to choose which components render mode that you want at runtime. These are features that we've shown in prototype form with the recipe app. Maybe you've seen Steve Sanderson, Blazor United YouTube video. That's where that name originally came from. We started using it and then it started creating some confusion, so we've now decide to move away from it, but really what Blazor United was just all these features working together to create that full stack WebUI experience. Now some of these features are already available to try out with the latest.Net 8 previews. Others are still in the works and will be available in upcoming.Net 8 previews. We're going to look at what's implemented so far in.Net 8. If you want to see all of these features in action, then you probably should go check out either of the previous Blazor community standup that we did where we showed allow these features or you can go watch Steve's YouTube video. Now most of you are probably already familiar with server-side rendering. We've had it available in.Net 8 and with for, a long time in one form or another. Server-side rendering means generating HTML from the server in response to a request. In the case of Blazor, what this means is that we will route requests to a Blazor component, which is acting as an endpoint. That component renders the HTML and it gets sent down in the response. Now in this model there's no WebAssembly, there's no websocket connections involved you're just getting plain HTML rendered to the browser in response to requests. This is different than Blazor server. In Blazors Server, you actually have a persistent connection and states being managed on the servers so that you get that full interactive experience. In traditional server-side rendering, the connection only lives as long as the requests and the app is typically stateless. That's, what we mean when we're talking about traditional server-side rendering. We're not talking about the Blazor server model and in this case. So what does this look like? Let's do a quick demo of how you can do server-side rendering with Blazor in.Net 8. Let me switch over here to razor server-side rendering. I'll get to this other demo in a second. Here's a Blazor application and this app is completely server-side rendered. It popped up over here on my other window, there it is. Looks like a Blazor app. We've, of course, got that lovely purple gradient that will just live forever, that timeless aesthetic. At some point we should do our design refresh on the Blazor components. Not every Blazor app looks like the purple gradient, but for now it's still got it. Now you know it's a Blazor app. If we look at the page source for this page, you can see that it is fully rendered from the server, like we're getting fully rendered HTML in the response. There's nothing happening client-side to set up the DOM. If we bring up the browser dev tools, and let's make clear out all the caches so that we know there's nothing happening here from a client-side interactivity perspective. Let's refresh. Then all we're getting, there's no.Net 8 Al-Azm in here. There is this one WebSocket connection, it's not Blazor server. That's a piece of tooling that enables the browser to refresh as you make changes. That's not a Blazor server WebSocket. There's nothing set up here for client-side interactivities. Is a stateless server-side rendered Blazor app. Otherwise it looks the same like we have the homepage, which is just some static HTML. We have the counter. If we click the counter button though, nothing happens. There's nothing that's set up here to handle that on-click handler. We don't have interactivity yet. Hence, this little warning that I added to this page and say, don't expect client-side interactivity with this. Apparently I'm going to need to restart. >> Let me start later. There we go. I'm not going to restart now. Then the fetch data page, that works just fine because all of the weather forecast data can be retrieved on the server rendered right into the page and weeks we see it in the application. Now how is that setup in code? If we go look in program CS to set up server-side rendering, we're calling add razor components so that all the relevant services and then we add mapping all of our routable Blazor components to actual endpoints that will be in the endpoint and routing sense. Here we're passing the main layout component to MapRazor Components so that the API knows where to look for the routable components. It'll basically in this case only look in the assembly where that main layout component lives. Now, otherwise, the code for this app looks almost entirely the same as a normal Blazor app. Let's take a look. We got our index page. This is the normal index page that you'd see in a Blazor app. I added one thing which was I added this component parameter so that I could pass in a message and use that for the heading but otherwise normal index.razor file, the counter component is exactly the same except for the little warning that I put on the top. There you can see that on click handler in this app, it's just doing server-side rendering. There's nothing set up to handle that, that on click handler yet in the future we will allow you to add islands of interactivity like this. And then the fetch data component is literally character from them saying there's, there's nothing changed in fetch data. Now, where's the root of this app? Like normally in a Blazor app you have like an underscore host.csshtml file that's like the root page or in a Blazor Web Assembly app you have like index.html which is as static HTML file that hosts the rest of the application. Well, in this case, the layout is the root of the application. Like we have our root HTML tag in the layout component and then this is setting up the frame content for each of the pages in the app but there's no script. We're going to haven't set up any client-side anything yet in this application, we're just rendering the body of each page into the layout and we're done. Now you may have also noticed that there is no app.razor file here. There's nothing that's actually setting up the Blazor router. There's no client-side routing happening. All the routing is happening using endpoint routing. We're not using the Blazor client-side router in this case, that does also mean that there's no concept in this app yet of a default layout. To apply the layouts, all the components, I'm just using this imports that razor file and then using the @layout directive to apply the main layout to it to all the pages. That is how that's all working. Now this model of having a MapRazor Components call where we just find all your routable components and set up endpoints for them. We think that's going to be the most common pattern for people who are using server-side rendering with Blazor. But there are some other approaches that are available as well. For example, you can just route to a Blazor component using endpoint routing and that's what's happening down here. Here in this call we're mapping slash route, this route to a Blazor component. We're using this razor component results, which is a way that you. >> Could bump that font size up just a bit, Dan? >> That better? >> That's great. Yeah, thank you. >> We have this razor component result that you can use to render a Blazor component from an endpoint route or in a second we'll see also could do it from a controller. The component I've picked here is just the homepage, the index component, and this is where I'm passing in a component parameter. That's why I set up that little message parameter. I'm specifying what message should appear in the main heading. So if we go back to the app and if I browse the slash route, then we hit that route and our parameters being passed in. We see hello from route now instead of hello world, we're still getting the layout that's because of that underscore import.razor file that was applying the layout to all of the components in the application. The homepage has caused the layout baked into it. That's how you can just route to any Blazor components you'd like. We can do this from MVC controllers as well. Up above, I do have an MVC controller, actually named MVC controller and it has an index action. It's also returning a razor component result again, that same index component, the homepage but I'm passing in a different message this time hello from MVC. Now if we browse to slash MVC slash index, then we should be able to hit our MVC controller and that again returned with laser component in this case has the perimeter hello from MVC. That's the way that you can now render content from the server using Blazor components, very similar to what you could do with Razor Pages or MVC views. But now you can do it with laser components and have the strengths of the Blazor component model available to server-side. Now we are also working on enabling support for form handling so that you can do forum posts to a Blazor component and then just handle that using our normal like Blazor edit form, where the logic for handling the form posts lives in your like on valid submit, event handler and we'll have model binding and