#AskChrome at Chrome Dev Summit 2021

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UNA KRAVETS: Hello. Welcome to Ask Chrome, the ask me anything panel with the Google Chrome leadership team, where we're answering your questions about troubleshooting, building great web experiences, and the future of Chrome and the web platform. And some of these questions are spicy, so definitely stay tuned. We're also taking live questions on Twitter, Discord, and Slido. You can find the links to Discord and Slido on the CDS website. And if you'd like to ask a question on Twitter, tweet @ChromiumDev, that's @ChromiumDev in one word. We have Jake Archibald looking out for your questions live, so if your question doesn't get asked just blame him. I'm Una Kravets, a developer advocate on the Chrome Web Platform team. And here with me we have directors and leads from product management, engineering, privacy, capabilities, rendering, and graphics, all across Chrome gathered here today in a meeting at the same time. And I've seen how packed their schedules are. It's so nice to have you all here with me today. So to get started, I'd love for you all to introduce yourselves, and tell everyone watching a little bit about what you do and the areas your teams cover. Maybe we can go in order, starting from Ben Galbraith, and then we can go to Ben Goodger, Parisa, and Chris. BEN GALBRAITH: Great. Hey, everyone. Ben Galbraith, I lead product management for Chrome's web platform team. And I've been working on the web platform or building on top of the web platform as a web developer since I guess 1995 or so in various industry roles. And I've been at Google since 2015 with one year intermission. Happy to be here. BEN GOODGER: Hey, I'm Ben Goodger. And I lead engineering product and developer relations for web platform and Chrome. I've been working on the web since the mid-1990s, initially as a developer, and then I got involved in building browsers. And it's just it's always been so incredible what people can do with the platform. And as the platform has gotten more powerful, we really see what the future of computing looks like. So I'm excited to be along for that ride. PARISA TABRIZ: Hi, everyone. My name is Parisa Tabriz. And I'm currently responsible for the Chrome browser product engineering and design team. I've worked on Chrome for about eight years. And first joined to head up the Chrome security team, and so care really deeply about security, privacy, and in general building great experiences for users and developers on the open web. CHRIS HARRELSON: And I'm Chris Harrelson. I'm a software engineer on the Chrome team. I've been here on the team for about eight years. I lead the rendering team, which is the team that does how you turn HTML into pixels, and the RenderingNG effort is one of the things that I was helping to lead. I'm also a Blink API owner. And I haven't been working on the web since as long as the two Bens, but I've been using the web since the beginning, and I love it. And I hope that it gets better over time. Thanks. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you all for those intros and for being here. As I mentioned earlier, some of these questions are pretty spicy, so I think it'll be fun to just dive in and get started with some of the spiciest ones. So our first question is around privacy initiatives and some recent news headlines. And this comes from Jeremy Keith who asks, given the court proceedings against AMP, why should anyone trust FLOC or any other Google initiative ostensibly focused on privacy? And for those who aren't aware, FLOC is Google's solution for ads without third party cookies and individual tracking. BEN GALBRAITH: Yeah, you and I can take this. So first off, I can't comment on the AMP legal proceedings, of course. But speaking about FLOC, FLOC, as you probably know, is part of this broader initiative that we call the privacy sandbox. And I think it's important to note that we're not asking for blind trust with the sandbox effort, instead we're working in the open, which means that we're sharing our ideas while they're in an early phase. We're sharing specific API proposals. And then we're sharing our code out in the open and running experiments in the open. And in this process we're also working really closely with industry regulators. You may have seen the agreement that we announced earlier this year jointly with the UK's Competitions and Markets Authority regulator, the CMA. And we have a bunch of other industry collaborators that are working with us. So we'll continue to be very transparent moving forward, both in terms of how the sandbox works and its resulting privacy properties. We expect the effort will be judged on that basis. Thanks. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah thank you so we also had a lot of questions around AMP and Chrome's plans for it. And these were some of the top voted questions that we got on the Slido. So could you also speak a little bit about what the future status of AMP looks like? BEN GALBRAITH: I think I could take this one too, Una. From the Chrome team's perspective, we view AMP as an important part of the web framework ecosystem, as a peer to other popular web frameworks. And we'll continue to support the developers that choose to use it. Also want to highlight, though, one of our goals with the Web Vitals initiative is to make it easier for developers to understand how to achieve things like fast perceived page load times and stable page layouts regardless of the web framework that they choose to use, and to align Google Search with those guidelines. And this was based on feedback from developers based on AMP and the role that it plays in the ecosystem. