ASMR 😪 5년 더 여려보이는 피부관리와 얼굴 마사지👍 팅글 수면

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"Hello~" “I made a reservation for 11 o’clock.”, “Let me check." "Are you Ms.Este?" “I will consult with you first.” "This way please.", "Thank you" "What's your skin concern?" "I feel like my skin has lost elasticity and is sagging these days." “Among the sessions in our spa, there is a lifting treatment called x-mode that adds volume to the skin.” “I think it would be good to receive this x-mode treatment, which can add volume to your face and lift saggy skin.” “Then, Let's go inside and I'll give you treatment. This way please." “Before we start the skin care treatment, I will measure your moisture level first.” “As you can see, the moisture measurement result is bad at 12%.” “So, I will give you a treatment to increase moisture content.” "I see. Thank you" “I’m going to apply peppermint to help your scalp circulate.” Hi guys~ it's Este. :) I brought you a face care video that makes the skin firmer through lifting. The weather is getting colder. So ...(?) please like and subscribe! Haha🙏 “I will deliver a lemon aroma that helps circulation and fatigue recovery.” "???"(I don't know what she said.T.T) “Let’s start cleansing. It starts with the chin.” The bed was warm and her hands were cool.... PERFECT! Above all, I felt happy since the spa's décor was lovely. It also had a Korean vibe. Her sincerity shone through in each interior and accessory detail! Cleaned my face with toner. I like this sound! Do you see the Christmas decorations on the table next to me? It seems like Christmas has already begun here! It's always an uneventful Christmas day, but I don't know why I look forward to it. Haha! Looking forward to a white Christmas this year...🌨️ Guys~ I have something to tell you~ I had such a good dream a few days ago that I bought 5 lottery tickets. But as expected, it was all a failure! But the funny thing is... After that, wherever I go, there's the last remaining parking spot! Maybe I received the last parking spot as a gift instead of a lottery ticket. :) I'm giggling to myself like this haha! What luck have you had these days? May happiness like luck always be with you....❤️ The sound is soooo good, right? It was fun to feel bubbles forming on my face. :) The feel of the brush was so, so, so soft and nice!! was Tingle itself! Toner again~ “Let me put some lip balm on your lips.” My lips were dry, so I was so grateful. :) By the way, Her voice is so sweet~ :) Actually, this is a spa specializing in problematic skin. They say 90% of customers come for treatment of skin problems such as acne. Maybe that's why I felt like they paid more attention to skin care. There was no décolleté massage, but I wasn't disappointed at all! The acupressure massage was gentle and not strong for my sensitive skin. Her hand skill was soft, comfortable, and smooth. :) The bed was warm and the hands were soft... I was so, so sleepy~ This is a face lifting machine that uses high frequency and electric waves. “It feels cool starting from the chin.” This is a cream specifically for treatment. "Let me start the x-mode treatment." I felt the warm feeling of high frequency. Other than the warm feeling, there was no other stimulation at all. :) "Let me start with 1st step.Please let me know if you have any discomfort with muscle movement." This is electric wave therapy, and I felt my facial muscles twitch! “I’m going to step it up.” I felt my muscles moving, but there was no pain. When she raised it to level 3, I was a little surprised by the stronger feeling. But I felt like it would definitely be effective. Can you see the muscles moving on my face?! lol She said that the effect of this treatment may be immediate or may require several times. I loved the feel of all the brushes used here! It looks like there are a lot more wrinkles on my necks these days. I need to take care of my neck skin too!😚 "I'll put them on your eyes." “It’s cool.” So kind~~~ I like the cool and tight feel of this modeling pack~ She put some tissues on me to keep it from dripping. :) Oh.. she's so thorough! “I’ll put a pillow under your head.” "Take a rest." there anyone who doesn't fall asleep at this time?! lol "It will be bright." “It’s a cool bubble.” And more than anything, I trusted her because her skin was sooooo beautiful! ah! And I saw the first snow of the year here~ It was a happy day one way or another. :) Has it snowed where you are too? She disinfected her hands frequently during treatment. I asked to finish lightly. A characteristic of people with dry skin is that they cannot tolerate heavy application.🤣 DId you have relaxing time? I was very comfortable and satisfied with the care. I hope you all have a cozy and lovely night like the first snow~ “As you can see, it was 12% earlier, but the moisture content has increased significantly to 60%.” Thank you for watching today. Have a good night. Bye!
Channel: esteASMR
Views: 309,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, massage, relaxation, 마사지, sleep, 마사지 asmr, face massage, facial massage, este asmr, unintentional asmr, asmr massage sleep, no talking, sleep asmr, sleep asmr tingles, asmr 잠오는소리, asmr sleep relaxation, 에스테틱 피부관리, 피부관리 asmr, 에스테틱, フェイシャルエステ, フェイシャルマッサージ asmr
Id: GD4B0hX4XlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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