validation there as well. That's coming in stages. They like the first parts of the Blazor form handling support with server-side rendering will happen in pre-before. You'll be able to set up the endpoint for handling the forum posts and some very low-level APIs for getting at the form data. In Preview 5, will be adding the actual multi-body support so you can bind to strongly typed objects, and how will the validation systems kick in. That'll becoming in the next couple of preview releases. Is there questions so far that John and I haven't been watching the chat very carefully? >> Let me see. There was one about why do you need to pass the layout to MapRazor Components as well as using the @layout directive? >> Great question. Let me go back to the code for that. In the case of the program cs logic, so here by calling MapRazor Components, the goal of that call is to find all the Blazor components that you want to set up as endpoints like in the endpoint routing sense. It's going to go looking through the types to find components that have the app page directive. They basically have a route attribute applied to the generated C#. This API needs to know a lot assemblies do you want to meet a look in for those routable components? The pattern that we have right now as you pass in a type and we'll look in the assembly for that type. In this case, the main layout. I'm not actually specifying the layout for the app by doing that, I just picked one of the components in the main app assembly that I wanted it to look at for finding the rest of the routable components to actually apply layout to the pages, that's what that @layout directive is doing up here. That's basically the razor compiler for each of the page components is getting some code into it to saying that your layout is the main layout component and that's how that's working. Now in the future, we are actually planning to integrate the Blazor router into endpoint routing so that you can have a notion of just a default layout like you would in a normal Blazor app today that's usually set up using the router. The app.razor component with that setting up the Blazor router will most likely come back in a future, don any preview release. But for Preview III, the way you have to do it is like this. Like you have to manually apply the layouts and there is no Blazor router being used in the request flow at all yet. >> Let me see. >> How do you render component within another component in Razor syntax? >> That's super easy. If I go to the homepage and if I wanted to add, say a counter right here, you just use the tag syntax. It's the name of the component looking like an HTML tag. If I run this now. >> What you're showing there too is the page itself is a component. You're showing a component and that component right there. >> This index.razor, that's a component. You define components in Razor files. Then I'm using the counter component, which is also happens to be a page, but that doesn't prevent you from using it as a component if you want to. I'm just adding it to the homepage and that's why now you see a counter showing up on home in addition to the other home content. It's just tags like this page title tag up above. That's also a component. That's a component we provided in the framework for setting the page title metadata on the small page. It's another example of a component usage. >> Question from Sean, "For those of us that have invested in Tag helpers and ViewComponents where we have to abandon those to adopt server-side rendering Blazor?" >> MVC, Razor Pages, these are frameworks that are heavily used and loved by hundreds of thousands of developers. The code that you're writing in CSHTML files using ViewComponents and Tag helpers and partials. None of that is going away, that will continue to exist. What we're doing to Blazor is leveling the app model so that you can have a full stack pattern for handling both your server-side concerns and your client-side concerns. It's a component-based programming model. It's a little different than what MVC and Razor Pages offer, which is much more requests reply centric like the request is right there in your hands and you can mess with headers and all those that type of stuff. You're really right there at the HTTP layer, if you want to be there. In Blazor, it's a component framework and we want the components to be able to, like you have the option of rendering a component on the server or the client. There's some more abstraction insulating you a bit from the HTTP layer so that you have that flexibility. If you prefer to have a programming model that's very requests reply centric, right there at the HTTP layer, then MVC is a perfectly valid choice or a Razor Pages. MVC will continue to be there. Lots of people continue to use it. As you saw with the controller example, you can start adding Blazor components to an existing MVC app if that's what you want to do. We also have the component Tag helper, where you can take a CSHTML file like an MVC view or a Razor Page and embed a Blazor component inside of that, that's also supported. We use that for prerendering in Blazor server apps. These technologies are intended to be used together. But we think there's a big productivity gains to be had by bringing Blazors component model to not only be used on the client, but also to be available on the server. Long story short, none of your existing codes going away, it will continue to be there. You don't have to migrate to anything. You'll be fine. If you're building an MVC app, you should probably continue to build an MVC app. There's no need to move your app to now be completely Blazor if it's that's not useful to you. Maybe one more. I got a bunch more stuff I want to show. >> Exactly. >> Or should we just go on actually. >> That's fine. >> Then we come back to more questions. That's go to the next stage, level 2. Here we go. That was just plain traditional server-side rendering. Now let's look at adding and enhancing the server-side rendering experience with some client-side support. The first feature we're going to look at is streaming rendering. What does streaming rendering do? Well, what streaming rendering allows you to do is if you have pages that have long-running async tasks, if you're querying the database or you're making an API call from the server and you don't want to have to wait for those tasks to complete, to get pixels down to the client, that's what streaming rendering enables you to do. You can render the page fully with some placeholder content. For any of the places where you're waiting on those long-running async tasks. Then when the task complete the updated content, we'll go check this out. I'll do you a little animation. You get the original content for the page while you're doing a long-running tasks like growing the database. Then when the database query has completed, the page can render again, it goes down on the same response stream for the original request, and then client-side logic helpers can then apply the changes to the live DOM. You'd get pixels on the screen really fast and your app feels more responsive. Let me show you what I mean. If I go back to our Blazor server-side rendered app, we have our FetchData page where we can render some weather forecast. Let's imagine that getting the weather forecast data requires making an API call that takes a little bit of time. The weather forecast data is currently coming from this weather forecast service. It's just generating a bunch of random in memory weather forecast. But let's imagine that's actually coming from a proper service. To simulate that, I'm going to add a little bit of code here to add a task stop delay for a second as if I'm making an API call to some remote service. Now if we go and rerun this with just that change, what do we expect to have happened? Well, by default, you need all of the async work to complete on the page in order for the page to render. If you go to fetch data, let me click away and I click back to it and click 1, 1,000, boom, then it shows up. It's having to wait that second while that imaginary API call is being completed before it can fully rendered the page. We can do better than that with streaming rendering. To enable streaming rendering, first of all, we are going to now add the Blazor script to our layout, got a little bit of client-side functionality that the framework will provide for you. I'm going to add this, blazor.web.js. Then let's turn on streaming rendering on our fetch database. I'm going to fetch data. Up at the top, I'm just going to have an attribute to say, I would like this page to have a streaming rendering support. You don't always want streaming rendering, it can cause content shift around. It's something you really need to design for in your app so you opt into it. What I expect to happen now is that when I go to this page, just you get it immediately. But since I don't have the weather forecast yet, I should see that loading dot, dot, dot. Then a second later when our API call has completed, then there should be an update that gets sent down to the client and applied with the actual weather forecast