송강의 화이트데이 ASMR (잘생긴 사람,,,,,최고,,) [Eng Sub]

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This makes me feel very weird Let's get some food puppyy Hey everyone it's Song Kang How are you guys? I've been filming a new drama lately it's been really busy every day I hope to see you all soon on screen And be careful of the virus Now let's start today's contents Ohh it's so loud I've been wondering about this one from earlier, let's start with this I can hear so loudly Eh? Maybe it's jelly? I'll eat something else this tastes like nothing Oh How about this one This one you just pour into mouth it's good I was hungry right now This crunching sound tempts me After this is over, I'm gonna go eat tonkatsu This is kinda fun Should I go again? I will Tastes soo good When I initially chew it, it sounds as if I'm walking on snow garden (So serious) I need to eat this again So good x2 So good x3 So good x4 At this rate, I feel like I will finish eating everything for you guys So I'll stop here And pack these We will now put these snacks into jars What? I did eat a lot Oh here's some more This is a kind I haven't seen before I guess a new one This one I remember eating a lot in elementary school It made me go to the dentist often :( Looks pretty Jelly! Now this one OH this It's Coke taste I'm eating this Doesn't it sound amazing I feel little weird doing this Listening to me eating It sounds satisfying though chocolate This is my favorite chocolate I can't use my hand so it's a bit loud So I'll eat this chocolate (?) So good x5 Now, I'm packing these nicely It's my first time packing but I'll try my best Which should I start with? This It's kinda hard ok it worked I like doing this Now that I try it, it is really fun I'll be putting these stickers too for you guys right here Sticker made it so much better This time I'll just pack with a thread puppy sticker cute stickers here dog foods too baby puppy perfect this one seems little lonely lemme add more It's for you here you go I gave him food Doesn't this one look good? Time to pack now everyone lots of chocolate Let's change the color now to pink I'll tie it it's beautiful To add some more, Let's add more ties Perfectt Now I finished one do you like it? this was my first time packing stuff But it's really good Perfection I'm thinking about writing letters to you guys Let's start These are bad for your teeth, take them slowly We put a lot of effort into it Hope you like eating it Hey everyone, I really enjoyed trying this ASMR I don't know how you guys like it makes me a bit nervous We're also working hard on the drama Please look forwards tO IT? (Voice crack) My gifts from today if you got them, please think of me while eating them I will head out now Everyone, Please be healthy BYeee
Channel: 나무엑터스 NAMOOACTORS Official
Views: 3,123,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 나무엑터스, NAMOOACTORS, NAMOOACTORS OFFICIAL, 송강, 화이트데이, 사탕, 초콜릿, 먹방, SONGKANG, ASMR, Mukbang, Valentines, Chocolate, Candy, Lovealarm, 좋알람, 좋아하면울리는, Love Alarm, 넷플릭스, netflix
Id: 4LoTel5m6EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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