Ask Steve: You can't stare at him || STEVE HARVEY

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hi Steve hi so I commute to work every day on the Blue Line train and you know I see cute guys on the train and maybe we'll smile or make eye contact but nothing ever comes of it so recently I have been seeing this guy a couple times and I actually saw him this morning on the train and I would love for him to talk to me he's very good-looking look successful and I'm single and available and I know how you talk about men being hunters all the time so how do I let him know I'm available and I would very much love for him to hunt me well you've got the right concept because you're not a hunter so when he looks at you normally what do you do try and appear not bitchy I suffer from rusting bitchy face right I mean wait a minute that's a plan try mother has often told me just smile more like look approachable oh that's what I'm trying to yeah I don't seem to take the negative twist offer try not to look not bitchy smiling is always good to a man it's always good we don't need to know nothing's wrong until something's wrong if a woman's always smile and then we see you're not smiling then we make adjustments how do I get her to smile again what's wrong you okay today I'd rather somebody ask you are you okay today then what the hell is wrong now see okay so we own the train okay I'm reading the paper you're sitting over there it's that last know what to do with my phone oh no the smile is pretty okay you got a great smile thank you when you look off it can't like a stressful you can't do like this you can't go do I have to look away can I can I just know you can't stack the man [Laughter] [Applause] but he's so pretty yeah he's so pretty he's not as pretty as you this is how won't you back okay you me okay I'm gonna show you one move and then we're gonna nail it okay this is good now you can't mess this up okay okay so here it is this is your move right here like you want to stop yourself from busting into a smile that way is and now he gots to say something to you now okay cause this bait bait I'm just telling you the moves that work listen to me y'all don't understand this what I do this for a living I used to you you see I used to [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she's cracking up yeah but that's all you got to do work I just next time you come on the show you gonna have him with you okay deal that's it [Music] you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,201,427
Rating: 4.9297986 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre)
Id: r2WxsCfr8d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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