Ask Steve: Steve Harvey VS. Church ladies || STEVE HARVEY

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all right so see here's my question I am a praise dance person at my church I'm a director of praise dance the problem I have is sometimes we get folks from the congregation who just want to get up and think that they want to give the Lord a little something also but they can't dance so Steve what I need you to help me with is how do I tell these little old church ladies who can dance that we're not chosen to participate in praise dance please for the love of God sit down yeah stop dancing yeah you are gosh oh yeah I got you I can't help you you're in the house of the Lord what you want me to say cuz I just ease over there just a situation but already know that ain't good you know it's got to be age limit to praise dance [Applause] Yahoo this segment is called ASCII now if you don't know what I think don't ask me to question and turn their sign around look look what her sign know where that sign you wrote now I'm going to show you what she wrote through give me your side Steve lots of church ladies in here that's who I'm talking to see my mama was a Sunday school teacher for 40 years I know all about this here but you need rules at the church just be letting people stand up and saying you can't say I just want to do one that you know the Lord put this on my heart you know know what I love oh I love oh the way he makes me feel he'd been good I said he be I said he'd been good so what you're doing I don't want to sit through this she go right on the people out of church ladies in yeah I see this it's not good then she wrote this one let me show you this right here they're rebelling against you I don't care look my gift is telling jokes my job is to tell jokes now who get hurt along the way it's none of my business I'm rebelling against y'all [Applause] you got another question about praise dancing thank you for coming ma'am you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,618,464
Rating: 4.9167447 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre), 5021, church, praise dancing, singing, church ladies, sunday school teacher
Id: lNjqlrEcXA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2016
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