data. Let's rerun this again. Now if I click on "Fetch Data", click, you can see there's the loading dot, dot, dot. Then a second later the weather forecast show up. I'll do it again. Click, loading, and then the data, and that's all in one request. There's no Blazor servers circuits happening there, there's no WebAssembly involved. This is still fundamentally stateless application doing server-side rendering. It's just you get that better and more responsive user experience. That's streaming rendering. That's not available in preview 3. This was using the preview 4 bits which will be available very soon, within roughly the next week or so. Now, that's basically what we've got implemented in the.NET 8 bits so far. Things that we still plan to enable in.NET 8 that we've shown in prototype form is enhanced navigation and form handling. In this mode, what Blazor does is it will intercept whenever you navigate to a new page or when you submit a form post. Instead of letting that reload the whole page, it will do the request using a fetch request. Let's say you click on something, Blazor will intercept that navigation to a fetch, and then take the HTML that comes down in the fetch request response and intelligently patch that into the live DOM. This means that you don't get like the screen blip when the whole page reloads, it feels fast and smooth whenever you navigate or if you do a form post. If you do a form post and you get the response, you don't lose the scroll position on the page or any of those things. This is not available yet in.NET 8 preview 3 or in 4. I think the plan is that this will actually lend a little bit later in the release around preview 6. Right now we're working on adding the client-side interactivity pieces, which is what I'm going to talk about next. In previous demos, we've shown that you can take a component or a page and say I'd like this to now use Blazor or server Blazor WebAssembly so you get that full interactivity. Imagine that counter component that we have. We want to actually allow the onclick handler to be invoked by some piece of.Net code either running server-side or on the client. That is what we're working on right now for probably the.NET 8 preview 5 release. Not this month. Most likely next month you'll be able to sprinkle in a little client-side interactivity onto a page. This work will also then eventually include the ability to decide at runtime whether you want to use the Blazor WebAssembly model or the Blazor server model for a given component. Those are things that are still to come. Those are all the features that make up the full stack web UI effort in.NET 8. But there's more. We're not just doing the full stack web UI. We have a bunch of framework improvements that we're also doing, which I'll talk about next. Now, before I go onto those, was there any questions about the enhanced navigation or streaming rendering, interactivity? >> Yeah, there's a ton of questions, but the important thing is to sort through which are the ones asked in this section. I think this one's good here. How does streaming rendering work on the wire? >> I don't know how well I can show this. We can try. Let's see. Then let's clear that. That looks right. Browse. If we look at the waterfall, maybe. It's all a single request and I don't know how much we can see and it's a second long. How do I [inaudible] Like that? I don't know how to get the more. Where's my side scroller on the depth browser depth tools [inaudible] tool. What you should see on the wire is its one request. The initial request from the browser hits the server and you get a full payload of HTML with the loading dot, dot, dot in the source. I think we should see that in the source. Let's see. Then we got the [inaudible] That's interesting. Why it treats that as the source. I'm not actually sure why that showed that way. The initial source that you get has the loading placeholder. Then Blazor basically receives an additional streamed payload from the server that it then applies to the live DOM with the actual weather forecast updates. It's like doing clever DOM manipulation at that point, which was one of the nice things about basing this programming model on Blazor is that Blazor knows about how to look at the DOM and figure out what's changed and update things. On the wire it looks like a request response just that there's an additional payload that comes later after the first response. >> There's more general questions, but that's probably the main thing. >> I will say to just give me a minute, we will do those things later. Let's talk about static site generation. One of the nice side effects of adding server-side rendering supports to Blazor in.NET 8 is that you can now also render a Blazor component completely outside the context of ASP.NET Core. You can take a Blazor component and render it to an HTML string or a stream from a console app. This is really useful. We know a lot of people like using Razor as a templating language for things other than like HP responses, maybe you're generating HTML fragments for a variety of reasons. One common reason is that you're trying to auto-generate emails from the server in response to user interactions. You can now use Blazor components in.NET 8 in order to do that. It's pretty straightforward for me, let me show you here. This app is not a web application. This is just the console app. We just have program CS and what we're doing is first of all, we're just setting up a service collection container because we're using DI and setting up blogging. Then we're going to use this HTML renderer API, new API in.NET 8 to render a Blazor component, I have a very simple Blazor component right here that's just going to print out the current time. But this component can be arbitrarily complex. You could use a whole component hierarchy in here if you wanted to. Then we just call render component async and passing the component that we want to render, you can pass it in component parameters. Here I'm just passing in an empty parameter set. Then you can render it to an HTML string. You can render it to a text writer wherever you like. Now, the one little tricky bit is you do need to render the components in the context of a Blazor component dispatcher. That's what this dispatcher property is doing. You call dispatcher.invokeasync, and then in here is where you do your actual component rendering. But if we run this, we should see that we just get the rendered HTML from a Blazor component just as a string or as a text file if you wanted to do that. We hope to use this in the future as the basis for static content generation support in Blazor applications as well. That's not plan for.NET 8 but it's on our longer term roadmap of what we're planning to do. We hope this will enable a bunch of cool scenarios for people building tools and templating type of functionality in libraries, you can now use Blazor components as a basis for doing that. >> This is so cool. I've followed, there have been a lot of open source efforts to try and shoe horn this in people reporting email notifications, all things. Template HTML, it's always been, you know and then T4 templates are all different templating systems so that people are going to love that. >> Yeah. We've always had this tension on the ASP.NET team that we built Razor and Razor was designed from the beginning to be a general purpose templating engine for not even necessarily just for HTML, for anything, but we use it heavily, of course, for generating HTML from the server in web applications. A bunch of things got tied up in that and it was always hard to pull resources away to handle non-web scenarios given that was where our main focus and scope is. We're really excited also that we've been able to light up the scenario for people that are interested in using Razor in this way. That's generating static HTML content using Blazor components. There's a bunch of additional Blazor enhancements that we've been working on as well. In.NET 8 we are planning to ship a stable release of QuickGrid. QuickGrid is our fast and functional data grid component for Blazor. It's great for simple scenarios where you want to show a bunch of data on the page. We have added support for sections. If you're familiar with NBC and Razor Pages, they've had sections support for a while where you can create outlets for content that then get filled in by pages in the application. In Blazor, we're adding that support as well, but based on components using the new section outlet and section content component, you can now route to named elements on a page like using fragments style routing so that's coming. Then we've also enabled support for monitoring circuit activities so that you can detect idle circuits. I'm just going to show you what all of these things look like in code. First of all, for QuickGrid, it's easy as actually just to go to the QuickGrid demo site. Aka.msslashblazorslashquickgrid. I think this is all Blazor WebAssembly. This is a Blazor WebAssembly app, is hosted on GitHub pages that demonstrates the QuickGrid component and it supports pagination and it supports sorting. You can put little