Ask Steve: Why The Hell You Say That!?

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all right let's go to Bill bill just wants to enjoy a meal hi Steve oh good hey how you doing good whenever my wife and I go out for dinner yeah she always orders a salad with water I always get meat steak and potatoes yeah well when she's done with her salad she starts nibbling on my plate yeah and you nibbling and nibbling right so skidding kind of annoying of what what should I do well bill you seem like pretty seasoned guy long you've been married 20 years yeah you ain't figured it out yet huh wait so when your wife sees this on TV oh that's your wife right there you said that in front of your wife well what's the matter with you there was matter with you listen to me come in let me do something he's got stuff excuse me ma'am okay I just I did a nice level discussion to here would you say that forward her him you've been married long you've been married 20 years I know they eat off your plate I know listen to me they go eat off your plate till you leave this earth my wife eat off my plate everybody's wife eat off they play hit a deal don't you can't say nothing about that you've heard the old saying happy wife happy life thank you for coming sir thank you very much absolutely
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,146,032
Rating: 4.9481883 out of 5
Keywords: harvey, steve harvey show, comedy, steve harvey, humor, Steve, steve harvey daytime, steve, Harvey, tv, ask steve, funny
Id: e2doDmdZ9Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 55sec (115 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2013
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