ASP.NET 6 Razor Pages CRUD - .NET 6 Razor Pages Tutorial - ASP.NET Core Web App

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hi and welcome to this course where you will learn and master your core web development skills and build a highly scalable data driven and paid Centric website with me using Razer Pages my name is Samir and I will be your instructor for this course together we will build an core website from scratch that is built on the popular Razer Pages framework has evolved over time and many of us have used the very famous MVC patterns and created websites using the framework with evolution in the way we used to create websites have changed and we have the latest and preferred approach to make web applications using the Eraser Pages framework in this course we will build a highly scalable blog application using core razor pages from scratch we will learn the overview of core and the Razer Pages framework we will then go ahead and create a new core erase a Pages project and go through the files and folders that we get in the new project we will start with defining our domain models for our application we will use the most popular object regulational mapping tool that is Entity framework and connect our Razer Pages web application to a SQL Server database we will first start with the basic thread operations that is create read update and delete operations on our database we will also learn how we can see the initial data to the database using Entity framework we will understand routing and see the different routing techniques for Razer web pages we will learn a repository pattern to read and persist data to the database we will learn how we get the data on page loads and also submit forms we will also show success and failure notifications on our web pages we will be using the most popular CSS framework that is bootstrap to speed up the web development process along with maintaining a consistent clean and responsive look for our website we will also be creating a web API controllers in our Razer Pages application and we will invoke these apis using JavaScript we will learn and Implement asynchronous programming throughout our code we will Implement a third party with that is a Rich Text Editor to create content for our application we will add authentication and authorization into our project using Microsoft identity along with the functionality for registration and login we will have implementation multiple role authorization where we will have roles for users admins and super admins we will also implement the functionality to manage users we will be going through these topics discussed in a very practical approach so that every concept just comes naturally along with the Practical website that we will build let me take you through the application that we will build in this course we will be creating a fully functional Dev blog website this will be a website in which we create our Dev related blogs people on the internet will come to our website to view these blogs on the home page we will have all the blogs available to us as a list we also have categories also known as tags for these blogs that we have on our website these tags are used to navigate to similar content for example ASP net tag gives us all the blogs which have the tag in them the user can view the details of any blog by clicking on the read more button this will take them to the details of the blog which is routed using the URL handle this makes the blog SEO friendly for search engines like Google and Yahoo as well the blog Details page also has the functionality where it shows how many users have liked this block when we scroll down we get the functionality to view the comments on these blocks as you might have noticed you have the likes and comments showing up on the screen but they will only work if you are logged in to the application for normal users visiting our blog we have the functionality where the user can register themselves using the register page on a successful registration they can log into the application using the login page once the user has logged in they can browse the website as usual but now they have the functionality to like and comment on blogs apart from the normal user we have two other user roles implemented we have the admin users and the super admin users both admin and super admin users can log into the application and upon a successful login they will see another navigation that is just available for admins and super admins using the admin functionality the admins of this blog can create new blog posts here they have the access to this Rich Text Editor which they can use to create the content for this blog we also have implemented the functionality to upload images for these blogs to a third-party cloud-based image hosting provider the admin will use this page to create new blogs they will see all the blogs that they want to manage using the blog list page from here they can view the details for any blog and also have the functionality to update any of them they can also delete blogs using the delete button another functionality that admin have is to manage users we have the users page available only to admins and super admins using this page they can view and delete users we also have implemented the add user functionality but using a pop-up model instead this will be an amazing tutorial by the end of which you will Master creating scalable core websites using Razer pages I am excited to do this and I hope you will have fun doing this with me in this lecture we will create a new core web application from scratch this will be the web application for our blog for that I have created this folder called bloggy I want to create web application under this folder I will open Visual Studio and from the get started page over here I will click on this button which says create a new project it brings us to the template page and from the right hand side you can choose from a ton of templates that visual studio and dotnet provides us from my filters I have C sharp all platform and all project types selected and in here you can select the option where it says core web application and if you read it it says this is a project template for creating an core application with an example core Razer page is contained so this is the pay this is the template for our Razer Pages application so I will select this and click on the next button in this page I will give the configuration for our project which is like project name solution name and the location so I have this location over here in which I want to create my application so I will copy that and paste it in the location tab over here and then I will give the project name which is bloggy dot web because this is a web application and from the solution I will just remove the word dot web so our project name becomes bloggy.web and the solution name is just bloggy with that I will click on next and from this page I can select the framework the authentication type and other settings from the framework I have the latest version installed which is dotnet6 so I will select that I will not select any authentication because that will be done as a later lecture and section and I will choose the default options that I have available and with that selected I will click on the create button to create this new project it takes a few seconds for visual studio to create our new application but this is ready now so in the next lecture we will go ahead and create our domain models [Music] in this lecture we will understand more about the project and the files that were created as part of the project scaffolding let's understand them one by one on the top here we have our solution a solution is an architecture for organizing projects inside Visual Studio one solution can have multiple projects and in them we can consume each other as well below the solution file we can see we have the project file the project file in our example is the bloggy.web similar to a solution a project is a structure for organizing files and folders in a single project if you double click you can open this project dot CS project file you can see the properties of the project from our example we can see that we are using dotnet version 6 as our Target framework we have nullable as enabled and also implicit usings as enable when you add nuget packages to our project they also end up as a reference in this project file now let's look at the launch settings.json file which is under the properties folder over here as the name suggests this Json file has configuration launch information of this project stuff like profiles and application URLs reside in this launch settings.json file if we use the drop down we can see that we have different profiles the currently selected profile is the bloggy.web which if you see in this Json file over here is this profile you can go ahead and select different profiles if you want to and you can also change your default browser currently I am using Firefox as my default browser if you come back to the launch settings.json we can see we have access to the application URLs for different profiles for the IIs settings we have the application URL as localhost 9100 for the bloggy.web profile our application URL is localhost 7037 and localhost 5037 based on the https or HTTP version your project may have a completely different URL so to know what URL your application is running at go to launch settings.json to find it out after that we have the www root folder over here static files such as HTML CSS and JavaScript and images are assets that an core app serves directly to its clients by default static files are stored within the Project's web root directory also known as the www root folder this means any files under this folder are publicly and directly accessible by the client that is your browser now let's talk about this Pages folder over here the main folder inside any eraser Pages project is this Pages folder inside of the pages folder all pages required for our projects are available inside the shared folder we can see two files layout dot CS HTML and the validation script partial dot CS HTML CS HTML stands for C sharp HTML as you can see the name of these two pages are preceded with this underscore sign which means these are partial views partial pages are like user components which means they can be reused in multiple places of our application the layout.cshtml has different things inside it it's like a master page which we can use for our different pages inside this file we have the header we have the main body we have the footer and we also have some scripts at the bottom and some CSS Styles linked to it at the top inside this view start.cshtml we can see that we have defined a layout and we have given the underscore layout file as our layout file now let's talk about the app settings.json file all the application settings are contained inside this file any changes made inside this application.json file will require restarting the Microsoft IIs Administration inside app settings.json we can see there are a few details available such as logging default Etc we can also add connection strings here while creating our application security Keys related to dependency can also be added over here we can access all these variables inside the program.cs file upon using dependency injection at last we have this program.cs file with an core 6 project you will not find the startup.cs file if you are coming from a previous version you might be seeing that there is no startup file because everything has now been clubbed inside this program.cs file program.cs file is the new place where you need to register your dependencies and middleware the program.cs file is the entry point of the application this will be executed first when the application runs in this file we first add services to our container and dotnet supports the dependency injection software design pattern which is a technique for achieving inversion of control between classes and their dependencies dependency injection is a built-in part of the framework we can inject our services into core di container by accessing the services collection in the Builder object an example of this is adding razor Pages as a dependency to this project dependency injection can be a little tricky if you are just starting out but trust me you will fall in love with it when you understand it fully so don't hold yourself back from learning anything you can to understand dependency injection and specifically core finally in this file we have the request pipeline configured over here by using the request pipeline we add middlewares which is a software that's assembled into an application pipeline to handle requests and responses these are the middlewares that have been configured in our application by default these are the https redirection using the static files using routing authorization and also mapping eraser pages the order in which these are configured is very important finally we run our application using the command in this lecture we will go ahead and create the domain models for our blog application we will first start with the admin functionality an admin of this blog application will be able to create blog post and also add tags to these blog posts tags will be something like hashtags that we see all the time and will be served as categories for these blog posts a blog post over here will have the structure it will have an ID a heading a page title which will be used as Chrome tabs and the name for it will have the content which will have the full content of the blog post it will have a short description column which will be used like a summary field it will have a featured image URL which will have the URL to the image that we will going to use for the blog post it will have a URL handle and this will be a relative path and using this along with the website URL we should be able to directly go to that blog post it will have a published date the author name and also a visible field which will be true or false based on the admin on when they have to show this to the user on the other side we have the tag table or the tag domain model this will have the ID name and the blog post ID and as you can see the ID column in the blog post is connected to the blog post ID column in the tag so this way