widgets on things so that you can filter. If we want to look at the Olympic performance of Canada, we can do that. We can do virtualization. This is another QuickGrid that's rendering 22,000 results from health. I think it's like medications data-set. As you can see as I scroll, the data's getting filled in as I scroll so that you're not having to load in all 22,000 results all at once. You can virtualize the dataset. You could do styling on it, it uses normal CSS styling, if you want to have this wonderful enterprise, grid styling designed for your grids, you can do that too. Now, QuickGrid doesn't support every single data grid feature. It's designed to be a good and simple solution for basic use cases. If you need a fully featured integrated, we would still encourage you to go check out the various data grids from the control vendors that are out there. They have wonderful lasered data grids that you can use. But for a lot of simple scenarios within QuickGrid it's useful. We previewed it with dotted seven, in dotted eight, we've decided to just go ahead and ship a stable and supported release. That's QuickGrid. >> I've played with it a bit. There's a lot you can do there, with templating, you'd like including images there, you're showing a simple flag, but there's a lot that you can actually do with that and the virtualization support is really awesome. >> Yeah, it's very functional. It's similar in flavor too. If for our old-school web forms, at least we have a data grid control and web form. It's in that same spirit and something basic that's just there that you can use. But there are lots of other great data grids in the community and also from the control vendors that are also worth a look.- >> Another question, are there new features being added to QuickGrid greatness? >> We don't currently planned to expand the functionality and actually I think we decided to pull column resizing actually from QuickGrid.NET 8, the doing column resizing correctly in a very framework general way was proved difficult when we were doing the API review. That was actually a feature that got removed from.NET 8. Take a look and see what the feature set has that demo site pretty much demonstrates every single feature that the quicker it has enabled. If you think there's something that's just super basic, that should be there let us know. But we are trying to be keep it scopes, we're not trying to be the Devexpress Infragistics, Telerik, data grid of the world, they know what they're doing and we want to let them continue to do so. But for basic scenarios, QuickGrid is quite sufficient. >> One other thing there you mentioned in passing, but that demo site is hosted on a GitHub pages static site, right? >> That's right. Actually, it's using a really cool open source project, Jay Sakamoto. I forget how pronounces his first name, but he does a lot of really cool Blazor open source projects. He has a static site generator library that he has built for existing Blazor framework. But even without the work that we've done in.NET 8 that we use on that site to improve the performance of the site even better. Thank you, Jay Sakamoto for your contributions. >> I get a link for that. >> Let's talk about sections support. Sections super easy feature to use. You can define outlets for content using the section outlet component and you can give them a name. Here I'm defining this outlet in the main layout.razorfile, and I'm putting it in the top row, that top bar that's on the default Blazor template. Then when I want to fill in this outlet with content, you just use the section content components. Here's section content on the homepage, and I'm just putting in some static content here. Again, you'd be reference the same name to say where you want this to go. On the counter component, I am defining section contents and I'm putting in another button that has the same increment count functionality as the main counter button so an extra button. Then in fetch data, I'm rendering the weather for tomorrow, like the most recent weather report. If we run this, we'll get to that one in a second. If we look at the homepage, we got home showing up in the top row, on the counter page, we see we've got the counter button that's showing up here and it works just fine. Then on the fetch data page, we're seeing we're rendering the weather from tomorrow. That's sections. It's just an easy way to have pages be able to contribute content most frequently to your layout. This little link here is also a new feature. This is the ability to link to named elements on a page. Let me go back to the code. On the fetch data component, I've defined an H_2 at the bottom of the table that has an ID. Idea of place. Then on the homepage I've got just a normal anchor tag that links to fetch data hashtag place so that we can link to a particular ID on the page. This was something that didn't work in previous spade by Blazor releases but is now also fully supported. >> There's a few questions on section specifically.- >> Yeah, go ahead. >> What is the purpose of section content versus render fragment? >> Let me get my stream yard backup over here. Render fragment is like I want to capture a chunk of rendering logic like Blazor rendering logic and hand it around. >> If you have child content on a component that usually gets like like the inside of the tag, that will get captured as a render fragment, and then the component itself can it gets that child content as render fragment, then it can then decide where to render. You can just say like I want to render this over over here. Sections are a little different. Sections are like defining a place holder that gets filled in later by someone else contributes to that component. You don't pass like a render fragment to the layout. In this world, with sections, you just say there's a gap, there's a hole here that anyone can fill. I don't care who it is, whoever. If someone defines content for this section, you'll get picked up and put there. It's a general purpose piece of infrastructure, we used it in.NET7. In.NET7, we added support for modifying the head on the page. If you want to change the title or add additional Meta tags to the head section of your HTML page, there was this head outlet component that you can put there. Then components could later say the title is this or add this meta tag here. It was a way to define a hole that couldn't be filled in later when there's not really a way that you can like say here's a render fragment, please put it in the right spot. >> Got it. This is pretty similar to Section support like in MVC and Razor pages as well, right? >> It's very similar. Yes. It's similar in concept, but it's component-based instead of being based on the CSHTML syntax. >> Okay. There's a question here. Can it be required or optional the same way that MVC does? >> That's a great question. I can't remember the semantic. Mackinnon, do you remember our sections required by default? I'm going to remove one. >> Yes. Section outlets don't require a section content to render content to it, so it is optional? Yeah. >> Okay. Let me see. One more question here. How does it work with Cascading values? >> Yeah, so currently what will happen is cascading parameters will be inherited from where the section outlet is rendered. But that's behavior that we're thinking we want to change by the end of.NET8 so that it inherits the cascade parameter into section content, which would make more intuitive sense. There are some other things that we're looking into regarding Sections, like how do they interact with error boundaries and how the orchestrator streaming rendering that will have to polish up before.NET8. >> Okay. A few questions wondering about like, whoops here, this one here. Do you end up with collisions if two are trying to or does it just compile them together or what happens there? >> I think what happens is the session content that's rendered last will take priority. There's like an internal wall. Actually [inaudible] has told it to you, but I think the second internal stack to keep track of like the order in which the contents were rendered and then as they get disposed than the one that's like that was added latest always shows up. I'm pretty sure that it is how it works. >> Okay. >> Dan, get back to it here. >> I'll just try that out system with the double-talk [inaudible] experiment with these things. They're meant to be experimented with. The last one, one in this particular case. I'm going to try. This is actually what Mackinnon features with this. This is one that's Mackinnon built. I'm trying to do adjustment, Mackinnon. We might have to set me straight. The last thing was going to show here is monitoring circuit activity. It dominate, we've added a new API to the circuit handler API so that you can get notified of inbound activity on the circuit. Now if you're not familiar with circuit handlers, circuit handler is an API that has a bunch of life cycle events for the life of a circuit. Like when the circuit gets traded and when it gets torn down. That's this right here. You register them in DI, and there's this new API now that you can use