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, so another thing that we've seen headlines about recently is Photoshop and other Adobe design programs in the browser. And as somebody who works in UI this has been so cool to see all these integrations. But we have an anonymous question here. It says, it's great to see Photoshop on the web, but isn't this just another example of a Chrome only web? Why doesn't this work in Firefox and other browsers? BEN GOODGER: Yeah. UNA KRAVETS: Maybe Ben Goodger could speak to this. BEN GOODGER: Yeah, I'd love to speak to this one. And I think this is an important question, so thanks for asking it. But as we look at the way that the web evolves and the way the web has evolved over the course of history, it's actually relatively rare for APIs to emerge simultaneously in all browsers. And so part of the process that we undergo as we work forward on building the future of the web with the community is to try things out, to experiment. Understand that we will iterate. Ben mentioned this before when talking about the sandbox APIs. But we do all of this very much in open. And we want to just get out there with some ideas. And with the Photoshop launch, you can really see what's possible when we build together a more powerful web. And so I'm fully anticipating that we will continue to iterate on these APIs. We really welcome cross browser dialogue. On the shape of those APIs, we anticipate making changes to them as we figure out ways to make them a durable part, and ultimately for them to become standards. So yeah, that's our view. A very open process, a very collaborative process. But it starts here. BEN GALBRAITH: I also just want to jump in and add that Adobe has publicly shared their intent to bring Photoshop to more browsers, and is working hard with other browser vendors. And I'll also note that a recent tech preview of a future Safari release included support for the File System Access API, which is one of the APIs that Adobe needs. UNA KRAVETS: That's great to hear. So just in general, is browser diversity important to you all? CHRIS HARRELSON: I think I can take that one. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, so I appreciate the question. The short answer is that browser diversity is actually quite important, because the web is an open, interoperable, and universal platform, and browser diversity is part of what makes that stay the way it is going forward. Competition paired with the commitment to interop is also a good thing as it helps to make sure that the web stays and keeps getting better over time through those operations. And this is actually one reason we also have efforts like the one, the Compat 2021, which was mentioned earlier, in order to increase the interoperability of browsers going forward. And actually I have even more good news to share, which is that the score for Safari on Compat 2021 has increased since we created the slides for the keynote from 85 to 92, so progress is really fast. UNA KRAVETS: Wow, that's awesome to hear. As somebody who builds the web and runs into interop issues, it's been great to see browsers working together to get some of these key APIs normalized so developers can use them faster. PARISA TABRIZ: Yeah, I was just going to add to what Chris said, or maybe emphasize it, because he said it, but I also feel like competition is just so important for innovation. And so even though most of my time is very much thinking about how we can build the best Chrome browser, and Chrome browser experience, I really think that it's exciting to see how many browsers are sort of emerging, and what innovation comes from that. And so I'll chime in as well to say I think it's pretty important. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, I love that sentiment about innovating and also working together to bring a better web to everyone, that's definitely key. So Parisa, I have a question for you here. This is just around the review process for extensions in the Chrome Web App Store. There are some complaints that it's rather long, it takes a week or more. What steps are you implementing to reduce the review time? PARISA TABRIZ: Good question and feedback. Thank you for the feedback on that. So the whole developer experience for extensions is super top of mind for us. And for sure, the review process is one piece of that. We continue to invest in it and try to improve our policies, clarify those policies, and also make our review process more efficient. And something me and my team look at are, kind of, mean and median review time, and sort of what's happening at sort of the exceptional spaces. So I know over the past year, we've actually been able to review the average review time for submitted extensions to where now even pretty complex extensions are reviewed and approved in a couple of business days. And I think we're always trying to improve that, and at the same time, make sure that we are really keeping the quality bar, and the safety bar, and the privacy bar really high for extensions, so that end users can have confidence that something they get from the Web Store is really high quality. And so thanks for the feedback. We continue to work on it. Proud of the team's progress and making things more efficient. But of course, as always constantly trying to improve that experience. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, thanks, Parisa. So we saw in the keynote that there are a lot of awesome features launching. And we got a live question in from Ronier on Slido, with all of these awesome features, the future of web browsers will be-- the future of web browsers be in a place where place IDEs? Could we develop our apps maybe 80% or 90% entirely in the browser? Is that something that you see? BEN GALBRAITH: Happy to take this. I've been enthusiastic about the web IDE space for a long time. I worked on a project doing this in the late 2000s at Mozilla. I think we're seeing the capabilities of the web expand dramatically. And moments like the Photoshop preview we talked about and so many of the other powerful apps that are on the platform showcase what's possible. I don't know that it's about replacing conventional desktop IDEs. I think there's room for a lot of different approaches. But I would expect in the coming years to see more and more people able to do their full development cycles using the pure web based IDE. And I'm really excited about that. And I can't wait to see it. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, I could definitely see that future becoming more and more of a reality as well. So speaking about browser diversity, which we talked about a few questions ago, another popular question that we had was around mobile browsers. Remember, you know-- here's a question that comes from anonymous, where iOS comprises more than 50% of devices, what's the future of the mobile web without real engine choice? How does the web stay competitive without Apple on board? BEN GOODGER: Yeah, I can jump in and start to take this one. So on the Chrome team, we think it's super important that browsers are responsive to the needs of their users and their developer community. And so that, for example, drives the investments that we make as a team. We work on performance, because users tell us they want the browser, they want the web to be faster. Developers tell us that they want new APIs, new features. They want us to fix certain bugs. And so we prioritize that. If you've been around for a while, you will remember an era on the web where innovation slowed down and even stopped when there wasn't enough development on the browser on the platform. And what got us out of that funk really was the ability for users to make choices about the experience that they want to have. And so that's super powerful. Parisa that talked about competition and why that's so important. We believe that super strongly. It's important that users have the choice. And then across browsers we can think about how to make a better product for users, and how to respond to our developer community effectively. So those are the principles that guide us. CHRIS HARRELSON: Yeah, I totally agree with what Ben had to say. I just wanted to add a couple more points. One is that I don't think iOS is 50% of devices worldwide. There's actually-- I'm always surprised at the diversity of devices and platforms out there. But regardless, it's totally true that the Chrome team supports an open web. And that's why we work extensively in the open to support the web success. And an important part of that is a diverse set of browsers across all platforms, including iOS. UNA KRAVETS: Definitely. So we also had a few questions about Manifest V3. Is Manifest V3 compatible with all versions of Chrome, or at least which versions are covered? PARISA TABRIZ: I can take this one. So Manifest V3 was available to use since Chrome 88. So it should be compatible all versions after that. We just shared an update on our timeline for deprecation away from Manifest V2 a month ago, and that's kind of going to be a progress as we evolve the extension ecosystem to Manifest V3, which has lots of security, privacy, performance updates. The faster people can move to manifest V3 the better. And so please do that work where possible. And on all questions related to, sort of, extensions in Manifest V3 we have Chromium Desk Extensions and Chromium.org is a really good place to engage with all specifics. UNA KRAVETS: A follow up to that question, why is the Manifest V3 taking so long? PARISA TABRIZ: Yeah, so I touched on it just like a little bit, but it's been important for us, as always, when you make these big changes to really listen to the developer community, and get their feedback on improvements, get their feedback on what's working or what they need. And so part of the reason this transition has taken a while is really to make sure that we're hearing all those voices, acting on that feedback, and giving developers time to make these updates, because we don't want to break a ton of extensions who are on still V2. And so I would love to go faster, but because there's just a ton of improvements in Manifest V3, and at the same time recognize we have to be thoughtful, especially in sort of complex times to make sure that people have the time and space to make the updates they need to their extensions. And so I'm also eager. Thank you for the question. And one of the things we're committed to doing is to just really keep providing updates on timelines, because we will deprecate V2, and want to just make sure we can do it in a minimally breaking way. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, thanks, Parisa. I really like this next question. It's a little bit more general. What are some examples of proposed web platform features that the Chrome team has declined to implement? And what went into that decision? CHRIS HARRELSON: I think I can take this one. And apologies in advance that my answer is a little bit long, but I think it's because it's a complicated question. So as I mentioned in the beginning, I'm the lead Blink API owner, which means that I work to help approve shipping new features in Chromium. So let me tell you about how that works and how it differs from Chrome. So Chromium and Chrome are not the same thing. Chromium is an open source project with contributors from many companies across the board, such as Microsoft, Igalia, Opera, Samsung, and so on. Chrome is Google's product that is built mostly on Chromium. And the distinction is important for questions like this, because when we implement a feature, the feature goes into the open source project, whereas Chrome is like a shipped product that builds upon that code base, but could potentially have differences where we flag features on and off. So let me give you a couple of examples of features where Chrome decided at the moment, at the time or at the moment that it wasn't a top priority to implement a feature, but it was implemented anyway, because someone else contributed it. One example is MathML, which will when it ships hopefully sometime soon will allow all websites to have easy to express mathematics. And that one was actually contributed by Igalia. So while Chrome didn't feel like it was a top priority to