they both are connected let's come back to our application and create what we just saw we have to create domain models and for that I will create a folder first so I will right click on my project click on ADD and create a new folder I will call this models [Music] and inside this models folder I will have domain models so I will right click add and a new folder again and I will call this domain so this domain folder will contain my domain models to create my first domain model which will be the blog post domain model I will right click on the domain folder go on to add and I will choose a class so this will be a new class and I will name this blog post I will click on the add button and now it's time to add properties to these blog posts to add a new property you can either type fully or there's a shortcut to add a property which is prop and then if you press press tab twice it'll give you the property and then you can change the property type and the name based on your need so the first property we need is the ID which is a type of good so a type of quid and the name of the property will be ID [Music] after that we will add the heading property which will be of type string then we will add the page title which will be of type string as well then we have the full content of the blog post so the name is content then we have the short description after that we have the featured image URL again of type string then we have the URL handle after that we have the published date which is of date time then we have the author which is of type string and finally we have the visible property which is a Boolean you can pause this video here and you can note down the properties into your code now when we create this domain model we can see green squiggly is coming under the properties and it says non-nullable property heading or any of these must contain a non-null value and this is because after C sharp 6 or C sharp 11 we have if you open the project by double clicking this we have the nullable property as enabled and that's where it is telling us that these string properties can never be null if you want this to be null you can add an optional question mark and then the warning goes away but it is up to your domain to see which properties can be null and which cannot be so I'm keeping all the properties as non-nullable so that means you have to enter a value for this application to work otherwise it will show you a 400 error after this we have to create the domain model for our tag and I will come back to the domain model folder right click on that add a new class [Music] and I will name this one tag click add and in here we have three properties the first one is a grid so a good type and the name of the property is ID after that we have a property which is of type string and the name of the property is name so this will be the tag name and finally we have the blog post ID in which this tag was used so another property of type guide which will have the blog post ID and this is the same ID as of this domain model ID so if you look at the convention we are using blog post as the domain model and then the ID because the column was ID with that our domain models are ready and it's now time to make use of Entity framework so that we can create these models as SQL tables and create a new SQL Server database using Entity framework core migrations so we will install some packages in the next lecture now that we have created our domain models it is now time to add Entity framework core packages into our solution and to do that I will right click on dependencies and go to this option which says manage nuget packages this will open the nuget window for me and I have to come to the browse section over here and search and install two packages the first package that I will install is this package called Microsoft dot Entity framework core dot SQL Server so I will copy that and paste it in the browse section [Music] and I will select this package which is on the top and click on install [Music] once this package has been installed I will go back and search for the second package which is Microsoft dot Entity framework core dot tools I will go again to the browse section and search for this package select this package from here and click on install [Music] I will mention the names of these two pack packages inside the notes attached to this lecture so that you can go ahead and copy the the package name from that notepad file [Music] in this lecture we will add a new DB context class a DB context class is an important class inside Entity framework it is a bridge between your domain model classes and the database the DB context class is the primary class that is responsible for interacting with the database and Performing crud operations on our database tables so now that we know why we need a DB context class let's come back to our code base and create one we are back inside visual studio and the first thing I will do is to create a folder so I will right click on my project and add a new folder and I will call this data and I will create my DB context class inside this data folder so I will right click and add a new class now we have to give it a name and it's it can end with the DB context word but because our name of the application is bloggy so a good way to represent a DB context class is by writing the name of the application bloggy and Then followed by DB context just to represent that this is a DB context file I will click on ADD now this class inherits from another class which is the DB context class so I will write DB context and using control and period or control and Dot I will press that and I will import this package which we just installed so that is using Microsoft Entity framework core so I will ins I will import this using statement and now we want to create a Constructor for this class and it needs to send the options parameter back to the base class so a shortcut to do that would be click on this DB context file and press Ctrl dot again and in here we have a method called generate Constructor and it also uses this option so I will use this and it has created me a Constructor which also uses the DB context options and if we have the options it then passes it on to the base class so we have a Constructor over here now we need a property to represent our entity or the domain model that we have so we will create a DB set kind of a property and to create a property I will write prop and then double tab now this property should be of type DB set and a DB set class represents an entity set that can be used for creating reading updating and deleting operations so we will have a DB set property of type domain model that we have over here which is the blog post so I will write blog post and I will import the dependencies from the domain folder and I will give it a name so I will write blog posts and this name will be used by Entity framework core when it has to create the tables inside my SQL Server database so this is the property using which I can query and then delete and then add an update blog posts now we have to do a similar thing for the tags so I will create another property so again prop and then double tab using the DB set type I will pass in the tag domain model and because we already have imported the dependencies I will give it a name of tags and this will be the same name by which the database table will be created [Music] now we have the DB context class ready in the next lecture we will go ahead and add a connection string inside our app settings.json [Music] in this lecture we will add a connection string to our SQL server and also provide the name for our new database that we want to create so for that I will go to the app settings.json file and in here I will add a new property for connection strings so inside double quotes I have the connection string property and for the object I will add a new key value pair so the key would be the name to this connection and this could be anything but remember to use this later on as well so the name for the connection that I am giving will be the bloggy DB connection string [Music] and then the value for this bloggy DB connection string would be server equal to and this will be the name of the server that you installed locally inside your machine for example I have my SQL Server management Studio opened and this is the name of the server that I installed as part of the setup so I will copy this and using the server name I can connect to it locally and also browse through the databases if there's any so make sure your SQL Server Connection or the SQL server name works for your machine and then using that name I will paste that into here so the server name is this after that I will put a semicolon and after that I have to give the name of the database so database is equal to now there is no database for our application at this moment so you can give any database name and Entity framework code will use that name to create a new database for our application because its name is blocky and I can give it a name of bloggy DB [Music] and finally we have to write trusted connection is equal to true so trusted underscore connection is equal to true [Music] so this is the connection string we have to add inside our app settings.json [Music] now that we have added the connection string to our SQL Server database we have to inject our DB context class inside the services of our application using dependency injection so that whenever we have to talk to the database the application will smartly handle all the connections and instances and will provide us the data smoothly so we will come back to our application and this time I will open the program.cs file where we do all our injections after this line where it says Builder dot Services dot add eraser pages I want to add the dependency for this DB context inside my application as well so I will use the same I will use Builder dot services and Dot I will write add DB context [Music] and using this I have to provide the type of the DB context and in our case we only have one type at this moment so I will use the bloggy DB context so I will write bloggy DB context and I will press Ctrl dot or control period And I will use the using statement because bloggy.dbcontext is coming from the data folder and to this I can pass the options so I will say options such that and I will come to the next line options dot I want to use a SQL Server database for our application so I want to tell that to the options to use SQL Server so I will use the method use SQL server and we don't have that at the moment so I will press Ctrl dot to bring in the dependencies and I'm using this package Microsoft dot Entity framework core [Music] and to this method use SQL Server it needs the uh the connection properties so if I show you the if I open brackets again this is a string type of connection and it needs that to establish a connection between the SQL server and we have the connection string stored with us inside the app settings.json which we just did in the previous lecture so I will pull the connection string from the app settings.json inside here and to do that I will make use of Builder again so I will say Builder Dot configuration dot get connection string and this method has an overload which takes the name of the connection string that we want to pull and the name of the connection string if we go back to our app setting.json is this so whatever you have defined as the name please take that so I will copy that and paste it as a string [Music] and then I will close the brackets [Music] and semicolon to finish the statement I can also bring this to the next line just for readability purposes and I'll save that this way we have injected our DB context class inside the services of our application so whenever we want to use the DB context class we can just use it from the services collection in this lecture we will create our database using Entity framework we will run entry framework core migrations to create this new database to run Entity framework core migrations we have to run two commands so let's open the nuget package manager console and to do that we have to go to tools then nuget package manager and in there let's click on package manager console now we have to run two commands which our the first command is ADD hyphen migration this creates a migration for us so if I write add hyphen migration and then inside double quotes I can mention the name of the migration that I want to create so this will be the first time that we are creating our database so I can write initial migration [Music] and then we can press enter to start the migration what is happening behind the scene is it is taking look at the uh the DB context file the class that we have inside the data folder and then using the DB sets it is creating a script in a c-sharp language so that Entity framework core can use it to execute it as a SQL in our SQL Server database after the script has ran we can see a new folder called migrations have been created and we have this file initial migration and we have this open here as well it has two functions an up function and a down function and this is the file Entity framework code uses to create a new database or to edit a new table so in here it needs everything it has everything it needs to create this new table called blog posts and then a new table called Tags it also has given the primary keys to the ID and the primary key for the blog post which is the ID now that we have created the migration it's now time to run the migration because at the moment if I open Microsoft SQL Server I I don't have anything inside my databases it's empty so now let's create that database which is blocky DB so I'll come back to my code again and then open Package manager console and execute the second script which is update hyphen database so I'll paste it and then execute it and it's using this migrations file to check with the database and then whatever is not present or is different it will execute that [Music] so the migration has run successfully so it's now time to confirm if the database has been created or not so I will refresh again and this time you can see there is a new database called bloggy DB and it's the same name that we gave inside our app settings.json file and if I expand on that and go to tables