on circuit handler called crate inbound activity handler. It's a very funky API. Anyway, no laughs. You say what you do is you take in it gets handed a next pointer that you get, and then you can choose to call and then you're supposed to return a funk. That's your actual handler that will get called as inbound activity occurs. It's very much like the middleware pipeline if you're familiar with middleware and a spin on that core, very similar style of setup. What this allows you to do is because you get notified when an inbound activity occurs, you can look for idle circuits, like circuits that aren't being used at all. The idea here is that we're, this is the one of the first pieces to enable you to manage your circuits. Like if you want to evict circuits that aren't being used like a users just sitting there, not using the app. You want to save on server resources. Circuits are UI server resources, connections and state. You might decide to evict a circuit that appears to not to be used. We haven't actually added the eviction APIs yet, but we plan to do that in a future.NET8 preview release. The way this is implemented in this sample is I have a timer that we just reset and restart every single time some inbound activity occurs. If that timer ever elapses, then it's raising an event on the circuit handler instance, and then this gets registered in DI. I've added the idle circuit handler, and here, I'm specifying an idle time out of just five seconds for demo purposes. Then on the homepage of this app, I am injecting the idle circuit handlers so that I can hook into that event, and just so I can display a little bit of UI whenever this circuit goes idle little. The page goes to sleep if you're not using it. Let's go ahead and run this. Here's the app. If we just let sit, then this five seconds has elapsed. The circuit went to sleep, if I start clicking on things, I'm sending inbound activity and I stopped, wait five seconds. We get all these. This works with multiple pages, multiple users. If we have multiple of these going as I click on things and just went to sleep by me, see if I can keep them both awake. then if I stopped looking on the first one, then it should go that matter went to sleep and I stop clicking on the second one, five seconds, the other one will go to sleep as well. This is a way you can detect idle circuits and then in the future will also be able to help you manage resources on the server. No dark mode sleeping. Sorry. >> You didn't explain it, but can you go at a basic level, what is a circuit? There are a few people that would want to know. >> People often use the word session, but it's an overloaded word. So we made up a new Word when we built Blazer server to represent the user's engagement with the app. The user comes to a Blazer server application that sets up usually a web circuit connection with the server. Now, there's some state that's being managed on the server for all of your components, the components are running server-side, any of the component state is being handled server-side as you use the application. Now, that circuit life can actually live beyond the connection, if you loose network connectivity will actually hold on to the circuit state, the server-side state for that circuit for a little while, so that the user if they later reconnect they can connect back to that circuit and keep on going. Like if you went into a tunnel while you're on the subway or whatever and you lost network for just a little bit, you can still come back. The circuit is that notion of the single user's experience with the app, the connection, the server-side state that's driving their user experience. The circuit handler then is an API that allows you to look at the circuits that are currently set up between your app and all the users that are using your application and see when do they get created, when they're getting torn down and so forth. Now, you have an API also to tell, are they actually using that circuit, or they actually sending any inbound activity. >> Cool. That's the quicker sections routing to name elements detecting idle circuits. There's a bunch of WebAssembly investments that are happening in.NET as well. Some of these ships, some of them are still in the works. We are applying the ship multi-threading support that is very much in the works and it's getting near to being previewed in for Blazer applications within the next month or so. We had multi-threading support in preview in.NET 7, but it was only available when you weren't using laser, if you were using the new, was it WebAssembly browser app or WebAssembly console apps there were these lower level abstractions where you could use.NET on WebAssembly. In that mode, you could try out multi-threading, but we've been working very hard to up level that. It's available in Blazer applications. That is coming in.NET 8. It's not available in preview app, but it should be available within the next couple of months. It's a lot of work to harden the runtime to support these multi-threaded patterns. But we are really, really close now. Hot reload improvements, the hot reload capabilities of the.NET WebAssembly runtime has lagged behind what the CoreCLR can do. In.NET 8, we are pretty much at parody already and we expect to be at parody in the.NET 8 timeframe. Any type of edit that you could do with a Blazer server app, you should be able to do with a Blazer WebAssembly app in.NET 8. Many of those edits are now available, and we are expanding the set of available edits as well to additional types of edits that will now be supported with Hot reload. >> There's a question on Hot reload. For instance, third-party components, will those updates also be helping for those as well? >> Like I was saying, Blazer WebAssembly, particularly in.NET 7, supported a very limited set of edits, like it could basically do method body replacement and that was it. In.NET 8, it will have the same level of support that you get with CoreCLR based applications. Rename parameters and do a whole bunch more things. I think we are all also working on expanding the set about it so that more common scenarios will work, like generics is one that's very common that we know people hit. If you have a generic type and you're using Hot reload, that's not something that's supported.NET 7, that's something that we've been working on for.NET 8. I think the big one that people hit a lot though is lambdas that captures enclosing parameters. That's really common when you have render fragments that are flying around in Blazer components, that one is still going to be an issue, I think in.NET 8, I don't think we're going to get to that one, but it is on our roadmap to to address. For all those people that send us the telemetry so that we can look at the product and know what's going on, thank you for doing that. We look at the most common hot reloaded changes that couldn't be applied, on something that we often call those rude edits, which I know is a weird name. But a rude edit is when you get that dialog that pops up and says, hey, you just made a change that I can't Hot reload into the apps you have to restart. We keep track of the signal of one of the top types of edits that result in that dialogue, and we're just basically working down the stack. Things will continue to get better in.NET 8. I think the Lambda one, that's an unfortunate one that we still need to address, but it is on our roadmap to address at least in the future. >> Okay. >> Cool. Other things. Jiterpreter is a feature that I'm super excited about in.NET 8. This is partial Git support on WebAssembly, which is amazing. I never thought we would actually get that, and I would always ask about can we get a Git for WebAssembly? WebAssembly doesn't really allow for that because loading WebAssembly modules, what does jiterpreter do? You generate native code on the fly for the further runtime, and then you load that instead of having to look at the IL instructions that are in the.NET assemblies, and that makes things much, much faster. There was an issue that loading WebAssembly modules required doing a sync on async load, and that was just at odds with the way our runtime worked. But there is a facility to do synchronous load if the chunks are small, and we have now incorporated that into the.NET WebAssembly runtime so that you get this a really dramatic performance boost, like for some low-level operations it's 5X faster JSON parsing significantly faster. The numbers that I have on the screen were from when we first shipped the jiterpreter in.NET 8, and these are old, like we has gotten much faster since then. If you publish your Blazer WebAssembly app, you're not using IoT, IoT will still be the fastest because that's basically taking almost everything and turning it into WebAssembly at the expense of a much larger download size. But a jiterpreter will be a nice middle ground. It's enabled by default, you don't have to do anything to turn it on. That will give you much better runtime performance for Blazer WebAssembly apps. Speaking of better performance, we have turned on SIMD an exception handling support by default when you're