implement that relative to other features at the moment, the code was reviewed and was added to Chrome. Another example is the request storage API, a recent one that Microsoft is implementing. Again, that's being implemented in Chromium. And there are also a few cases where the Chromium owners-- meaning like the code owners, the people who try to make sure that the code base is high quality, and sustainable over time-- have decided that there's too much complexity, and that it would be too much of a difficult issue to implement at this time or as designed. And one of those examples is CSS Regions, which is one that was proposed a number of years ago. It was ultimately removed from Chromium. So after a feature is implemented, it may be shipped in Chromium, which means that we go through this Blink API on a process, and then we turn it on by default. And that is done as long as it meets the requirements of building towards a standard based open and interoperable web platform via consensus specifications. And that process, as I mentioned, is mediated by the Blink intent process and the API owners. However, Chromium based browsers, like Chrome, Edge, Opera, Samsung Internet, and so on, can and do actually flag features on and off, which are in Chromium by default. So hopefully, all of that long winded explanation helped explain our point of view towards Chromium and Chrome. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you. Anyone else want to talk about features? [INAUDIBLE] All right, well, we have a lot of questions actually that builds on to this and the other side of the coin about specific features that maybe you can also answer this one, Chris. Are you planning to implement CSS Subgrid? Firefox is currently the only browser that supports it. CHRIS HARRELSON: Aha, this is another good one. So Subgrid was-- so originally the grid implementation was contributed by Igalia also. As you can see Igalia is actually a really important contributor to Chromium. And that was added to Chromium, because we just didn't have the staffing to implement ourselves. But now we've actually implemented it as part of the LayoutNG project, which is part of RenderingNG. And this new implementation is actually a much higher quality basis that we believe will be straightforward to add Subgrid to. So that is actually starting implementation right now. And it's being implemented by Microsoft contributors. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you. I'm very excited for that future as well. So I have a question for you Ben Goodger. Is the Play Store and Android app compatibility still a priority for the ChromeOS team? Development seems to have slowed right down and the API level lags on phones-- or lags phones, sorry. This is from Random Android dev. BEN GOODGER: Yeah. No, no, it's still very much top of mind. Play listing, for example, you know, recently have improved support for billing within Trusted Web Activities. And Trusted Web Activities also provide a really convenient way to encapsulate your PWA in an Android environment. So yeah, that has been and continues to be very much top of mind for the ChromeOS team. As a platform team we're very much focused on trying to build a more powerful platform that enables cutting edge app experiences, especially on Chromebooks. Sometimes that has us working on the Android integrations, the playlisting components. Sometimes that's us working on advanced runtime technology or new web APIs, like some of the stuff that we have talked about with Adobe, and so on. And so really if there's something that you feel that we're missing, we encourage you to just reach out and let us know. UNA KRAVETS: Great. So we also got a few questions about Lighthouse, and how benchmarking is handled inside or upon. This one comes from Adriano S, what's the plan with Lighthouse and the Moto G4/G3 connection benchmark? Is this device network combo still the global average after so many years? CHRIS HARRELSON: That's a good question. I can take that one. So yes, it actually is. And this is related to my kind of caveat point I added to a previous question about iOS, where actually there really is a really wide variety of devices. And it is true, as far as we can tell, that a device similar to Moto G4 or 3G in its capabilities is representative of the global average. So that's why we have in the Lighthouse. And if we see that change through our analytic data, we will definitely update Lighthouse accordingly. And just this is a good reminder that there is a tremendous amount of diversity of devices and network speeds out there. So it's really important to make sure your site performs well on as many as you can. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you. Another benchmarking question is about time to first byte. This one comes from Walter Lee. How do you count time to first byte in CrUX? For example, if the site has many elements inside of it, do you just count the first HTML time to first byte or average it all out? CHRIS HARRELSON: Yeah, this is a-- the Core Web Vitals are quite complicated and subtle areas. So this is a really good question to dig into. So time to first byte, sometimes called TTFB, means the time from when the user requested navigation to a site until we get the first bytes off the network. So it's actually even before we parse the HTML. It's when we get the first bytes back into the Chrome browser. And another point to make is that this covers just the main page resource, and not the sub-resources, such as images. UNA KRAVETS: OK, thank you. So we had another popular question that's a bit more broad. But the question is how deeply will Chrome be integrated with other Google projects? PARISA TABRIZ: I can talk about this one a little bit. It's a great question. It is hard to add in the abstract. But when we think about Chromebooks, it's Google's browser, Chromium browser. And we try to bring the best browser by Google as sort of like a high level of what we think we're trying to achieve. For