I can see the two tables I wanted to create which is the blog posts table with all the columns that we want and also the tags table so we have the database and the tables created for us in the next section we will create new web pages so that we can perform crud operations on these tables [Music] welcome to section 3. in the previous section we did a lot of groundwork in creating our database and tables in this section it's all about using them we will create eraser Pages for our application and we will perform credit operations on our blog post table using Entity Framework in this lecture we will make some changes to our application to make it a little more unique and different from what we get out of the box so let's start our application to see what we have at this moment I will use this button which says bloggy.web to start the application you can also use this drop down to set your default browser so I have Firefox selected at this moment but you can go ahead and choose the browser that you want and once that is done this button helps you to start the application with debugging so I'll use that I have the website opened and on the website I can see the header over here which has two links one going to the home page or the index page and the other one is going to the Privacy page then we have this middle section over here which represents the data for that page for example at the home page it shows the data that is available on the home page and on the Privacy page it shows the Privacy Pages data after that we have this header we have this footer which is fixed and common for all so you can see the header and the footer Remains the Same and this data inside changes as the page loads if I come back to the application you can see this folder over here which is pages and all the web pages or the Razer pages that you see on the on the website when it loads comes from here we have the layout page and that has the header the body and then the footer over here so we have to make some changes so that it looks a little more beautiful than what we get out of the box and to do that we will first change some header styles with the website running I will first remove these two classes which is navbar Lite and background of white so I will remove that and instead add a nav bar dark so navbar hyphen dark and also a background of dark so BG hyphen dark and these are all bootstrap classes and if you want to know more about bootstrap and how it works you can go to get or just Google for bootstrap and you can learn more about bootstrap and how their classes work but let's let's continue with this so with that I will save my changes and the list items for I will rebuild and apply changes [Music] with that you can see the the nav power has turned into a darker color which looks nice uh but we don't see the index and the Privacy page which are somewhere here so let's go back and change them so instead of a text dark we can just remove it or use a text light so I'll remove it to see how it works and you have this option to hot reload as well so if it doesn't work you can hot reload or you can restart the application anytime so I'll come back to the browser and if I refresh this the home and privacy pages are now coming again we now have this good looking nav bar and it's now time to create our first eraser page so that we can start the crud operations we will start by creating the functionality to add a new blog post in this lecture we will add the functionality so that the admin can add a new blog post using a form and for that we need to create a new Razer page so I will come back to the application and first of all stop this and I don't need the layout page for this moment so I'll close this as well now inside the pages folder we have all other razor pages so we will create a new page for this add blog post functionality and this belongs to the admin and admin only so I will create this inside an admin folder so inside pages I will create a new folder called admin and inside the admin folder because this is the functionality only related to blocks that means creating deleting updating and showing the blog posts so I will create a new folder and call this blogs you can also call it blog posts so I have a new folders admin and blogs so inside blogs I can now create a new Razer page which will be responsible to create a new blog post so I will right click on this blogs folder add a new eraser page and I will select the Razer page empty template and click on ADD and I will give the name of this razor page as ADD and that's it you can specify other names as well but I'm just giving it add so now we have this new Razer page which ends with DOT cshtml that means C sharp HTML and this is the template in which we will write our C sharp and HTML code and if you look at it we also have the code behind class which is tightly knit to that add CS HTML so if you want to toggle between the template and the code behind class or the Razer page and code behind class you can press F7 and it toggles between the add cshtml to the add cshtml.cs class and if you want to toggle back you can press F7 again and basically it acts as a Toggler so that you can quickly switch between the two classes now let's run our application to see if we are able to navigate to this new page I have my application running and because I don't have anything in the nav bar to navigate me to that page so I'll just use the URL to go directly so I will say slash admin slash users or slash admin slash blogs because we have the blogs folder slash the add page so we gave the page name as ADD so add and if I go to it we open the page there's nothing to display but we can prove this by adding an H1 tag over here and I will say add a blog post as the heading so I've saved it and I'll let hot reload run and if I come back and refresh I can see add blog post heading over here so our URL admin slash blogs slash ads goes directly to our ad page and this Maps easily to our structure over here inside pages so admin slash blogs slash add to be able to navigate quickly we can also add a drop down over here and we can say that's an admin functionality so admin will have ADD users or or add blog posts and show all blog posts links so let's add that I will come back to my code base and I will open the layout page again and that is under shared so I will open the layout page and inside the header inside nav I want to add a new list item along with the home and privacy Actually I don't even need privacy so I can skip this so I can delete this and now I want to add a new anchor element which will act like the drop down for the admin section so I will create an ally the LI will have the class of nav item so nav hyphen item and then it will also have a class of drop down [Music] inside the LI I will have an anchor element and this anchor element will have a class of nav hyphen link space another class drop down hyphen toggle [Music] and this will not have any ID because that will just act as a button and inside this anchor element or after this anchor element I'll have another UL which will act as a list of items so iul and that you will will have a class of drop down menu so a class of drop down menu and then inside this UL you will have list items so again An Li and inside the LI I will have an anchor element which will have a class and this class will be a drop down item and now I can give the name to this drop down item as well and also to this anchor element over here so I will say to this anchor element this will be the admin functionality so I will say admin and along with this class I will also have some other properties or attributes like the href to be hash then I will have the role as a button I will have the uh the data bootstrap so data hyphen BS hyphen toggle is equal to drop down and finally I'll just put it to the next line area expanded as false so Aria hyphen expanded as false I will also give an ID to this anchor element over here which will match with the uh the area labeled by for this UL so that when I click and this anchor element this UL shows up and all of that is handled by bootstrap neatly behind the scene so I will give an ID so I will say this is the nav bar drop down for admin and this I will copy this and to this UL I will say area labeled by [Music] and I will paste this ID over here and finally the admin drop down will have just one button at the moment so I will say add blog post so this will be a way to navigate to the add blog post uh URL [Music] the last thing we have to do is to add an href property so that you know when we click on this button it takes us to the add Blog Page and we know the URL so it goes to admin slash blogs slash ID which is the ad so the admin blogs ad when we click this link should go to that admin page and I'll hot reload it and I'll also refresh my application so as you can see we have a new drop down over here and if I click this drop down we have the add blog post element and if I click that it goes to the add Blog Page URL so we have added the functionality of the admin inside the nav bar and also able to navigate to this new Razer page in the next lecture we will go ahead and add a razor form to this page so that we can submit the values from the UI and submit it to the backend in this lecture we will create a new form for our add eraser page and then start submitting data from our from to our backend so let's go back to our code [Music] and inside here I will first open the layout file we have this render body tag which actually renders all the content coming from these Pages for example the add page or the index page and it shows inside the web page that you actually see so it combines together to form the header footer and the main body area so we have a container class which actually restricts the view into a section in the center so I want to take this container class away so that I'll only use it when I actually need it so I will take this container class away and save the changes and if I come back to my application and refresh it you can see the content of the add page now switching to the left so it takes the entire space from the left to the right and you know there's no containerization happening over here what I want to do is I want to add the container inside the header so that I can make it visually more attractive now I will come to my ad Dot cshtml Page and I will add the container class over here but before that I want to give a background color to this H1 so I will create a div first and to this div I will create a class and give it PG secondary and this is a very dark class or color a background color so I will give it an opacity so BG hyphen opacity of around 10 percent and then inside that now I will have my container class so div with a class of container and then I will add my H1 tag inside the container so I will save the changes and if I show you it looked like this but if I refresh it it now looks like this so we have a light gray color behind the the H1 just to make it more prominent and I can add some padding as well so I'll come back and give it some padding so padding on the y-axis of around 2. and let's see how that looks like so refresh that and this looks good so we have a difference between the nav and the heading with a slight Gap so this must be coming from the nav so I'll go back to the layout page over here and let's see what the nav has so the nav is having a border bottom and a margin bottom of three and that's causing the white part to show in between so I'll remove this and save the changes and what you see over here now should go away so this is our heading and we will try to maintain this look uh in all our forms and now it's time to add the HTML form and I have the bootstrap website open as well and if you go to the documents you have all the components that they provide and you can also have the search functionality over here for example if I search for forms you can see the forms coming over here and we can basically copy the HTML you don't even have to learn all the classes that bootstrap provides we just need to know what we can use from bootstrap to make it look like what we are trying to achieve so for example this is an HTML form and we would need to create something similar as well for our use case so I will start with this form and I will copy this form [Music] and I will come back over here in the add csst email and to be honest I don't even have to paste all of it I just I can refer back to this form and just need the elements you know one by one so I will start with creating my form I will create a div first and inside the div I'll have my container so div with the class of container so a class of container inside the container class I'll have my form so a form HTML element and I will remove the action for now and I will keep the method as post and I will insert some elements inside the form but I have to make sure I use bootstrap classes so for example I will use this first email label and the input element so I will copy this bit over here so this is just a div with a margin bottom so that the elements can be separated out between it has a label it has an input box and it has a help section I don't need the help section so I can remove this so all we are left is uh the label and an input element now let's change this to uh to work with our form and our ad model if you remember we have to add a blog post and for that we need a few things the first thing according to our domain model was the ID property but we don't Supply the ID from the the website the backend that is Entity framework gives the ID to us so we would not be taking the ID value from the user instead let's start with the heading of the blog post so I will change the label name to be called heading and I will delete the form the for the type of the input element for the heading would be just a string so it will be of type text the class is a bootstrap class so I will keep it like that the ID I can remove this or if you want to give the 4 for the label you can give the ID as heading [Music] and you can copy the high ID for the input element back inside the for attribute and then area described by I can basically remove it for our examples [Music] now this is one of the input element we want to create let's save it and see how it looks like at the moment if I come