ASMR Perfectionist Photoshoot Hair Fixing, Makeup, Outfit, Jewelry Finishing Touches 'Unintentional'

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gonna go ahead and do a few finishing touches I'll touch up your hair see a little bit of flyways and things like that also make sure that your makeup's not too shiny for the camera okay so's start with your hair have very beautiful wavy hair thank you just going to make sure that it looks very polished I really like using Photoshop as as little as possible so just try for it to work perfect okay so I'm kind focusing on this part of the hair that going be invisible on the photos okay okay I know that there's a little bit of Frizz Be applying a little bit of this spray okay that's going to help us steam Flyway and a little bit of shine here one that but so I'm going to be putting a roller couple of rollers actually this part of the hair just to try to give it a little bit more volume for we're trying to preserve a same wavy Style just trying to perfect these two little pieces are going to be very important for framing the face have a little bit of water you can go ahead and turn this way okay there's quite a few flyways on this here I see a few baby hairs as well that we would want to make sure they stay in place going to be using this wax that's specifically to tame flyways be putting it first on my hand and just very gly putting this on your hair just to make sure we don't leave any residue it's looking great just make sure that it doesn't end up too flat don't want to take too much the volume or for it to look to L down right okay that is great since I'm already in this area I'm going to go ahead and brush her eyebrows as well and turn towards going apply a little bit of clear eyebrow to make sure they stay in place okay this perfect okay see a little smudge on your mascara just going to go ahead and try to war okay now I see that your ey Shadow is already wearing out I'm going to be retouching that a little bit super neutral add a little bit of Shine for the holidays okay good I look at me they're beautiful okay I do notice that your lips are a little bit dry going to have you grab a little bit of this lip B okay perfect I'll just let that absorb a little bit and then we'll be on some lip gloss okay I want to fix the little bit of shine you have on your face just going to be usually these absorbing pths absorb any oil okay let's go ahead and apply a little bit of powder just focusing [Music] on bottom part of the eye the t- zone areas T to get a little bit shiny just add a tiny bit more blush very gently okay I'm going to be applying a little bit of w to your right side for for okay go ahead and apply a little bit of lip [Music] gloss you open your eye to your eyes your mouth just half open this a very nude natural color matches your lips perfectly I'm actually going to give you this one to take home with you it's a free sample if you really like it than you then you can let you know if you want to buy the full size okay let's start fixing your jacket just making sure that have any wrinkles or no je okay you see a tiny tiny thread in there okay M I'm just going to be making sure there's no l through any stains okay see little stain right here so we definitely be taking care of that it's a very beautiful Blazer right the way all okay okay going to be using a blend roller just making sure that we don't leave anything that's going to show up on the photos okay there's some [Music] bottle okay making sure all the little sads and the BLS are facing same direction sh sh okay there's something little else around that is sticking out just going to try to put this back okay this looks pretty good I'm going to be removing your hair rollers yeah make sure that this is framing your face not covering it looks really really great I have a pair of earrings everything would go really well with your outfit would you want to try them on [Music] yeah for [Music] [Music] okay I think that looks amazing I'm giving you mirror go ahead and just take a look there's something you would want me to still fix let me know I think it looks really good good okay okay so I'm going to be putting this away so now I just want to make sure that we fix the lighting to your liking go ahead and you can look right here to see if there's something that you like better than what we have right [Music] now so we could go going to be testing it you'll see it on this side but then we can go ahead and match both if you want to actually do light green okay would be okay I'm thinking we can do how do you feel about like a teal color like something between green and blue yeah go ahead and give that a try so definitely okay so I think that looks really good I think it matches the Christmas doity yeah okay it's really good on your skin thank you and we can try a few different lights as well okay so I'm going to go ahead and start um the photo shoot okay okay mat so I'm going to start with the photos I'm going to be using a couple different cameras first I just want to do a few candid shots and then I'm going to have you look at our main camera that's located over there so I'm just going to do a few tests just make sure I adjust image okay I'm going to have you a look here okay now give me a smile like holiday cheer okay now think about why you want to take this photos so the people that you're going to show these to just think about the joy they're going to feel when they see these photos okay I'm going to have you look at this camera over here just okay perfect just cheing removing this microphone out right there okay beautiful now a smile bigger smile Joy smile that's beautiful perfect so I think we got really good shots okay okay is there something else you would like to try today oh no that I'm excited to see the final photos okay perfect well um it's going to take me about a week to process them it's a very long time yeah that is normal time if you do want to get the express option that would be an extra charge well as long as I have them like a week before Christmas I that should be good yeah definitely will happen so just give me about a week and I'll send you a few options you can tell me which ones you like best and then we can just retouch them if you if they need anything okay thank you thank you okay happy holidays thanks you too
Channel: Ivy B ASMR
Views: 253,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr hair fixing, asmr hair fixing real person, asmr makeup, asmr makeup real person, asmr makeup roleplay, asmr perfectionist, asmr perfectionist fixing, asmr perfectionist hair fixing, asmr perfectionist makeup, asmr photographer roleplay, asmr photoshoot, asmr photoshoot real person, asmr photoshoot rp, asmr hair rollers, hair styling, hair fixing, finishing touches, hair play, unintentional asmr, photoshoot fixing, asmr precise hair fixing
Id: 0axcjeI3fNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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