Ask Steve - The Reason Why Men Lie!

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she wants my take on men okay good hey Jeff hi Steve not I want you to take this the wrong way now okay but my question is why do men lie so much I mean y'all know a lie okay you want true this is why men lie because we are afraid of your reaction to the truth right that's why we like lions can be a good thing because lion spares people's feelings let's go over a couple of things we can't really tell you how you're looking in Paris and at 56 I rediscover you can't remind a woman that she half a century old you can't talk about how much food a woman eat you can't bring a push shoe size at the wrong time you can't say nothing crazy about her hairstyle we got love every shade of new polish you put on and try super guys to like all that we have to lie what you don't want is us telling you do I look fat well baby down what you think do you know the hail that happens in our life right there so no you don't look fat to us we love you just the way you are that's what you want to hear we got it for you all day long [Applause]
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 908,593
Rating: 4.940207 out of 5
Keywords: harvey, humor, Harvey, tv, Steve, steve, steve harvey, funny, comedy, steve harvey show, ask steve, steve harvey daytime
Id: 6RtyRhfDSHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 33sec (93 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2013
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