back to uh Firefox into the browser and refresh this you can see we have a heading label which accepts The Heading value for the blog post as an input type of text now there's no padding or margin between the form and the uh The Heading we have so let's add a margin So to that div we have above I will also add a margin bottom of around two let's save this and refresh it so we have some margin but let's add some more so let's say around five and now it looks better so we have a separation a good separation between the form and the H1 tag so let's continue to add more elements inside here I will basically copy this div and add more elements one by one the second element we need or the second uh item or value we need from the form is the page title and Page title is something like if I hover over it it shows you forms bootstrap version 5.2 and we will have a similar thing for our blog post as well where we will change the title of the page or of the blog post we are trying to load so I will come back and change the label name to to be called as page title [Music] and I will also change the ID and I will paste the ID inside the four section and this will still be a type of text now we have two elements on there let's create the third one which is the content content will basically hold all the data which is text paragraphs like in HTML and images for our blog and we will use a text area for that so I will change this to a text area so I will create a new text area input element but I will also give it a class of form control because that's a bootstrap class and this will have an ID property so ID will be content I will paste the ID for the label and I will also change the label to say content let's save this and review our changes so going back to Firefox and refresh the page you can see we have heading page title and content so let's carry on and add more elements to our HTML page the next property we want is the short description so for that I will copy the input type of text because that will just be a string maybe of 30 characters or more and I will change the label to be short description [Music] and I will change the ID as well and I will paste the ID for the for attribute for the label and the for uh attribute Works in such a way if I come back and show you I'll open my website again and if you click on the heading it automatically focuses on the input element that the for or the ID is attached to so if I open or click the content label it focuses on the input element for the content label so next is [Music] the featured image URL so I will go back to my application and that will be a type of string as well because it just contains a URL to the featured image and I will have the label saying that and I will change the ID and copy the ID to default attribute of the label foreign and after that we will have the URL handle which will be again a short string so type of text and the label will be URL handle I will change the ID [Music] and paste the ID in the for attribute as well after that we need three more properties the first one would be a date field so when this was published or if the user can select from a you know you know a date picker so we need a type of date over here and then this will be labeled as publish date [Music] I will change the ID and also paste the ID for the for attribute after that we need the author so that'll be of type string so I'm copying the input type of text pasting that here and we need to have the author as the label I will make changes to the to the ID and uh the fall attribute as well and finally we will have the is visible attribute so we will have we will say is this visible let's say is visible and for this one we will have a check box so we can go back to the bootstrap website to see how a checkbook works so just over here on the search you can easily type checkbox and radio buttons and this is a checkbox that we want to use just without the input element so I will come to check boxes and radio elements and from here [Music] I want to use uh I don't want the input element to be honest so I will just use this as the form check I don't want the group text um so I will use this and I'll copy all of it and come back to my application and replace it over here [Music] and to be honest I think there's another checkbox that exists so I will search for checkbox again and instead of the button group or input groups I can actually just go to checks and radio boxes which are uh you know like a button over here and and other stuff and I actually need something like this with a label and just the check box over there so this would serve my purpose really well so I will copy this div and come back to my form and instead of all of this I will paste this new thing that I copied from the bootstrap website and it is actually okay not to you know learn everything that bootstrap has and just use it directly because there's so many CSS Frameworks out there if you have the time and the in the capacity to learn then I would recommend you should surely go ahead and learn but if you don't and I mean that's totally fine as well the documentation is very good and clear and you can totally easily you know just spare your mind in something very useful other than you know learning the classes so you can go ahead and add this and I will also add a margin bottom of three [Music] so that I have margin after this so I can see this is an input type with a class from bootstrap type of check box and I haven't given a value of anything let's wait for you know the next lecture and we will bind the value of this from code behind the ID of this one would be is visible and let's give this ID to the for attribute of the label and also change the label [Music] is visible and we have the classes for the label so just with that we have the checks box ready as well and the final thing we need is a submit button for a form and we can have that inside another div with the class of margin bottom of three and we just need a button and the button would say save or submit or let's say submit and then we will have classes for the button as well and that will say button button hyphen primary let's keep the primary class for now and this will be type of submit so that when this button is clicked the form is submitted let's go back to our application to see how it's looking like so I will come back to my blocky application and refresh this and you can see we have the heading title a text area for the content because we have to parse HTML uh it will show paragraphs divs images together we have the short description we have featured image URL we have the URL handle we have a date picker as well and this can be different for different browsers you know Firefox shows is it in such a way Chrome has a different uh look and feel we have the author and finally we have the check box that is this block visible currently or you know do you want to make it visible or hide it from the users and finally we have a button to submit all of this information back to our code behind class and we will use that to submit it to the database so finally we have created our form and I know this was a big form uh but we have created it and it is looking pretty uh and in the next lecture we will go ahead and accept the values coming from this form inside the code behind class in this lecture we will learn how to submit forms and how to read data coming from these forms in our code behind class there are two ways to submit and read data and that is either by reading the incoming request and read values one by one or to dynamically bind the values to an object and read from that this technique is called property binding and this is the preferred approach but we will have a look at both of them I will come back to my application and in my HTML page I want to change a few things I want to add name attributes to the input elements so that I can read it in the code behind class so I will add name attribute to The Heading [Music] and then I will add to the title [Music] I will also give it to the text area and basically every other property in the form so this is for content then I will have it for the short description and because this is just an example this is not the preferred approach I will I will stop over here for the names and I will now show you how we can use the first approach that we discussed which is reading the request inside our code behind class so to do that because we have this form and it has a method of post so it means it is binded to the post method of our class if I go behind the code behind class and we have an on get method but we can't seem to find an on post method so we will create that I will have a public void on post method [Music] and whenever the form is submitted our values will come over here and this is the function in which we want to read our values coming from the form so I will also have a breakpoint over here and now using the first technique I will read the request object so I will say request dot form so I'm reading the form and then I can pass inside the brake brackets I can pass the key name and that is the name attribute over here so if I want to read The Heading I can pass it as a string over here and this will be the value for my heading input element so I can store it locally over here or I can use it in whatever way I want to use it in a similar way I can also read the page title [Music] I can read the content [Music] and I can also read the short description [Music] for demonstration I will read a property which doesn't have the name field so I'll just try to use the ID but I know it will not work [Music] so I'm giving it a featured image URL just to show you that this would come out as a null whereas every other detail if we pass in from the form will have some value in it so I'm saving both these files and starting my application so our application is running I will go to the add blog post page and in here I would provide some values to the form so let's say this is a heading this is a page title some content here and this is a short description and I'm setting this as well I am sending value for featured image even though I know that this would come out to be null but I want to prove this to you so after this I want to press the submit button and this takes you back to your code behind class for the add page and it stops here on our breakpoint on the on post method now if I continue with this using F10 [Music] I can see the heading value coming as this is a heading and that's the same value that we sent inside our form after that we have the value for the page title the content the short description and we have nothing for the featured image URL because the request.form method is unable to bind this with a key from this form [Music] so this way we are able to get all the values from the form and use it to provide it to Entity framework core so that it can submit it to the database but this is not our preferred approach we will use the property binding method instead which is a much cleaner approach to submit forms and to read the values so I will stop my application and instead of using the properties like this I want to have public properties inside my ad model class and let's say I create a property for the heading first so I will create a property of type string and that will hold the heading value from coming from the input element and the way we want to get the value or to bind the value from this input element is using property binding and we use the attribute bind property over a property so using this we can now use the heading property inside our form using the ASP helpers I can now remove this name and instead use ASP Hyphen for and now I can use public properties from this class which is heading over here like this and that will create a two-way binding for my heading value in a similar approach I can also use the second property or the value which is Page title and I will say this is Page title and now I can use the page title property over here using the same technique ASP hyphen 4. and I will say is equal to page title [Music] after that we can also add similar properties for all the other forms but then it will take the entire page and will look crowded that is not a preferred approach as well but I will show you how you can do it in a cleaner way but first of all let me show you if the values are coming back or not so again I have my input element and I will start my application I will navigate back to the admin ad blog paste page and I will enter the value this is a heading and this is a page title I will submit the form and because I have a breakpoint I can now hover over these public properties and as you can see their value is coming from the form and Page title also comes out to be this is a page title [Music] so now we found a way for which I can read the data coming back from our form back inside our code behind class but you would ask a question that you know do I have to create all these properties one after the other well the answer is no you can create a single object over here like an add blog post model and then you can have properties inside of that model and that will be way cleaner so let me do that let me stop the application and I will create a view model for this so inside the models folder I will create another folder alongside the domain so I will say right click add a new folder and I will call this view models and inside this view models folder I will create a new folder so add a new class sorry not a folder and I will name the class add blog post and the properties of this model class will be similar to what we have in the domain model so I will open the blog post domain model and I can basically save some time copy everything and paste it inside my ad blog post model but I don't want the ID coming from the form so I can remove this one so all other properties I want the user to fill in from the form and hence I have all the other properties except for the ID I can close this ad block and now instead of these two fields I can create a property with the type of this view model so it'll be add blog post view model and I will import this using control Dot and this is coming from The View models folder I will name this add blog post request because it's a request or a response coming back from the form and finally I have