doing AOT in.NET 8, that should give you a big boost If you're using WebAssembly AOT. We are working to make Blazer CSP compatible in.NET 8. That haven't completed yet, but that is in the works. >> I'll admit CSP, I'm forgetting, what is that? >> I'm sorry. Content Security Policy. >> You want to lock down your app using Content Security Policy. Blazer currently has some patterns in its scripts that prevent that. We will enable that in.NET 8. Then we're adding a new packaging format for Blazer WebAssembly apps, and that makes them more web friendly. Today we download normal.NET assemblies to the browser and we run them, which is super cool. But those DLL files are Windows executable files that they will run within the browser security sandbox. They can't do anything that you couldn't do with JavaScript like the WebAssembly runtime will run those DLLs within the browser sandbox. It's basically just a data format at that point, but we have received reports that some security software takes issue with the download of DLLs over the web. They are like, what are you doing? What's that? Windows [inaudible]? No, sorry, you can't download that in this environment. Restricted environments we have received some reports that some Blazer WebAssembly apps are getting blocked. To address that, we're providing a new packaging format for the DLLs that basically strips off all of the Windows native NIS parts of.NET assemblies. I mean,.NET Assemblies, they started on Windows. It's a legacy concept that they have all these p file headers and things on them that aren't technically needed to run them in a browser environment, but they're still there, will be repackaging them so that hopefully they will no longer be an issue. We've taught the runtime how to the also handle that file format. Then lastly we also working on WASI support or WebAssembly system Interface. This isn't really related to Blazer directly, like Blazer doesn't use WASI, Blazer runs in a browser. WASI is really actually about being able to take WebAssembly based code and run it outside a browser like if you want to run it in a server. In.NET 8 we are working to support the WASI standards so that you can use.NET to run in WebAssembly based environments that are outside of browser environment, like in a server environment. >> I know it was an experimental, but we had.NET isolator with something, Dan Roth, excuse me, Steve Sanderson, I'm looking at your face and said your name. Steve Sanderson was mentioning.NET isolator and that was using some isolation WASI craziness. Is this related or is at a totally separate thing? >> It's related. What you will do with WASI is very much an emerging technology, people are exploring using it for isolation purposes, exploring using it as an extensibility model, exploring using it for like serverless patterns. It's an area that's ripe for innovation. Steve, of course, being the innovator that is, has been playing around with a lot of stuff. He's done a lot of mind-blowing demos with the WebAssembly toolchains, I think he has one where, a year ago he took all of [inaudible] and through WASI got it running in a browser and a service worker. You could like **** and NBC app from within the browser itself. >> From the browser tab basically. >> It's not something you would ever do, but [inaudible] what's possible. The.NET isolator was experimented, he did with using the WebAssembly isolation boundary as a way to isolate.NET code. A lot of services have models where users can contribute code to the service and one way or another, I think user-defined functions in a CDN. Or anything that allows you to upload some simple logic that the service is then going to run for you. They typically need a way to isolate that code safely so that you can't upload malicious stuff or you can't accidentally harm the service or other people that are running running code as well. WebAssembly is a attempting technology to do that because it is based on the off of the browser security model, so you get some isolation guarantees by running on WebAssembly. He's been playing around with that. The things that you see Steve do, those are very future-looking, so don't expect.NET Isolator to be shipped in.NET 8 that's not part of the plan. But we do have the basic core support for WASI is coming in.NET 8. There is in the next Preview, Preview 4, there's a very basic template where you can try running some.NET code on WebAssembly using the WASI system interface. I can show you that really quick. Let's bring up a terminal. >> To try out the wasi support and this is, I think you need, you'll need PV4-bits to do this if you try it with PV3, I think the workload that thought some of them you need wasn't made available yet. But if you've look the workloads that I have installed, I have this wasi experimental workload. By the way, the wasi support for dominated, the plan is that it will still be in preview. We don't think it'll be done in.NET, but it's something you can still play around with. You'll want to install this wasi experimental workload with dotnet workload install wasi experimental. That's how you do that. I've already done that, so I don't need to do that. What I will do is that I will then install dot net new list our new template, which is this wasi console app template or wasiconsole. This is just a console app that will run on WebAssembly runtime. Run your code on a WebAssembly runtime as a console application. In this case, I think its using wasi on time. I previously installed wasi time on this machine to enable that to work. But we can then create one of these, I thin I have one. Dotnet, new wasiconsole, or wasiApp. Let's look and see what that's gotten it. Here's our app and it's just, program.cs, Console.WriteLine. It's got some fancy stuff in the project file to set up that we want to run in a wasi based environments, so runtime identifier. By default, this template it will set up so that it will use basically the dotnet WebAssembly runtime to then run your app. It's not by default going to create just a single WebAssembly bundle that is going to be supported as well, but it's not working yet in PV4. I was trying to get it working before though, this community stand up, but that is also coming. But for now what we can do is if I just dotnet run our WebAssembly based console app based on wasi. What we can see in here is that it built the app output, and here it's calling into wasntime and pointing to the dotnet WebAssembly bundle and then running our built application, and then we get Hello wasi console, that's being based off of the wasi interfaces. Very early initial support for wasi that will becoming available for you to try out soon. I think that's it. Here's a summary of all the things that we're working on it all for.NET 8, first column is all of the full stack web UI efforts with Blazor. Server side rendering, streaming rendering, enhance navigation and form handling, islands of clients interactivity and then being able to decide which render mode you use at runtime. We have a whole bunch of framework improvements that are coming as well. The ability to statically generate HTML content using blazer components, quick read sections, routing to named elements monitoring circuit activity. One thing we didn't see today is that we are working to improve the authentication support in blazer. That's also coming. We should expect to see that progress on that in upcoming preview releases. Then on the next slide. >> Sorry, can you talk just a little.we had several questions about that authentication support Blazor or can you talk a little bit more about just generally what that means? >> Yeah. There's a really nice blog post that Jeremy Likeness put together that talks about what we're doing with all up in indoctrinate. In general, we hear a lot of feedback about how setting up auth and dealing with off particularly in like spa style apps if you're working with Angular, working with React with an ASP.Net Core back end, that's difficult. Blazor WebAssembly has similar issues because its also basically a spot app. The way we set up off for those products today is we do a full OpenID Connect to dance with. We use a third party component for the OpenID Connect provider. We use Duende's identity server component. Duende identity server has since moved to a commercial license. The fact that we still include it in the template has been, bit controversial. It does have a free offering if you're doing it for open source or if your company is below a certain revenue amount. But it is fundamentally a commercial license. We are moving away from using Duende identity server in our templates. Instead, we are for most spa scenarios will actually move to using samescope. We are providing endpoints for ASP.Net Core identity that you can then use to call to get data about users and even issue tokens if you need to do token-based authentication from a mobile application. We'll be shifting to more cookie-based model for our default templates and then also providing endpoints for acquire identity for handling getting user information and also token issuance in debate. For more details, I really