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您好 欢迎光临 Hello, welcome. 你好 我预约过了的 Hi, I made a reservation. 哦预约过的啊? Oh, did you make a reservation? 对 Yes. 好的 这边坐一下吧 All right. Sit down here please. 好 Yes. 咱这边给您换一下鞋吧 Please change your shoes. 给您的鞋子消毒一下 I'll sterilize your shoes. 行 Yes. 帮您消一下毒 I'll sterilize your shoes. 哦 谢谢 Thank you. 这样就它自己就在消毒吗? Does the machine sterilize itself? 对 这个就是定时消毒的 Yes, this is a time-setting sterilization. 咱这边房间请吧 Please come to this room. 哦 好 Okay. 来 这边 This way. 这里面请 Come in. 这边还有消毒室呢 There's a sterilization room here. 对 这是咱家独立的杀菌消毒室 Yes, this is our own sterilization room 这是消毒工具用的 and it's used to disinfect ear-cleaning tools. 来 咱里面请 come in. 好 谢谢 Yes, thank you. 您好 我是本店专业采耳师三号 Hello, I'm professional ear cleaner 3 of this store. 很高兴为您服务 I'm glad to serve you. 手先消个毒哦 I'll disinfect my hands first. 好的 Yes. 是第一次做采耳吗? Is this your first time cleaning your ears? 不是 No. 但是我好久没有采耳了 But I haven't cleaned my ears for a long time. 先帮您介绍一下我们家的工具哦 First let me introduce you to our shop's ear-cleaning tools. 我们入耳操作的羽毛类工具的话都是一次性的 The feather-type tools that we use for the inner ear are all disposable. 然后一个客人一套 We use one set per person 就是做完之后你可以打包带走 and you can take it with you once we're done. 如果不带走我们会当场销毁 If you don't take it, we discard it here 保证是一客一套 so that we would only use one set per person. 不会重复使用 避免交叉感染 We assure you that we won't reuse it. 避免交叉感染 It is to avoid cross infection. 好 Good. 然后金属类工具的话都是达到高温高压医疗器械标准消毒的 As for metal tools, we have disinfected all of them according to the high-temperature, high-pressure medical device standards. 您可以看一下咱们这边有个黑色条 Look, there is a black line here. 它没有消毒完成之前是蓝色的 It's blue before disinfection 消毒成功之后就是黑色的 and turns black after disinfection. 所以我们这个是已经消毒成功的 So this has already been disinfected. 您看一下是完整的 See if it's new. 我现在打开哦 Now I'll open the packaging. 好的 Ok. 距离上次采耳有多长时间了? How long has it been since you last got your ears cleaned? 我觉得应该有三四个月 Probably 3,4 months. 三四个月哦 3,4 months? 对 Yeah. 应该里面会有些小碎屑 There would probably be little crumbs in your ear. 好的 先帮您检查一下耳道哦 Good, first I will examine inside your ear 嗯 Okay 里面就会有小碎屑 There are small crumbles inside the ear 来 你可以看一下 See 碎屑比较多 There are pretty many crumbles 有小碎屑 There is a small crumble 整体来说是比较健康的哦 Overall, you have a relatively healthy ear 没我想象中的多嘛 It’s less than I expected 它是耳道的一个正常分泌 Earwax is a normal secretion of the ear 然后我们开始了哦 Now, I will start 嗯 Okay 很痒吗? Do you have a tickling sensation? 对 Yes, I do 采耳的话它就是一个酥麻痒的感觉 So getting your ear cleaned is thrilling and tickling 这个湿棉签会有点凉凉的 This wet cotton swab can be a little bit cold 嗯 Okay 有点痒痒的? Is it a bit tickling? 里面有响声 I hear some noise inside my ear 对 它碰到耳膜它就会有沙沙的声音 Yes, you can hear some sweeping sound if the swab touches your eardrum 刚用了湿棉签现在用干棉签搽一下哦 I used a wet swab earlier, and I will wipe your ear with a dry one now 嗯 Okay 这是马毛 This is horse hair. 以前就喜欢用头发丝打耳膜 Long time ago, people liked to touch their eardrums with hair. 这个毛毛就代替了头发丝 Horse's hair replaced the human's hair. 这是鹤毛 This is a crane's feather. 这是鹅毛 This is goose's feather. 好 这只耳朵还有什么不舒服的吗? Good. Is there anything uncomfortable left with this ear? 没有 No, fine. 好 咱们项目结束了哦 All right, our service is done. 好 谢谢 Yes, thank you. 采耳的毛毛工具需要带走吗? Are you going to take the ear-cleaning feather tool? 是哪一个? What can I take? 就这一套 This set. 这些都可以带走啊? Can I take all of these? 对 都可以带走 Sure, you can take it all. 好的 谢谢 Yes, thank you. 好 给您装起来哦 Okay, I'll wrap it for you. 嗯 Yes. 好 Good. 工具带回去的话 不要平凡使用 Don't use the tool too often. 嗯 Okay. 好 给您放这儿哦 Okay, I'll put it here. 好 谢谢 Yes, thank you. 咱们采耳项目就结束了 Our ear cleaning service is over. 舒服 It's cool!
Channel: 시리TV Shili
Views: 7,273,348
Rating: 4.887167 out of 5
Keywords: ear cleaning, 귀청소, ASMR
Id: 4cWsRNJcszw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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