to use the bind property attribute over this property so that I can bind it back inside my HTML form so I'll come back over here and now it's showing me a red because the property heading doesn't exist but now we can use the add blog request dot heading to bind the heading to the element over here and in a similar approach I will use this Dot page title and I will copy this for the other elements as well so I'll remove the name field ASP for this is content so I will change this to a content after that we have the short description so I will change this to short description [Music] after that we have the featured image so we have the property binding for Featured image then we have URL handle [Music] then we have published date [Music] after that we have two other properties one for the author and the last one is the input element for the is visible property [Music] and that's it so finally we have a form that is that we are able to submit from our Razer page back to our CS class and we are able to read all the values inside the onpost method so in the next lecture we will go ahead and use the DB context class so that we can call Entity framework and persist our data inside the SQL database we have built a form which we are able to submit and send values back to our code behind class in this lecture we will use this data and save it to the database with the help of Entity Framework we will use the DB context class to talk to the database using Entity framework so let's see this in action we are back to visual studio and we have to write some code in the on post method because our eraser page when we submit our form it posts data to the on post method so we have to write some code that we can use the DB context file if you remember the slides it will talk to Entity framework core and save the changes to the database and we can use bloggy DB context by using the services so if you remember in the program.cs file we had injected our DB context which is our blog EDB context inside this services collection of our application so we can easily call the DB context and our application will take care of the instances and will provide us a proper instance of blog ADB context which we can use and persist data inside our database so to use this we will come back to the add cshtml.cs class and in here we have to create a Constructor because we will be using Constructor injection and we will inject our blocky dbcon stack context inside the Constructor and to create a Constructor the shortcut is c t o r for Constructor and then you have to press tab twice and this is our Constructor for this class now you can inject the bloggy DB context as a parameter to this Constructor so I will say bloggy DB context and to import this from the from the data folder I will press Ctrl dot or control period and then I will use this statement now I have to give it a name so I can use the name that Visual Studio is suggesting me and then I have to create a private variable of this class over here somewhere so that I can use this within the class and there's a shortcut to that as well so if I click on this variable name I can press Ctrl dot again and I can use this extension create and assign field with this name so it has created me a private read-only variable of type blocky DB context and I have a name as well Some people prefer a different naming convention for example with underscores so I can you can change this and you can also change this to underscore and that is totally fine as well it is totally up to you of which naming convention you want to follow but I will just keep the one which Visual Studio provides me so now we have a private variable which we can use inside the on get or the on post method so let's use this I will use the private variable inside my own post and I have to call the table because I have to talk to the table the blog posts table to add a new blog post and if you remember we have inside the bloggy DB context a property set called blog posts which is kind of a table it maps to a table inside SQL Server so I have to talk to this table and use a method called add to add a new blog post so let's come back to the code behind class and try to access this table which was blog posts and this is our DB set and this DB set or the table will have a method called add which Entity framework code gives us so we can use this add method and to this add method we can provide a new domain model of blog post so we have this domain model over here which is blog post so we can give it a new object or an entity or a domain model called blog post but we don't have a blog post at this moment we only have the add blog post request which is a different but it has similar properties so we'll have to do a mapping from this model to the blog post domain model and then Supply that to the add method so let's create a new domain model blog post so I will say a variable blog post is equal to new blog post and I will press control dot to bring in the dependencies [Music] and I will use that from the domain models [Music] and now I have to assign all these properties one by one so you can follow the order in which they exist so that you don't miss anything I don't have the ID coming from the form so I will not assign the ID but I will start from the heading so I can say heading is coming from this request dot heading and then we have the content most likely so we have the page title then the content so I will say page title is coming from this request Dot Page title then we have the content after that we have the short description let's see what else we have we have the featured image URL handle and publish date so I can say featured image and visual studio also suggests you that it must be coming from from this object depending on how you have structured it so you can use the tab to actually fill in the details really quickly so I'll say uh the URL handle and look at Visual Studio suggesting me in Gray so I can press the tab button to just auto complete it for me [Music] and after that we have the uh the pending things we have the published date which is coming from this dot publish date then we have the author coming from the request again and finally the visible property coming from this dot visible now we are only left with one property which is the ID but I don't want to assign the ID because the bloggy DB context when we are trying to add it to the database will automatically assign me a new guide so I don't want to do that so we have a an object of type blog post so I can use this object and pass it to the add method over here [Music] like this and I can close the statement now we have told the context that we want to add this blog post to the DB set blog posts but now we have to call the context again to save the changes so I will call bloggy DB context and use the method save changes so this line is very important because if you don't write this line it won't save the changes to the database and you won't be able to see any new blog posts in your table [Music] so with all these changes I am ready to start my application and test this really quickly our application is running so I will navigate to the add blog post page and we have a form ready so I will fill in the form really quickly before filling the form one thing I noticed is we for the is visible attribute we also have the value coming in from the form which is unnecessary and will impact in how we save the changes so I will come back and make just one more change I will come back to the ad.cshtml and in here I will scroll down to the is visible element and we have [Music] the value property for this one over here so I will go ahead and remove this because we are binding the value for the check box from this binding property over here so we don't need the value property so I will remove that and save changes and start my application again so I've come back to my application and I filled in the form so I've given it a heading a title a Content which can be in HTML as well because we'll have to show a text and you know images as well inside our blog post this is my short description this is a stock image picture that I took from the internet and later on we will convert this to you know an upload functionality as well this is My URL handle and it basically acts as a URL to the blog post so that's why I have you know separated this with hyphens so that it is also SEO friendly search engine friendly I have put in today's date as the published date and I've mentioned my name as the author and I've also selected the is visible property so if I submit this it should come back to my code behind class and now it's doing the mapping so let's see if the mapping works I have all the values coming in here for the domain model and after that bloggy DB context is adding this to the database and finally saving this so let's come here I'll press continue and there's nothing to show there's no success message at the moment to show but we will work on that in future so with that I can go to the database and we had none records before so I will select this again and we have this new blog post that we added from the form is now reflecting back inside a database so using the bloggy DB context and Entity framework code we were able to persist our changes back inside the database and we have all the values for all the individual Fields coming back over here as well [Music] in this lecture we will read the records that we saved in the database and show the list of all the blog posts in a nice bootstrap table for that we will come back to our code and I will first stop my application for this to happen I have to create a new Razer page inside the the blogs folder of the admin and we had the add page before so now we need a page where we can show the list of all the blog posts so I will create a page called list so that we can show all the blog posts so I will come to this folder and I will right click to add a new Razer page I will select the empty template and click on ADD I will give it a name of list and now we have a new web page a new Razer page with the name list in it as we have seen before the list eraser page also has a code behind so if you press F7 or you can navigate from here if you press F7 it toggles between the Razer page and the code behind class it has the ongate method and this is what we need as well so we want to load the records that we saved in the database inside the on get method or when the page loads so this is the method that gets hit when the page of the list page loads so we will have to call the database here and we know how we do that we use the bloggy DB context and first we have to inject this so we will create a Constructor [Music] so I will start type ctor and then press tab twice and inside here I will use Constructor injection and pass the block ETB context as a parameter just as we did in the ad.cshtml functionality so I will say bloggy DB context press Ctrl dot or control period to get this from the data folder give it a name and then press Ctrl dot to create an assign field a private field called bloggy DB context and now we can use this private field inside our on go on get method I will save this so I will use the context and try to access the blog posts table and you know blog posts is a DB set property of context so I can say dot blog posts so we are trying to access the blog posts table and then getting a list from there so I can say dot to list because we want to get all the items that are stored inside the blog posts and now it's time to show this on the Razer page of the list page so I can store this into a variable I have given it a name of blog posts signifying all the blog posts you can say blog post list and I have to create a public property so that I can show this uh all the blog posts inside the HTML so I will create a public property and you know the shortcut prop double tab and this will be a list of the domain model blog posts so I will say a list of blog post and press Ctrl dot to get this from the domain model and I will name this blog posts so I can use this public property and assign the value of what is coming from our database so instead of look storing it in a local variable I can use this and store it inside the public variable over here so now if everything will run fine our blog post variable will have some data in it so we can use it inside our HTML so going back to the HTML now we need to have an HTML structure so that we can show the list that we should want to show inside here and we will follow the same Convention as we used in the ad cshtml so I will copy the first div because it is the heading I will paste that here and I will change the heading the H1 tag to show to or to say uh blog posts you can say all blog posts or blog post list or anything like that and after that I have a container so I'll just use it on my own so I'll create another div with the class of container and inside the container I want to create a bootstrap table so I will create a table element and I will give it a class of table as well because that's the bootstrap class we want after that I can remove this TR because I want to create the T head first which signifies the heading for the table so T head in the T head we will have just one row so one TR and one TR will have a few columns so TDS the first TD will hold the ID then we will have the heading and you didn't want to show everything in here because the user should be able to click on one of these and then navigate to another page to see all the details so I will have limited information here the heading and the ID looks to be okay and if we need more information we'll just put it later on then along with the T head we will have the T body and the T body needs to contain all the list of blog posts that are stored in the database so we need some kind of a for each Loop in here so I will create a for each Loop using an add symbol as you know this is our razor page and we can write C sharp over here as well so using the add symbol I'm writing the for each Loop The Collection that we want to iterate on is the public property here so I can say [Music] model Dot blog posts so that's our public property and I will change the name of this item to say it's a single blog post so blog post after that I need to create all the rows so I will create I can copy this TR Str