encourage you to go look at the authentication blog post. It lays out all aspects of this effort. Cool. Then lastly, it was just the WebAssembly investments. Multithreading interpreter, Hot Reload improvements, SIMD and exception handling, CSP compatibility, and the Webcil CIO packaging. Wasi should probably have a preview thing after it. That's an effort that we're starting a.NET 8, but we'll probably release in a stable form, post on it eight. For all of the work that's happening in ASP.Net Core, you can check out our roadmap at aka.MS/ASP.Net/roadmap. That is what I had for you today. But also, maybe we're overwhelmed. >> We have a few task and questions. Let me challenge you through some of them. I'll take some of the easiest ones first. When do we get it? >> November. Every November there will be a dominant release for now until forever. Until.NET 2763, November release of.NET. >> You covered it at the beginning, but there's still some questions here like what happened to Blazor United? Where did Blazor United go whatever, etc. Blazor United didn't go anywhere, we just decided not to use that name anymore. The problem with Blazor United as a name people were saying like, do I have to port my app from Blazor to something else? Is this a new hosting model? People thought this meant that something new framework or a new thing. Blazor United really is just a bunch of new features in Blazor. Blazor United is just Blazor in.NET 8 to a large extent. It's a theme like a bunch of features that are around enabling full-stack web UI support. But it's not a new frameworks, it's not a new hosting model, so we decided to stop using that name to avoid people thinking that this is something completely new. It's just Blazor in.NET 8, a Blazor web app. >> Let me see question. You showed some wasi stuff too. Is there like an overlap with Docker Wasi? >> Docker has been doing a bunch of cool work too provide depth tooling to make it easy to manage WebAssembly-based nodes. If you're using the Docker tooling and you are spinning up some WebAssembly code and you wanted that code to be.NET code. You could use the.NET wasi sdk in order to do that. >> Ripping through these. Jiterpreter, AOT, and webcil address file size and loading speeds. >> Jiterpreter addresses specifically runtime execution performance. Up till now, the.NET WebAssembly runtime has been a.NET IL interpreter. It's very functional. It's small as far as.NET runtimes go. But it wasn't particularly fast at executing CPU-intensive workloads, and that's because there's no JIT. With jiterpreter, there's now a JIT tier to the.NET IO interpreter that will take chunks of your.NET IO and turn them into WebAssembly code blobs and then load them asynchronously so that they execute much faster. That's runtime performance. AOT is also about runtime performance and it will go up even faster than jiterpreter-based performance because it's taking basically all of your code and turning it into WebAssembly, but at the expense of a much larger download size. When you take.NET IO and turn it into WebAssembly, you end up with a lot more instructions than the original.NET IO had, and so the size of the code base gets larger. No size of proven there. Webcil is about making Blazor WebAssembly apps more friendly to restricted environments that don't like the transfer of the DLL files on their network or like an antivirus software that thinks that anything that looks like a DLL must be suspicious. It's a more web-friendly packaging format that we're introducing for.NET 8. It may slightly decrease the download size because we're stripping off some PE file headers. We're basically taking the.NET DLLs and removing stuff that is associated with Windows native executables while we're talking probably very negligible size improvements there. In.NET 8, in terms of decreasing the download size of Blazor WebAssembly apps per se, it's pretty much the same story as what we had before. We have the IO trimming, we have the WebAssembly linker capability to re-link the runtime to shrink it. We do compression. We tried to make the app as small as we can, and the smallest Blazor WebAssembly app is still about a megabyte in.NET 8. Where things I think are game-changing is the idea of leveraging server-side rendering in your Blazor applications. There is zero JavaScript bundle size or WebAssembly download size for a server-side render application. All the hard work got done by the server. The page loads like that. It's instantaneous, the best possible load experience you can imagine. Way better than doing something with React, or Angular, or Vue, or whatever because you don't have to download a bunch of client-side code to render the page. You can take content in your app and just server-side render it to make it load very quickly. You only need the client-side pieces when you're doing rich client-side interactivity, the parts of your UI that need drag and drop, or things like that. >> I am forcing my brain not to say United, but the improvements in the hosting model and component model that you showed at the beginning, you could use those together, you can use server-side rendering and then the interaction is just as you need it or streamed or that stuff. >> My goal today was mostly just to show what is currently been implemented in.NET 8, but we've shown in previous demos that when you add it like an island of interactivity, like you have a page that you wanted to have a place or server circuit associated with it, the circuit only gets created when you browse to that page and then when you browse away, that circuit goes away. Your resource allocation is just limited to people on that page when it's needed, as opposed to being the whole app. Same thing with WebAssembly. If you decide to have a component that's going to use Blazor WebAssembly, we download the runtime only when you go to the part of the app that actually requires it, and then once it's cached, of course, any future use can be reused. We are also planning to support the auto mode, where you could start out a user with Blazor server, which has a very small download size in order to just set up the WebSocket connection. All the works really happen on server side with Blazor server, but then we sneak down the WebAssembly runtime in the background. Then once it is cached, the next time the user comes to that page, they can use WebAssembly and you can offload, instead of doing all the work from the server, you can now handle it from the client and the user never saw the load time hit for having to pull down the WebAssembly runtime because it was done in the background in a clever way. So that's coming too. >> Let me see. The questions are coming in faster than we can answer them. Let me see. Here's one I guess. Do all the client-side components end up in the same wasm binary or can they be partitioned out in large apps? >> They can be partitioned into multiple binaries. We often call them Razor Class libraries. These are just libraries of components, they're DLLs,.NET assemblies that happen to contain Blazor components. That's why we have this cool ecosystem of components that you can just grab off of the NuGet. QuikGrid is just a NuGet package that has a library in it with the QuikGrid component. You can have multiple assemblies. The question really becomes, when do those assemblies get downloaded if you're dealing with particularly the WebAssembly-based model where you're going to move stuff over to the browser? By default, everything just gets downloaded at once. We download the entire app and its dependency graphs so then you just have it all. In general, with most Blazor WebAssembly apps, the main bulk of the size is the runtime. The DLLs are typically fairly small, so they're not as much of an issue. Now that's not always the case. There are.NET assemblies that are large, like Newtonsoft JSON is a common offender. If you just randomly pull in a dependency into your Blazor WebAssembly app, that dependency is, no, three megabyte. Well, you're going to be downloading a three-megabyte DLL to load your application. There's a couple of ways you can mitigate this. You can use lazy loading, which is a way in Blazor WebAssembly to say don't load this assembly until I tell you. You can do that. I only needed Newtonsoft.JSON on this page. I'm only going to load on that one page. You don't need it by the way. You should just use System Text JSON. It's faster and it's built for linking and all these nice things. That would be your JSON stack of choice. Maybe you have some other large dependency. You can limit it to only be loaded on a particular page with lazy loading. If you have a large dependency that you have some influence over, you can make sure that that dependency supports trimming. So.NET and Blazor, we have the ability to go looking at the code and statically analyze what code is actually being used in the app and trim out all the code that's not being used. It's very similar to tree shaking in the JavaScript world. But by default, we only do it if the assembly says that it supports it. Assembly has to have an annotation on it that says, I have done the needful work to make