Ask Steve - Why is he still living with his mom!?

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first up is Roxanne who's thinking of confronting her boyfriends mom Wow Senko hi Steve hi how are you good so I've been dating this guy for a while he's younger than me pretty cool except when I ask him to sleep over he needs to lie or ask permission to his mom to sleep over should I ask his mom like why does she keep asking for him to ask permission to sleep over at my house you gonna ask his well he's not doing it some way am I missing some information here how old is he he's 26 yeah hahaha wait a minute before you go talking to this boy's mama which I do not recommend house matter of fact if you do go over there can I go I got cuz I gotta hit this I really I gotta hit this look I bet I've seen a lot of situations I've never seen this before I don't know what you gonna say to this boys mama hold on before I get to that let me just say this here I think what you should really be doing is asking yo man while he's still at home he with his mama we probably probably need to get that one now since you're probably not gonna take me what would you say to his mother how would this work I would I would I don't know I'm a mom so I'd probably ask her like why does she need to have his permission as old as he is I mean he's old enough that she and II really has to cut the cord already at 26 he ought to be able to take the cord and tied in a knot haha snip it and go over your house come back home untie the knot reattach it you know I'm just gonna enjoy that boy or as long as this last come on this don't look like he's going no he's gonna have himself a nice time thank you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 622,291
Rating: 4.8890381 out of 5
Keywords: ask steve, tv, Harvey, harvey, Steve, steve harvey daytime, steve, steve harvey show, comedy, humor, funny, steve harvey
Id: UgR-5m4ElIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 27sec (147 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2013
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