structure and paste it over here so we will create TRS for as many items we have as in the database and the TD will be coming from blog post over here so first is the ID use the ad symbol again blog post Dot ID and then we have the heading so again blog post Dot heading and save these changes so this looks good it's now time to test if we are able to pull back all the results and able to show it in the bootstrap table or not so I will run my application I don't have a way to navigate directly to the to the list of blog posts so I will just use the browsers URL over here so I will navigate to forward slash admin forward slash blogs forward slash list if you remember we created a razor page using this keyword and if I enter that it is trying to load this web page and you can see there's uh the heading for our table and it's pulling back the values coming from the database so if I show you the database we have just one entry in the database and hence it is only showing you one row inside the table we can add the link to this page inside our drop down navigation over here so let's come back to our application and let's open the layout page and inside the header where we have this drop down we only have one list item so along with that I would copy and paste it one more time this is a drop down item but it goes to admin slash blogs forward slash list so I will change it to list and also say let's say view all blog posts or you can say uh blog posts or anything that you like we have saved that and the hot reload has worked so coming back if I refresh this we should see two links and one of them goes to this link over here so we are able to successfully show the list of blogs on our page let's do another thing we if we are submitting our form and if it is successful we should be able to navigate back to our list page showing that it was a successful results so let's do that quickly for that let's come back to our code and inside our ad cshtml.code behind class we will come over here and change the type of this on post method from void to I action result so that we can return something from here and we want to redirect to a different page right we want to redirect to a list page so we will write return redirect to page and then in strings if you go here we have an overload method where it takes this page name as a string and the page name for our list page is coming from admin blogs list so we will provide that with a forward slash admin forward slash blogs forward slash list and we will close the statement and with that change I will run my application again I will go to admin and I will go to the add blog post page I will fill in some details here just a really quick one and when I submit this it comes here to the breakpoint I can now remove the breakpoint and continue on this so it's saving the changes to the database and it has redirected back to the list page upon a successful save so we have two items now in the blog post and if you see the database we now have two items here in the database as well [Music] in the last lecture we saw how we can list or read all the records from the database and show them in a nice bootstrap table in this one we are going to edit or update these records one by one and for that we have to navigate to another page so we want a view button over here or an edit button that takes us to another page which shows us all the information that we can edit and then using a submit button we should be able to update the details in the database so let's work on that let's first create another button over here which is like a view button so I will come back to my code I will stop my application and I will add a button to my list class over here so I'll go to the Razer Page by pressing F7 and in here we only have two columns so I will add another column for the heading I will just keep it as a space and for the actual column which is showing all the records we will have an anchor element so I will create an anchor element and the value of this anchor element will be just saying View and then we will have an href to this but what does the href be so for that as we said that using this button the user will be able to navigate to another page so that they can see the details and update them accordingly so we need to create another razor page as part of our Cloud operations and that will be inside blogs as well and we will call it edit so I will right click on blog add a new razor page and I will use the empty template click on ADD and I will name this one edit and click add so we have this new edit page over here now we have to read the information based on the ID coming from the list over here which is this one inside the edit page so let's do one thing let's give the href to this view button so that it takes this particular blog post into the edit page so for that we will use forward slash admin because we know what the location of the URL will be forward slash blogs and then forward slash edit and then we need one more information and that will be the ID of this blog post because that is important we will use this ID field to query the database again and get all the results for this ID so using the route parameter I will use the add symbol and say ID and it's coming from the blog post so I will use blog post dot ID so this way because we are using a for each Loop the anchor element will have the ID for that particular row and nothing else now we are passing this ID inside the URL but we also have to read it inside the edit page so that we can further use it so I will go to the code behind class and we need to read the ID over here so I will say the on get method uses a good and the name of the quid is ID and it has to be the same name as we will Define in the razor page so we will come back to the Razer page and where the top says add page we will accept a route parameter using a string and then in curly braces we will mention the name of the route parameter that will be ID and to constraint it or to make it type safe we will use the colon and then also mention the type of this ID we know that IDs in our application are of type Goods so I will mention good [Music] you have to make sure that the name of the route parameter that you are using in your page matches the parameter that you are giving inside the ongate method so that it is able to map it correctly now we have the ID coming inside the on get method we can make use of the blocky DB context and Entity framework core to query the database using this ID so we can inject the DB context inside our class using the Constructor injection so let's create a Constructor first so ctor double tab and now we can inject the blog ADB context as a parameter press Ctrl dot to import this and then give it a name and then press Ctrl dot again to create and assign this private field over here which we can use inside the ongate method so I will use the blocky DB context I will access the blog posts DB set or the blog posts table and then I will use the find attribute or we have a few other ways to do it as well you can use the first or default as well and you can also use the find attribute because it it uses the primary key of the table to search in the database and the primary key for our blog post table is the ID which we know so let's use the find and pass the ID to it using the statement it will give us a result and it could be a blog or it could be null because the ID was incorrect so let's store it in a variable first so variable blog post is coming from the database and now we will check if blog post is not equal to null that means we have to show it inside our our razor page so we will show that otherwise you can send them you can show them a 404 or something like that but we will just create a public property first and then show it inside our Razer page so for that I need a public property so p r o p and then it is a single blog post so I will say blog post press control Dot and it's coming from the domain models but if we show it from the domain models it will have to be uh you know uh coming it it will also take the ID as well so I'll I'll use this and I will call this blog post [Music] and let's just assign it directly and let's worry about the you know showing the 404 later on as well so this could be null as well that's why we are having the squiggly over here so we have the public property blog post which is having the information of the blog or it could be empty as well so now it's time to show this information inside the Razer page so I'll come over here and our edit page will look a lot similar like our ad page if you if you can imagine that so we'll show all the properties and we have all the properties inside our ad page so I will use some of the properties from this razor page so I'll copy all of it and then change it according to my need so I'll copy it and come back to my edit eraser page paste it let's first change the H1 tag the heading to say this is edit blog post after that we want to show the ID but we were not showing the ID for the add page so let's add another field on the top just after the form and we can say the ID is ID and the label for this is ID this is an input type of text and this is for we have to mention the public property we have but we don't have the bind property attribute that's why it's not showing it over here let's make it a two-way binding so let's come back to my code behind class by pressing F7 and let's make this public field with the attribute of bind property so that whenever the form is submitted later on we will also get the new values inside this blog post let's come back to the Eraser page and now we can use the blog post public property and this is the ID field so I'll change it to ID and for all these red squiggies that you show here we just have to use the public property and replace it with this so I'm doing a quick search and replace over here so that all of it is coming from the public property that I have so this looks fine and we have gotten ridden of the errors and if I save it it is now time to to see what it is looking like I'll make one more change for the ID we don't want to the user to change the ID so we will make it a read-only field and save that as well so now let's run our application [Music] the application is running and let's navigate to the blog posts which is the list of blog posts and you can see this new view anchor element over here and if I hover over it you can see on the left hand side bottom it goes to slash air admin forward slash blogs forward slash edit and then we have the ID inside the route and the ID matches the ID for this row over here so if I press the view button I should be able to see the details for this blog and it goes inside to the edit page as you can see in the URL and it has the ID as well inside the route so this is our route and it has gone back to the database to fetch all the details for this particular ID which is read only so the user can't change it and then we have all the information populated in here just because it was the same information let's open the first blog just to make sure if we are having different information being populated and you can see it's it's looking perfect so we have the information showing on this edit page but our button doesn't work at the moment because we don't have an on post method so we have to implement that functionality for that let's go back to our code and let's stop our application I will go to the code behind class for this edit file using F7 and we only have the on get method over here so I will first create an on post method so public void on post and then this on post method will make use of this public property which is also binded to the form so the values coming from the form that the user wants to change are also coming over here I will make use of this and I will also query the database so that I can update the database using the bloggy DB context so let's do that let's first query the database again so I'll use the same query in here now the ID doesn't come from the parameter but it comes from the blog post so I can say blog post dot ID it tries to go to the database and find this blog post for me so I will change this to be a variable and say existing blog post [Music] now we have an existing blog post and we have a blog post coming from the form that we submitted so now we have to change the values of the existing blog post to the values coming from the form so we will say if existing blog post is not equal to null then we have to change the fields that we want to change not the ID but everything else so the heading is coming from the blog post dot heading and after that we have similar properties so let's say page title [Music] is coming from blog post Dot Page title we have the content and then we have the short description [Music] and then we have a few other fields so let's go back to the blog post domain model so we have featured image URL so let's do that [Music] paste it then we have the URL handle [Music] after that we have published date author and visible so we have published date [Music] we have the author [Music] and we have the visible property also make sure that you are not missing a property over here and you can again follow the same rule or advice that you can keep these in order so that you don't miss a property after we have updated the existing blog post it is now time to save our changes because bloggy DB context and Entity framework is already tracking this so we don't have to use an update statement we just have to save the changes so using the bloggy DB context we will use the save I'm sorry using the blogging DB context we will use the save changes method to save our changes to the database and with that we can also redirect this back to the list page upon successful update so I will change the method from void to iaction result and down at the bottom after the success of this I will return redirect to page [Music] and I will use a string to navigate to the list page so forward slash admin forward slash blogs forward slash list and close the statement so now our functionality for the edit button is done as well let's test it I will start my application let's navigate to the blog posts page and let's change this blog post over here so I'll click on view and I will change a few properties let's say this is another