me, it always goes back to like what are the key user jobs, or user journeys, or developer jobs that we're trying to serve with a browser. Search is a huge one for a web browser, doing complex work, whether that's research or learning, or kind of, in my case, doing work across many different tabs with collaborative docs and email, so complex journeys, shopping. We think about seeking out information, and consuming it, and that can be like entertainment or kind of long form reading. And so we always go back to like what are the user journeys we are trying to solve. And then we have this amazing Chromium project to build a browser on and a lot of other things at Google. Search is the one that usually comes to mind, and like as search is innovating and continuing to evolve how that technology and those products can work, we think about how can we really bring that to Chrome. So earlier this year, we announced that we're bringing Lens, which is a visual way of doing search into Chrome. And we think that can actually be really useful for shopping or other user journeys, where visual search as a new input modality than just sort of text input can be important. And so there's not like a specific number or proportion I can talk about, like where we think about bringing Google innovation and technology to Chrome, but it's something we're constantly thinking about related to search and shopping. For me, security is also top of mind. And Safe Browsing is a Google security technology that we integrate deeply into Chrome to protect people from going to sites that will Phish their data or install malware. And integrating with the Google password manager, so that we can actually make it easier to generate strong passwords and manage them and remove just some of the hard edges and insecure properties of passwords today is something we're working on. And so other security and privacy features as well as just kind of a whole host of things, but always rooted in how we think we can improve the user experience, and with an eye towards kind of other great things that are happening at Google that we can bring to the product more so than any specific number or metric. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, I love that. So on that thread, speaking of user journeys, needs, or requests, we got a question from mtom, is anyone on the Chrome team looking at building and implementing a WebSQL2 spec? If not, can we formally request or get involved? BEN GALBRAITH: You and I can take this. So we've learned a lot over the years through WebSQL, and IndexedDB, and just in general our efforts to build in structured storage into the browser. We're investing our efforts now into something called the Storage Foundation API. And this enables JavaScript developers and WebAssembly developers to implement high performance file I/O directly on the web platform itself. And when you look at the challenges involved in having a browser own and maintain a sophisticated storage system, like a SQL Engine, and to keep it optimized and bug free over time, we think enabling this at the library level makes a lot of sense. And I'm really excited to see what the ecosystem builds on this. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, cool. So this is another live question. This one comes from Stacy via Slido. Stacy says, hi, I made my own website through WordPress. Awesome. What are the most important things I need to do to make user experience the best it can be? BEN GALBRAITH: Actually, I have just one thing to say on this. First of all, we love WordPress. We have a WordPress plugin that we create called Site Kit. And Site Kit has our best guidance and utilities baked right into it. So all you have to do is search for Google Site Kit and take a look. UNA KRAVETS: Nice. Any other tips, some UX? BEN GALBRAITH: Don't have a huge number of UX tips. I do think Core Web Vitals is a huge part of our guidance here. And Site Kit makes it really easy to measure your site on Core Web Vitals and to get concrete tips on how you can improve Core Web Vital scores. That's a great starting point. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, data driven UX right there. So here's a question from Nicholas Mendez. I haven't heard about the portals API for a while, is it being abandoned in favor of the web transmission API? Maybe Chris you have the answer for this one. CHRIS HARRELSON: Sure, yeah. I actually do have a lot of contacts on that, because I'm one of the people who's helping to develop this shared element transitions API that I think is what the question is referring to. So portals is not abandoned. We actually prototyped it in Chromium, and we discovered that actually, while it's a great feature and it has a lot of promise, in order to implement it in a secure, private, and reliable way we actually needed to invest a bit more in the underlying technology, like basically by underlying technology I just mean like the code in Chromium needed to be refactored in a lot of ways, so that we could support showing render processes and web tabs in this new mode that is different from portals to other things. So actually it turns out that same underlying technology will power not just this feature, but things like prerendering, another feature that we're working on, back forward cache, and privacy sandbox features. So we're doing all that investment right now. But it's going to take a while to complete. In the meantime, we're investing in approaches that improve the user experience over time, but are like a little bit simpler and perhaps easier to or, hopefully, very easy to adopt. And shared development transitions, which if you don't know of it, is about allowing nice animations to occur automatically during page transitions for NPAs and STAs. So we're doing that and we think that it will pair well in the future with portals when we're done with that infrastructure upgrade. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you, Chris. So this next question is a little bit meta, but we've been talking about this idea, the web platform. This question asks, how do you define the web platform, and how has that definition evolved over time? CHRIS HARRELSON: OK, I could start with an attempt at an answer. First of all, it's a bit tricky to define, because the web is not just APIs, and it's not just browsers, because if you just have a browser, but there are no websites, and there are no servers to serve content, what's the point of the browser? So there's an ecosystem here of like there's interdependent websites. There are ecosystems affecting products of many kinds, like frameworks in the search engines themselves. So all of this together is like what we think of as the web platform overall. However, at its core, of course, there is a system of open and interoperable browser and client side APIs that the whole thing is built on and allows different parties and companies to interoperate smoothly with each other. And so I don't think that particular definition has changed over time, which, by the way, I would say is an amazing testament to the quality of the original idea of the web. It's a pretty amazing idea. But it is true that these APIs are constantly improving and increasing and the capabilities of websites are increasing over time, so in that sense the web ecosystem is growing and defining its new roles in many new ways. For example, the IDE question, like 20 years ago, it'd be like [INAUDIBLE],, OK, maybe in the future. But now it's a reality. So that's my answer. BEN GALBRAITH: Yeah, I just want to build on that if that's all right. I agree with Chris's definition. I think it's similar to how, believe it or not, how we think about the body in a sense, because when you experience life, like where do your cells in your DNA end and where does the role of bacteria that you're a host for begin? And I kind of think of the web platform similarly, because it's emergent based on all the browsers that are available and that people are using, and the libraries that they're using on top of it, and the frameworks that are used on top of that, and the third party services that are incorporated into the web experience. And all of this goes into what I really think is meant by the web platform, and how users experience the web platform. It's a fantastic, open, organic, and constantly evolving platform. [INTERPOSING VOICES] CHRIS HARRELSON: Oh, sorry. I just wanted to add one really quick point, which is that-- like, Ben, something you said triggers something in my mind that I think is important to mention. That on the Chrome Web Platform team we really think beyond just Chrome, which is why we're talking about Code Web Vitals for sites generally, which is why we're talking about Compat 21 scores across browsers, because while the main thing we're doing is building and shipping a browser, the whole ecosystem is much larger than that. BEN GOODGER: I'll add on. I've used the term beautiful chaos to describe all of the innovation and activity that started in the 1990s and has been exploding since. And I think Chris is right, there's some things that are static. There are some fundamental principles, properties that were baked into the platform from the beginning, things like openness, things like low friction, discovery, things like reach, when you have multiple user agents implementing that set of open standards. Those are all really powerful things. As we look at the platform we're trying to find ways to understand those reveal them more, to emphasize them more, and help developers build amazing experiences. And so I would really say as we look forward understand what those fundamentals of the web are, and then where do you want the web to go. Like, this is for the developer community, this is for the community around the web to decide and chart that course. I have a sort of a reaction sometimes, I see these people pontificating along the lines of, oh hey, the web should only be about this one thing, maybe it's only a document viewer, it shouldn't be about apps. Well, ever since the advent of web mail and search, we've had services and application experiences on the web, so I don't think you can really say it's not about those things, because it is. And so, like, as developers just like continue to step forward, contribute, share your ideas, share your experiences, let's continue to make this a super awesome platform. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, it's been amazing to see how far the web has evolved while staying true to its principles. So thank you all for your answers. Those were great. We got a question from Simon Bluhm. Are there plans to reduce the numerous and repeated permission prompts for PWAs, the progressive web apps? Permissions should be grouped and remembered for installed PWAs. Question with feedback. BEN GOODGER: Yeah, sure, I can jump in on this one as well. I know that we're still, as we've added like a number of really exciting powerful capabilities to the web, we do feel a bit of a tension around both the demand to add those capabilities and, like, how do we explain these reasonably to the people that are using the software, and how do we make sure that we don't overwhelm them with too many requests and so on. The challenge here is really finding the right settings on the dial of how much to show. We could say, well just ask when it's appropriate. But what does that mean? This is something where we are actively studying, like, what for certain capabilities, when is the right time to ask, what does that look like? And so we're doing instrumentation analysis and study. It's a journey. It's something where I feel like we will make progress over the next year or so. But it's definitely a hard problem, but something that's top of mind for us. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you. There's also a few questions coming in asking around, why can't we put PWAs in the Play Store similar to what we see Microsoft doing with Windows? And here's a question that says, a couple of years ago Jake asked this very panel when are PWAs going to be listed in the Play Store? When are PWAs going to be listed in the Play Store? BEN GALBRAITH: I'll take this. Benjy spoke to this a little bit earlier-- the other Benjy. This is a complex space, in my view, because you've got the stores, which are owned and operated distribution channels with policies that they have for the content that's in them, and then you've got the open web, which is open and available to all. And so marrying those two is tricky. And we have technology, we call Trusted Web Activities, or TWA, which enables developers to distribute their web content in the Google Play Store on Android and also on Chrome OS. And we have tools like Bubble Wrap that make that process streamlined and relatively simple. And this is currently our approach. We appreciate feedback. And we're constantly listening to developers and looking at ecosystem developments and evaluating our stance. Nothing new to add. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you. We got a live question here about CSS Houdini APIs, when will the CSS Houdini APIs for Layout, Parser, and Font Metrics be ready to use in Chrome? Chris? CHRIS HARRELSON: Sure, I can answer that question. For Layout, we actually decided that we could not properly implement and ship the layout API until LayoutNG was done. So as I mentioned in my RenderingNG blog post, LayoutNG is coming to a close now-ish. It's actually probably going to take into to a little bit next year. And after that, we're going to come back to the Layout API. And the other two were Font, and what was the other one, Una? UNA KRAVETS: The other one is Parser and Font Metrics. CHRIS HARRELSON: OK. UNA KRAVETS: Layout, Parser, Font Metrics. CHRIS HARRELSON: So for Font Metrics, we've been gradually introducing additional Font Metrics directly into the platform. And I'm not-- I don't think there's a particular plan for a Parser Houdini API. UNA KRAVETS: OK, great. We had another question about cross browser capabilities. Firefox and Safari are implementing privacy features, like cross-site isolation. Why isn't Chrome doing the same? Maybe, Parisa, you can have some insight on this. PARISA TABRIZ: Sure. So let's see. Digging into this question, first, Chrome super committed to advancing security and privacy on the open web. It's a personal area of commitment, and something I'm really proud of the work Chrome has done over the past decade plus. And certainly, there's lots more work to continue to do here, both in the product and the platform. When it comes to site isolation, so Chrome launched site isolation, which is a security feature a couple of years ago. And that advances protections via sandboxing at the site level. I'm not sure if that question is referring to that, but that's something that we're seeing other browsers actually pick up. Now in the privacy space-- and perhaps this question was talking about privacy and anti-tracking-- we're seeing also innovations and different approaches to combating this problem Chrome has a privacy sandbox effort, and what this is a collection of APIs and features that are all intended to advance privacy on the open web, but also ensure that we're supporting really vital use cases for developers, in particular. And a bunch of features-- you can read more about it at privacysandbox.com. And I know we have some sessions on that at Chrome Dev Summit. Just one feature that I know is an active development is called Fenced Frames. And what that is it's a type of iframe that is more privacy protected from the actual containing page. So that's just one example. But broadly, we invest a ton in this space, and very much depend on kind of feedback from developers to make sure that we're advancing things in the right way, and also your support in deprecating APIs and technologies that we think have been replaced by improved APIs too. And so thanks for the question. And look forward to continuing to work together on improving privacy on the open web. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you. Our next question comes from Lorin. Do you feel the move from web fundamentals, like vanilla development, towards external ecosystems, such as React is concerning? How many turtles must we stack? CHRIS HARRELSON: I can start with trying to give an answer. It's a good question because there are so many frameworks, so many libraries out there, and then as we mentioned throughout CDS this year there are tons of new web APIs too. So from my point of view, if you're using a library of framework and it helps your web app perform well and succeed, that's great. Success and a useful website is really the most important thing. That being said, the more turtles there are, the more complicated it is to make all the turtles not fall off of each other. And there are definitely performance challenges that are inherent to loading and executing more scripts, because more bites that you download, the more JavaScript you running, the more the V8 has to figure out how to run it quickly. So less is better, all things being equal. That's the key point, all things being equal. The library adds a lot of value, that's great. So however, we're undergoing a continuous process of identifying the common things that a ton of sites want to do. And if a lot of sites want to do a thing, then we should consider adding it as a web API, whatever that thing might be. And so over time we might add more web APIs, and then that would reduce the need to download additional JavaScript to do that same thing. BEN GALBRAITH: I just want to pick up and add to what Chris was saying, because I think it's a really fundamental strength of the web platform and the web ecosystem that we have this constant innovation in the frameworks and libraries that are available to build. And it can seem a little exhausting sometimes, because every time I turn around there's like some new approach. But at the same time, I think this pushes the platform forward in a powerful way. And Chris was talking about what I think is the spectrum that we've been facing in computer science and software development from the very beginning, which is developer ergonomics on one side and runtime efficiency or performance on the other. And it's not really clear to me that there's an objectively right place to be in that spectrum. I think it's a very individual decision based on the teams and their goals. But what we are trying to do with the Web Vitals program is provide objective guidance to the ecosystem on what makes a really high quality web experience for users, and to let developers measure their experience regardless of the framework they use, and they can make their own decisions. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, thank you. So we are coming to the end of our session. And I want to make sure that everyone who's watching this session leaves with some next step. So I want to ask all of you-- maybe we can go and order starting from Ben Galbraith over to Chris-- if developers have a spare hour after the session, what should they go and look at, whether it's a feature API, or article, or even something else? BEN GALBRAITH: Yeah, thanks, Una. This has come up a bunch. But I'm a big UI geek. I've been building user interfaces with a variety of stacks for most of my career. And so I am beyond enthusiastic about the rendering of G-Project, and everything that's been unlocked through it. So I'd encourage you to look at a series of blog posts that our own Chris on this panel made about RenderingNG. And also Una did a great job of talking about what she and others call this new responsive, which is rethinking how we build web UIs based on these new primitives. And I encourage you to study both her remarks earlier this morning and also broader videos and talks that she's done, and others have done, because there's so much that's possible in the web now from a UI perspective, and it's really exciting to see. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, thank you. BEN GOODGER: Yeah. And plus one to all of that. That's super exciting. I would say that across the content that you see here with Chrome Dev Summit as well as everything else that you can read about the powerful capabilities that the platform has grown over the years, what I would say is, like, as you reflect on, for example, the Photoshop demo that you saw before, the [INAUDIBLE] demo that was in the keynote. There's this really powerful thing that comes when we take our conventional idea of what an app is, and then we marry that to this idea of friction-less discovery and distribution through the web through links, through URLs. And so without saying like a specific API, I would just say like think about where the web is now, all of the amazing capabilities that it has across UI, across runtime performance, and APIs, and so on. How can we make truly special experiences that are easily shareable that bring people together? That is, I think, the thing that I am most excited about right now. It's a unique strengths of the strength of the web. And so I'd encourage you to think about that. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah. PARISA TABRIZ: Oh, lots of things. Hard to pick one. I think if B-Galths, or Ben Galbraith, is a UI geek I'm probably a security geek. And so maybe really tactical would be to check out the Issues tab on Chrome devtools in the security panel. And it's so important to fix these issues, because I think, you know, Ben Goodger talked about evolving the platform and pushing it forward, and part of that is really making sure that we can not get kind of held back by legacy. And part of that is really like graceful deprecation, and pushing things forward. And so it's been amazing to see, for example, the push towards HTTPS adoption. And we have an HTTPS first mode, and more tools for developers to fix those issues. But I would say check out the Issues tab in devtools security panel. And if you have no issues, then that's a very quick call to action. And if you do have issues then maybe that gives you some things to focus on fixing and addressing. UNA KRAVETS: Thank you. CHRIS HARRELSON: Cool. And if you don't mind it's self plug, the feature I'd like you to go check out is called content visibility. And I'm actually the one who came up with and led this project. So I might be a little bit biased, but I think it's a super cool and very powerful CSS property that allows you to make it easy to help the browser only spend time rendering what's on the screen, not the size of the document. So please try it out and let me know what you think. UNA KRAVETS: Yeah, content visibility is definitely very cool. There's a [INAUDIBLE] post that I may or may not have written about it. So thank you so much, everyone. Thank you so much to our leadership panel here, Ben Galbraith, Ben Goodger, Parisa, and Chris. This is definitely a very fun discussion with some of those spicy questions mixed in. And thank you everyone who submitted questions. We have a lot of great content for you throughout this week and the coming weeks in our virtual 2021 Chrome Dev Summit. So if your question didn't get answered, definitely sign up for some learning lounges, workshops, and office hours for more one-on-one time. I'll be hosting office hours and learning lounges too. The schedule is live at developer.com.com. Thank you again, everyone who joined me today. And we'll see you online. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Google Chrome Developers
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Keywords: Chrome Dev Summit, Chrome Dev Summit 21, Chrome Dev Summit 2021, Chrome, Chrome Developers, Chrome Development, what's new in chrome, chrome development updates, Chrome developer updates, new in chrome, type: AMA, pr_pr: Chrome
Id: O2oJL49Mm1A
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Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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