ASMR 가장 전문적인 한국식 두피관리 | 이어 테라피 | Best Hair Spa

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Hello. Hello, welcome to Celbio. Do you have a reservation. Yes. Please disinfect your hands. (Your temperature is normal) I'll guide you. Okay. Please come this way. Hello. Please sit here. Okay. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I'll check your scalp. Okay. The follicles are not infected. Okay. It looks so dirty. That's because you have dirt accumulated in your pores. And your hair cannot breathe. I will give you a scalp scaling to get rid of the dirt. Okay, thank you. I'll start the cell health check. Ms. Shili, your cell age is normal. The moisture content is 30%, so you need to drink much more water. The fat level is normal. Okay. I will now remove it. Okay. I will start. I'll start the scalp scaling. It will be cold. Please turn your head a little bit. Okay. I will do the other side. It's cold. I'll spray on the back of your head with the sprayer. Okay. It's cold. Okay. I'll now start the galvanic. Okay. This is a warm eye massage pack. I'll start the first shampoo. It will be cold. Now, we will go to the shampoo room. Okay. Please lie down comfortably. Okay. Please get up. Okay. This way, please. Okay. This is a hot towel. Okay. Please lie down comfortably. I'll relieve the fascia of your scalp. Please feel the vibrations. Now we wil do the aroma breathing. Breathe in with your nose. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I will now give you a massage. Okay. Please turn your head. It will sting. Is this okay? Yes. I'll do the other side. Please wear the massager on your ears. It will sting a bit and you will hear a sound. Okay. It hurt, right? It was okay. It was okay? Yes. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for the good job. I will dry your hair with cold air. Now, I'll check the results. (It got really clean) The dirt on your scalp was really cleaned out. I gave you ear therapy to help your metabolism be smoother. It hurts a bit, right? It hurts a bit, but my ears got soft. Your ears got soft? Yes My scalp feels so refreshed. It feels refreshed? Yes, thank you. Bye bye.
Channel: ShiliASMR
Views: 11,066,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HEAD SPA, HAIR SPA, 비듬제거, 탈모치료, 귀마사지, 헤드마사지, Ear Therapy
Id: mA-2rErIelo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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