heading this is another page title and you can make some more changes over here somewhere just to test it out and I will you know turn off the visible property and I will change the name to my name so I will submit these changes and hopefully our blogging DB context will save the changes back to the database so I'll submit it and it has correctly navigated back to our list page upon a successful update so let's see and let's confirm if this was successful we have the headings now the ones that we updated and all the other details as well and even the check box and to double confirm it we can come back and execute our table again and as you can see the second record now has the updated or edited fields [Music] so our edit functionality or the update functionality as part of our crud works in the next lecture we will go ahead and work on the delete functionality we have made great progress as part of our Cloud operations and we have implemented the create read and update part of that functionality it's now time to implement the delete functionality and for that we will have a button inside the edit blog post page somewhere around here and we will use that button to delete this blog post if the admin wants to so let's go back to the code first and I'll stop my application in the edit page I first want to show another button which submits the form or which takes you to the code behind so that I can make use of the bloggy DB context to delete the blog post from the database so as part of this div class I only have one button but I will create another button and I will give this a class of button and button Danger that's a bootstrap class which gives you a red color button and that will signify that this could be used as a delete functionality the type of this button is submit so type is equal to submit and then the name of this button would say delete so I will have delete button over here now to separate these two buttons we can have this button right to the end so I will give this div a class of deflex that means I want to display this as a flex and then I want to have the justify content between so that I have space between these two buttons and they are arranged well on either sides of that row [Music] we have added the button and it Summits the same form that we have over here and if we look at the code behind by pressing F7 it goes to this on post method over here so how will our button uh recognize which what functionality to implement whether to implement the update functionality or whether to implement the delete functionality because we are using the same form so razor Pages gives us a very nice way wherein we can create page handlers and we can tell the button that when you are clicked and you are submitting the form please go to this handle or this action method so I will first change this existing method and give it a page Handler and I will also Implement that in the button over here so I am on the edit CS HTML and I will first change the existing submit button I will add an asp for attribute sorry ASP page Handler attribute and the value of this page Handler attribute would be let's say edit or you can say update but you have to give the same name so I will copy this name and I will go back to the code behind and now I will change my method name to say on post edit and this edit text over here or the value will act as a page Handler so when this submit button is clicked inside the Razer page with the ASP page Handler as edit it will go to this method over here with the word edit in it [Music] now that we have taken care of the existing button it's now time to also give a page Handler to the delete button so I will have the ASP page Handler attribute and the value for that one as your right is delete so we will have to create an on post method for the delete page Handler so I will come back to my CS class and I will create another on post method so I will say public I action result on post and on post keyword in the action name tells dotnet and Razer pages that this is a post method otherwise you can also annotate this method with the HTTP post attribute over here like this so I will have the on post method and then I will also have the page Handler name that is delete which matches the button over here and now we know that the on post method delete will come to this method when the button is clicked so as we were doing before we want to get the ID and we want to first check the database if this blog post exists and if it does we want to delete that blog post so let's search the ID first and we will use the same query we will say variable existing blog is equal to we will use blocky DB context to go to the blog posts DB set and find the unique identifier and that's coming from the form which we can access through this property so I will say blog post dot ID [Music] after that we have to check if the blog exists so if existing blog is not equal to null then we have to remove the block so we have to call DB context again use the DB set property so blog posts and then use the remove method and then the remove method takes the domain object completely so we can use this domain object if it was found then please remove it and finally let's not forget to call Save changes so blog a DB context dot save changes now after a successful uh successful deletion we want the user to be redirected back to the list of pages so we will use the same return statement as we did before so return redirect to page [Music] and then in strings we will pass the name of the page we want to redirect to and that's forward slash admin forward slash blogs forward slash list I will close the statement and I also want to return this to somewhere if this was not found and we will Implement that later on but I can just return the view for now but later on uh so I return the page but later on we will make sure we show some kind of a message on the screen telling the user that this user or this blog post was not found so save those changes and it is now time to test our changes so I will start the application our application is running so I will navigate to the list of blog posts and let's choose this one the second one it is showing me the details now let's also test our edit button if it still works because we made changes to it so I will update the author name and put my full name in here and submit the value takes me back to the list page meaning that it was successful let's confirm that so my full name is showing now so the edit functionality still works and now it's time to use the delete functionality that we've implemented so I will click on this delete button and it takes me back to the list page and you can see there's no element now or no blog post with that ID so we have successfully implemented our credit operations that is create read update and delete in the next few lectures we will go ahead and enhance our experience using these Cloud operations so we will do some more advanced level stuff like asynchronous programming and we will also create a repository so that we can we don't have to directly call the the DB context from the page rather we will call the repository and the repository we'll call the DB context all of that in the next few lectures in this lecture we will use the power of asynchronous programming and make our methods asynchronous you probably already read about asynchronous programming async and await keywords are used everywhere no matter which programming language we choose talking about the dotted framework and c-sharp in particular we have some native functions classes and reserved keywords that we can use to implement asynchronous tasks and workflows in our project we could Define asynchronous programming as the way of executing programming code in a thread without having to wait for an input output bound or CPU bound tasks to finish input output bound operations could be a file system access HTTP requests API calls or database queries So based on this let's go ahead and make changes to our code to make our methods asynchronous I am back to my code and I have to change the methods that we created inside the pages folder and we worked on the admin section inside blogs and we have these three classes that we created and we have to make these one by one asynchronous so that we can you know have the power of asynchronous programming so I'll first start with the add plus so I will open the code behind class for the add file and in here we have this method on post and we are trying to make database calls so if you remember the definition if you are making database calls it's probably a good thing to make use of asynchronous programming and Entity framework core helps us achieve that so in order to change this to a async method we will first start with the definition of the method and we will make this asynchronous by adding the keyword async now I have to wrap this I action result inside a task so this becomes a task of type I action result after that we have to change the uh the way we are calling bloggy DB context we have this add method but Entity framework core also provides us the asynchronous method in case you want to use it and in our case we will use it so we have another method called add async so if you start typing add async we have this method so we will use that if you are not seeing this method please press Ctrl Dot and pull in the dependencies over here now because we are using the async method it is suggesting us that we use the await keyword because this call is not awaited execution of the current method continues before the call is completed so we have to use the await keyword [Music] and the next line is also from the DB context so we have another method called save changes async so we will change our method instead of save changes we will use Save changes async and because we are using the async method we can use the await keyword here as well [Music] so with these two changes we can save it and now our add function should work as is we will test all our functionality once we have made changes to all our files so let's go to the edit class now and let's open the edit cshtml.cs file here we have two methods the on get and the AUST on post methods let's first start with the on get method we are making a call to the database so this method also needs to be asynchronous so let's change the structure first let's make it asynchronous and because this was returning a void before let's make it just a task now we can use another method which Entity framework core gives us which is find async so I'll use find async instead of find and because we are using the async method we have to use the await keyword over here now it suggests me that there could be a possible null reference assignment so in our HTML we will check if this is not null and if it is then we'll just show a message so we'll come back to the edit page over here and we have to wrap this segment inside an if statement so I'll first start the if statement and I can use the add symbol to write my C sharp code I will say if model Dot blog post is not equal to null that means it has some value I will open the brackets [Music] and then I will place my my section the div which shows all the elements inside this if statement so I have cut it and pasted it inside the if statement if my blog post was returned as a null from the database then I will use an else statement and in here I will have a div [Music] with a class of container and then inside that I will have a paragraph and I will say blog post not found or you can have a different message so with that change we now have our on get method as asynchronous and using the fine async method we are able to return that blog post back to our razor page now we have made the on get method as asynchronous it's now time to make the on post methods which are edit and delete asynchronous as well we will start with the edit method first I will change the structure I will add the async keyword and wrap the I action result inside a task and now I have to change the usings of the bloggy DB context I know I have a find async method so I will use that instead and because we are using the async method I can use the await keyword over here [Music] after that we are mapping this inside our existing blog post so that's fine and finally we save the changes so we can call the save changes async method as well so let's call Save changes async and a weight on it and finally if everything was successful it returns back to the list page now we have to change the on post delete method so again the same Theory we have to change the structure to async and wrap this inside a task [Music] then we were finding the blog post in the database so use the async keyword and await on it [Music] after that we don't have any method for the remove so remove stays the same you can check it but remove doesn't have an asynchronous method but finally we will have the save changes async over here and because we are using the async method we will use the await keyword and upon a successful delete we will return back to the list page [Music] now we have changed two pages the final page is the list page so I will open the list.cshtml.cs file in here we are using the ongate method to retrieve all the list so let's change this as well use the async keyword and instead of avoid let's use a task instead then we can have the extension to list async which also Entity framework code provides us so using to list async as you can see it is not available to us by default so I will click over here and press Ctrl dot or control period And I will import this using statement so I have imported using Microsoft dot Entity framework core to use this method and then I can convert this or I can use the await keyword because this is an async method now I have to go to the Razer file and wrap all of this inside an if statement because otherwise we won't be able to see any results so I will say if [Music] model dot blog posts is not equal to null then show me the details of it [Music] so I will delete everything from here and cut paste everything inside the if block and I will also have an else statement which will say which will have a div [Music] and that will have a class of container and again I can have a paragraph inside it which says no blog posts were found and again you can have a different message so if