sure that I work correctly with trimming. Because if you're just going to randomly remove code from an assembly, it might be doing weird reflection or who knows what code-gen pattern that might need that code still and the trimmer doesn't know unless the library has been appropriately annotated. We've done all that annotation work for our framework like placement core, the core framework libraries, those are all set up for trimming. If you have a dependency that you want to use, check to see if it's got trimming enabled on it. If the library author has done that work. If they haven't, ask them, if they'd be willing to do that work or maybe it's a library you own, you could do that work. There's wonderful docs on how to author a library that supports trimming. If it doesn't support trimming and you can't get it to support trimming, then you might want to consider a different dependency. You do have to be mindful in Blazor WebAssembly apps, what dependencies you're pulling into the application. Don't just pull in stuff willy-nilly, because then you'll end up with a 20-megabyte size app and that's no good. You want to be intelligent about what your WebAssembly dependency graph looks like. >> Then maybe move some of those to a server-side API that you call second layer. All that stuff >> Any dependencies that are big that you still need, just leave them on the server. You could use a Blazor server model as one way to handle that or put it behind an API that you call from your Blazor WebAssembly app. All those things are possible. >> I narrowed it down from 20 questions, I've got four left for you. >> Going back to the things you showed way back at the beginning, could some of those be used in a Maui application? >> Maui apps are Blazor Hybrid apps, that one is a different hosting model. In the Maui application, we're hosting the Blazor components directly in the Maui application. They're running on the same.NET runtime that the rest of the Maui application is using for its logic. Then they render to the web view through a local interrupt channel. They're not actually running in the web view itself, there's no web assembly being used, there's no web socket being handed over the Internet. It's like Blazor server, but instead of a big long web socket, you just have a little tiny local interrupt channel with the web view. That's the way you should think about it. Everything that you've seen with the full-stack web UI features, these are all features really for web applications. They don't really apply to the Blazor Hybrid scenario. I'm trying to think if there's anything here that would be relevant. There is some interesting ideas that we have been thinking about, it's a variant on the hybrid model where, but in.NET 8, the plan is that you can have a Blazor app that's largely server based, it's doing server-side rendering. Then it extends itself to the client and just to places where it's needed. Maybe it does some Blazor web assembly stuff in just this one part and that happens client-side in the browser. It's interesting to think about, well, what if we had a Blazor app that's very similar. Its server centric, but it has the ability to extend itself into a native client application as opposed to the browser as almost like a custom web browser built for it where the app happens to already have been packaged there and it knows how to run.NET code. That's an idea that we've been chatting a little bit about. Nothing planned for.NET 8, totally future looking, but if anyone wants to try and experiment with those concepts, it might be a cool open-source project to look out. >> You showed the HTML renderer, can we use CSS isolation with that? >> That's a great question. CSS isolation is largely a build time feature. If you have components that have.Razor,.CSS files, you're using the Razor SDK in order to build those components. Well, so the HTML render is all about taking a component and rendering its HTML. The whole CSS layer usually gets applied by the browser later. You then take that HTML, you stick it in a browser and you download the CSS that you want to apply to that HTML. You can build the CSS bundles and then deploy if you're hosting this as a web app or as a static site and then use them that way. So in that sense, yes, but HTML rendering itself, no. It's not render it's just about taking the component and rendering its content, which usually doesn't include any of the CSS stuff, your markup and your styling are separate [inaudible] I think I got that one right [inaudible] >> That sounds right to me. >> There are a lot of questions on circuits. There's one in here about detecting an idle circuit saving state to local storage serializing somehow. >> Yes. This gets into the whole pause and resume feature set. We know that people really want a way to better handle scale out with Blazor server apps where you can take the state of a circuit and drain it and then save it and then be able to rehydrate it elsewhere or rehydrate it later. These are all things that we are working towards and some of the ability to monitor activity on the circuit is in that direction. The pause and resume feature to allow you to do all this state management for Blazor circuits has been something on our roadmap, I think for two or three releases. We've had to keep pushing it out because of other things. In.NET 7, we had to push it out because of the Maui effort took longer than we expected and we had really wanted to do it in.NET 8, but all the work that we're doing to enable server-side patterns with Blazor ended up taking taking priority. We still have that on our roadmap to enable at the framework level. The pieces that we're delivering right now are not everything that you would need to do that, there's probably more APIs that we need to add to make the experience good, but if anyone finds an innovative way to handle some of those problems with what we currently have that would be great to share with the community. >> Cool. Hopefully an easy last question for you here. Is Juterpreter automatic or do you have to do something to take advantage of it? >> It is built to be automatic. One constraint is that it won't execute if the app is built in debug mode. It only will be used if you're doing a non debug based build. I think in Preview 3, there's an issue where for Blazor web assembly apps, we always run the runtime in debug mode so the Juterpreter during development always starts itself off, which was sad, but that's just during development, when you then publish the application and you do a release build, then Juterpreter should always kick in and it's just on by default, you don't have to do anything to enable it. The intent is that you also can see the benefits of the Juterpreter during development as well when you're not running in debug mode and we're doing work in Blazor web assembly to make it so that if you're not using the debugger then you can still see the Juterpreter benefits. >> That was incredible. I will cut off the questions there, they keep coming in. One was asking about what happened to the Blazor drawings on your wall? >> I actually still have them. They're sitting on the floor next to me. I was doing some prerecord stuff and I was worried those pictures were going to be distracting for the prerecord [inaudible] so I took them down for that. They will go back up. It was a much to my wife and children's chagrin [inaudible] dad do you really need to put those backup, we drew those years ago and you don't need them anymore, and I'm like, no, I love them, they're going back up. >> Awesome. My last question, for people wanting to keep up with and go deeper on any of the stuff you showed, is best reference the.NET blog? >> Yes. >> Okay. > Check out the.NET blog. You can download.NET 8 by going to get.dotnet/8 to get the latest bits and we will be publishing details about the upcoming preview releases on the.NET blog pretty much every month. Look for new bits every month. >> Very cool. Well, this was super long and we've got more and more people joining in the longer we go, which is crazy. I think we should just turn it into an all day event. >> Well, it usually goes the other way. >> Awesome. Well, thanks. This was amazing. Last question here coming in, are there recordings of the community stand-ups? Yes, there's hundreds of them going back seven or eight years, so yes, they're all up on our.NET YouTube. So I guess with that we should play the outro music and then you can install your Windows update. I've been choosing the best gift to play here and I think this is probably the best. >> If we didn't get to you question, you can ping me on Twitter or you can ask questions on GitHub as well. Feel free to reach out and we're happy to chat with you. >> Awesome. Well, I'll play the outro music. Thanks everybody. >> Bye everyone. >> Bye. [MUSIC]
Channel: dotnet
Views: 23,516
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Keywords: blazor, dotnet, aspnet, microsoft
Id: MaLjiR9YSbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 3sec (5523 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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