the blog posts were found I will display them in the table otherwise I will show this message so let's run our application now because we have finished making all our methods asynchronous Let's test this and I will run my application [Music] the application is running let's navigate to the list of blogs [Music] we are able to see the list of blogs as before and now let's open the view button we are able to see a single block details so all of the details are here let's change this to see if the edit functionality still works let's submit that and it returns back to the list page the records were updated fine as well so that means the edit functionality also works fine let's try the delete functionality and it comes back over here which means the delete functionality also works let's see if we are able to see that message again that if there are no blogs we should see the no blogs found message so I will delete this blog as well and we don't see that message because we not have the blog posts as null we are having that as an empty list so you can say here if they are not null and if this contains any so model dot blog posts dot count or you can say dot any [Music] then show this list otherwise show this message so I will hot reload my application and refresh this now you see that we have the message no blog posts were found because there were zero blog posts before this makes our application asynchronous and moving forward we will be only using asynchronous methods and in our application in this lecture we will understand the repository pattern and we will Implement that in our application this repository design pattern in c-sharp mediates between the domain and the data mapping layers using a collection like interface for accessing the domain objects in other words we can say that repository design pattern acts as a middleman or the middle layer between the rest of the application and the data access logic that means a repository pattern isolates all the data access code from the rest of the application the advantage of doing that is that if you need to make any changes all of those changes are in one place now so you just have to make changes to the repositories that you have and then all the controllers or web pages that implements these repositories will just remain the same so let's go back to our code and create some repositories and also Implement those report repositories inside our web pages the process of creating repositories and using them is very simple first you have to create an interface for the repository then you have to implement that after that we will inject them inside our program.cs file inside the services collection and then we can use it wherever so let's first start with the interfaces I will create a project or a folder outside the pages so inside my web application I will right click add a new folder and I will call this repositories [Music] inside these repositories folder I will have interfaces for my repositories so the first interface I want to create is for the blog post model and I want to you know do operations to the blog post DB set or the table so I will first create an interface for that so I will right click on the repositories and add a new class and I will change this to an interface so you can select interface and let's name this interface now so I will call this I just to donate that this is an interface so I will call this I blog post Repository and I will add this so I have a public interface I blog post repository now I need some methods here and if you know what interfaces are we need to create some definitions of the methods that we want to implement inside classes so the methods here would be something like like get all the blog posts get a single blog post you would like to delete a blog post and update it as well so we will Implement all those methods in here one by one so we will first start with getting all the blog posts and I know we have already done the implementation but now we have to implement them using the repository pattern so I will first create a definition so I will first start with the definition of the all blog posts so I will say task and that will be of type I enumerable or I can say a list and that will be of type domain model which is blog post and I will say control dot to get this from the domain models and I will name this method get all async [Music] so this is the get all async method for the blog post repository using this method I am getting all the blog posts stored inside the database so this is just the definition we will soon create the implementation and we already have a lot of code for it inside our pages so we will reuse a lot of that the next method would be to get a single blog post so I will create another definition and that will be task of type single blog post so just a blog post and that will be get async and I will get this using the unique identifier and that is ID and that is of type good and I will give it the ID name [Music] so using this method we should be able to get a single block post from the database using the unique identifier after that we need to create three other methods one is for update the second one will be delete and the third one will be add so let's start with the ad first so for the ad I will return a single blog post because I'm adding a single blog post so I will return this later on whenever this is successfully added I will name this method add async and this would accept the blog post as in the domain model so I can write post as a name or blog post [Music] after that we have two other method spending so one is the update and similar to the above we will have task of type blog post then we will have the update async method as the name and after that the parameter of that would be blog post [Music] and finally we have the delete method so that will be a task and you can have a Boolean type or anything else so let's keep it as a Boolean which is a return type and the name would be delete async and this takes a unique identifier as well because it just needs the ID of the blog post to delete so that will be of type quit and the name is ID so we have all the definitions now ready inside our interface it's now time to create a class which will act as an implementation of this interface so let's create that inside the repositories folder right click add a new class and I will call this blog post Repository and this will act as an implementation of the interface so we have to inherit the interface and that's I blog post repository so add that and you immediately see a red squiggly over here telling me that we have some errors because we haven't we are implementing this interface but we haven't implemented all the methods inside this interface because that's a must so let's use the shortcut I will control dot over here on this repository name and I will use this Implement interface and get the structures for all the methods that I had created as a definition inside the interface so now now let's go ahead and Implement them one by one I will first start with the add functionality and if you remember we have created the add functionality already so let's go back to the code inside pages admin blogs and then let's go to the code behind class of the add page [Music] on the on post method we have these two lines that are typically saving our changes to the database using the blogging DB context and we have this blocky DB context because we were injecting that inside the Constructor so we'll come back and create a Constructor inside our blog post Repository so that we can make use of the DB context and if later on we want to replace that DB context we will just have to work inside repositories and no other web page and that's the power of using repositories so I will say ctor to create my Constructor and using Constructor injection I will inject the bloggy DB context [Music] press Ctrl Dot and using the data folder I will import it then I will create a name for it and then press Ctrl dot again to create and assign this field so now we have a private read-only field bloggy DB context which we can use inside all of these methods to talk to our database now we can use the blog ADB context inside the add method over here so I can remove the throw new non-implemented exception I can take that away and then using what we did before I can come back to the post method and copy these two lines over here because that's what we were doing to save our blog post so I will copy that and paste it over here so we are taking a blog post we are adding it to the database and then we are saving changes and because this is an asynchronous operation we have to use the async keyword over here and that solves all the red errors and that's that's gone away after the save changes Entity framework core has given us a unique identifier for this blog post so we can return this blog post from the interface or the repository back to whoever is calling us and in this case we will call this repository method from the add page but that's for a later video in a similar fashion we will go ahead and update the other functions so let's start with the get all method and I can remove this line and implement the get all operation I will start by making this an asynchronous function then I can use the bloggy DB context or we have already done this before so I can go back to the list page in the Cs file and I can use this method over here copy that and then come back to my repository to paste it now we are getting the list from here the list async method doesn't exist so I need to do a control dot over here and import this using statement so I have using Microsoft dot Entity framework core and that way I can use the tool list async method finally because we are getting called to this method from somewhere outside we have to return this so let's put a return keyword and this method now Returns the list of blog posts back to the list page or we will make those changes soon as well [Music] next we have to work on the get single blog post or the get async method and we were doing that inside the edit page so I'll open the logic and inside the on get method we were using the find async method so I will copy the statement the highlighted part come back to my Repository and I will replace that over here and using the same thing I can use the async keyword because now this is an async method I can return the blog post that was found from the database and it can be null as well if the ID doesn't exist we are left with two other functions which is the delete and the update so let's work on the update first we have the update functionality inside the edit method again so I will open the class and on the on post edit method we are first finding the record if we found the record we are replacing that and then saving the changes so let's do that let's copy from here to the existing blog and let's take all of this code inside our Repository [Music] inside the update method I will replace this line with the copied code now we have to make this function asynchronous [Music] and then we have to first find this ID so this needs to change to whatever is coming from here which is blog post dot ID if the blog post was found that means it is not null then we need to replace this existing blog post with the data coming from the updated blog post so I can make all of these changes over here so instead of the capital blog post we have to use what is coming inside of the method and with that easy change we are now updating our existing blog post and then saving changes to the database finally using the return keyword I can return the existing blog post back to whoever is calling us now it's finally time to implement the delete method [Music] and in here we will use the ID to First find it so we can go back to the edit page again and we have the on post delete method so let's expand that and we were first finding if the blog existed and if it was then we were removing that blog and saving the changes so let's do something similar let's first copy this line and replace it here now if the blog was found let's say if existing blog is not equal to null then we have to call the DB context to remove it and before that let's also make this function asynchronous [Music] now let's use bloggy DB context to talk to the table blog posts and use the remove method and pass the existing blog [Music] if you come back to the edit page it's the same thing we are doing over here but we will change this functionality and we will now use blog repository instead of doing all the logic over here so after removing the blog I want to use the context again so await bloggy DB context dot save changes async and if this was successful let's return a true otherwise let's return a false [Music] we have this error because we don't have an ID because we don't have to use the ID like that we have the ID getting passed to us inside the method so we will use this instead so we have implemented all the five methods inside our repository it's now time to inject this interface and the implementation of this interface inside the services of our Repository we will do that in the next lecture and after injecting that inside the services we will also change the code of our web pages to use the repository rather than the context directly because that's a bad practice if you want to learn more about eraser pages and want to continue finishing this application with me please jump to the link below where you will get this course at an amazing price as you saw in the introduction video this course covers a lot of other Concepts that are needed to build an amazing Real World blog application so what are you waiting for jump on the link and finish this amazing course
Channel: Sameer Saini
Views: 23,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: razor pages, core razor pages, 6 razor pages, .net 6 razor pages, razor pages, web application, mvc application, .net web application, core web app, core web application, .net core web application, .net 6 web app, .net 6 web application, razor pages crud, razor pages tutorial, razor vs mvc, razor pages vs mvc, razor pages in core in hindi
Id: 3gthVb11Juc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 28sec (9508 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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